% Copyright 2019 by Till Tantau
% This file may be distributed and/or modified
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.


% Globals




% This if decides whether the position of pictures on the page is
% protocolled or not. Normally,
% this is switched off as it works only with certain drivers and it
% causes external files to be written. When switched on, the position
% of pgfpictures are protocolled and can be referenced using
% \pgfsys@getposition{XXX} where XXX is the value of \pgfpictureid
% inside the picture.

% Scopes

% Pgf scope environment. All changes of the graphic state are local to
% the scope.
% Example:
% \begin{pgfscope}
%    \pgfsetlinewidth{3pt}
%    \pgfline{\pgfxy(0,0)}{\pgfxy(3,3)}
% \end{pgfscope}


% Quickly insert a box can contain normal TeX text at the origin.
% #1 = box of width/height and depth 0pt
% Example:
% \pgfqbox{\mybox}


% Insert a box that can contain normal TeX text at the origin, but
% with the current coordinate transformation matrix synced with the
% low-level transformation matrix.
% #1 = box of width/height and depth 0pt
% In essence, this command does the same as if you first said
% \pgflowlevelsynccm and then \pgfqbox. However, pgf will use a
% ``TeX-translation'' for the translation part of the transformation
% cm. This will ensure that hyperlinks ``survive'' at least
% translations.
% Example:
% \pgfqboxsynced{\mybox}


% Puts some text in a box and inserts it with the current
% transformations applied.
% #1 = List of optional positioning. Possible values are ``left'', ``right'',
%      ``top'', ``bottom'' and ``base''.
% #2 = TeX text. May contain verbatims.
% Example:
% \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
% \pgftext{Hello World!}

  \csname pgf@halign\pgf@text@hshift\endcsname%
  \csname pgf@valign\pgf@text@vshift\endcsname%
  % Protocol sizes:

\pgfkeys{/pgf/text/at/.cd,.code=\pgftransformshift{#1},.value required}
\pgfkeys{/pgf/text/x/.cd,.code=\pgftransformxshift{#1},.value required}
\pgfkeys{/pgf/text/y/.cd,.code=\pgftransformyshift{#1},.value required}
\pgfkeys{/pgf/text/rotate/.cd,.code=\pgftransformrotate{#1},.value required}

\def\pgf@halignleft{}% do nothing
\def\pgf@valignbase{}% do nothing

% Internal function for creating a hbox.


% Picture environment
% Example:
% \begin{pgfpicture}
%   \pgfsetendarrow{\pgfarrowto}
%   \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpointxy{-0.9}{0.2}}
%   \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointxy{0.9}{0.4}}
%   \pgfusepath{stroke}
% \end{pgfpicture}


    \global\advance\pgf@picture@serial@count by1\relax%

  \setbox\pgfpic\hbox to0pt\bgroup%
            \ifnum\tracinglostchars>2 2\else\tracinglostchars\fi
          \setbox\pgf@layerbox@main\hbox to0pt\bgroup%
                \hbox to0pt{\pgfsys@markposition{\pgfpictureid}}%
              % ok, now let's position the box
                % empty picture. make size 0.
              % Shift baseline outside:
              \global\advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@picminx
              % prepare \hskip\pgf@trimleft@final.
              % note that \pgf@trimleft@final is also queried
              % by the pgf image externalization.
              \global\advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@picmaxx
              % prepare \hskip\pgf@trimright@final.
              % note that \pgf@trimright@final is also queried
              % by the pgf image externalization.



\def\pgf@setlength#1#2{% these will be used only when \nullfont is active
  \begingroup% keep font setting local
    \pgfutil@selectfont% restore font
    \pgf@setlengthorig#1{#2}% calculate dimension (possibly using calc)
  \begingroup% keep font setting local
    \pgfutil@selectfont% restore font
    \pgf@addtolengthorig#1{#2}% calculate dimension (possibly using calc)

% Sets the baseline at the y-coordinate of a given point
% #1 = point
% Sets the baseline of the picture to the y-coordinate of a given
% point. However, the point will be evaluated *at the end of the
% picture*.
% Example:
% \pgfsetbaselinepointlater{\pgfpointanchor{mynode}{base}}


% Sets the baseline at the y-coordinate of a given point, now
% #1 = point
% Sets the baseline of the picture to the y-coordinate of a given
% point.
% Example:
% \pgfsetbaselinepointnow{\pgfpoint{1cm}{2pt}}



% Sets the baseline
% #1 = baseline
% Sets the baseline of the picture. Default is the lower border, which
% is the same as \pgf@picminy
% Example:
% \pgfsetbaseline{1cm+2pt}
% \pgfsetbaseline{default}% resets to default value


% controls how the image externalization implements trim:
  /pgf/trim lowlevel/.is if=pgf@trim@lowlevel,
  /pgf/trim lowlevel/.default=true,

% Same as the y-baseline for horizontal alignment.
% The effect is different, though: it is some kind of trimming which
% leaves the bounding box intact.
% \pgfsettrimleft{<x coord>}
% or
% \pgfsettrimleft{default}

% \pgfsettrimright{<x coord>}
% or
% \pgfsettrimright{default}

% Interrupt path
% Description:
% The environment can be used to insert some drawing commands while
% constructing a path. The drawing commands inside the environment
% will not interfere with the path being constructed ``outside.''
% However, you must ward against graphic state changes using a scope.
% Example: Draw two parallel lines
% \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
% \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
%   \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
%   \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
%   \pgfusepath{stroke}
% \end{pgfinterruptpath}
% \pgflineto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
% \pgfusepath{stroke}

  % save all sorts of things...

% Interrupt bounding box
% Description:
% The environment can be used to temporarily setup a new bounding box
% computation. The bounding box will be made empty at the beginning of
% the environment and will be reset to its old value after the
% environment.
% Example:
% \begin{pgfinterruptboundinbox}
%   \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
%   \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
%   \pgfusepath{stroke}
% \end{pgfinterruptboundinbox}


% Creates an id scope.
% Description:
% An id scope is not (conceptually) a graphic scope, but a scope that
% has a unique name or "id". This id can be used as a reference point
% for instance for a hyperlink or for an animation (currently, only
% SVG supports ids, all other drivers ignore id scopes).
% Prior to using \pgfidscope, call \pgfuseid to install an
% id (and possibly \pgfusetype). The scope will then get this id and,
% likely, a graphic scope is installed. If \pgfuseid has not been
% called or if you try to call \pgfidscope again for the same id,
% nothing happens (except for a \TeX\ group being established).



% Use an id on the next graphic object
% #1 = a name
% The next scope or path can be the target of an animation command or
% a hyperlink.

    \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@id@names@#1\endcsname{{\pgf@next@id}{}}%

  \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgf@id@name\csname pgf@id@names@#1\endcsname%
    \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@id@names@#1\endcsname{{\pgf@prev@id}{\pgf@next@id}}%

% Clear the current id
% Description:
% Sets the current id to be empty so that it cannot be referenced.


% Get the id that will be given to a name upon the next use
% #1 = a macro
% #2 = a name
% Description:
% #1 will get the id that will be used by \pgfuseid next time for the
% given name.

  \edef\pgf@temp{#2}\ifx\pgf@temp\pgfutil@empty\pgferror{Missing name reference for ``\string#1''}\fi%

% Get the id was last used
% #1 = a macro
% #2 = a name
% Description:
% #1 will get the id that was last used by \pgfuseid for #2.

  \edef\pgf@temp{#2}\ifx\pgf@temp\pgfutil@empty\pgferror{Missing name reference for ``\string#1''}\fi%

% Use a type
% #1 = an id type; when starting with a dot, it is added to the
% current type.
% The next scope or path can be the target of an animation command or
% a hyperlink.


% Push the current type on a global stack
% Description:
% The current type is pushed onto a global type stack. It can be
% restored using \pgfpoptype.


% Pop a type from the type stack
% Description:
% Restores the most current value from the type stack.


% Alias an id locally or globally
% #1 = the alias name
% #2 = a existing id name
% Description:
% Creates an alias of a name

  \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgf@temp\csname pgf@id@names@#2\endcsname%
  \expandafter\let\csname pgf@id@names@#1\endcsname\pgf@temp%
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgf@temp\csname pgf@id@names@#2\endcsname%
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname pgf@id@names@#1\endcsname\pgf@temp%

% Check whether a name has been forward-referenced
% #1 = a name
% #2 = what to do, when has been forward-referenced
% #3 = what to do otherwise
% Description:
% Depending on whether #1 has been forward-referenced, #2 or #3 will be executed.

  \expandafter\let\expandafter\pgf@id@name\csname pgf@id@names@#1\endcsname%

% Interrupts a picture
% Description:
% This environment interrupts a picture and temporarily returns to
% normal TeX mode. All sorts of things are saved and restored by this
% environment.
% WARNING: Using this environment in conjunction with low level
% transformations can *strongly* upset the typesetting. Typically, the
% contents of this environment should have size/height/depth 0pt in
% the end.
% WARNING: This environment should only be used inside typesetting a
% box and this box must in turn be inserted using \pgfqbox.
% Example: Draw two parallel lines
% \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}}
% \setbox\mybox=\hbox{
%    \begin{pgfinterruptpicture}
%      This is normal text.
%      \begin{pgfpicture} % a subpicture
%        \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{0cm}}
%        \pgfmoveto{\pgfpoint{1cm}{1cm}}
%        \pgfusepath{stroke}
%      \end{pgfpicture}
%      More text.
%    \end{pgfinterruptpicture}
%  }
% \ht\mybox=0pt
% \wd\mybox=0pt
% \dp\mybox=0pt
% \pgfqbox{\mybox}%
% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0cm}{1cm}}
% \pgfusepath{stroke}

    \csname tikz@inside@picturefalse\endcsname%

