%% start of file `old-arrows.tex'.
%% Copyright 2015-2017 Riccardo Dossena (riccardo.dossena@gmail.com).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.

\usepackage[all]{hypcap} % needed to help hyperlinks direct correctly;

\def\filedate{January 5, 2017}

%Logo per MiKTeX e TeXLive
\newcommand{\TeXLive}{\mbox{\TeX\ Live}}
% Symbol Entry for Math Symbol Tables



% Mathsymbol Table

%Per l'esempio senza amsmath


\title{The \textsf{old-arrows} package}
\author{Riccardo Dossena\thanks{%
E-mail: \href{mailto:riccardo.dossena@gmail.com}{\tt riccardo.dossena@gmail.com}}}
\date{Version \fileversion, released on \filedate}


This package provides Computer Modern old-style arrows ($\rightarrow$) with smaller arrowheads, associated
with ordinary \LaTeX\ commands. It can be used in a document that contains other \texttt{amssymb} arrow
characters, like $\twoheadrightarrow$, which also have small arrowheads. It is possible to use the usual
new-style Computer Modern arrows ($\varrightarrow$) together with the old-style ones.




In 1992, Donald E. Knuth made some important corrections to Computer Modern fonts\footnote{See
\url{http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/cm.html}}. As a consequence, the characters corresponding to
arrows have been modified. Just to make things clearer,
A \to B
A \varto B
that is, the character $\to$ was replaced by $\varto$, which has a larger arrowhead. The same happened to
other arrow characters. However, many arrow characters defined by \texttt{amssymb}, like $\nrightarrow$,
$\rightarrowtail$, $\twoheadrightarrow$ and others, maintained a small arrowhead and seem too different from

The \texttt{old-arrows} package with Old Arrows font family allows the user to use the old-style arrows
($\to$, $\gets$, \ldots) with the traditional commands (\verb|\rightarrow|, \verb|\leftarrow|,~\ldots).
Furthermore, the options \texttt{new} and \texttt{old} allow the user to obtain the new-style arrows
($\varto$, $\vargets$,~\ldots) together with the  old-style ones by putting  \verb|\var| before the
corresponding commands (\verb|\varrightarrow|, \verb|\varleftarrow|,~\ldots)\footnote{See sections
\ref{sec:new} and \ref{sec:old}.}.

Old Arrows font family was derived from an old version of Blue Sky Computer Modern Math Symbols (1991--1992,
released by AMS) by deleting many characters with FontForge.


The \LaTeX\ code in this package is licensed under the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, v1.3.

The fonts in this package are licensed under the SIL Open Font License, v1.1.


The \texttt{old-arrows} package is included in the latest \MiKTeX\ and \TeXLive\ distributions. However, if
you want to install it manually, follow the instructions below.

\subsection{Copying the files in the local \texttt{texmf} tree}

The Old Arrows fonts files are:

\texttt{oasy5.afm}   & \texttt{oasy5.pfm}   & \texttt{oasy5.tfm}   &  \texttt{oasy5.pfb}   \\
\texttt{oasy6.afm}   & \texttt{oasy6.pfm}   & \texttt{oasy6.tfm}   &  \texttt{oasy6.pfb}   \\
\texttt{oasy7.afm}   & \texttt{oasy7.pfm}   & \texttt{oasy7.tfm}   &  \texttt{oasy7.pfb}   \\
\texttt{oasy8.afm}   & \texttt{oasy8.pfm}   & \texttt{oasy8.tfm}   &  \texttt{oasy8.pfb}   \\
\texttt{oasy9.afm}   & \texttt{oasy9.pfm}   & \texttt{oasy9.tfm}   &  \texttt{oasy9.pfb}   \\
\texttt{oasy10.afm}  & \texttt{oasy10.pfm}  & \texttt{oasy10.tfm}  &  \texttt{oasy10.pfb}  \\
\texttt{oabsy5.afm}  & \texttt{oabsy5.pfm}  & \texttt{oabsy5.tfm}  &  \texttt{oabsy5.pfb}  \\
                     &                      & \texttt{oabsy6.tfm}  &                       \\
\texttt{oabsy7.afm}  & \texttt{oabsy7.pfm}  & \texttt{oabsy7.tfm}  &  \texttt{oabsy7.pfb}  \\
                     &                      & \texttt{oabsy8.tfm}  &                       \\
                     &                      & \texttt{oabsy9.tfm}  &                       \\
\texttt{oabsy10.afm} & \texttt{oabsy10.pfm} & \texttt{oabsy10.tfm} &  \texttt{oabsy10.pfb} \\

These files were derived from Computer Modern fonts \texttt{cmbsy5}, \texttt{cmbsy7}, \texttt{cmbsy10},
\texttt{cmsy5}, \texttt{cmsy7}, \texttt{cmsy8}, \texttt{cmsy9} and \texttt{cmsy10}.

Call \texttt{<localtexmf>} the path of your local \texttt{texmf} tree. For \TeXLive, the local tree is
usually placed in \texttt{/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local}; for \MiKTeX, it can be set up on any directory, by
the \textsf{Roots} tab of ``\MiKTeX\ Options''.

\item Copy the \texttt{*.afm} and \texttt{*.tfm} font files into the corresponding \texttt{old-arrows}
    directories (you have to create them, as shown below):

\item Copy the \texttt{*.pfb} and \texttt{*.pfm} font files into the directory

\item Copy the \texttt{oasy.enc} and \texttt{oasy.map} files, respectively, into the directories

\item Copy the \texttt{old-arrows.sty} file into the directory

\subsection{Updating the filename database}\label{agg-database-file}

\begin{description}[font=\bfseries\sffamily, leftmargin=5em, style=sameline]
\item[\MiKTeX] On the \textsf{General} tab of ``MiKTeX Options (Admin)'' click the \textsf{Refresh~FNDB}
    button. Alternatively, in a DOS command prompt window run
    initexmf --update-fndb

\item[\TeXLive] Start the ``\TeXLive\ Manager''. From \textsf{Actions} menu, select \textsf{Update
 database}. Alternatively, run in a terminal command line

\subsection{Updating the font map files}

\begin{description}[font=\bfseries\sffamily, leftmargin=5em, style=sameline]
\item[\MiKTeX] To update the configuration file \texttt{updmap.cfg}, execute in a DOS command prompt
    initexmf --edit-config-file updmap
add to \texttt{updmap.cfg} (that will be opened) the following line
    Map oasy.map
save, close and execute (always in the DOS command prompt)
    initexmf --mkmaps

\item[\TeXLive] Execute in a terminal command line
    updmap-sys --enable Map=oasy.map
Finally, it is better to make another update of the filename database (see~\ref{agg-database-file}).


\subsection{Basic usage}

Simply type in the preamble of your \LaTeX\ document
and every arrow command will be associated to the ``old-style'', as indicated in

 \X{\leftarrow}or \verb|\gets|& \X{\longleftarrow}     & \X{\uparrow}          \\
 \X{\rightarrow}or \verb|\to|& \X{\longrightarrow}    & \X{\downarrow}        \\
 \X{\leftrightarrow}    & \X{\longleftrightarrow}& \X{\updownarrow}      \\
 \X{\mapsto}            & \X{\longmapsto}        & \X{\nearrow}          \\
 \X{\hookleftarrow}     & \X{\hookrightarrow}    & \X{\searrow}          \\
 \X{\leftharpoonup}     & \X{\rightharpoonup}    & \X{\swarrow}          \\
 \X{\leftharpoondown}   & \X{\rightharpoondown}  & \X{\nwarrow}          \\
\caption{Old-style arrows provided by \texttt{old-arrows}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie}

The commands \verb|\rightarrowfill| and \verb|\leftarrowfill| allow to fill empty spaces with extensible
arrows. For example, the first command written at the end of this paragraph gives the following result:

\subsection{Usage together with other packages}


The \texttt{old-arrows} package does not require \texttt{amsmath}. However, if you want to use the
\texttt{amsmath} package, you must load it \emph{before} \texttt{old-arrows}:

The \texttt{amsmath} package provides over, under (table~\ref{tab-frecce-vecchie-amsmath}), extensible
(table~\ref{tab-frecce-vecchie-ext}) arrows and operator names (table~\ref{tab-operatori-vecchi}). Note that
\texttt{amsmath} adds more space between the arrow above and the characters below, with a better
typographical result. The commands \verb|\overrightarrow{AB}| and \verb|\overleftarrow{AB}|, without
\texttt{amsmath}, produce respectively
\overrightfreccia{AB} \,\text{ rather than }\, \overrightarrow{AB} \qquad \text{and} \qquad
\,\text{ rather than }\, \overleftarrow{AB}.

The \texttt{amsmath} package also provides the command \verb|\boldsymbol| for obtaining bold mathematical
symbols, which can be used together with \texttt{old-arrows}. For example, the commands
    \verb|$\boldsymbol{A \to B}$| \quad and \quad \verb|$\boldsymbol{\overrightarrow{AB}}$|
produce $\boldsymbol{A \to B}$ and $\boldsymbol{\overrightarrow{AB}}$, respectively.

 \W{\overleftarrow}{AB} & \W{\underleftarrow}{AB}    \\
 \W{\overrightarrow}{AB} & \W{\underrightarrow}{AB}  \\
 \W{\overleftrightarrow}{AB} & \W{\underleftrightarrow}{AB} \\
\caption{Old-style over and under arrows provided by \texttt{amsmath}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie-amsmath}
 \W{\xleftarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\xrightarrow}{ABCDEF}          \\
\caption{Old-style extensible arrows provided by \texttt{amsmath}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie-ext}
 \X{\varinjlim} & \X{\varprojlim} \\
\caption{Old-style operator names provided by \texttt{amsmath}.}\label{tab-operatori-vecchi}


The \texttt{old-arrows} package is fully compatible with the Latin Modern fonts, provided that you load the
\texttt{lmodern} package \emph{before} \texttt{old-arrows}.


The \texttt{old-arrows} package is also fully compatible with the St Mary's Road symbol font, always provided
that you load the \texttt{stmaryrd} package \emph{before} \texttt{old-arrows}.

The \texttt{stmaryrd} package provides several arrow characters with small arrowheads, like
\verb|\shortrightarrow| ($\shortrightarrow$) and \verb|\nnearrow| ($\nnearrow$). However, without
\texttt{old-arrows}, the commands \verb|\mapsfrom| and \verb|\longmapsfrom| produce the new-style arrows
$\varmapsfrom$ and $\varlongmapsfrom$. Instead, the \texttt{old-arrows} package allows you to obtain the
old-style version of these arrows, as shown in table~\ref{tab-frecce-vecchie-smr}.

 \X{\mapsfrom} & \X{\longmapsfrom} \\
\caption{Old-style arrows provided by \texttt{stmaryrd}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie-smr}



The \texttt{old-arrows} package can be used together with the \texttt{mathtools} package, always on condition
that you load it \emph{before} \texttt{old-arrows}.

The \texttt{mathtools} package makes additional extensible arrows available

 \W{\xleftrightarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\xmapsto}{ABCDEF}         \\
 \W{\xhookleftarrow}{ABCDEF}  & \W{\xhookrightarrow}{ABCDEF} \\
\caption{Old-style extensible arrows provided by \texttt{mathtools}.}\label{tab-frecce-vecchie-mt}

Every extensible arrow can take an optional argument that produces a subscript. For example, the commands
    \verb|\xrightarrow[G]{ABCDEF}| \quad and \quad \verb|\xmapsto[G]{ABCDEF}|
$\xrightarrow[G]{ABCDEF}$ \quad and \quad $\xmapsto[G]{ABCDEF}$


It is very important that you load \texttt{old-arrows} \emph{after} \texttt{amsmath}, \texttt{stmaryrd},
\texttt{lmodern} and \texttt{mathtools}, because many commands of these packages must be redefined by
\texttt{old-arrows}. Otherwise, \texttt{old-arrows} won't work properly.

\subsection{The option \textsf{new}}\label{sec:new}

Loading \texttt{old-arrows} with the option \texttt{new}
allows you to use the new-style and the old-style arrows simultaneously. In order to obtain new-style arrows,
just put \verb|\var| before every ordinary command, as shown in tables~\ref{tab-frecce-nuove},
\ref{tab-frecce-nuove-amsmath}, \ref{tab-frecce-nuove-ext}, \ref{tab-operatori-nuovi},
\ref{tab-frecce-nuove-smr} and \ref{tab-frecce-nuove-mt}.

 \X{\varleftarrow}or \verb|\vargets|& \X{\varlongleftarrow}     & \X{\varuparrow}          \\
 \X{\varrightarrow}or \verb|\varto|& \X{\varlongrightarrow}    & \X{\vardownarrow}        \\
 \X{\varleftrightarrow}    & \X{\varlongleftrightarrow}& \X{\varupdownarrow}      \\
 \X{\varmapsto}            & \X{\varlongmapsto}        & \X{\varnearrow}          \\
 \X{\varhookleftarrow}     & \X{\varhookrightarrow}    & \X{\varsearrow}          \\
 \X{\leftharpoonup}     & \X{\rightharpoonup}    & \X{\varswarrow}          \\
 \X{\leftharpoondown}   & \X{\rightharpoondown}  & \X{\varnwarrow}          \\
\caption{New-style arrows provided by option \texttt{new}.}\label{tab-frecce-nuove}
 \W{\varoverleftarrow}{AB} & \W{\varunderleftarrow}{AB}    \\
 \W{\varoverrightarrow}{AB} & \W{\varunderrightarrow}{AB}  \\
 \W{\varoverleftrightarrow}{AB} & \W{\varunderleftrightarrow}{AB} \\
\caption{New-style over and under arrows provided by \texttt{amsmath} and the option \texttt{new} of
 \W{\varxleftarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\varxrightarrow}{ABCDEF}          \\
\caption{New-style extensible arrows provided by \texttt{amsmath} and the option \texttt{new} of
 \X{\varvarinjlim} & \X{\varvarprojlim} \\
\caption{New-style operator names provided by \texttt{amsmath} and the option \texttt{new} of
 \X{\varmapsfrom} & \X{\varlongmapsfrom} \\
\caption{New-style arrows provided by \texttt{stmaryrd} and the option \texttt{new} of
 \W{\varxleftrightarrow}{ABCDEF} & \W{\varxmapsto}{ABCDEF}         \\
 \W{\varxhookleftarrow}{ABCDEF}  & \W{\varxhookrightarrow}{ABCDEF} \\
\caption{New-style extensible arrows provided by \texttt{mathtools} and the option \texttt{new} of

Note that the commands
\verb|\leftharpoonup|, \verb|\rightharpoonup|, \verb|\leftharpoondown|, \verb|\rightharpoondown|
have not been redefined by \texttt{old-arrows}, because the corresponding characters
$\leftharpoonup,\rightharpoonup,\leftharpoondown,\rightharpoondown$ have not been modified by the
introduction of the new-style arrows.

The commands \verb|\varrightarrowfill| and \verb|\varleftarrowfill| allow to fill empty spaces with
extensible arrows. For example, the first command written at the end of this paragraph gives the following
result: \varrightarrowfill

If you want to use the option \texttt{new} and the option \texttt{only} provided by the \texttt{stmaryrd}
package, you must write the command you wish to define in both ordinary and \verb|\var| versions in the
option list. For example:
says that only the symbols $\mapsfrom$ and $\varmapsfrom$ will be defined by \texttt{stmaryrd}.

Furthermore, with the option \texttt{new} it is also possibile to use the command \verb|\boldsymbol| provided
by \texttt{amsmath}. The following commands
    \verb|$\boldsymbol{A \varto B}$| \quad and \quad \verb|$\boldsymbol{\varoverrightarrow{AB}}$|
produce $\boldsymbol{A \varto B}$ and $\boldsymbol{\varoverrightarrow{AB}}$ respectively.

\subsection{The option \textsf{old}}\label{sec:old}

If you want to use the old-style arrows only in a few cases, and maintain the new-style by default, then it
is available the option \texttt{old}
that associates all of the commands with prefix \verb|\var| to the old-style rather than the new one, which
remains associated to the ordinary commands. For example, with the option \texttt{old} the commands
    \verb|$A \varleftarrow B$| \quad and \quad \verb|$A \varto B$|
produce $A \leftarrow B$ and $A \to B$ respectively, while
    \verb|$A \leftarrow B$| \quad and \quad \verb|$A \to B$|
produce $A \varleftarrow B$ and $A \varto B$, respectively.

It is not possible to load the options \texttt{new} and \texttt{old} simultaneously (if so, you will get an
error message).

\subsection{Additional arrow commands provided by \texttt{old-arrows}}

The \texttt{old-arrows} package provides additional arrow commands that are listed in
 \X{\longhookrightarrow}          & \X{\longhookleftarrow}    \\
 \X{\varlonghookrightarrow}$^a$   & \X{\varlonghookleftarrow}$^a$ \\
 \X{\longleftharpoonup}           & \X{\longleftharpoondown}  \\
 \X{\longrightharpoonup}          & \X{\longrightharpoondown} \\
\centerline{\footnotesize $^a$Available with the option \texttt{new}.}
\caption{Arrow commands provided by \texttt{old-arrows}.}\label{tab-comandi-nuovi}

Finally, there are extensible ``mapsfrom'' arrows (table~\ref{tab-frecce-mt-smr}) that are available only if
both \texttt{mathtools} and \texttt{stmaryrd} are loaded together with \texttt{old-arrows} (as they depend on
commands defined by these two packages).
 \W{\xmapsfrom}{ABCDEF} & \W{\varxmapsfrom}{ABCDEF}$^a$  \\
\centerline{\footnotesize $^a$Available with the option \texttt{new}.}
\caption{Extensible arrows provided by \texttt{old-arrows} together with \texttt{mathtools} and
