
\title{The \textsf{serbianpart} package}
\author{Zoran T. Filipovi\'{c}\protect\footnote{My email is zoran.filipovic@yahoo.com} \\ 
        Jurija Gagarina 263/6 \\ 
        11070 New Belgrade, Serbia \\}



In this document I try to explain how to produce a number of the part in letters,
in serbian language in latin scripts.


If you defines serbian language (latin scripts) in babel package, and type 
\verb|\part{}| that produce something like that: \textbf{Deo I}. In many book 
in serbian language, and for many publisher we must produce something like that: 
\textbf{Deo Prvi}, \textbf{Deo Drugi}, \textbf{Deo Tre\'{c}i}, \ldots like 
\textbf{First Part}, \textbf{Second Part} \ldots 

In this meaning, I type, in preambula: 

\renewcommand*{\thepart}{\ifcase\value{part}\or Prvi\or Drugi\or 
 Tre\'{c}i\or \v{C}evrti\or Peti\or \v{S}esti\or Sedmi\or Osmi\or
 Deveti\or Deseti\or Jedanaesti\or Dvanaesti\or Trinaesti\or
 \v{C}etrnaesti\or Petnaesti\or \v{S}esnaesti\or Sedamnaesti\or
 Osamnaesti\or Devetnaesti\or Dvadeseti

which in \LaTeX\ class (article, report and book) \textit{\&} \verb|memoir| class 
produce \textbf{Deo Prvi}, \textbf{Deo Drugi}, \textbf{Deo Tre\'{c}i} \ldots to the 
twenty part. 

This line you must typing just \textit{after} a \verb|\usepackage[serbian]{babel}|

\section{The package}

However, if you prefer a packages, you just put a \verb|\usepackage{serbianpart}| just 
after line \verb|\usepackage[serbian]{babel}| seat on you chear and turn you machine 
to going. After a few seconds you machine produce samething like that:

\part{The serbianpart package}
