%% start of file `old-arrows.tex'. %% Copyright 2015-2017 Riccardo Dossena (riccardo.dossena@gmail.com). % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, % available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. %% \documentclass[11pt]{ltxdoc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm} \usepackage[shortlabels]{enumitem} \usepackage{stmaryrd} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage[new]{old-arrows} \usepackage[hmargin=3.3cm,vmargin=2.5cm,footskip=30pt]{geometry} \usepackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref} \usepackage[all]{hypcap} % needed to help hyperlinks direct correctly; \usepackage[chicago]{ellipsis} \def\fileversion{2.0} \def\filedate{January 5, 2017} %Logo per MiKTeX e TeXLive \newcommand{\MiKTeX}{MiK\TeX} \newcommand{\TeXLive}{\mbox{\TeX\ Live}} % % % Symbol Entry for Math Symbol Tables % \newcommand{\X}[1]{$#1$&\texttt{\string#1}\hspace*{1ex}} \newcommand{\W}[2]{$#1{#2}$& \texttt{\string#1}\texttt{\string{\string#2\string}}\hspace*{1ex}} \theoremstyle{remark} \newtheorem*{remark}{Remark} % Mathsymbol Table \newsavebox{\symbbox} \newenvironment{symbols}[1]% {\par\vspace*{2ex} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1} \begin{lrbox}{\symbbox} \hspace*{4ex}\begin{tabular}{@{}#1@{}}}% {\end{tabular}\end{lrbox}\makebox[\textwidth]{\usebox{\symbbox}}\par\medskip} %Per l'esempio senza amsmath \makeatletter \def\overrightfreccia#1{\vbox{\m@th\ialign{##\crcr \rightfrecciafill\crcr\noalign{\kern-\p@\nointerlineskip} $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}} \def\overleftfreccia#1{\vbox{\m@th\ialign{##\crcr \leftfrecciafill\crcr\noalign{\kern-\p@\nointerlineskip}% $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}} \def\varoverrightfreccia#1{\vbox{\m@th\ialign{##\crcr \varrightfrecciafill\crcr\noalign{\kern-\p@\nointerlineskip} $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}} \def\varoverleftfreccia#1{\vbox{\m@th\ialign{##\crcr \varleftfrecciafill\crcr\noalign{\kern-\p@\nointerlineskip}% $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}} \def\rightfrecciafill{$\m@th\smash\meno\mkern-7mu% \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\smash\meno\mkern-2mu$}\hfill \mkern-7mu\mathord\rightarrow$} \def\leftfrecciafill{$\m@th\mathord\leftarrow\mkern-7mu% \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\smash\meno\mkern-2mu$}\hfill \mkern-7mu\smash\meno$} \def\varrightfrecciafill{$\m@th\smash-\mkern-7mu% \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\smash-\mkern-2mu$}\hfill \mkern-7mu\mathord\varrightarrow$} \def\varleftfrecciafill{$\m@th\mathord\varleftarrow\mkern-7mu% \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\smash-\mkern-2mu$}\hfill \mkern-7mu\smash-$} \makeatother \begin{document} \title{The \textsf{old-arrows} package} \author{Riccardo Dossena\thanks{% E-mail: \href{mailto:riccardo.dossena@gmail.com}{\tt riccardo.dossena@gmail.com}}} \date{Version \fileversion, released on \filedate} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This package provides Computer Modern old-style arrows ($\rightarrow$) with smaller arrowheads, associated with ordinary \LaTeX\ commands. It can be used in a document that contains other \texttt{amssymb} arrow characters, like $\twoheadrightarrow$, which also have small arrowheads. It is possible to use the usual new-style Computer Modern arrows ($\varrightarrow$) together with the old-style ones. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents %\pagebreak \section{Introduction} In 1992, Donald E. Knuth made some important corrections to Computer Modern fonts\footnote{See \url{http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/cm.html}}. As a consequence, the characters corresponding to arrows have been modified. Just to make things clearer, \[ A \to B \] became \[ A \varto B \] that is, the character $\to$ was replaced by $\varto$, which has a larger arrowhead. The same happened to other arrow characters. However, many arrow characters defined by \texttt{amssymb}, like $\nrightarrow$, $\rightarrowtail$, $\twoheadrightarrow$ and others, maintained a small arrowhead and seem too different from $\varto$. The \texttt{old-arrows} package with Old Arrows font family allows the user to use the old-style arrows ($\to$, $\gets$, \ldots) with the traditional commands (\verb|\rightarrow|, \verb|\leftarrow|,~\ldots). Furthermore, the options \texttt{new} and \texttt{old} allow the user to obtain the new-style arrows ($\varto$, $\vargets$,~\ldots) together with the old-style ones by putting \verb|\var| before the corresponding commands (\verb|\varrightarrow|, \verb|\varleftarrow|,~\ldots)\footnote{See sections \ref{sec:new} and \ref{sec:old}.}. Old Arrows font family was derived from an old version of Blue Sky Computer Modern Math Symbols (1991--1992, released by AMS) by deleting many characters with FontForge. \section{Licenses} The \LaTeX\ code in this package is licensed under the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, v1.3. The fonts in this package are licensed under the SIL Open Font License, v1.1. \section{Installation} The \texttt{old-arrows} package is included in the latest \MiKTeX\ and \TeXLive\ distributions. However, if you want to install it manually, follow the instructions below. \subsection{Copying the files in the local \texttt{texmf} tree} The Old Arrows fonts files are: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{p{3cm}p{3cm}p{3cm}l} \hline \texttt{oasy5.afm} & \texttt{oasy5.pfm} & \texttt{oasy5.tfm} & \texttt{oasy5.pfb} \\ \texttt{oasy6.afm} & \texttt{oasy6.pfm} & \texttt{oasy6.tfm} & \texttt{oasy6.pfb} \\ \texttt{oasy7.afm} & \texttt{oasy7.pfm} & \texttt{oasy7.tfm} & \texttt{oasy7.pfb} \\ \texttt{oasy8.afm} & \texttt{oasy8.pfm} & \texttt{oasy8.tfm} & \texttt{oasy8.pfb} \\ \texttt{oasy9.afm} & \texttt{oasy9.pfm} & \texttt{oasy9.tfm} & \texttt{oasy9.pfb} \\ \texttt{oasy10.afm} & \texttt{oasy10.pfm} & \texttt{oasy10.tfm} & \texttt{oasy10.pfb} \\ \texttt{oabsy5.afm} & \texttt{oabsy5.pfm} & \texttt{oabsy5.tfm} & \texttt{oabsy5.pfb} \\ & & \texttt{oabsy6.tfm} & \\ \texttt{oabsy7.afm} & \texttt{oabsy7.pfm} & \texttt{oabsy7.tfm} & \texttt{oabsy7.pfb} \\ & & \texttt{oabsy8.tfm} & \\ & & \texttt{oabsy9.tfm} & \\ \texttt{oabsy10.afm} & \texttt{oabsy10.pfm} & \texttt{oabsy10.tfm} & \texttt{oabsy10.pfb} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} These files were derived from Computer Modern fonts \texttt{cmbsy5}, \texttt{cmbsy7}, \texttt{cmbsy10}, \texttt{cmsy5}, \texttt{cmsy7}, \texttt{cmsy8}, \texttt{cmsy9} and \texttt{cmsy10}. Call \texttt{<localtexmf>} the path of your local \texttt{texmf} tree. For \TeXLive, the local tree is usually placed in \texttt{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local}; for \MiKTeX, it can be set up on any directory, by the \textsf{Roots} tab of ``\MiKTeX\ Options''. \begin{enumerate} \item Copy the \texttt{*.afm} and \texttt{*.tfm} font files into the corresponding \texttt{old-arrows} directories (you have to create them, as shown below): \begin{verbatim} <localtexmf>/fonts/afm/old-arrows <localtexmf>/fonts/tfm/old-arrows \end{verbatim} \item Copy the \texttt{*.pfb} and \texttt{*.pfm} font files into the directory \begin{verbatim} <localtexmf>/fonts/type1/old-arrows \end{verbatim} \item Copy the \texttt{oasy.enc} and \texttt{oasy.map} files, respectively, into the directories \begin{verbatim} <localtexmf>/fonts/enc/dvips/old-arrows <localtexmf>/fonts/map/dvips/old-arrows \end{verbatim} \item Copy the \texttt{old-arrows.sty} file into the directory \begin{verbatim} <localtexmf>/tex/latex/old-arrows \end{verbatim} \end{enumerate} \subsection{Updating the filename database}\label{agg-database-file} \begin{description}[font=\bfseries\sffamily, leftmargin=5em, style=sameline] \item[\MiKTeX] On the \textsf{General} tab of ``MiKTeX Options (Admin)'' click the \textsf{Refresh~FNDB} button. Alternatively, in a DOS command prompt window run \begin{verbatim} initexmf --update-fndb \end{verbatim} \item[\TeXLive] Start the ``\TeXLive\ Manager''. From \textsf{Actions} menu, select \textsf{Update filename database}. Alternatively, run in a terminal command line \begin{verbatim} mktexlsr \end{verbatim} \end{description} \subsection{Updating the font map files} \begin{description}[font=\bfseries\sffamily, leftmargin=5em, style=sameline] \item[\MiKTeX] To update the configuration file \texttt{updmap.cfg}, execute in a DOS command prompt \begin{verbatim} initexmf --edit-config-file updmap \end{verbatim} add to \texttt{updmap.cfg} (that will be opened) the following line \begin{verbatim} Map oasy.map \end{verbatim} save, close and execute (always in the DOS command prompt) \begin{verbatim} initexmf --mkmaps \end{verbatim} \item[\TeXLive] Execute in a terminal command line \begin{verbatim} updmap-sys --enable Map=oasy.map \end{verbatim} \end{description} Finally, it is better to make another update of the filename database (see~\ref{agg-database-file}). \section{Usage} \subsection{Basic usage} Simply type in the preamble of your \LaTeX\ document \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} and every arrow command will be associated to the ``old-style'', as indicated in table~\ref{tab-frecce-vecchie}. \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*3{cl}} \X{\leftarrow}or \verb|\gets|& \X{\longleftarrow} & \X{\uparrow} \\ \X{\rightarrow}or \verb|\to|& \X{\longrightarrow} & \X{\downarrow} \\ \X{\leftrightarrow} & \X{\longleftrightarrow}& \X{\updownarrow} \\ \X{\mapsto} & \X{\longmapsto} & \X{\nearrow} \\ \X{\hookleftarrow} & \X{\hookrightarrow} & \X{\searrow} \\ \X{\leftharpoonup} & \X{\rightharpoonup} & \X{\swarrow} \\ \X{\leftharpoondown} & \X{\rightharpoondown} & \X{\nwarrow} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{Old-style arrows provided by \texttt{old-arrows}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie} \end{table} The commands \verb|\rightarrowfill| and \verb|\leftarrowfill| allow to fill empty spaces with extensible arrows. For example, the first command written at the end of this paragraph gives the following result: \rightarrowfill \subsection{Usage together with other packages} \subsubsection{\texttt{amsmath}} The \texttt{old-arrows} package does not require \texttt{amsmath}. However, if you want to use the \texttt{amsmath} package, you must load it \emph{before} \texttt{old-arrows}: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} The \texttt{amsmath} package provides over, under (table~\ref{tab-frecce-vecchie-amsmath}), extensible (table~\ref{tab-frecce-vecchie-ext}) arrows and operator names (table~\ref{tab-operatori-vecchi}). Note that \texttt{amsmath} adds more space between the arrow above and the characters below, with a better typographical result. The commands \verb|\overrightarrow{AB}| and \verb|\overleftarrow{AB}|, without \texttt{amsmath}, produce respectively \[ \overrightfreccia{AB} \,\text{ rather than }\, \overrightarrow{AB} \qquad \text{and} \qquad \overleftfreccia{AB} \,\text{ rather than }\, \overleftarrow{AB}. \] The \texttt{amsmath} package also provides the command \verb|\boldsymbol| for obtaining bold mathematical symbols, which can be used together with \texttt{old-arrows}. For example, the commands \begin{center} \verb|$\boldsymbol{A \to B}$| \quad and \quad \verb|$\boldsymbol{\overrightarrow{AB}}$| \end{center} produce $\boldsymbol{A \to B}$ and $\boldsymbol{\overrightarrow{AB}}$, respectively. \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*3{cl}} \W{\overleftarrow}{AB} & \W{\underleftarrow}{AB} \\ \W{\overrightarrow}{AB} & \W{\underrightarrow}{AB} \\ \W{\overleftrightarrow}{AB} & \W{\underleftrightarrow}{AB} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{Old-style over and under arrows provided by \texttt{amsmath}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie-amsmath} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \W{\xleftarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\xrightarrow}{ABCDEF} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{Old-style extensible arrows provided by \texttt{amsmath}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie-ext} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \X{\varinjlim} & \X{\varprojlim} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{Old-style operator names provided by \texttt{amsmath}.}\label{tab-operatori-vecchi} \end{table} \subsubsection{\texttt{lmodern}} The \texttt{old-arrows} package is fully compatible with the Latin Modern fonts, provided that you load the \texttt{lmodern} package \emph{before} \texttt{old-arrows}. \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{\texttt{stmaryrd}} The \texttt{old-arrows} package is also fully compatible with the St Mary's Road symbol font, always provided that you load the \texttt{stmaryrd} package \emph{before} \texttt{old-arrows}. \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{stmaryrd} \usepackage{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} The \texttt{stmaryrd} package provides several arrow characters with small arrowheads, like \verb|\shortrightarrow| ($\shortrightarrow$) and \verb|\nnearrow| ($\nnearrow$). However, without \texttt{old-arrows}, the commands \verb|\mapsfrom| and \verb|\longmapsfrom| produce the new-style arrows $\varmapsfrom$ and $\varlongmapsfrom$. Instead, the \texttt{old-arrows} package allows you to obtain the old-style version of these arrows, as shown in table~\ref{tab-frecce-vecchie-smr}. \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \X{\mapsfrom} & \X{\longmapsfrom} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{Old-style arrows provided by \texttt{stmaryrd}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie-smr} \end{table} %\pagebreak \subsubsection{\texttt{mathtools}} The \texttt{old-arrows} package can be used together with the \texttt{mathtools} package, always on condition that you load it \emph{before} \texttt{old-arrows}. \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} The \texttt{mathtools} package makes additional extensible arrows available (table~\ref{tab-frecce-vecchie-mt}). \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \W{\xleftrightarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\xmapsto}{ABCDEF} \\ \W{\xhookleftarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\xhookrightarrow}{ABCDEF} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{Old-style extensible arrows provided by \texttt{mathtools}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie-mt} \end{table} Every extensible arrow can take an optional argument that produces a subscript. For example, the commands \begin{center} \verb|\xrightarrow[G]{ABCDEF}| \quad and \quad \verb|\xmapsto[G]{ABCDEF}| \end{center} produce \begin{center} $\xrightarrow[G]{ABCDEF}$ \quad and \quad $\xmapsto[G]{ABCDEF}$ \end{center} %\pagebreak \begin{remark} It is very important that you load \texttt{old-arrows} \emph{after} \texttt{amsmath}, \texttt{stmaryrd}, \texttt{lmodern} and \texttt{mathtools}, because many commands of these packages must be redefined by \texttt{old-arrows}. Otherwise, \texttt{old-arrows} won't work properly. \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{stmaryrd} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} \end{remark} \subsection{The option \textsf{new}}\label{sec:new} Loading \texttt{old-arrows} with the option \texttt{new} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[new]{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} allows you to use the new-style and the old-style arrows simultaneously. In order to obtain new-style arrows, just put \verb|\var| before every ordinary command, as shown in tables~\ref{tab-frecce-nuove}, \ref{tab-frecce-nuove-amsmath}, \ref{tab-frecce-nuove-ext}, \ref{tab-operatori-nuovi}, \ref{tab-frecce-nuove-smr} and \ref{tab-frecce-nuove-mt}. \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*3{cl}} \X{\varleftarrow}or \verb|\vargets|& \X{\varlongleftarrow} & \X{\varuparrow} \\ \X{\varrightarrow}or \verb|\varto|& \X{\varlongrightarrow} & \X{\vardownarrow} \\ \X{\varleftrightarrow} & \X{\varlongleftrightarrow}& \X{\varupdownarrow} \\ \X{\varmapsto} & \X{\varlongmapsto} & \X{\varnearrow} \\ \X{\varhookleftarrow} & \X{\varhookrightarrow} & \X{\varsearrow} \\ \X{\leftharpoonup} & \X{\rightharpoonup} & \X{\varswarrow} \\ \X{\leftharpoondown} & \X{\rightharpoondown} & \X{\varnwarrow} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{New-style arrows provided by option \texttt{new}.}\label{tab-frecce-nuove} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \W{\varoverleftarrow}{AB} & \W{\varunderleftarrow}{AB} \\ \W{\varoverrightarrow}{AB} & \W{\varunderrightarrow}{AB} \\ \W{\varoverleftrightarrow}{AB} & \W{\varunderleftrightarrow}{AB} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{New-style over and under arrows provided by \texttt{amsmath} and the option \texttt{new} of \texttt{old-arrows}.} \label{tab-frecce-nuove-amsmath} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \W{\varxleftarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\varxrightarrow}{ABCDEF} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{New-style extensible arrows provided by \texttt{amsmath} and the option \texttt{new} of \texttt{old-arrows}.} \label{tab-frecce-nuove-ext} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \X{\varvarinjlim} & \X{\varvarprojlim} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{New-style operator names provided by \texttt{amsmath} and the option \texttt{new} of \texttt{old-arrows}.}\label{tab-operatori-nuovi} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \X{\varmapsfrom} & \X{\varlongmapsfrom} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{New-style arrows provided by \texttt{stmaryrd} and the option \texttt{new} of \texttt{old-arrows}.}\label{tab-frecce-nuove-smr} \end{table} \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \W{\varxleftrightarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\varxmapsto}{ABCDEF} \\ \W{\varxhookleftarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\varxhookrightarrow}{ABCDEF} \\ \end{symbols} \caption{New-style extensible arrows provided by \texttt{mathtools} and the option \texttt{new} of \texttt{old-arrows}.}\label{tab-frecce-nuove-mt} \end{table} \pagebreak Note that the commands \begin{center} \verb|\leftharpoonup|, \verb|\rightharpoonup|, \verb|\leftharpoondown|, \verb|\rightharpoondown| \end{center} have not been redefined by \texttt{old-arrows}, because the corresponding characters $\leftharpoonup,\rightharpoonup,\leftharpoondown,\rightharpoondown$ have not been modified by the introduction of the new-style arrows. The commands \verb|\varrightarrowfill| and \verb|\varleftarrowfill| allow to fill empty spaces with extensible arrows. For example, the first command written at the end of this paragraph gives the following result: \varrightarrowfill If you want to use the option \texttt{new} and the option \texttt{only} provided by the \texttt{stmaryrd} package, you must write the command you wish to define in both ordinary and \verb|\var| versions in the option list. For example: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[only,mapsfrom,varmapsfrom]{stmaryrd} \usepackage[new]{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} says that only the symbols $\mapsfrom$ and $\varmapsfrom$ will be defined by \texttt{stmaryrd}. Furthermore, with the option \texttt{new} it is also possibile to use the command \verb|\boldsymbol| provided by \texttt{amsmath}. The following commands \begin{center} \verb|$\boldsymbol{A \varto B}$| \quad and \quad \verb|$\boldsymbol{\varoverrightarrow{AB}}$| \end{center} produce $\boldsymbol{A \varto B}$ and $\boldsymbol{\varoverrightarrow{AB}}$ respectively. \subsection{The option \textsf{old}}\label{sec:old} If you want to use the old-style arrows only in a few cases, and maintain the new-style by default, then it is available the option \texttt{old} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[old]{old-arrows} \end{verbatim} that associates all of the commands with prefix \verb|\var| to the old-style rather than the new one, which remains associated to the ordinary commands. For example, with the option \texttt{old} the commands \begin{center} \verb|$A \varleftarrow B$| \quad and \quad \verb|$A \varto B$| \end{center} produce $A \leftarrow B$ and $A \to B$ respectively, while \begin{center} \verb|$A \leftarrow B$| \quad and \quad \verb|$A \to B$| \end{center} produce $A \varleftarrow B$ and $A \varto B$, respectively. It is not possible to load the options \texttt{new} and \texttt{old} simultaneously (if so, you will get an error message). \subsection{Additional arrow commands provided by \texttt{old-arrows}} The \texttt{old-arrows} package provides additional arrow commands that are listed in table~\ref{tab-comandi-nuovi}. \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \X{\longhookrightarrow} & \X{\longhookleftarrow} \\ \X{\varlonghookrightarrow}$^a$ & \X{\varlonghookleftarrow}$^a$ \\ \X{\longleftharpoonup} & \X{\longleftharpoondown} \\ \X{\longrightharpoonup} & \X{\longrightharpoondown} \\ \end{symbols} \centerline{\footnotesize $^a$Available with the option \texttt{new}.} \caption{Arrow commands provided by \texttt{old-arrows}.}\label{tab-comandi-nuovi} \end{table} Finally, there are extensible ``mapsfrom'' arrows (table~\ref{tab-frecce-mt-smr}) that are available only if both \texttt{mathtools} and \texttt{stmaryrd} are loaded together with \texttt{old-arrows} (as they depend on commands defined by these two packages). \begin{table}[!htbp] \begin{symbols}{*2{cl}} \W{\xmapsfrom}{ABCDEF} & \W{\varxmapsfrom}{ABCDEF}$^a$ \\ \end{symbols} \centerline{\footnotesize $^a$Available with the option \texttt{new}.} \caption{Extensible arrows provided by \texttt{old-arrows} together with \texttt{mathtools} and \texttt{stmaryrd}.} \label{tab-frecce-mt-smr} \end{table} \end{document}