
\usepackage[dutch,english]{babel}   % load babel before spelatex to avoid
                                    % option clash!


\title{\spelatex{} Example}
\author{Walter Daems and Paul Levrie}




  This file is just a simple showcase of the features of \spelatex{}.
  Below, you'll find examples of:

  \spelitem{a simple equation}
  \spelitem{a more complex equation}

\section{A simple equation}
  Consider the following simple definition of a polynomial function and
  check its spoken version by clicking on it.
    f(x) = x^{5}- x^4 + 7 x^3 + 3 x^2 - 8 x + 25
  This seems a simple equation, however, it is not so straightforward
  for an automated reader, to read it correctly.

\section{A more complex equation}
\spelmacad{xx}[2]{#1 #2}

  For a lightray that hits the parabola at the point
  $P(t,9-\frac{t^2}{4})$, the reflected ray has slope $\tan 2\alpha$.
  Since the slope of the tangent to the parabola at $P$ is
  equal to $\tan\alpha = -\frac{t}{2}$, the equation of the
  reflected ray is given by
  y-9+\frac{t^2}{4} = -\frac{4t}{4-t^2} \cdot (x-t)

Instead of the \texttt{\textbackslash{}<<<} macro, one can also use the
spelchunk environment. We did this in the next sections.

\chapter{More advanced topics}

\section{Een andere taal}
\spelatex{} is ook volledig babel-actief, wat wil zeggen dat de
voorleesstem de geselecteerde taal zal volgen.

  y-9+\frac{t^2}{4} = -\frac{4t}{4-t^2} \cdot (x-t)


\section{And some extras}
Two excellent repositories are \CPAN{} \cite{CPAN} and \CTAN{} \cite{CTAN}.

\subsection{References to labels}
Section~\ref{eqn:simple} contains an illustration of a simple
equation. For a more complex equation, we refer the user to




The Comprehensive \TeX{} Archive Network.
\newblock \url{http://www.ctan.org}.
\newblock online, accessed in August 2021.

The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network.
\newblock \url{http://www.cpan.org}.
\newblock online, accessed in August 2021.

