% author: Jean-François Burnol
% License: LPPL 1.3c (author-maintained)
% Usage: \input polexpr.sty   (Plain or other macro formats)
%    or  \usepackage{polexpr} (LaTeX macro format)
% Release 0.8.7a (2022/05/19) of polexpr.sty. This file inputs
%   polexprcore.tex
%   polexprexpr.tex
%   polexprsturm.tex
  \catcode13=5    % ^^M
  \endlinechar=13 %
  \catcode123=1   % {
  \catcode125=2   % }
  \catcode64=11   % @
  \catcode35=6    % #
  \catcode44=12   % ,
  \catcode45=12   % -
  \catcode46=12   % .
  \catcode58=12   % :
  \def\z {\endgroup}%
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\x\csname ver@polexpr.sty\endcsname
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\w\csname ver@xintexpr.sty\endcsname
    \ifx\csname PackageInfo\endcsname\relax
      \def\y#1#2{\immediate\write-1{Package #1 Info: #2.}}%
  % I don't think engine exists providing \expanded but not \numexpr
  \ifx\csname expanded\endcsname\relax
     \y{polexpr}{\expanded not available, aborting input}%
    \ifx\x\relax   % plain-TeX, first loading of polexpr.sty
      \ifx\w\relax % but xintexpr.sty not yet loaded.
                    {\z\input xintexpr.sty\relax}%
      \def\empty {}%
      \ifx\x\empty % LaTeX, first loading,
      % variable is initialized, but \ProvidesPackage not yet seen
          \ifx\w\relax % xintexpr.sty not yet loaded.
        \aftergroup\endinput % polexpr already loaded.
\XINTsetupcatcodes% (does \endlinechar13 in particular)
  [2022/05/19 v0.8.7a Polynomial expressions with rational coefficients (JFB)]%
 \def\x#1/#2/#3 #4\xint:{#1#2#3}%
 \ifnum\expandafter\x\expanded{\csname ver@xintexpr.sty\endcsname}\xint:
       <20210527 % xint 1.4h
 \errmessage{Package polexpr error: xintexpr too old, aborting input}%
    \xint_firstofone{\ifx} \@let@token\def\next{\POL@@again\POL@@ifstar}\else
\xint_firstofone{\def\POL@@again#1} {\futurelet\@let@token#1}%
    \xint_firstofone{\ifx} \@let@token\def\next{\POL@@again\POL@@ifopt}\else
    \ifx[\@let@token\def\next{\expandafter\endgroup\@tempa}\else %]
% \polexprsetup added at 0.7
\catcode`! 3 %
\def\polexprsetup#1{\POL@setup_parsekeys #1,=!,\xint_bye}%
\def\POL@setup_parsekeys #1=#2#3,{%
    \csname POL@setup_setkey_\xint_zapspaces #1 \xint_gobble_i\endcsname
    {\PackageWarning{polexpr}{The \detokenize{#1} key is unknown! ignoring}}%
\def\POL@setup_setkey_norr     #1#2{\edef\POL@norr}%
\def\POL@setup_setkey_sqfnorr  #1#2{\edef\POL@sqfnorr}%
\polexprsetup{norr=_norr, sqfnorr=_sqf_norr}%
\catcode`! 11 % special catcode for ! as used in xintexpr.sty
%% Main data format for non-expandable manipulations
%% The main exchange structure is:
%%     N.\empty{coeff0}{coeff1}....{coeffN}
%% It is stored in macros \POLuserpol@<name of polynomial>
%% The \empty is basically there to avoid brace-stripping
%% in some grabbing contexts (maybe I should revisit this)
%% The zero polynomial is stored as -1.\empty{0/1[0]}
%% Degree zero polynomials are 0.\empty{numeric value}
%% Depending on input path the numeric values coeff0, coeff1, ...., coeffN
%% may have been or not already converted into A/B[n] format.
%% As a rule, computations are not followed with reducing the fractions
%% to smallest terms; the innocent may be unaware that computing
%% with fractions quickly give gigantic numbers. There is \PolReduceCoeffs
%% to do that.
%% This base structure is maintained at 0.8 for legacy reasons but perhaps I
%% need to revisit this. A characteristic of the package so far is that it
%% thus stores and manipulate polynomials basically as the complete sequence
%% of coefficients, (using the xintfrac "zero" for missing coefficients) which
%% means that it will handle poorly polynomials of high degrees such as X^500.
%% Test if zero
\def\POL@ifZero@aux #1#2;{\if-#1\expandafter\xint_firstoftwo
%% Split into degree and coefficients
% The \expandafter chain removes the \empty token
%% Define from values stored in a "macros-array"
\def\POL@resultfromarray #1{%
      \xintiloop [1+1]%
      \expandafter\POL@braceit\csname POL@array#1\xintiloopindex\endcsname
\def\POL@braceit#1{{#1}}% needed as \xintiloopindex can not "see" through braces
%% Conversion between legacy data storage and the one used for the
%% the novel polexpr 0.8 notion of \xintexpr polynomial variables
%% The 0.8 expandable implementation of core algebra is also manipulating
%% the complete list of coefficients. The internal data structure is
%% (this is the numeric leaf in xintexpr ople terminology) currently:
%%     PN.{coeff0}{coeff1}....{coeffN}
%% where the P letter identifies the polynomial type.
%% Here the degree N is *always* at least 1: if some evaluation ends
%% up in a constant polynomial it will always be output as a genuine
%% scalar numeric variable, as a rule in in A/B[n] format
%% This is not definitive and I need to think about it more (in particular
%% in the distant perspective of supporting multi-variable polynomials).
%% However modifying this will be costly labor at this stage.
\input polexprcore.tex\relax % load expandable algebra
\def\POL@vartolegacy #1% \romannumeral\POL@vartolegacy ... \xint:
    \if 0#1\xint_dothis\POL@vartolegacy@zero\fi
    \if P#1\xint_dothis\POL@vartolegacy@pol\fi
    \xint_orthat\POL@vartolegacy@scalar #1%
\def\POL@vartolegacy@zero     #1\xint:{\xint_c_ -1.\empty{0/1[0]}}%
\def\POL@vartolegacy@scalar   #1\xint:{\xint_c_  0.\empty{#1}}%
\def\POL@vartolegacy@pol  P#1.#2\xint:{\xint_c_ #1.\empty#2}%
                 \POL@legacytovar\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname}%
\def\POL@legacytovar #1.% \romannumeral\POL@legacytovar N.\empty{c0}...
    \ifnum #1<\xint_c_i\xint_dothis\POL@legacytovar@scalar\fi
    \xint_orthat\POL@legacytovar@pol #1.%
\def\POL@legacytovar@scalar #1.\empty#2{\xint_c_ #2}%
\def\POL@legacytovar@pol    #1.\empty{\xint_c_ P#1.}%
%% Extend \xintexpr (\xintdefvar, \xintdeffunc) to recognize the new
%% polynomial type
%% **** It does NOT apply to \xintfloatexpr context
\input polexprexpr.tex\relax
%% \poldef
%% Ever since 1.0, catcode sanitisation was minimal and only handled
%% the semicolon.  At last 0.8.7 uses \xintexprSafeCatcodes to enhance
%% compatibility with hostile contexts such as babel+french.  This
%% adds overhead but at least is coherent with \xintdefvar/\xintdeffunc
\def\POL@oPolDef[#1]#2#3{\POL@defpol #2(#1):={#3};}%
\def\POL@defpol #1(#2)#3=#4;{%
   \edef\POL@polname{\xint_zapspaces #1 \xint_gobble_i}%
   %% we define a **variable** not a **function**
   %% ever since polexpr initial version, a function was defined and
   %% the associated macros was then deconstructed in further analysis
   %% via non-expandable approach. At 0.8 the polynomial algebra has
   %% been implemented expandably allowing direct plug-in into \xintexpr
   \xintdefvar_a __pol = subs(#4,#2=qraw({{P1.{0/1[0]}{1/1[0]}}}));%
        \romannumeral0\csname XINT_expr_varvalue___pol\endcsname}%
   \XINT_global\expandafter\def\csname POLuserpol@\POL@polname\expandafter\endcsname
   % 0.7.5 had some complicated special handling of constant
   % polynomials, but these are complications of the past
   % First a variable usable in \poldef but not in \xintexpr for arithmetic
   % only for special dedicated functions such as coeff(), deg() 
   % (when they will be implemented). In \poldef, composition of polynomials
   % in P(Q) syntax will be more efficient than P(Q(x)).
   % This will use \XINT_global and obey \xintverbose... setting
   % Second a function usable not only in \poldef but also in \xintexpr
   % Will use \XINT_global
   \XINT_global\expandafter\let\csname XINT_flexpr_func_#1\endcsname\@undefined
\def\POL@info #1{%
   \xintMessage {polexpr}{Info}%
        {Function #1 for the \string\xintexpr\space parser is
         \ifxintglobaldefs(globally) \fi
         associated to \string\XINT_expr_polfunc_#1\space
         with meaning:
         \csname XINT_expr_polfunc_#1\endcsname}%
\def\POL@floatinfo #1{%
   \xintMessage {polexpr}{Info}%
        {Function #1 for the \string\xintfloatexpr\space parser is
         \ifxintglobaldefs(globally) \fi
         associated to \string\XINT_flexpr_polfunc_#1\space
         with meaning:
         \csname XINT_flexpr_polfunc_#1\endcsname}%
      \csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
   \expandafter\def\csname XINT_expr_polfunc_#1\expandafter\endcsname
   %% redefine function to expand by Horner scheme. Is this useful?
   %% perhaps bad idea for numerical evaluation of thing such as (1+x)^10?
% note: I added {0/1[0]} item to zero polynomial also to facilitate this
      \csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
   \expandafter\def\csname XINT_flexpr_polfunc_#1\expandafter\endcsname
%% Non-expandable polynomial manipulations
    \expandafter\let\csname POLuserpol@#1\expandafter\endcsname
                    \csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
    \expandafter\let\csname XINT_expr_polfunc_#1\expandafter\endcsname
                    \csname XINT_expr_polfunc_#2\endcsname
\def\PolAssign#1{\def\POL@polname{#1}\POL@assign}% zap spaces in #1?
    \csname POLuserpol@\POL@polname\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
    % modify \#200 macro to return 0/1[0] for out of range indices
        \ifnum####1>##1 \xint_dothis{ 0/1[0]}\fi
        \ifnum####1>\m@ne \xint_dothis
        \unless\ifnum-####1>##1 \xint_dothis
        \xint_orthat{ 0/1[0]}}% space stops a \romannumeral0
      {\xint_arrayname}{ }%
    \begingroup % closed in \POL@getfromarray
        \count@=#2{0} %<- intentional space
     \def\POL@result{-1.\empty{0/1[0]}}% 0.5 fix for empty array
% sadly xinttools (current 1.3a) arrays have no setters for individual items... 
          \expandafter\let\csname POL@tmparray\the\count@\endcsname\POL@tmp
          \expandafter\let\csname POL@tmparray\the\count@\endcsname\POL@tmp
        \def\POL@tmp##1.{{\csname POL@tmparray##1\endcsname}}%
    \def\csname POLuserpol@#1\expandafter\endcsname
    \begingroup % closed in \POL@getfromarray
\def\PolMapCoeffs#1#2{% #1 = macro, #2 = name
         \csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname;\POL@mapcoeffs@deg\POL@mapcoeffs@coeffs
% ATTENTION à ne pas faire un \expandafter ici, car brace removal si 1 item
% this abuses that \POL@arrayA0 is never 0.
       \xintiiifZero{\csname POL@arrayA\the\count@\endcsname}%
% donc en sortie \count@ est 0 ssi pol nul.
       \POL@resultfromarray A%
    \def\csname POLuserpol@#2\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{\POL@result}%
    \let\csname POL@arrayA\the\count@\endcsname\POL@map@coeff
%% \PolMakePrimitive (0.5)
%  This uses expandable \PolIContent
%  Note: the integer coefficients stored in A/1[n] form with
%  A not having trailing zeroes, due to usage of \xintREZ here. 
    % This does not need a full user declared polynomial on input, only
    % a \POLuserpol@name macro, but on output it is fully declared
    % Avoids declaring the polynomial, internal usage in \PolToSturm
%% Euclidean division
%  since 0.8 based on the expandable routine from polexprcore.tex
\def\PolDivide#1#2#3#4{% #3=quotient, #4=remainder of #1 by #2
    \XINT_global\expandafter\let\csname POLuserpol@#3\endcsname\POL@Q
    \XINT_global\expandafter\let\csname POLuserpol@#4\endcsname\POL@R
\def\PolQuo#1#2#3{% #3=quotient of #1 by #2
    \XINT_global\expandafter\let\csname POLuserpol@#3\endcsname\POL@Q
\def\PolRem#1#2#3{% #3=remainder of #1 by #2
    \XINT_global\expandafter\let\csname POLuserpol@#3\endcsname\POL@R
  % much simpler at 0.8 thanks to our expandable macros
%% Euclidean special pseudo-remainder
   \let\POL@Q\undefined % trap errors in Sturm code update to use \POL@prem
   % this was simpler before I converted \xintPolPRem into returning a tuple...
%% Things are currenly implemented twice : here the legacy macros
%% such as GCD or Diff, and in polexprcore.tex the expandable
%% support macros for the \xinteval interface.
%% Soon, I will probably remove all legacy code (like I did already
%% for division) and make the user macros simple wrappers to the
%% expandable code.
%% But for 0.8 release, I preferred not to yet, as I did not have
%% really the time to compare speed.  Usage of the "special
%% pseudo euclidean remainder" (expandable) code in Sturm chain
%% construction proved very beneficial as it divided by 3 the
%% \PolToSturm execution time on the Wilkinson perturbed type 1
%% example in the documentation.
%% GCD
% It seems I didn't even use here the (now deleted) macros implementing
% division, and I redid here what was needed: this code, which I leave
% standing as I have other priorities, does not use the \POL@divide !
\def\PolGCD#1#2#3{% sets #3 to the (unitary) G.C.D. of #1 and #2
\def\POL@GCD #1#2#3{%
      \expandafter\let\expandafter\POL@A\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname
      \expandafter\let\expandafter\POL@B\csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
           \POL@gcd@exit BA}}%
           \POL@gcd@exit AB}%
           \POL@gcd AB%
    \expandafter\def\csname POLuserpol@#3\expandafter\endcsname
        {\csname POL@array#1\csname POL@array#10\endcsname\endcsname}%
    \count@\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname\space
      \expandafter\edef\csname POL@array#1\the\count@\endcsname
                   {\csname POL@array#1\the\count@\endcsname}%
    \edef\POL@degQ{\the\numexpr\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname
                              -\csname POL@deg#2\endcsname}%
    \count@\numexpr\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname+\@ne\relax
    \expandafter\def\csname POL@array#10\endcsname{1}%
    \xintiiifZero{\csname POL@array#1\the\count@\endcsname}%
    \expandafter\edef\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname{\the\numexpr\count@-\@ne}%
      \expandafter\edef\csname POL@array#10\endcsname{\the\count@}%
  \edef\POL@gcd@ratio{\csname POL@array#1\the\count@\endcsname}%
  \count4 \count@
  \count6 \csname POL@deg#2\endcsname\space
    \expandafter\edef\csname POL@array#1\the\count4\endcsname
          {\csname POL@array#1\the\count4\endcsname}%
            {\csname POL@array#2\the\count6\endcsname}}}%
    \advance\count4 \m@ne
    \advance\count6 \m@ne
    \count@\numexpr\csname POL@deg#1\endcsname+\@ne\relax
    \POL@resultfromarray #1%
\def\POL@diff@loop@one #1/#2[#3]#4%
   % optional parameter is how many times to derivate
   % first mandatory arg is name of polynomial function to derivate,
   % same name as in \NewPolExpr
   % second mandatory arg name of derivative
\def\POL@Diff@no #1#2{\POL@let{#2}{#1}}%
\def\POL@Diff@one #1#2{\POL@Diff@@one {#1}{#2}\POL@newpol{#2}}%
      \csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
     \XINT_global\expandafter\edef\csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
% lazy way but allows to share with AntiDiff
   \def\csname POLuserpol@#3\expandafter\endcsname
       \expandafter{\romannumeral`&&@\csname POLuserpol@#3\endcsname}%
\def\POL@antidiff@loop@one #1/#2[#3]#4%
   % optional parameter is how many times to derivate
   % first mandatory arg is name of polynomial function to derivate,
   % same name as in \NewPolExpr
   % second mandatory arg name of derivative
\def\POL@AntiDiff@one #1#2{\POL@AntiDiff@@one{#1}{#2}\POL@newpol{#2}}%
      \csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
     \XINT_global\expandafter\edef\csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
%% Localization of roots
% this is big. It provides also output macros, of both expandable and
% non-expandable type
\input polexprsturm.tex\relax
%% Non-expandable output macros
\catcode`^ 7 %
\catcode`^ 11 % normal xint catcode
%% \PolTypeset
%% extended at 0.8 to handle arbitrary expressions on input
   \ifcsname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname
        \csname POLuserpol@#2\endcsname;\POL@var@deg\POL@var@coeffs
%% Expandable output macros (legacy)
     \At\PolEvalAtExpr\krof {#1}{#3}%
    \xintpraw{\csname XINT_expr_polfunc_#1\endcsname{#2}}%
    \csname XINT_expr_polfunc_#1\endcsname{#2}%
\def\PolEvalAtExpr#1#2{\xinttheexpr #1(#2)\relax}%
     \At\PolEvalReducedAtExpr\krof {#1}{#3}%
    \xintpraw % in order not to print denominator if the latter equals 1
    {\xintIrr{\csname XINT_expr_polfunc_#1\endcsname{#2}}[0]}%
     \At\PolFloatEvalAtExpr\krof {#1}{#3}%
    \xintpfloat{\csname XINT_flexpr_polfunc_#1\endcsname{#2}}%
\def\PolFloatEvalAtExpr#1#2{\xintthefloatexpr #1(#2)\relax}%
                     {\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname}%
                        \xint_gob_til_dot\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname}@%
\def\POL@nthcoeff#1@{\if @#1@\expandafter\xint_firstoftwo
% returns -1 for zero polynomial for context of numerical expression
% should it return -\infty?
                         \POL@degree\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname;}%
\def\POL@degree #1.#2;{#1}%
                         \xint_gob_til_dot\csname POLuserpol@#1\endcsname}%
\def\PolToCSV#1{\romannumeral0\xintlistwithsep{, }{\PolToList{#1}}}%
% \PolIContent (0.5)
% Why did I call this IContent and not Content? Ah, I see, Maple terminology!
% But I realize now I misread in 2018 the Maple doc, its icontent() is the gcd
% of all coeffs of a multivariate polynomial. Whereas content(,) second argument
% specifies which variable to consider expression as being univariate in it.
% Refactored at 0.8 as xint 1.4 has a backported fractional gcd
% (itself refactored at 1.4d)
% Since xintexpr 1.4d, \xintGCDof always outputs an irreducible fraction A/B.
% (with B=1 if A/B integer).
\def\PolToFloatExprCmd#1{\xintPFloat{#1}}% CHANGED AT 0.8.2! was \xintFloat
% \def\PolTypesetCmdPrefix#1{\xintiiifSgn{#1}{}{+}{+}}%
        {\xintiiifSgn{#1}{-}{}{}}% + from \PolToExprTermPrefix
    \ifcase\xintiiAbs{#2} %<-- space here mandatory
        {\xintiiifSgn{#1}{-}{}{}}% + from \PolToExprTermPrefix
    \ifcase\xintiiAbs{#2} %<-- space here mandatory
    \ifcase\xintiiAbs{#2} %<-- space here mandatory
\edef\PolToExprCaret{\string ^}%
%% \PolToExpr
%% extended at 0.8 to handle arbitrary expressions on input
   \ifcsname XINT_expr_varvalue_#1\endcsname
     \csname XINT_expr_varvalue_#1\expandafter\endcsname
     \xintbareeval subs(#1,\PolToExprInVar=pol([0,1]))\expandafter\relax
\def\POL@toexpr@fork #1#2#3{%
    \krof #1#2#3%
% now back to legacy pre 0.8 code
\def\POL@toexprA #1#2\empty#3{%
    \fi {#3}#2{0}1.%
\def\POL@toexprD #1#2#3\relax{% #3 has \empty to prevent brace removal
    \the\numexpr #1\expandafter.\romannumeral0\xintrevwithbraces{#3}\relax
\def\POL@toexprD@a #1#2.#3{%
\def\POL@toexpr@b #1#2#3{%
\def\POL@toexpr@c #1#2#3{%
\def\POL@toexprall@b #1#2#3{%
\def\POL@toexprall@c #1#2#3{%