WWW-BetfairNG version 0.13

Betfair is an online betting exchange which allows registered users to
interact with it using a JSON-based API. This module provides an
interface to that service which handles the JSON exchange, taking and
returning perl data structures (usually hashrefs). Although there is
an option to thoroughly check parameters before sending a request, and
a listing of the BETFAIR DATA TYPES is provided in the perldoc , it
requires a level of understanding of the Betfair API which is best
gained from their own documentation, available from
To use this library, you will need a funded Betfair account. To use
the non-interactive log in, you will also need an SSL certificate and
key (in seperate files, rather than a single .pem file), and an
application key. Details of how to create or obtain these, and how to
register your certificate with Betfair are also available on the above
website. An interactive log in method is available which does not
require an SSL certificate, although Betfair strongly recommend that
unattended bots use the non-interactive version.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

If you wish to test live betfair functions before installation, you
will need your login details and optionally the paths to your SSL
certificate and key files. Replace the 'make test' line above with:

  BF_LIVE_TEST=1 make test

As this requires keyboard input of your username and password, you
should not use this option in an automated test environment. This will
test all live functions, but will not place any bets or make any
changes to your account.


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  HTTP::Tiny              0.050
  IO::Socket::SSL         1.56
  Net::SSLeay             1.49
  JSON::MaybeXS           1.002005 
  IO::Uncompress::Gunzip  2.066 

If you have a C compiler and your system supports it, faster
JSON encoding / decoding can be achieved by installing:

  Cpanel::JSON::XS        3.0104


Copyright (C) 2017 by Myrddin Wyllt

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. (See the file LICENSE for
further details)