# Document with Commands to Reproduce Results Figures from the Paper

Assuming you have the executables in your `PATH`. Otherwise, substitute the executable with the full path.

## Figure 3

First, we create the file `individuals.json`:

bff-pxf-simulator -n 100 \
                  -phenotypicFeatures 1 -max-phenotypicFeatures 2  \
                  -diseases 1 -max-diseases 2 \
                  -treatments 1 -max-treatments 2 \
                  -procedures 0 -exposures 0 \
                  --random-seed 123456789

To create each figure, the following command needs to be executed after `Pheno-Ranker`:

Rscript ../r/heatmap.R

### A

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures

### B

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures sex

### C

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures sex diseases

### D

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures sex diseases treatments

## Figure 4

First, we download the file:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrueda/beacon2-ri-tools/refs/heads/main/CINECA_synthetic_cohort_EUROPE_UK1/bff/individuals.json

### A

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms sex ethnicity -w weights_fig4.yaml

### B

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms sex ethnicity -w weights_fig4.yaml --similarity-metric-cohort jaccard

## Table 1

### A

First, we create the reference cohort:

bff-pxf-simulator -n 1000 \
                  -phenotypicFeatures 2 -max-phenotypicFeatures 25 \
                  --random-seed 123456789

Now the patient:

bff-pxf-simulator -n 1 \
                  -phenotypicFeatures 2 -max-phenotypicFeatures 25 \
                  --random-seed 987654321 -o patient.json

We run `Pheno-Ranker`:

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -t patient.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures

### B

First, we create the reference cohort:

bff-pxf-simulator -n 1000 \
                  -phenotypicFeatures 3 -max-phenotypicFeatures 5 \
                  -diseases 3 -max-diseases 5 \
                  -treatments 3 -max-treatments 5 \
                  --random-seed 123456789

Now the patient:
bff-pxf-simulator -n 1 \
                  -phenotypicFeatures 3 -max-phenotypicFeatures 5 \
                  -diseases 3 -max-diseases 5 \
                  -treatments 3 -max-treatments 5 \
                  --random-seed 987654321 -o patient.json

We run `Pheno-Ranker`:

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -t patient.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures diseases treatments

## Supporting Figure 4

### A

Create cohort:

bff-pxf-simulator -n 10 \
                  -phenotypicFeatures 10 \
                  -diseases 10 \
                  -treatments 10 \
                  -procedures 10 \
                  -exposures 10 \
                  --random-seed 123456789

Run `Pheno-Ranker`:

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json

### C

Create cohort:

bff-pxf-simulator -n 100 \
                  -phenotypicFeatures 10 \
                  -diseases 10 \
                  -treatments 10 \
                  -procedures 10 \
                  -exposures 10 \
                  --random-seed 123456789

Run `Pheno-Ranker`:

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json

## Supporting Figure 5

bff-pxf-simulator -n 100 \
                  -phenotypicFeatures 2 -max-phenotypicFeatures 5 \
                  -diseases 2 -max-diseases 5 \
                  -treatments 2 -max-treatments 5 \
                  -procedures 0 -exposures 0 \
                  --random-seed 123456789

### A

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures diseases treatments sex

### B

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures diseases treatments sex -w weights_sex.yaml

### C

pheno-ranker -r individuals.json -include-terms phenotypicFeatures diseases treatments sex -w weights_sex_treatments.yaml

### D

Rscript ../r/mds.R

## Supporting Figure 6

Create cohort A:

bff-pxf-simulator -n 10 \
                  -diseases 1 -max-diseases 1 \
                  -o cohort_A.json \
                  --random-seed 123456789

Create cohort B:

bff-pxf-simulator -n 10 \
                  -diseases 2 -max-diseases 5 \
                  -o cohort_B.json \
                  --random-seed 123456789

### A

pheno-ranker -r cohort_A.json cohort_B.json -include-terms diseases

### B

pheno-ranker -r cohort_A.json cohort_B.json -include-terms diseases sex

### C

pheno-ranker -r cohort_A.json cohort_B.json -include-terms diseases --similarity-metric-cohort jaccard

### D

pheno-ranker -r cohort_A.json cohort_B.json -include-terms diseases sex --similarity-metric-cohort jaccard

## Supporting Figure 7

First, we download the file:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mrueda/beacon2-ri-tools/refs/heads/main/CINECA_synthetic_cohort_EUROPE_UK1/bff/individuals.json

Now we run the utility:

bff-pxf-plot -i individuals.json