% Copyright 2018 by Till Tantau
% This file may be distributed and/or modified
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.


% Stroke/fill/clip/etc. the current path. Depending on the options,
% the current path will be stroked/filled/clipped/etc. If no options
% are given, the path is stroked. If multiple options are given, all
% of them are performed (in a sensible order).
% #1 = action(s) to be applied to the current path. Valid actions are:
%      stroke -  strokes the path.
%      draw -    strokes the path and adds arrow tips.
%      tips -    adds arrow tips.
%      fill -    fills the path.
%      clip -    clip the path.
%      discard - Discards the path. Same effect as having an empty
%                options list.
% Example:
% % Draws an edge.
% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfxy(0,0)}
% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfxy(0,1)}
% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfxy(1,0)}
% \pgfusepath{stroke}

  /pgf/use as bounding box/.code=\let\pgf@up@bb\pgf@do@up@bb,
  /pgf/arrow keys/flex/.code=\pgferror{You need to say \string\usetikzlibrary{bending} for flexing and bending arrows},
  /pgf/arrow keys/flex'/.code=\pgferror{You need to say \string\usetikzlibrary{bending} for flexing and bending arrows},
  /pgf/arrow keys/bend/.code=\pgferror{You need to say \string\usetikzlibrary{bending} for flexing and bending arrows},
  /pgf/arrow keys/quick/.code=\pgfarrowsaddtooptions{\let\pgf@arrow@flex@mode\pgf@arrow@mode@is@quick},

  tips/.is choice,
  tips/on proper draw/.code=\let\pgf@tips@mode\pgf@tips@mode@onproperdraw,
  tips/on draw/.code=\let\pgf@tips@mode\pgf@tips@mode@ondraw,

% The following can only be set to "true" using the options in the
% module "bending"


  \expandafter\def\expandafter\pgf@up@action\expandafter{\csname pgfsys@\pgf@up@fill\pgf@up@stroke\endcsname}%
        % only clipping
  \pgfprocessround{\pgf@last@processed@path}{\pgf@last@processed@path}% change the path
  % Check whether the path is stroked. If so, add half the line width
  % to the bounding box.
        \pgf@x=\pgf@pathminx\advance\pgf@x by-.5\pgflinewidth%
        \pgf@y=\pgf@pathminy\advance\pgf@y by-.5\pgflinewidth%
        \pgf@x=\pgf@pathmaxx\advance\pgf@x by.5\pgflinewidth%
        \pgf@y=\pgf@pathmaxy\advance\pgf@y by.5\pgflinewidth%

  \expandafter\ifx\csname pgfsysanim@path@is@animated@\pgf@sys@id@current@id @\pgfsys@current@type\endcsname\pgfutil@empty%
    % Ok, an animation is here!
\def\pgf@check@for@arrow@and@animation@error{\pgferror{Animated path may not have normal arrow tips. Use a base path with arrow tips}}


    % Execute the path:




% Shorten start/end of paths by a certain amount.
% #1 = amount by which paths should be shortened.
% Example:
% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{10pt}{0pt}
% % The following has the same effect:
% \pgfsetshortenstart{1pt}
% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointorigin}
% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{11pt}{0pt}



% Handling the end of a path
% The "handling" consists of first testing whether we need to do
% anything at all, namely because either an arrow tip should be drawn
% at the end or because the path should be shortened at the end. If
% so, we shorten the path if needed and, later on, add the arrow tip.


% Prepare the end of the path: Test whether anything must be done
% (step 0) and, if so, split the path (step 1), extract the interesting points from
% the path (step 2), prepare further computations (step 3), shorten
% the path (step 4) if necessary, and add the arrow tip (step 4 in
% macro \pgf@add@arrow@at@end, which is called later).

  \let\pgfprocessresultpathsuffix\relax% flag that nothing has happened...
  % Step 0 start:
  % Do we need to worry about the end?
      \pgf@worrytrue% Yes, worry if we have to draw an arrow
    \advance\pgf@xa by\pgf@shorten@end@additional%
    \advance\pgf@xb by\pgf@shorten@end@additional%
    \ifdim\pgf@xa=0pt\relax\else\pgf@worrytrue\fi% Also, worry if shortening is requested
    % Step 0 done.
      % Ok, need to "worry" about the end, either because we need to
      % shorten it or to draw an arrow head.
      % Step 1: Split
      % Step 2: extract
      % Step 3: prep
      % Step 4: shorten

  \ifx#4\pgf@stop% Only a moveto! -> do nothing!
  \else\ifx#4\pgfsyssoftpath@curvetosupportatoken% A curve -> this will get complicated...
  \else% A straight line -> great!
  \pgf@next% Needed for reading rest of path...


% Preps
  \ifx\pgfpointlastonpath\pgfpointsecondlastonpath% degenerate!
    \ifx\pgfpointthirdlastonpath\relax% cannot help it: really a zero-length path
      \ifx\pgfpointlastonpath\pgfpointthirdlastonpath% double degenerate!
        \let\pgf@ref\pgfpointfourthlastonpath% Use third point for reference.
        \let\pgf@ref\pgfpointthirdlastonpath% Use third point for reference.

% Line shortening for straight lines:

% Draw an end arrow by calling an appropriate subfunction, if necessary


% Draw an end arrow at the end of a straight line

% Handling the start of a path
% The "handling" is similar to the case for the start of the path. We
% may be able to skip the splitting if that was done already for the
% end. Otherwise, things are basically the same.

% Prepare the start of the path: Test whether anything must be done
% (step 0) and, if so, split the path (step 1) if necessary, extract
% the interesting points from the path (step 2), prepare computations
% (step 3) needed for both shortening and tip adding, shorten the path
% (step 4), and add the arrow tip (step 5 in macro
% \pgf@add@arrow@at@start, which is called later).

  % Step 0 start:
  % Do we need to worry about the start?
    \ifx\pgf@start@tip@sequence\pgfutil@empty\else\pgf@worrytrue\fi% Yes, worry if we have to draw an arrow
    \advance\pgf@xa by\pgf@shorten@start@additional%
    \advance\pgf@xb by\pgf@shorten@start@additional%
    \ifdim\pgf@xa=0pt\relax\else\pgf@worrytrue\fi% Also, worry if shortening is requested
    % Step 0 done.
      % Ok, need to "worry" about the start, either because we need to
      % shorten it or to draw an arrow head.
      % Step 1: Split
        % Ok, still need to compute the split:
      % Step 2: extract
      % Step 3: prep
      % Step 4: shorten

  \ifx#4\pgf@stop% Only a moveto! -> do nothing!
  \else\ifx#4\pgfsyssoftpath@curvetosupportatoken% A curve -> this will get complicated...
    \else% can treat the end like a straight line...
  \else% A straight line -> great!
  \pgf@next% Needed for reading rest of path...




% Preps
  \ifx\pgfpointfirstonpath\pgfpointsecondonpath% degenerate!
    \ifx\pgfpointthirdonpath\relax% cannot help it: really a zero-length path
      \ifx\pgfpointfirstonpath\pgfpointthirdonpath% double degenerate!
        \let\pgf@ref\pgfpointfourthonpath% Use third point for reference.
        \let\pgf@ref\pgfpointthirdonpath% Use third point for reference.

% Line shortening for straight lines:

% Draw a start arrow by calling an appropriate subfunction, if necessary


% Draw an start arrow at the start of a straight line

