%                                                                read.me
% LaTeX class for Communications in Mathematical Physics (CMP)
% read-me file
%                                                 (c) Springer-Verlag HD

This directory contains the LaTeX2e support for Communications in
Mathematical Physics

The following files are part of the macro package

  read.me       This file
  svjour.cls    The document class file for Springer journals
  usrguide.*    User's Guide (dvi, pdf, ps [to be found in psoutput.zip])
  svcmp.clo     The class option file for CMP
  cmpguid.*     User's Guide (tex, dvi, ps [to be found in psoutput.zip])
  template.tex  A fill-in-form for a standard article with usage comments
  example.*     Example of an article (tex, dvi, ps [also in psoutput.zip])
  figures.zip   PS files needed by the sample file
  psoutput.zip  PS files of the above mentioned DVIs,
                compressed due to their size. The file example.ps
                contains a ready to print version that can be produced
                at the publisher only, when page numbers are fixed