=head1 NAME B<Router::PathInfo> - PATH_INFO router, based on search trees =head1 DESCRIPTION Allows balancing PATH_INFO to static and controllers. It has a simple and intuitive interface. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Router::PathInfo; # or use Router::PathInfo as => singletone; # this allow to call after new: instance, clear_singleton my $r = Router::PathInfo->new( static => { allready => { path => '/path/to/static', first_uri_segment => 'static' } }, cache_limit => 300 ); $r->add_rule( connect => '/foo/:name(type):enum(bar|baz)/:re(^\d{4}$)/:any', action => $some_thing, mthods => ['GET','DELETE'], match_callback => $code_ref ); my $env = {PATH_INFO => '/foo/bar/2011/baz', REQUEST_METHOD => 'GET'}; my $res = $r->match($env); # or my $res = $r->match('/foo/bar/2011/baz'); # GET by default # $res = { # type => 'controller', # action => $some, # result call $code_ref->($match, $env) # name_segments => {type => 'bar'} # } $env = {PATH_INFO => '/static/img/some.jpg'}; $res = $r->match($env); # $res = { # type => 'static', # file => '/path/to/static/img/some.jpg', # mime => 'image/jpeg' # } See more details L<Router::PathInfo::Controller>, L<Router::PathInfo::Static> =head1 PACKAGE VARIABLES =head2 $Router::PathInfo::as_singleton Mode as singletone. By default - 0. You can pick up directly, or: use Router::PathInfo as => singletone; # or require Router::PathInfo; Router::PathInfo->import(as => singletone); # or $Router::PathInfo::as_singleton = 1 If you decide to work in singletone mode, raise the flag before the call to C<new>. =cut =head1 SINGLETON When you work in a mode singletone, you have access to methods: C<instance> and C<clear_singleton> =cut =head1 METHODS =head2 new(static => $static, cache_limit => $cache_limit) Constructor. All arguments optsioanlny. static - it hashref arguments for the constructor L<Router::PathInfo::Static> cache_limit - limit of matches stored by the rules contain tokens C<:re> and C<:any>, statics and errors. By default - 200. All matches (that occur on an accurate description) cached without limit. =cut =head2 add_rule See C<add_rule> from L<Router::PathInfo::Controller> =cut =head2 match({PATH_INFO => $path_info, REQUEST_METHOD => $method}) Search match. Initially checked for matches on static, then according to the rules of the controllers. In any event returns hashref coincidence or an error. Example: { type => 'error', code => 400, desc => '$env->{PATH_INFO} not defined' } { type => 'error', code => 404, desc => sprintf('not found for PATH_INFO = %s with REQUEST_METHOD = %s', $env->{PATH_INFO}, $env->{REQUEST_METHOD}) } { type => 'controller', action => $action, type => $hashref_of_names_segments } { type => 'static', file => $serch_file, mime => $mime_type } =cut =head1 SOURSE git@github.com:mrRico/p5-Router-Path-Info.git =head1 SEE ALSO L<Router::PathInfo::Static>, L<Router::PathInfo::Controller> =head1 AUTHOR mr.Rico <catamoose at yandex.ru> =cut