NAME Test::FixtureBuilder - Quickly define fixture data for unit tests DESCRIPTION When writing unit tests for applications it is often necessary to load some basic data into a database. This data is often referred to fixture data. There are several approaches to loading fixture data: Manual, From YAML files, or code to create objects. Sometimes you just want to shove some rows into a database, and you do not want to be bothered with the SQL or the object->new calls. In those cases this module is for you. SYNOPSYS There are two interfaces to this module. DECLARE The declarative interface is really quite nice. NOTE: You MUST subclass Test::FixtureBuilder, or use a predefined subclass in order to use the declarative form. package Test::FixtureBuilder::MyBuilder; use DBI; use DBD::SQLite; use base Test::FixtureBuilder; sub name_to_handle { my $class = shift; my ($name) = @_; return DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$name","",""); } 1; Then to use it: use Test::FixtureBuilder::MyBuilder; fixture_db my_db => sub { fixture_table my_table => sub { fixture_row { col1 => 'val1', col2 => 'val2' }; fixture_row { key => $_, col2 => 'xxx' } for 1 .. 10; }; fixture_table my_table2 => sub { fixture_row { col1 => 'val1', col2 => 'val2' }; }; }; fixture_db my_db2 => sub { ... }; ... 1; OOP use Test::FixtureBuilder (); my $fb = Test::FixtureBuilder->new( dbh => $dbh ); $fb->insert_row(tableA => { col1 => 'val1' }); $fb->insert_row(tableB => { col1 => 'val1' }); $fb->insert_rows( 'tableX', { ... }, { ... }, ... ); EXPORTS fixture_db db_name => sub { ... } Create a scope in which fixtures use the db_name database fixture_table table_name => sub { ... } Create a scope in which fixtures use the table_name table fixture_row { col => val, ... } fixture_row ( col => val, ... ) fixture_row col => val, ... Load a row, you can use a hashref, or key/value pairs. my $meta = $class->FIXTURE_BUILDER_META Get the meta-object. Documented for completeness, you should not use this directly. METHODS my $dbh = $class->name_to_handle($dbname) Get a database handle from a name. You must override this before it will do anything useful. The default behavior is to die unless the $dbname variable is blessed in which case it is returned unchanged. my $fb = $class->new(...) Create a new instance. Any valid accessor can be specified at construction time. This includes accessors for your specific subclass. $class = $fb->class Used internally. $fb->db($dbname) $dbh = $fb->db Set the database by name (only useful if you override "name_to_handle()"). When no argument is given it behaves like "dbh()". $fb->dbh($dbh) $dbh = $fb->dbh Get and/or set the database handle. $fb->insert_row(table => { ... }) Insert a row into the specified table of the current database. $fb->insert_rows(table => { ... }, { ... }, ...) Insert multiple rows into the specified table of the current database. AUTHORS Chad Granum OTHER CREDITS DreamHost I originally developed a tool very similar to this one for use at DreamHost in our test suite. DreamHost gave me permission to release an open-source implementation of the tool. <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2014 Chad Granum Test-FixtureBuilder is free software; Standard perl license (GPL and Artistic). Test-FixtureBuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the license for more details.