Fuse::TagLayer ============== A read-only tag-filesystem overlay for hierarchical filesystems ## SYNOPSIS The Fuse::TagLayer bundle consists of the backend module _Fuse::TagLayer_, which you probably want to use through the _taglayer_ mounting script: taglayer <real directory> <tag directory mountpoint> ## DESCRIPTION Fuse::TagLayer offers all the tags found in one subdir/volume as a tag-based file-system at the mountpoint you specify, currently read-only. This is in addition to the real filesystem which is considered to be 'canonical' - with the tag-file-system being just another "layer" to access these files (thus the name). Please note: This here is only a short github placeholder README. More information about how to use the mounting script _taglayer_ and the _Fuse::TagLayer_ module can be found in the POD embedded in the source code. So, please hop over to _cpan_ for canonical the [documentation](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Fuse%3A%3ATagLayer). ## INSTALLATION via CPAN (official releases): sudo cpan -i Fuse::TagLayer from command-line (latest changes, if any): wget https://github.com/clipland/fuse-taglayer/archive/master.tar.gz tar xvf master.tar.gz cd fuse-taglayer-master perl Makefile.PL make make test sudo make install ## AUTHOR Clipland GmbH, [clipland.com](http://www.clipland.com/) ## COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2012-2013 Clipland GmbH. All rights reserved. This library is free software, dual-licensed under [GPLv3](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl)/[AL2](http://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0). You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.