% Copyright 2019 by Mark Wibrow
% This file may be distributed and/or modified
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.


% These decorations "morph" paths. That means that the
% original characteristic of the path is kept and the number of
% subpaths remains the same -- only, the lines are slightly offset or
% changed by the decoration. For instance a line might be turned into
% a squiggly line or a snaking line or a bumping line.

% Kind 1: Path morphing straight line decorations

% zigzag decoration.
\pgfdeclaredecoration{zigzag}{up from center}{%
  \state{up from center}[width=+.5\pgfdecorationsegmentlength, next state=big down]
  \state{big down}[switch if less than=+.5\pgfdecorationsegmentlength to center finish,
                   next state=big up]
  \state{big up}[switch if less than=+.5\pgfdecorationsegmentlength to center finish,
                 next state=big down]
  \state{center finish}[width=0pt, next state=final]{

% saw decoration
% Parameters: \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude, \pgfdecorationsegmentlength

  \state{initial}[auto end on length=+\pgfdecorationsegmentlength,
                  auto corner on length=+\pgfdecorationsegmentlength,

% random steps decoration
% A decoration that consists of random steps heading towards the target
% Parameters: \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude, \pgfdecorationsegmentlength

\pgfdeclaredecoration{random steps}{start}
  \state{start}[width=+0pt,next state=step,persistent precomputation=\pgfdecoratepathhascornerstrue]{}%
  \state{step}[auto end on length=1.5\pgfdecorationsegmentlength,
               auto corner on length=1.5\pgfdecorationsegmentlength,

% Meta-decoration line zigzag

\pgfdeclaremetadecoration{straight zigzag}{line to}{%
  \state{line to}[width=\pgfmetadecorationsegmentlength, next state=zigzag]
  \state{zigzag}[width=\pgfmetadecorationsegmentlength, next state=line to]

% Kind 2: Path morphing curved decorations

% bent decoration
% A decoration that looks like someone bent the line a bit.
% Parameters: \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude, \pgfdecorationsegmentaspect


% decoration snake
% This decoration produces a hopefully optically pleasing squiggly snake.
% Parameters: \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude, \pgfdecorationsegmentlength

  \state{initial}[switch if less than=+.625\pgfdecorationsegmentlength to final,
                  next state=down]
  \state{down}[switch if less than=+.8125\pgfdecorationsegmentlength to end down,
               next state=up]
  \state{up}[switch if less than=+.8125\pgfdecorationsegmentlength to end up,
             next state=down]
  \state{end down}[width=+.3125\pgfdecorationsegmentlength,
                   next state=final]
  \state{end up}[width=+.3125\pgfdecorationsegmentlength,
                 next state=final]

% coil decoration
% Parameters: \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude, \pgfdecorationsegmentlength,

  \state{coil}[switch if less than=%
    \pgfdecorationsegmentaspect\pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude to last,
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0    }{ 0.555}{1}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0.445}{ 1    }{2}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{ 1    }{3}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1.555}{ 1    }{4}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{ 0.555}{5}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{ 0    }{6}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{-0.555}{7}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1.555}{-1    }{8}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{-1    }{9}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0.445}{-1    }{10}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0    }{-0.555}{11}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0    }{ 0    }{12}}
    \pgfdecorationsegmentaspect\pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude,next state=final]
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0    }{ 0.555}{1}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{0.445}{ 1    }{2}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1    }{ 1    }{3}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{1.555}{ 1    }{4}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{ 0.555}{5}}
    {\pgfpoint@oncoil{2    }{ 0    }{6}}

  \advance\pgf@x by#3\pgf@xa%

% bumps decoration
% Parameters: \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude, \pgfdecorationsegmentlength

  \state{initial}[auto end on length=+.51\pgfdecorationsegmentlength,
                  auto corner on length=+.51\pgfdecorationsegmentlength,
