%latex2e declaration

% Options parsing

% The options for calling the class seminar (with LoadClass)
% A This macro is used just before every slide
\newcommand{\handouts@pagebreak}{\pagebreak}% For the option 'handouts'
% The following condition will be true only on a slides-only printout
\newif\ifiitsmnrslidesonly \iitsmnrslidesonlyfalse
% The following condition will be true only on a notes-only printout (not used
% currently)
\newif\ifiitsmnrnotesonly  \iitsmnrnotesonlyfalse
% The different options (and their effects):
% encoding-related options:

\ProvidesClass{iitsmnr}[2001/09/01 homework class]
  a4,                      % note that we force an a4 paper

% I add this for hyperlinks in the DVI file. Nothing important.
% It may cause problems with hebrew
\HeblatexRedefineL % hyperref has its own definition for \L

% bug-fixes for the seminar class

% The following code should eventually be added to rlbabel:
% TODO: this code is problematic. Get the slightly better code from my thesis
% seminar

  \def\slidelabel{\bf \if@rl\R{\hebshin\hebqof\hebfinalpe{} \theslide}%
                      \else\L{Slide \theslide}%

% The following define:
%   \printtime{counter}: counter is number in seconds. 
%                        Prints it as minutes:seconds
% calc operations can be used with '\setcounter', but not with '\arabic'
% The progress timer
% \timerReset
% \timerSet{time-in-seconds}
% \timerAdvance{time-in-seconds}
\newcommand{\timerCurrenttimename}{זמן נוכחי}
\newcommand{\timerThisslidename}{השקף הזה}
        \timerCurrenttimename: \L{\timerPrint}\hfill%
        \timerThisslidename: \L{\printtime{#1}}%
    %    \addtocounter{@progresstime}{\value{#1}}%


% Slide:
% The slide environment has two mandatory arguments
%  #1: the slide title
%  #2: the slide time (in seconds)


% Declare that the 'Slide' environment is also to be considered as "not slide"

% This prints a double arrow in the current direction:
% [if A is a result of B]:
% A \hence B works both in LTR and in RTL


% The \maketitleslide macro: The contents of a title slide.
% TODO: this needs improvememtns

% Some extra text in the title slide:


% The macro itself:
% \@author is defined in the command \author. \@title is defined in \title

      {\huge\sc \@title}


      {\Large \@author}