\def\nomcopte#1{\hbox to12em{\hfil{\copte #1}\hfil}}

\hbox to\hsize{\hfil \copte Kemit\hfil}
\hbox to\hsize{\hfil (c) S. Rosmorduc 1995\hfil}
\hbox to\hsize{\hfil \it This Package comes under the GNU Licence\hfil}

This is a short \TeX introduction to the Coptic fonts.
These where made with the Gnu FontUtils from the fonts in Budge's dictionnary,
and touched with Sbzr, the package I've written to redraw bzr fonts.
The fonts can be used in any \TeX environment, and I provide a file for the 
NFFS2, usable with latex2e.
To build the font, use commands like: \par
\indent\indent{\tt mf '\backs mode:=localfont;\backs input copte.mf'}

The encoding is the following:

\setbox0=\vbox{\halign{ # \quad& {\copte #} \quad& \nomcopte{#} \quad&{\copte #} \quad& # \cr
a &a &     Alpha &         A&         A \cr
b &b &     Bida &          B&          B\cr
g &g &     Gamma &         G&         G\cr
d &d &     Dalda &         D&         D\cr
e &e &     Ei &            E&            E\cr
z &z &     Zita &          Z&          Z\cr
h &h &     Hta &          H&          H\cr
8 &8 &     88ita &         88&         88\cr
i &i &     Iauta &         I&         I\cr
k &k &     Kappa &         K&         K\cr
l &l &     Laula &         L&         L\cr
m &m &     Mi &            M&            M\cr
n &n &     Ni &            N&            N\cr
ks &ks &   ksi &           KS&           KS\cr
o &o &     o &       O&       O\cr
p &p &     Pi &            P&            P\cr
r &r &     Ro &            R&            R\cr
c &c &     Cima &          C&          C\cr
t &t &     Tau &           T&           T\cr
u &u &     Ue &            U&            U\cr
ph &ph &    PHi &           PH&           PH\cr
x &x &     Xi &           X&           X\cr
ps &ps &    PSi &          PS&          PS\cr
w &w &     Au &         W&         W\cr
sh &sh &     SHei &         SH&         SH\cr
f &f &     Fei &           F&           F\cr
j &j &     Jei &          j&          j\cr
\backs h & \h &    \H ori &          \H &          \backs H\cr
sj &sj &    SJansjia &      sj&      sj\cr
q &q &     Qima &         Q&         Q\cr
tj &tj &    Ti &            TJ&            TJ\cr


\noindent To use the fonts  on their own,
you define the macros \backs h and \backs H like this:

\indent {\tt \backs def\backs h$\{$\backs char208$\}$}\hfil\break
\indent {\tt \backs def\backs H$\{$\backs char207$\}$}\hfil\break

\noindent You load the font like this:
\indent {\tt\backs font\backs copte=copte }

\noindent The \TeX macro accent $\backs =$ can be used like this :
\indent {\tt $\{$\backs copte\backs=m ta pne$\}$} {\copte \=m ta pne}

{\noindent\it As a side note, the multi-letter sequences are implemented using ligatures. If 
you want to write something like {\copte t{}j}, to avoid writing {\copte tj}, use accolades 
({\tt t$\{\}$j}).

\noindent PPS. I know essentially nothing of coptic. So I'm eager to
get a few examples, and a few comments.
} \bye