% knitexamples.tex
% Provides examples of usage of the knitting package
% author: Ariel Barton
% Copyright Ariel Barton, 2010
% The contents of the files knitkey.tex and knitexamples.tex
% may be copied and/or modified in other files without
% restriction or need for acknowledgement. 
% The work as a whole may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any
% later version.
% The latest version of the license is in
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
% LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
% The complete list of files considered part of this work is in
% the file `knitting-doc.pdf' and its source code `knitting-doc.tex'.
% Date: 2019/04/03
% Version: 3




%\textwidth = 3in



\textknit{>}&Knit 2 together&Purl 2 together\\

& Right side & Wrong side\\\hline
\textknit{>}&Knit 2 together&Purl 2 together\\
\textknit{<}&Slip, slip, knit&Slip, slip, purl\\

\ifchartsonly \else Odd-number ribbed braid \fi


\vskip 0.5\knitlinewd

\ifchartsonly \else Even-number ribbed braid \fi

% Zigzagging lines will look better if we make them a little wider
\vskip 0.5\knitlinewd

\ifchartsonly \else Twining leaves \fi




\ifchartsonly \else Print o' the Wave \fi





\ifchartsonly \else Colorwork \fi



% Enclosing the \catcode `\^=\active and the chart in braces
% means that ^ will go back to its usual math meaning after the chart
	%We turn ^ into an active character
	\catcode `\^=\active
	% And then we can define it like a command

	% = produces blue
	% = produces green
	% ^ produces yellow
	% ^ produces light green
	% = produces blue

\ifchartsonly \else Repeats \fi

	#1 (\thestitchcountout\ sts)}}

	% Count the stitches, counting the middle stitches 4 times
	\mainpass{\countstitches{#1 #2#2#2#2 #3}}%
	% Print the row
	% Print a bar if we have a stitch count mismatch

% Setting stitchcountin to any number less than -99 suppresses the
% warning bar on the first row.

    ~~~~~~~~\hskip\knitlinewd %
    	Repeat 4 times}}} \nonumber ``
    % The `` is necessary for proper vertical alignment