\def\crfnmShortDesc{Smart typesetting of enumerated cross-references for various TeX formats}
\def\crfnmAuthor{Bastien Dumont}
% Copyright 2022-2024 by Bastien Dumont (bastien.dumont@posteo.net)
% crossrefenum.tex is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% crossrefenum.tex is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with crossrefenum.tex.  If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

% Terminology:
%   – A simple reference is a reference by only one criterion (e.g. “page” or “note”).
%      A double reference is a reference by two criteria (e.g. “page and note”),
%      so has two subtypes: the primary and the secondary subtypes.
%      Their labelling as primary and secondary is independant from their printed order :
%      the primary subtype corresponds to the wider typographical unit,
%      in which the secondary subtype is contained (so for “page and note”,
%      the primary subtype is “page” and the secondary is “note”).
%   – A single reference is a reference to one location (e.g. “p. 1”)
%      A range is a reference to a span of text delimited by two single references (e.g. “pp. 1–5”).
%   – An enumeration is a group containing a sequence of one or more references enclosed in groups.

% Format-specific implementation notes:
%   – In ConTeXt, the argument of \expanded cannot contain parameters:
%      hence the ugly bridges of \expandafter that unfortunately cannot be
%      replaced with a combination of \expanded and \noexpand.

% How to add support for a new format:
%  – Add a macro expanding to the name of the format at the beginning
%     of the section “Initialization: Format-specific”;
%  – Add a case in all blocks beginning with \crfnm@case[\fmtname]
%     to setup the macros defined there with the required format-specific code.

% Initialization
%   Catcodes
%   Programming macros
%   Format-specific
%   Auxiliary file
%   Constants
%   Conditionals
%   Auxiliary macros related to the data structure of \crossrefenum
%   Default configuration
% \crossrefenum
%   Public macro with optional arguments
%   Main private macro
%   Processing the individual references in the enumeration

%%% Initialization: Catcodes %%%

% We can't write "crfnm@" here since the catcode
% of @ has not been redefined yet.

%%% Initialization: Programming macros %%%

% \crfnm@case is a standard case statement.
% #1 is the string or the purely expandable macro to be tested.
% #2 is a sequence of tests of the form:
%   value: token or group used if #1 is equal to value
% The sequence ends with \crfnm@endCases.
% In the groups to be executed, arguments in a macro definition
% have to be doubled.
% If all tests fails, does nothing and prints a warning on the terminal.

\def\crfnm@case[#1] #2\crfnm@endCases{%
  \crfnm@@case #2%
    \crfnm@comparandum: {%
          All tests failed in \unexpanded{\crfnm@case[#1]
          #2 \crfnm@endCases}, doing nothing%

\def\crfnm@@case #1: #2{%
    \def\crfnm@todo{\endgroup #2\crfnm@gobbleNextCases}%


\def\crfnm@gobbleNextCases #1\crfnm@endCases{}

  % #1 is a control sequence (e.g. \mymacro).
  % #2 is a cs name corresponding to an already defined
  % control sequence (e.g. mappedto\tobereplaced).
  \expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname #2\endcsname

  \expandafter\crfnm@uppercaseFirstLetter #1%

  % \uppercase, \lowercase and \crfnm@case
  % are not purely expandable
  % In forks, the first argument of \crossrefenum is \crfnm@secondarySubtype,
  % so it is already capitalized.
  \else #1%

  \ifx\crfnm@comparans\crfnm@comparandum #3\else #4\fi

\def\crfnm@loopOverArgs #1with #2{%

  % #1 is the macro with one argument
  % to be called with #2

  % #1 expands to a string, #2 expands to a list
  \def\crfnm@setIfFound ##1{%
  \expandafter\crfnm@loopOverArgs #2with \crfnm@setIfFound

%%% Initialization: Format-specific %%%

% \fmtname changes between MKIV and LMTX in ConTeXt,
% so we use the value of \contextformat (to which \fmtname
% is made let-equal in ConTeXt).
% See https://source.contextgarden.net/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv?search=%5Cfmtname#l49
\edef\crfnm@context{\csname contextformat\endcsname}

% Supported types
  \crfnm@context: {
  \crfnm@latex: {

% The following format-specific instructions are necessary to get
% the raw page number, which is used in comparisons.
% The raw page number must be unique (e.g. absolute page number).
% It must be possible to get it via a purely expandable macro.
  \crfnm@context: {
    % Since I have not found any ConTeXt macro to get the raw values,
    % we look directly in the auxiliary file from the second pass on.
      ordered_ref_data = structures.lists.collected
      arbitrary_ref_data = structures.references.collected
      function get_raw_ref_number(label, type)
        found = false
        if arbitrary_ref_data then
          for _, ref_data in pairs(arbitrary_ref_data) do
            if ref_data[label] then
              label_data = ref_data[label]
              for _, data_part in pairs(label_data) do
                if data_part[type] then
                  found = true
        if not(found) and ordered_ref_data then
          for i = 1, \luaescapestring{\utfchar{0x0023}ordered_ref_data} do
            if ordered_ref_data[i].references.reference == label then
              found = true
        if not(found) then tex.print(0) end
  \crfnm@latex: {
    % If you use nameref (e.g. through hyperref),
    % please make sure to load it before this code
    %  so that it does not erase our redefinition of \label.
    % More details here:
    % https://comp.text.tex.narkive.com/PI1P2Nlt/hyperref-and-redefining-label-ref-and-pageref-again
      \zref@labelbyprops{##1}{abspage, default}%

% Macros for getting raw reference numbers.
% They must be purely expandable.
  \crfnm@context: {
    \def\crfnm@getPageNumber##1{\directlua{get_raw_ref_number('##1', 'realpage')}}
    \def\crfnm@getNoteNumber##1{\directlua{get_raw_ref_number('##1', 'order')}}
    \def\crfnm@getLineNumber##1{\directlua{get_raw_ref_number('lr:b:##1', 'linenumber')}}
  \crfnm@latex: {

% Macros for typesetting the references.
  \crfnm@context: {
  \crfnm@latex: {

% Formatting macros
  \crfnm@context: {
  \crfnm@latex: {

% Issue warnings
% \crfnm@warn@newPassNeeded is needed only for those format
% that may not reprocess the TeX file automatically
% when the auxiliary file changed.
  \crfnm@latex: {
  \fmtname: {\let\crfnm@warn@newPassNeeded\relax}

%%% Initialization: Auxiliary file %%%

% Configure the auxiliary file.
  \crfnm@context: {
  \crfnm@latex: {

% Initialize the counter used in the auxiliary file
% to identify the informations associated with each
% call to \crossrefenum
% In double references, we need to count separately
% the number of typeset references (after collapsing)
% for each part. To do this, we divide by 2 the maximum value
% that a counter can have and we use the result
% as the start of the index for \crfnm@ienum when used
% on the secondary subtype of a double reference.
% As a consequence, it is not possible to use \crossrefenum
% more than 2^30/2 times in the same document.
\def\crfnm@secondaryOfDouble@istart{536870912} % = 2^30/2
% This counter is used to register the total number
% of typeset references for every invocation of \crossrefenum
% (for a simple reference) or for each part of a double reference.

%%% Initialization: Constants %%%

% Keywords and parameter values
\def\crfnm@labelRangeSep{ to }

% Reference types
% Reledmac \pstartref is not supported, since users know if two consecutive references
% are in the same paragraph or not. They can alternate between direct use of \pstartref
% and \crossrefenum for lines and/or pages.
% \annotationref is not supported because I don't have any experience of it.

%%% Initialization: Conditionals %%%


%%% Initialization: Auxiliary macros related to the data structure of \crossrefenum %%%


\def\crfnm@ifIsDoubleRef#1#2{\ifcrfnm@isDoubleRef #1\else #2\fi}

  \expandafter\crfnm@ifIs\crfnm@labelRangeSep @in {#1} {#2} {#3}%

\def\crfnm@ifIs#1@in #2#3#4{%
    \ifx\crfnm@afterSubstring\crfnm@empty #4\else #3\fi

  \crfnm@ifIsSecondaryOfDouble[ienum: #1]{%
    \romannumeral\numexpr #1-\crfnm@secondaryOfDouble@istart\relax
    \romannumeral #1%


\def\crfnm@ifIsSecondaryOfDouble[ienum: #1]#2#3{%
  \ifnum #1 > \crfnm@secondaryOfDouble@istart


  \expandafter\crfnm@ifIsBgroup #1\endofcheck{#2}{#3}%

  % \crfnm@nextToken is the first token in the #1 of \crfnm@ifIsList.
  % All the #1 of \crfnm@ifIsList is stored here in #1 and discarded.
  \ifx\crfnm@nextToken\bgroup #2\else #3\fi

\def\crfnm@newListFrom[#1][#2] -> #3{%
  % #1 is either a list or a reference.
  % #2 is the reference appended to #1.
  % #3 is the control sequence which the resulting list will be bound to.
\def\crfnm@addToList[#1][#2]{\crfnm@newListFrom[#1][#2] -> #1}
  % #1 is "simple" or "double", #2 is the type
  \expandafter\crfnm@addToList\expandafter[\csname crfnm@#1RefTypes\endcsname][#2]%

  % #1 is a token, #2 is a list of tokens
  {#1}\crfnm@gobbleFirst #2%


%%% Initialization: Default configuration %%%

% Prefixes
\def\crfnmLine{l. }

% Macros with typed and default variants
\def\crfnmDefaultEnumDelim{, }
\def\crfnmDefaultBeforeLastInEnum{ and }
\def\crfnmDefaultSubtypesSep{, }

%%% \crossrefenum %%%

%%% \crossrefenum: Public macro with optional arguments %%%

  \crfnm@context: {
  \crfnm@latex: {

% \crossrefenum has two optional arguments.
% See the definition of \crfnm@enum below for the recognized values.



  \ifx\crfnm@nextToken [%
      % The following line break must be commented out.

  % #1 is "first" or "second"
  % #2 is one of the optional arguments
  % passed to the main macro

    \ifx\crfnm@nextToken [%

%%% \crossrefenum: Main private macro %%%

  % #1 = reference type
  % #2 = withprefix / noprefix or yes / no
  % #3 = the enumeration
    % Initializes the environment for this invocation,
    % then passes the enumeration to the parsing
    % and formatting macro \crfnm@formatEnum.
    \global\advance\crfnm@ienum by 1
    % The reference type is capitalized so that it can be used
    % to refer to macro names typed in camelCase
    % (e.g. in \crfnm@initializeCsnames).
      \errmessage{crossrefenum: Unsupported type
      #1 for format \fmtname{}.}
    \crfnm@ifIsSecondaryOfDouble[ienum: \the\crfnm@ienum]{%
      \global\advance\crfnm@ienum@secondaryOfDouble by 1
    % We get the number of references typeset for the current
    % invocation of \crossrefenum in the last compilation to know
    % whether to use the singular or plural form of the prefix.
    % The following macro will process sequentially
    % all references in the enumeration.

    \expandafter\crfnm@loopOverArgs \crfnm@customizableDefaultDoubleConfig with \crfnm@applyToThisType
    \def\crfnm@applyToPrimarySubtype{\crfnm@applyDefaultMacroToType[\csname crfnm@\crfnm@refType Primary\endcsname]}%
    \expandafter\crfnm@loopOverArgs \crfnm@customizableDefaultConfig with \crfnm@applyToPrimarySubtype
    \def\crfnm@applyToSecondarySubtype{\crfnm@applyDefaultMacroToType[\csname crfnm@\crfnm@refType Secondary\endcsname]}%
    \expandafter\crfnm@loopOverArgs \crfnm@customizableDefaultSecondaryOfDoubleConfig with \crfnm@applyToSecondarySubtype
    \expandafter\crfnm@loopOverArgs \crfnm@customizableDefaultConfig with \crfnm@applyToThisType

  % #1 = type, #2 = csname without "crfnmDefault"
  % \csname crfnm#1#2\endcsname is the csname for this type
  \expandafter\ifx\csname crfnm#1#2\endcsname\relax
    % The csname must be generated before it is passed
    % to \let in \crfnm@newCsnameAlias
    \expandafter\crfnm@newCsnameAlias\expandafter[\csname crfnm#1#2\endcsname]

  \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@rangeSep]{crfnm\crfnm@refType RangeSep}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@doubleRefOrder]{crfnm\crfnm@refType Order}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@firstSubtype]{crfnm@\crfnm@refType First}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@secondSubtype]{crfnm@\crfnm@refType Second}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@primarySubtype]{crfnm@\crfnm@refType Primary}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@secondarySubtype]{crfnm@\crfnm@refType Secondary}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@getRawValuePrimary]{crfnm@get\crfnm@primarySubtype Number}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@getRawValueSecondary]{crfnm@get\crfnm@secondarySubtype Number}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@primaryCollapsable]{crfnm\crfnm@primarySubtype Collapsable}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@secondaryCollapsable]{crfnm\crfnm@secondarySubtype Collapsable}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@secondaryNumberingContinuous]{crfnm\crfnm@secondarySubtype NumberingContinuousAcrossDocument}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@enumDelim]{crfnm\crfnm@refType EnumDelim}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@beforeLastInEnum]{crfnm\crfnm@refType BeforeLastInEnum}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@separatorBetweenSubtypes]{crfnm\crfnm@refType SubtypesSep}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@formatSecondary]{crfnm\crfnm@secondarySubtype FormatInSecond}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@printFirstPrefix]{crfnm\crfnm@refType PrintFirstPrefix}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@isSecondaryPrefixPrinted]{crfnm\crfnm@secondarySubtype PrintPrefixInSecond}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@groupSubtypes]{crfnm\crfnm@refType GroupSubtypes}%
    \crfnm@ifIsSecondaryOfDouble[ienum: \the\crfnm@ienum]{%
      \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@enumDelim]{crfnm\crfnm@refType EnumDelimInSecond}%
      \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@beforeLastInEnum]{crfnm\crfnm@refType BeforeLastInSecond}%
      \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@enumDelim]{crfnm\crfnm@refType EnumDelim}%
      \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@beforeLastInEnum]{crfnm\crfnm@refType BeforeLastInEnum}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@collapsable]{crfnm\crfnm@refType Collapsable}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@getRawValue]{crfnm@get\crfnm@refType Number}%
    \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@typesetSingleRef]{crfnm@\crfnm@refType Ref}%

  \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@thisTypePrimary]{crfnm@\crfnm@refType Primary}%
  \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@thisTypePrimary]{crfnm@\crfnm@refType Primary}%
  \expandafter\ifx\csname crfnm\crfnm@refType Order\endcsname\crfnm@normal
    \expandafter\let\csname crfnm@\crfnm@refType First\endcsname%
    \expandafter\let\csname crfnm@\crfnm@refType Second\endcsname%
    \expandafter\let\csname crfnm@\crfnm@refType First\endcsname%
    \expandafter\let\csname crfnm@\crfnm@refType Second\endcsname%

  \ifx\crfnm@doubleRefOrder\crfnm@normal #2\else #1\fi

% Get the number of the parts of the current enumeration
% in the preceding pass from the auxiliary file.
% The macro must be purely expandable and return a number.
  \crfnm@context: {
        registeredValue = '\datasetvariable{printedRefsNb}{\crfnm@currEnumId}{value}'
        if registeredValue == '' then tex.print(0) else tex.print(registeredValue) end
  \fmtname: {
      \ifx\csname crfnm@printedrefsnb@\crfnm@currEnumId\endcsname\relax
        \csname crfnm@printedrefsnb@\crfnm@currEnumId\endcsname

%%% \crossrefenum: Processing the individual references in the enumeration %%%

  % #1 is a string consisting of either:
  %  * <label>
  %  * <label1> to <label2>
  %  * crfnm@enumend
    % We typeset the prefix at the beginning of the enumeration
    % for simple references for it appears once at the beginning of the enumeration.
    % For double references, it is typeset at the beginning
    % of every part of the enumeration.
    % The following macro compares the current reference
    % with the preceding one and either merges them
    % or typesets the preceding reference.
        crossrefenum changed some enumerations.
        Rerun to get all prefixes right.%


    crfnm@current\ifcrfnm@isDoubleRef Primary\fi%



  \csname crfnm%
    \ifx\crfnm@prefixform\crfnm@plural s\fi

  % Raises the “undefined label” or “references have changed” warnings
  % even if the label doesn't get used in this pass, thus causing a new
  % pass to be performed.
  % Works in LaTeX because warnings are sent via \immediate\write.
  % It should also work in ConTeXt because it writes the logs through
  % a Lua call, not \write.

    % We can't use \crfnm@typesetdouble here, for it would result
    % in nested calls to \setbox0.
    % Nevertheless we have to test for both subtypes,
    % since the value of each of them may change
    % while that of the other remains the same.


      \edef\crfnm@maybeRange{\csname crfnm@current\crfnm@ifIsDoubleRef{Primary}{}\endcsname}%


% Write the number of the parts of the current enumeration
% to the auxiliary file.
    \crfnm@context: {%
    \fmtname: {%
        \gdef\expandafter\noexpand\csname crfnm@printedrefsnb@\crfnm@currEnumId\endcsname



  % We use the secondary subtype, since it can become a range
  % as an effect of \crfnm@combineSingles while the primary subtype
  % keeps being a single; the reverse can't be true.
  \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@possibleRange@preceding]{crfnm@preceding\ifcrfnm@isDoubleRef Secondary\fi}%
  \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@possibleRange@current]{crfnm@current\ifcrfnm@isDoubleRef Secondary\fi}%


    \crfnm@newListFrom[\crfnm@precedingSecondary][\crfnm@currentSecondary] -> \crfnm@currentSecondary

    %Do nothing, so discard \crfnm@preceding.




  % \crfnm@<pre/cur>Secondary are identical with \crfnm@<pre/cur>Primary
  % at the beginning and at the end of this macro
  % because the secondary value may not be an enumeration
  % at either ends of a range.
  % That is why we don't use them in our comparisons here.
  % Note: when the lineation is not continuous, we cannot handle
  % properly the case where the end of the first range is on the last
  % line of a page and the beginning of the second range is on the
  % first line of the following page. This is because we cannot know
  % if a given line is the last on the page.
          % Two discountinuous ranges of the secondary subtype on the same page.
          \crfnm@newListFrom[\crfnm@precedingSecondary][\crfnm@currentSecondary] -> \crfnm@currentSecondary
      % It would make no sense to test for identical line numbers here.





  \def\crfnm@singlePos{#1}% expected: singlefirst or reversed

        \crfnm@newRangeWithReplacement[change: \crfnm@current, with: \crfnm@preceding, at: beg]%
          \crfnm@newRangeWithReplacement[change: \crfnm@preceding, with: \crfnm@current, at: end]%


  \edef\crfnm@changedBoundary{\ifcrfnm@singleFirst beg\else end\fi}%
    [changeRoot: \crfnm@rangeRoot, withRoot: \crfnm@singleRoot, at: \crfnm@changedBoundary][Primary]%
    [changeRoot: \crfnm@rangeRoot, withRoot: \crfnm@singleRoot, at: \crfnm@changedBoundary][Secondary]%

\def\crfnm@mergeSingleAndRangeDouble@subtype[changeRoot: #1, withRoot: #2, at: #3][#4]{%
  \edef\crfnm@rangeToBeChanged{\csname #1#4\endcsname}%
  \edef\crfnm@singleForChange{\csname #2#4\endcsname}%
  \expandafter\edef\csname crfnm@current#4\endcsname{%
      [change: \crfnm@rangeToBeChanged, with: \crfnm@singleForChange, at: #3]%

  % #1 is “primary”, “secondary” or empty (for simple types).

  % If the current reference has a double type, this macro must carry a first argument
  % indicating if the current subtype is “primary”, “secondary”.
  % With a simple type, it may be missing or empty.
  % The other two arguments are the raw reference values to be compared.
  % The comparison itself is performed by \crfnm@if@consecutiveCollapsable,
  % which takes the type indication as a mandatory argument.
  % The following code here simply sets the type if it is not provided by the user.

  % #1 is “primary”, “secondary” or empty (for simple types).
  % #2 and #3 are the raw numbers for the first and the second references.
    \crfnm@ifSimpleOrPrimaryType{% Uses \crfnm@testedType
      \else #5\fi
  \else #5\fi

    \ifx\crfnm@testedType\crfnm@primarySubtype #1\else #2\fi

  \ifnum\numexpr#1+1\relax=#2 #3\else #4\fi

\def\crfnm@newRangeWithReplacement[change: #1, with: #2, at: #3#4]{%
  % #3#4 is “beg” or “end” (we test only the first letter).
  % This macro must be purely expandable.
  \ifx #3b%
    #2 to \crfnm@getLabelInRange@end[#1]%
    \crfnm@getLabelInRange@begin[#1] to #2%



   % Since the incrementation is local,
   % \crfnm@printedRefsNb will be automatically reset to 0
   % at the end of the current invocation of \crossrefenum.
    \advance\crfnm@printedRefsNb by 1

      % We are in the primary part of a double type,
      % since the secondary one is handled by \crfnm@fork
      % like a simple type.
      \crfnm@newCsnameAlias[\crfnm@typesetSingleRef]{crfnm@\crfnm@primarySubtype Ref}%



    cs to get the raw reference number: crfnm@get\crfnm@refTypeForRange Number,
    cs to print the reference: crfnm@\crfnm@refTypeForRange Ref%

  cs to get the raw reference number: #3,
  cs to print the reference: #4%
  % #1 and #2 are the labels
  \def\crfnm@typeset{\expandafter\csname #4\endcsname}%

  % #1 is a label
  % #2 is a list of labels to be passed to \crossrefenum







  \global\advance\crfnm@ienum by \crfnm@secondaryOfDouble@istart
  \global\advance\crfnm@ienum by -1


