/************************************************************************* ** DVIToSVG.cpp ** ** ** ** This file is part of dvisvgm -- a fast DVI to SVG converter ** ** Copyright (C) 2005-2024 Martin Gieseking <martin.gieseking@uos.de> ** ** ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ** ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of ** ** the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** ** along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ** *************************************************************************/ #include <config.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <set> #include <sstream> #include "Calculator.hpp" #include "DVIToSVG.hpp" #include "DVIToSVGActions.hpp" #include "FileSystem.hpp" #include "Font.hpp" #include "FontManager.hpp" #include "GlyphTracerMessages.hpp" #include "InputBuffer.hpp" #include "InputReader.hpp" #include "PageRanges.hpp" #include "PageSize.hpp" #include "PreScanDVIReader.hpp" #include "SignalHandler.hpp" #include "optimizer/SVGOptimizer.hpp" #include "SVGOutput.hpp" #include "utility.hpp" #include "version.hpp" #include "XXHashFunction.hpp" /////////////////////////////////// // special handlers #include "BgColorSpecialHandler.hpp" #include "ColorSpecialHandler.hpp" #include "DvisvgmSpecialHandler.hpp" #include "EmSpecialHandler.hpp" #include "HtmlSpecialHandler.hpp" #include "PapersizeSpecialHandler.hpp" #include "PdfSpecialHandler.hpp" #include "PsSpecialHandlerProxy.hpp" #include "TpicSpecialHandler.hpp" /////////////////////////////////// using namespace std; /** 'a': trace all glyphs even if some of them are already cached * 'm': trace missing glyphs, i.e. glyphs not yet cached * 0 : only trace actually required glyphs */ char DVIToSVG::TRACE_MODE = 0; bool DVIToSVG::COMPUTE_PROGRESS = false; DVIToSVG::HashSettings DVIToSVG::PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS; DVIToSVG::DVIToSVG (istream &is, SVGOutputBase &out) : DVIReader(is), _out(out), _prevWritingMode(WritingMode::LR) { _prevXPos = _prevYPos = numeric_limits<double>::min(); _actions = util::make_unique<DVIToSVGActions>(*this, _svg); } /** Starts the conversion process. * @param[in] first number of first page to convert * @param[in] last number of last page to convert * @param[in] hashFunc pointer to function to be used to compute page hashes */ void DVIToSVG::convert (unsigned first, unsigned last, HashFunction *hashFunc) { if (first > last) swap(first, last); if (first > numberOfPages()) { ostringstream oss; oss << "file contains only " << numberOfPages() << " page"; if (numberOfPages() > 1) oss << 's'; throw DVIException(oss.str()); } last = min(last, numberOfPages()); bool computeHashes = (hashFunc && !_out.ignoresHashes()); string shortenedOptHash = XXH32HashFunction(PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.optionsHash()).digestString(); for (unsigned i=first; i <= last; ++i) { string dviHash, combinedHash; if (computeHashes) { computePageHash(i, *hashFunc); dviHash = hashFunc->digestString(); hashFunc->update(PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.optionsHash()); combinedHash = hashFunc->digestString(); } const SVGOutput::HashTriple hashTriple(dviHash, shortenedOptHash, combinedHash); FilePath path = _out.filepath(i, numberOfPages(), hashTriple); if (!dviHash.empty() && !PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.isSet(HashSettings::P_REPLACE) && path.exists()) { Message::mstream(false, Message::MC_PAGE_NUMBER) << "skipping page " << i; Message::mstream().indent(1); Message::mstream(false, Message::MC_PAGE_WRITTEN) << "\nfile " << path.shorterAbsoluteOrRelative() << " exists\n"; Message::mstream().indent(0); } else { executePage(i); SVGOptimizer(_svg).execute(); embedFonts(_svg.rootNode()); bool success = _svg.write(_out.getPageStream(currentPageNumber(), numberOfPages(), hashTriple)); _out.finish(); string fname = path.shorterAbsoluteOrRelative(); if (fname.empty()) fname = "<stdout>"; if (!success) Message::wstream(true) << "failed to write output to " << fname << '\n'; else { Message::mstream(false, Message::MC_PAGE_WRITTEN) << "\noutput written to " << fname << '\n'; if (!_userMessage.empty()) { if (auto specialActions = dynamic_cast<SpecialActions*>(_actions.get())) { string msg = specialActions->expandText(_userMessage); Message::ustream(true) << msg << "\n"; } } } _svg.reset(); _actions->reset(); } } } /** Creates a HashFunction object for a given algorithm name. * @param[in] algo name of hash algorithm * @return pointer to hash function * @throw MessageException if algorithm name is invalid or not supported */ static unique_ptr<HashFunction> create_hash_function (const string &algo) { if (auto hashFunc = HashFunction::create(algo)) return hashFunc; string msg = "unknown hash algorithm '"+algo+"' (supported algorithms: "; for (const string &name : HashFunction::supportedAlgorithms()) msg += name + ", "; msg.pop_back(); msg.back() = ')'; throw MessageException(msg); } /** Convert DVI pages specified by a page range string. * @param[in] rangestr string describing the pages to convert * @param[out] pageinfo (number of converted pages, number of total pages) */ void DVIToSVG::convert (const string &rangestr, pair<int,int> *pageinfo) { PageRanges ranges; if (!ranges.parse(rangestr, numberOfPages())) throw MessageException("invalid page range format"); Message::mstream(false, Message::MC_PAGE_NUMBER) << "pre-processing DVI file (format version " << getDVIVersion() << ")\n"; if (auto actions = dynamic_cast<DVIToSVGActions*>(_actions.get())) { PreScanDVIReader prescan(getInputStream(), actions); actions->setDVIReader(prescan); prescan.executeAllPages(); actions->setDVIReader(*this); SpecialManager::instance().notifyPreprocessingFinished(); executeFontDefs(); } unique_ptr<HashFunction> hashFunc; if (!PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.algorithm().empty()) // name of hash algorithm present? hashFunc = create_hash_function(PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.algorithm()); for (const auto &range : ranges) convert(range.first, range.second, hashFunc.get()); if (pageinfo) { pageinfo->first = ranges.numberOfPages(); pageinfo->second = numberOfPages(); } } /** Writes the hash values of a selected set of pages to an output stream. * @param[in] rangestr string describing the pages to convert * @param[in,out] os stream the output is written to */ void DVIToSVG::listHashes (const string &rangestr, std::ostream &os) { PageRanges ranges; if (!ranges.parse(rangestr, numberOfPages())) throw MessageException("invalid page range format"); XXH32HashFunction xxh32; auto hashFunc = create_hash_function(PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.algorithm()); int width1 = util::ilog10(numberOfPages())+1; int width2 = hashFunc->digestSize()*2; int spaces1 = width1+2+(width2-3)/2; int spaces2 = width1+2+width2+2-spaces1-3+(width2-7)/2; string shortenedOptHash = XXH32HashFunction(PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.optionsHash()).digestString(); os << string(spaces1, ' ') << "DVI" << string(spaces2, ' ') << "DVI+opt\n"; for (const auto &range : ranges) { for (int i=range.first; i <= range.second; i++) { computePageHash(i, *hashFunc); os << setw(width1) << i; os << ": " << hashFunc->digestString(); hashFunc->update(PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.optionsHash()); os << ", " << hashFunc->digestString() << '\n'; } } os << "hash algorithm: " << PAGE_HASH_SETTINGS.algorithm() << ", options hash: " << shortenedOptHash << '\n'; } int DVIToSVG::executeCommand () { SignalHandler::instance().check(); const streampos cmdpos = tell(); int opcode = DVIReader::executeCommand(); if (dviState().v+_ty != _prevYPos) { _tx = _ty = 0; _prevYPos = dviState().v; } _prevXPos = dviState().h+_tx; _prevWritingMode = dviState().d; if (COMPUTE_PROGRESS && inPage() && _actions) { size_t pagelen = numberOfPageBytes(currentPageNumber()-1); _pageByte += tell()-cmdpos; _actions->progress(_pageByte, pagelen); } return opcode; } /** This template method is called by parent class DVIReader before * executing the BOP actions. * @param[in] pageno physical page number (1 = first page) * @param[in] c contains information about the page (page number etc.) */ void DVIToSVG::enterBeginPage (unsigned pageno, const vector<int32_t> &c) { if (dynamic_cast<DVIToSVGActions*>(_actions.get())) { Message::mstream().indent(0); Message::mstream(false, Message::MC_PAGE_NUMBER) << "processing page " << pageno; if (pageno != (unsigned)c[0]) // Does page number shown on page differ from physical page number? Message::mstream(false) << " [" << c[0] << ']'; Message::mstream().indent(1); _svg.appendToDoc(util::make_unique<XMLComment>(" This file was generated by dvisvgm " + string(PROGRAM_VERSION) + " ")); } } /** This template method is called by DVIReader::cmdEop() after * executing the EOP actions. */ void DVIToSVG::leaveEndPage (unsigned) { if (!dynamic_cast<DVIToSVGActions*>(_actions.get())) return; // set bounding box and apply page transformations BoundingBox bbox = _actions->bbox(); // bounding box derived from the DVI commands executed if (_bboxFormatString == "min" || _bboxFormatString == "preview" || _bboxFormatString == "papersize") { bbox.unlock(); bbox.transform(getPageTransformation()); } else if (_bboxFormatString == "dvi") { // center page content double dx = (_pageWidth-bbox.width())/2; double dy = (_pageHeight-bbox.height())/2; bbox += BoundingBox(-dx, -dy, dx, dy); } else if (_bboxFormatString != "none") { istringstream iss(_bboxFormatString); StreamInputReader ir(iss); ir.skipSpace(); if (isalpha(ir.peek())) { // set explicitly given page format PageSize size(_bboxFormatString); if (size.valid()) { // convention: DVI position (0,0) equals (1in, 1in) relative // to the upper left vertex of the page (see DVI specification) const double border = -72; bbox = BoundingBox(border, border, size.width().bp()+border, size.height().bp()+border); } } else { // set/modify bounding box by explicitly given values try { vector<Length> lengths = BoundingBox::extractLengths(_bboxFormatString); if (lengths.size() == 1 || lengths.size() == 2) { // relative box size? // apply the page transformation and adjust the bbox afterwards bbox.transform(getPageTransformation()); } bbox.set(lengths); } catch (const MessageException &e) { } } } if (bbox.width() == 0) Message::wstream(false) << "\npage is empty\n"; if (_bboxFormatString != "none") { _svg.setBBox(bbox); const double bp2pt = 72.27/72; const double bp2mm = 25.4/72; Message::mstream(false) << '\n'; Message::mstream(false, Message::MC_PAGE_SIZE) << "graphic size: " << XMLString(bbox.width()*bp2pt) << "pt" " x " << XMLString(bbox.height()*bp2pt) << "pt" " (" << XMLString(bbox.width()*bp2mm) << "mm" " x " << XMLString(bbox.height()*bp2mm) << "mm)"; Message::mstream(false) << '\n'; } } Matrix DVIToSVG::getPageTransformation () const { Matrix matrix(1); // unity matrix if (!_transCmds.empty()) { Calculator calc; if (_actions) { const double bp2pt = (1_bp).pt(); BoundingBox &bbox = _actions->bbox(); calc.setVariable("ux", bbox.minX()*bp2pt); calc.setVariable("uy", bbox.minY()*bp2pt); calc.setVariable("w", bbox.width()*bp2pt); calc.setVariable("h", bbox.height()*bp2pt); } // add constants for length units to calculator for (const auto &unit : Length::getUnits()) calc.setVariable(unit.first, Length(1, unit.second).pt()); matrix.set(_transCmds, calc); } return matrix; } static void collect_chars (unordered_map<const Font*, set<int>> &fontmap) { unordered_map<const Font*, set<int>> insertedChars; for (const auto &entry : fontmap) { const Font *unique_font = entry.first->uniqueFont(); if (unique_font != entry.first) { for (int c : entry.second) insertedChars[unique_font].insert(c); } } for (const auto &entry : insertedChars) fontmap[entry.first].insert(entry.second.begin(), entry.second.end()); } /** Adds the font information to the SVG tree. * @param[in] svgElement the font nodes are added to this node */ void DVIToSVG::embedFonts (XMLElement *svgElement) { if (!svgElement || !_actions) // no dvi actions => no chars written => no fonts to embed return; auto &usedCharsMap = FontManager::instance().getUsedChars(); collect_chars(usedCharsMap); GlyphTracerMessages messages; unordered_set<const Font*> tracedFonts; // collect unique fonts already traced for (const auto &fontchar : usedCharsMap) { const Font *font = fontchar.first; if (auto ph_font = font_cast<const PhysicalFont*>(font)) { // Check if glyphs should be traced. Only trace the glyphs of unique fonts, i.e. // avoid retracing the same glyphs again if they are referenced in various sizes. if (TRACE_MODE != 0 && tracedFonts.find(ph_font->uniqueFont()) == tracedFonts.end()) { ph_font->traceAllGlyphs(TRACE_MODE == 'a', &messages); tracedFonts.insert(ph_font->uniqueFont()); } if (font->path()) // does font file exist? _svg.append(*ph_font, fontchar.second, &messages); else Message::wstream(true) << "can't embed font '" << font->name() << "'\n"; } else Message::wstream(true) << "can't embed font '" << font->name() << "'\n"; } _svg.appendFontStyles(FontManager::instance().getUsedFonts()); } static vector<string> extract_prefixes (const char *ignorelist) { vector<string> prefixes; if (ignorelist) { const char *left = ignorelist; while (*left) { while (*left && !isalnum(*left)) left++; const char *right = left; while (*right && isalnum(*right)) right++; if (*left) prefixes.emplace_back(left, right-left); left = right; } } return prefixes; } /** Enables or disables processing of specials. If ignorelist == 0, all * supported special handlers are loaded. To disable selected sets of specials, * the corresponding prefixes can be given separated by non alpha-numeric characters, * e.g. "color, ps, em" or "color: ps em" etc. * A single "*" in the ignore list disables all specials. * @param[in] ignorelist list of hanlder names to ignore * @param[in] pswarning if true, shows warning about disabled PS support * @return the SpecialManager that handles special statements */ void DVIToSVG::setProcessSpecials (const char *ignorelist, bool pswarning) { if (ignorelist && strcmp(ignorelist, "*") == 0) // ignore all specials? SpecialManager::instance().unregisterHandlers(); else { auto ignoredHandlerName = extract_prefixes(ignorelist); // add special handlers SpecialManager::registerHandler<BgColorSpecialHandler>(ignoredHandlerName); // handles background color special SpecialManager::registerHandler<ColorSpecialHandler>(ignoredHandlerName); // handles color specials SpecialManager::registerHandler<DvisvgmSpecialHandler>(ignoredHandlerName); // handles raw SVG embeddings SpecialManager::registerHandler<EmSpecialHandler>(ignoredHandlerName); // handles emTeX specials SpecialManager::registerHandler<HtmlSpecialHandler>(ignoredHandlerName); // handles hyperref specials SpecialManager::registerHandler<PapersizeSpecialHandler>(ignoredHandlerName); // handles papersize special SpecialManager::registerHandler<PdfSpecialHandler>(ignoredHandlerName); SpecialManager::registerHandler<TpicSpecialHandler>(ignoredHandlerName); // handles tpic specials SpecialManager::registerHandler(util::make_unique<PsSpecialHandlerProxy>(pswarning), ignoredHandlerName); } } FilePath DVIToSVG::getSVGFilePath (unsigned pageno) const { return _out.filepath(pageno, numberOfPages()); } void DVIToSVG::moveRight (double dx, MoveMode mode) { DVIReader::moveRight(dx, mode); if (_actions) { if (dviState().d == WritingMode::LR) _actions->moveToX(dviState().h+_tx, mode == MoveMode::CHANGEPOS); else _actions->moveToY(dviState().v+_ty, mode == MoveMode::CHANGEPOS); } } void DVIToSVG::moveDown (double dy, MoveMode mode) { DVIReader::moveDown(dy, mode); if (_actions) { if (dviState().d == WritingMode::LR) _actions->moveToY(dviState().v+_ty, mode == MoveMode::CHANGEPOS); else _actions->moveToX(dviState().h+_tx, mode == MoveMode::CHANGEPOS); } } void DVIToSVG::dviPost (uint16_t, uint16_t pages, uint32_t pw, uint32_t ph, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t) { _pageHeight = ph; // height of tallest page in dvi units _pageWidth = pw; // width of widest page in dvi units } void DVIToSVG::dviBop (const std::vector<int32_t> &c, int32_t) { _pageByte = 0; enterBeginPage(currentPageNumber(), c); if (_actions) { _actions->progress(0, 1); // ensure that progress is called at 0% _actions->beginPage(currentPageNumber(), c); } } void DVIToSVG::dviEop () { if (_actions) { _actions->endPage(currentPageNumber()); _pageByte = numberOfPageBytes(currentPageNumber()-1); _actions->progress(_pageByte, _pageByte); // ensure that progress is called at 100% } leaveEndPage(currentPageNumber()); } void DVIToSVG::dviSetChar0 (uint32_t c, const Font *font) { if (_actions && !font_cast<const VirtualFont*>(font)) _actions->setChar(dviState().h+_tx, dviState().v+_ty, c, dviState().d != WritingMode::LR, *font); } void DVIToSVG::dviSetChar (uint32_t c, const Font *font) { dviSetChar0(c, font); } void DVIToSVG::dviPutChar (uint32_t c, const Font *font) { dviSetChar0(c, font); } void DVIToSVG::dviSetRule (double height, double width) { if (_actions && height > 0 && width > 0) _actions->setRule(dviState().h+_tx, dviState().v+_ty, height, width); } void DVIToSVG::dviPutRule (double height, double width) { dviSetRule(height, width); } void DVIToSVG::dviPop () { if (_actions) { if (_prevXPos != dviState().h+_tx) _actions->moveToX(dviState().h + _tx, true); // force setting the SVG position if (_prevYPos != dviState().v+_ty) _actions->moveToY(dviState().v + _ty, true); // force setting the SVG position if (_prevWritingMode != dviState().d) _actions->setTextOrientation(dviState().d != WritingMode::LR); } } void DVIToSVG::dviFontNum (uint32_t fontnum, SetFontMode, const Font *font) { if (_actions && font && !font_cast<const VirtualFont*>(font)) _actions->setFont(FontManager::instance().fontID(fontnum), *font); // all fonts get a recomputed ID } void DVIToSVG::dviDir (WritingMode dir) { if (_actions) _actions->setTextOrientation(dir != WritingMode::LR); } void DVIToSVG::dviXXX (const std::string &str) { if (_actions) _actions->special(str, dvi2bp()); } void DVIToSVG::dviXGlyphArray (std::vector<double> &dx, vector<double> &dy, vector<uint16_t> &glyphs, const Font &font) { if (_actions) { for (size_t i=0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) _actions->setChar(dviState().h+dx[i]+_tx, dviState().v+dy[i]+_ty, glyphs[i], false, font); } } void DVIToSVG::dviXGlyphString (vector<double> &dx, vector<uint16_t> &glyphs, const Font &font) { if (_actions) { for (size_t i=0; i < glyphs.size(); i++) _actions->setChar(dviState().h+dx[i]+_tx, dviState().v+_ty, glyphs[i], false, font); } } void DVIToSVG::dviXTextAndGlyphs (vector<double> &dx, vector<double> &dy, vector<uint16_t>&, vector<uint16_t> &glyphs, const Font &font) { dviXGlyphArray(dx, dy, glyphs, font); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Parses a string consisting of comma-separated words, and assigns * the values to the hash settings. */ void DVIToSVG::HashSettings::setParameters (const string ¶mstr) { auto paramnames = util::split(paramstr, ","); map<string, Parameter> paramMap = { {"list", P_LIST}, {"replace", P_REPLACE} }; for (string &name : paramnames) { name = util::trim(name); auto it = paramMap.find(name); if (it != paramMap.end()) _params.insert(it->second); else if (_algo.empty()) { if (HashFunction::isSupportedAlgorithm(name)) _algo = name; else if (!name.empty()) { string msg = "invalid hash parameter '" + name + "' (supported algorithms: "; for (string str: HashFunction::supportedAlgorithms()) msg += str + ", "; msg.pop_back(); msg.pop_back(); msg += ')'; throw MessageException(msg); } } } // set default hash algorithm if none is given if (_algo.empty()) _algo = "xxh64"; }