% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Template file for TeXShop by Michael Sharpe, LPPL
\usepackage[parfill]{parskip}% Begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent
% libertine+newtxmath
\usepackage[sb]{libertine} % use sb in place of bold
\usepackage[varqu,varl]{zi4}% inconsolata
% option vvarbb gives you stix blackboard bold
\useosf % use oldstyle figures except in math
\usepackage[cal=boondoxo]{mathalfa}% less slanted than STIX cal
%\expandafter\meaning\csname mathsfbfit \endcsname
{\tt Options=[ISO,mathsfit,reuseMathAlphabets]}\\
%\quad\mathsfbf{y}\quad+\quad\mathsfbfit{z}\quad\text{$\backslash$mathsfit is undefined}\]
  \begin{tabular}{@{} lll @{}}
     macro & symbol \\ 
    \verb|\mathbf{y}| & $\mathbf{y}$ \\ 
    \verb|\mathsf{x}| & $\mathsf{x}$\\ 
    \verb|\mathsfbf{y}| & $\mathsfbf{y}$ \\ 
     \verb|\mathsfbfit{z}| & $\mathsfbfit{z}$ \\ 
     \verb|\mathsfit{w}| & $\mathsfit{w}$ \\ 


*** Mathgroups ***
(0: \LS1/libertinust1math/m/n/12 = libertinust1-mathrm at 14.39996pt [operators])
(1: \LS1/libertinust1math/m/it/12 = libertinust1-mathit at 14.39996pt [letters])
(2: \LS2/libertinust1mathsym/m/n/12 = libertinust1-mathsym at 14.39996pt [symbols])
(3: \LS2/libertinust1mathex/m/n/12 = libertinust1-mathex at 14.39996pt [largesymbols])
(4: \LS1/libertinust1mathbb/m/n/12 = libertinust1-mathbb at 14.39996pt [symbolsbb])
(5: \LS1/libertinust1math/b/n/12 = libertinust1-mathrm-bold at 14.39996pt [bold-operators])
(6: \LS1/libertinust1math/b/it/12 = libertinust1-mathit-bold at 14.39996pt [bold-letters])
(7: \LS1/libertinust1mathsf/b/n/12 = libertinust1-mathsfrm-bold at 14.39996pt)
(8: \LS1/libertinust1mathsf/b/it/12 = libertinust1-mathsfit-bold at 14.39996pt)
(9: \LS1/libertinust1mathsf/m/it/12 = libertinust1-mathsfit at 14.39996pt)