** ImageToSVG.hpp                                                       **
**                                                                      **
** This file is part of dvisvgm -- a fast DVI to SVG converter          **
** Copyright (C) 2005-2024 Martin Gieseking <martin.gieseking@uos.de>   **
**                                                                      **
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        **
** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as       **
** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of       **
** the License, or (at your option) any later version.                  **
**                                                                      **
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but  **
** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           **
** GNU General Public License for more details.                         **
**                                                                      **
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    **
** along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **


#include <istream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "PsSpecialHandler.hpp"
#include "SpecialActions.hpp"
#include "SVGTree.hpp"

struct SVGOutputBase;

class ImageToSVG : protected SpecialActions {
		ImageToSVG (std::string fname, SVGOutputBase &out);
		virtual void convert (int pageno);
		void convert (int firstPage, int lastPage, std::pair<int,int> *pageinfo);
		void convert (const std::string &rangestr, std::pair<int,int> *pageinfo);
		void setPageTransformation (const std::string &transCmds) {_transCmds = transCmds;}
		void setUserMessage (const std::string &msg) {_userMessage = msg;}
		std::string filename () const {return _fname;}
		PSInterpreter& psInterpreter () const {return _psHandler.psInterpreter();}
		virtual bool isSinglePageFormat () const =0;
		virtual int totalPageCount () const =0;

		virtual void checkGSAndFileFormat ();
		Matrix getUserMatrix (const BoundingBox &bbox) const;
		virtual std::string imageFormat () const =0;
		virtual bool imageIsValid () const =0;
		virtual BoundingBox imageBBox () const =0;
		virtual std::string psSpecialCmd () const =0;
		int gsVersion () const                                  {return _gsVersion;}
		virtual void writeSVG (int pageno);
		// implement abstract base class SpecialActions
		double getX () const override                           {return _x;}
		double getY () const override                           {return _y;}
		void setX (double x) override                           {_x = x; _svg.setX(x);}
		void setY (double y) override                           {_y = y; _svg.setY(y);}
		void finishLine () override                             {}
		void setColor (const Color &color) override             {_svg.setColor(color);}
		void setOpacity (const Opacity &opacity) override       {_svg.setOpacity(opacity);}
		Color getColor () const override                        {return _svg.getColor();}
		void setMatrix (const Matrix &m) override               {_svg.setMatrix(m);}
		const Matrix& getMatrix () const override               {return _svg.getMatrix();}
		const Opacity& getOpacity () const override             {return _svg.getOpacity();}
		const SVGTree& svgTree () const override                {return _svg;}
		void setBgColor (const Color &color) override           {}
		void embed (const BoundingBox &bbox) override           {_bbox.embed(bbox);}
		void embed (const DPair &p, double r=0) override        {if (r==0) _bbox.embed(p); else _bbox.embed(p, r);}
		void progress (const char *id) override;
		unsigned getCurrentPageNumber() const override          {return _currentPageNumber;}
		BoundingBox& bbox () override                           {return _bbox;}
		BoundingBox& bbox (const std::string &name, bool reset=false) override {return _bbox;}
		FilePath getSVGFilePath (unsigned pageno) const override;
		std::string getBBoxFormatString () const override       {return "";}

		SVGTree _svg;

		std::string _fname;   ///< name of image file
		SVGOutputBase &_out;
		double _x=0, _y=0;
		unsigned _currentPageNumber=0;
		BoundingBox _bbox;
		mutable PsSpecialHandler _psHandler;
		int _gsVersion=0;         ///< Ghostscript version found
		std::string _transCmds;   ///< transformation commands
		std::string _userMessage; ///< message printed after conversion
