% Copyright 2018 by Till Tantau
% This file may be distributed and/or modified
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.


% Globals


% Set the line width to #1.
% #1 = new line width.
% Example:
% \pgfsetlinewidth{3pt}


% Set the inner line width to #1.
% #1 = new inner line width.
% Description:
% The inner line width is the width of a second line that is drawn on
% top of the main stroked line. If the inner line width is 0pt, no
% inner line is drawn. The main use of inner lines is for creating
% "double" lines.
% Inner lines are not drawn when a path is used for clipping.
% The inner line width is local to the current TeX group, it is not
% part of the graphic state.
% Example:
% \pgfsetinnerlinewidth{1pt}


% Set the inner line color to #1.
% #1 = color for the inner line
% Example:
% \pgfsetinnerlinecolor{green} % yikes!


% Set the miter limit to #1.
% #1 = new miter limit factor.
% Example:
% \pgfsetmiterlimit{3}

  \ifdim#1pt<1pt\pgferror{miter limit cannot be less than 1}\fi%

% Set the dash pattern to #1 with phase #2/
% #1 = a row of numbers of length of ``on'' and ``off'' points.
% #2 = a phase
% Example:
% \pgfsetdash{}          {0pt} % solid line
% \pgfsetdash{{.1cm}}    {0pt} % long dashes
% \pgfsetdash{{1pt}{1ex}}{0pt} % dotted




% Set color of strokes. This will overrule the normal color.
% Example:
% \pgfsetstrokecolor{red}

  % for arrow tips:
  \expandafter\ifx\csname pgfsys@color@#4@stroke\endcsname\relax%
    \pgferror{Unsupported color model `#4'. Sorry}%
    \edef\pgf@colmarshal{\expandafter\noexpand\csname pgfsys@color@#4@stroke\endcsname}%


% Set color of fills. This will overrule the normal color.
% Example:
% \pgfsetfillcolor{gray}

  % for arrow tips:
  \expandafter\ifx\csname pgfsys@color@#4@fill\endcsname\relax%
    \pgferror{Unsupported color model `#4'. Sorry}%
    \edef\pgf@colmarshal{\expandafter\noexpand\csname pgfsys@color@#4@fill\endcsname}%

% Sets both the stroke and fill color.
% Example:
% \pgfsetcolor{blue}

  % for arrow tips:
  \expandafter\ifx\csname pgfsys@color@#4\endcsname\relax%
    \pgferror{Unsupported color model `#4'. Sorry}%
    \edef\pgf@colmarshal{\expandafter\noexpand\csname pgfsys@color@#4\endcsname}%

% Code for ensuring the stroke/fill colors are correctly reset.

% Set a butt line cap.
% Example:
% \pgfsetbuttcap


% Set a round line cap.
% Example:
% \pgfsetroundcap


% Set a rectangular line cap.
% Example:
% \pgfsetrectcap


% Set a miter line join.
% Example:
% \pgfsetmiterjoin


% Set a bevel line join.
% Example:
% \pgfsetbeveljoin


% Set a round line join.
% Example:
% \pgfsetroundjoin


% Sets the even-odd rule for filling and clipping.
% Example:
% \pgfseteorule


% Sets the non-zero winding number rule for filling and clipping.
% Example:
% \pgfsetnonzerorule

