NAME BioX::Workflow - A very opinionated template based workflow writer. SYNOPSIS Most of the functionality can be accessed through the script. --workflow /path/to/workflow.yml This module was written with Bioinformatics workflows in mind, but should be extensible to any sort of workflow or pipeline. Usage Please check out the full Usage Docs at BioX::Workflow::Usage Alternately, check out the github pages at This format may be easier to read. In Code Documenation You shouldn't really need to look here unless you have some reason to do some serious hacking. Attributes Moose attributes. Technically any of these can be changed, but may break everything. comment_char This should really be in BioX::Wrapper workflow Path to workflow workflow. This must be a YAML file. rule_based This is the default. The outer loop are the rules, not the samples sample_based Default Value. The outer loop is samples, not rules. Must be set in your global values or on the command line --sample_based 1 If you ever have resample: 1 in your config you should NOT set this value to true! stash This isn't ever used in the code. Its just there incase you want to persist objects across rules It uses Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash and supports all the methods. set_stash => 'set', get_stash => 'get', has_no_stash => 'is_empty', num_stashs => 'count', delete_stash => 'delete', stash_pairs => 'kv', plugins Load plugins as an opt No GetOpt Here attr attributes read in from runtime global_attr Attributes defined in the global section of the yaml file local_attr Attributes defined in the rules->rulename->local section of the yaml file local_rule process Our bash string bowtie2 -p 12 -I {$sample}.fastq -O {$sample}.bam key Name of the rule pkey Name of the previous rule Subroutines Subroutines can also be overriden and/or extended in the usual Moose fashion. run Starting point. init_things Load the workflow, additional classes, and plugins Initialize the global_attr, make the global outdir, and find samples workflow_load use Config::Any to load configuration files - yaml, json, etc plugin_load Load plugins defined in yaml or on command line with --plugins with MooseX::Object::Pluggable class_load Load classes defined in yaml with Class::Load make_template Make the template for interpolating strings init_global_attr Add our global key from config file to the global_attr, and then to attr Deprecated: set_global_yaml create_attr Add attributes to $self-> namespace eval_attr Evaluate the keys for variables using Text::Template {$sample} -> SampleA {$self->indir} -> data/raw (or the indir of the rule) If variables are themselves hashes/array refs, leave them alone clear_attr After each rule is processe clear the $self->attr check_keys There should be one key and one key only! clear_process_attr Clear the process attr Deprecated: clear_process_vars init_process_vars Initialize the process vars add_attr Add the local attr onto the global attr DESCRIPTION BioX::Workflow - A very opinionated template based workflow writer. AUTHOR Jillian Rowe <> Acknowledgements Before version 0.03 This module was originally developed at and for Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar within ITS Advanced Computing Team. With approval from WCMC-Q, this information was generalized and put on github, for which the authors would like to express their gratitude. As of version 0.03: This modules continuing development is supported by NYU Abu Dhabi in the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology. With approval from NYUAD, this information was generalized and put on bitbucket, for which the authors would like to express their gratitude. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015- Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO