-- -- Copyright (C) 2014-2020 by Fabian Lipp <fabian.lipp@gmx.de> -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- This file may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 -- of this license or (at your option) any later version. -- The latest version of this license is in: -- -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- -- and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 1999/12/01 or later. -- require("lualibs") --require("debugger")() local inspect = require('inspect') local point = require'path_point' local pathLine = require'path_line' --local bezier3 = require'path_bezier3' luatodonotes = {} -- strings used to switch to standard catcodes for LaTeX packages local catcodeStart = "\\makeatletter" local catcodeEnd = "\\makeatother" local currentPage = 1 local const1In = string.todimen("1in") -- needed for calculations of page borders -- (used as a constant in TeX) -- constants set in sty-file -- + noteInnerSep (inner sep used for tikz nodes) -- + noteInterSpace (vertical space between notes) -- + routingAreaWidth (width of the track routing area for opo-leaders) -- + minNoteWidth (width that must be available for labels to consider the left or -- right border of the page for placing labels) -- + distanceNotesPageBorder (distance from the page borders to the outmost point -- of the labels) -- + distanceNotesText (horizontal distance between the labels and the text area) -- + rasterHeight (height of raster for po leader algorithm) -- + todonotesDebug (activate debug outputs when true) -- -- values are filled into local variables in function initTodonotes (from -- corresponding fields luatodonotes.*) local noteInnerSep = nil local noteInterSpace = nil local routingAreaWidth = nil local minNoteWidth = nil local distanceNotesPageBorder = nil local distanceNotesText = nil local rasterHeight = nil local todonotesDebug = nil -- stores information about available algorithms local positioningAlgos = {} local splittingAlgos = {} local leaderTypes = {} local positioning = nil local splitting = nil local leaderType = nil function luatodonotes.setPositioningAlgo(algo) if positioningAlgos[algo] ~= nil then positioning = positioningAlgos[algo] else positioning = positioningAlgos["inputOrderStacks"] tex.print("\\PackageWarningNoLine{luatodonotes}{Invalid value for parameter positioning: " .. algo .. "}") end end function luatodonotes.setSplittingAlgo(algo) if splittingAlgos[algo] ~= nil then splitting = splittingAlgos[algo] else splitting = splittingAlgos["none"] tex.print("\\PackageWarningNoLine{luatodonotes}{Invalid value for parameter split: " .. algo .. "}") end end function luatodonotes.setLeaderType(typ) if leaderTypes[typ] ~= nil then leaderType = leaderTypes[typ] else leaderType = leaderTypes["opo"] tex.print("\\PackageWarningNoLine{luatodonotes}{Invalid value for parameter leadertype: " .. typ .. "}") end end -- stores the notes for the current page luatodonotes.notesForPage = {} local notesForPage = luatodonotes.notesForPage luatodonotes.notesForNextPage = {} local notesForNextPage = luatodonotes.notesForNextPage -- Fields for each note: -- index: numbers notes in whole document -- indexOnPage: index of the note in the notesForPage array -- textbox: links to a hbox that contains the text, which is displayed inside -- the note -- origInputX, origInputY: position in which the todo-command was issued -- inputX, inputY: position to which the leader should be attached (can have a -- certain offset to origInputX/Y) -- heightLeft, heightRight: height of the contained text when placed on -- left/right side -- pageNr: absolute number of page on which site for note is placed -- rightSide: true means the note should be placed on the right side; -- otherwise left side is meant -- fontsize: fontsize used for paragraph in that the note was defined -- baselineskip: \baselineskip in the paragraph in that the note was defined -- normalbaselineskip: \normalbaselineskip in the paragraph in that the note was defined -- outputX, outputY: position on which the north west anchor of the note should -- be placed -- lineColor: color of line connecting note to text -- backgroundColor: color of background of note -- borderColor: color of border of note -- leaderWidth: width of leader (used as argument for tikz line width) -- sizeCommand: fontsize command given as parameter for this note -- -- Additional fields for text area: -- noteType: constant string "area" -- origInputEndX, origInputEndY: position at which the todo area ends -- pageNrEnd: absolute number of page on which todo area ends -- lineCountInArea: highest line index in area -- linesInArea: positions of lines in area (to detect page/column break) -- stores the areas for the labels on the current page -- (calculated in function calcLabelAreaDimensions()) local labelArea = {} -- stores the positions of the text lines on every page local linePositions = {} -- Fields for every position: -- 1: position of baseline -- 2: upper bound of line (baseline + height) -- 3: lower bound of line (baseline - depth) -- variables used for construction of linePositions list when reading the file local linePositionsCurPage = {} local linePositionsPageNr = 0 -- *** metatable for note objects *** local noteMt = {} -- getHeight(): yield heightLeft or heightRight depending on rightSide (implemented by metatable) function noteMt:getHeight() if self.rightSide then return self.heightRight else return self.heightLeft end end function noteMt:getLabelAnchorY() local leaderAnchor = positioning.leaderAnchor local y if leaderAnchor == "north east" then y = self.outputY elseif leaderAnchor == "east" then y = self.outputY - noteInnerSep - self:getHeight() / 2 else error("Invalid anchor for algorithm") end if positioning.leaderShift then y = y + self.leaderShiftY end return y end function noteMt:getInTextAnchorTikz() return "(" .. self.inputX .. "sp," .. self.inputY .. "sp)" end function noteMt:getLabelAnchorTikz() local leaderAnchor = positioning.leaderAnchor if leaderAnchor == "north east" and self.rightSide then leaderAnchor = "north west" elseif leaderAnchor == "east" and self.rightSide then leaderAnchor = "west" end local shiftStr = "" if positioning.leaderShift then shiftStr = "[shift={(" .. self.leaderShiftX .. "sp," .. self.leaderShiftY .. "sp)}]" end return "(" .. shiftStr .. " @todonotes@" .. self.index .. " note." .. leaderAnchor .. ")" end function noteMt:boxForNoteText(rightSide) local area = labelArea:getArea(rightSide) local noteWidth if area == nil then noteWidth = minNoteWidth else noteWidth = area.noteWidth - 2*noteInnerSep end local retval = "\\directlua{tex.box[\"@todonotes@notetextbox\"] = " .. "node.copy_list(luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. self.indexOnPage .. "].textbox)}" retval = retval .. "\\parbox{" .. noteWidth .. "sp}" .. "{\\raggedright\\unhbox\\@todonotes@notetextbox}" return retval end function noteMt:getClipPathForTodoArea() -- detext which lines are in same column/page as start of area local lineCount = self.lineCountInArea local maxLine = 1 local lines = self.linesInArea local lastY = lines[1] while maxLine < lineCount do if lines[maxLine + 1] < lastY then maxLine = maxLine + 1 lastY = lines[maxLine] end end local function nodename(i, corner) return "(@todonotes@" .. self.index .. "@" .. i .. " area" .. corner .. ")" end local path = nodename(1, "NW") local pathLeft = "" if maxLine == 1 then -- only one line path = path .. " -- " .. nodename(1, "NE") .. " -- " .. nodename(1, "SE") else path = path .. " -- " .. nodename(1, "NE") .. " decorate[@todonotes@todoarea] { -- " .. nodename(1, "SE") .. "}" end for i = 2, maxLine do if i == lineCount then -- area does not use the whole line path = path .. " -| " .. nodename(i, "NE") .. " -- " .. nodename(i, "SE") else -- area uses whole line path = path .. " -- " .. nodename(i, "NE") .. " decorate[@todonotes@todoarea] { -- " .. nodename(i, "SE") .. "}" end pathLeft = " -- " .. nodename(i, "SW") .. " decorate[@todonotes@todoarea] { -- " .. nodename(i, "NW") .. "}" .. pathLeft end path = path .. pathLeft .. " -| " .. nodename(1, "SW") .. "-- cycle" return path end -- *** label areas *** -- stores areas for placing labels on current page function labelArea:getArea(rightSide) if rightSide then return self.right else return self.left end end -- yields the x-coordinate of the boundary of the label that is pointing -- towards the text function labelArea:getXTextSide(rightSide) if rightSide then return self.right.left else return self.left.right end end function labelArea:isOneSided() if self.right == nil or self.left == nil then return true else return false end end -- divides notes in two lists (for left and right side) -- side must be stored in note.rightSide for every note before using this function local function segmentNotes(notes) local availableNotesLeft = {} local availableNotesRight = {} for k, v in pairs(notes) do if v.rightSide == true then table.insert(availableNotesRight, k) else table.insert(availableNotesLeft, k) end end return availableNotesLeft, availableNotesRight end -- is called by the sty-file when all settings (algorithms etc.) are made function luatodonotes.initTodonotes() -- fill local variables (defined at begin of file) with package options noteInnerSep = luatodonotes.noteInnerSep noteInterSpace = luatodonotes.noteInterSpace routingAreaWidth = luatodonotes.routingAreaWidth minNoteWidth = luatodonotes.minNoteWidth distanceNotesPageBorder = luatodonotes.distanceNotesPageBorder distanceNotesText = luatodonotes.distanceNotesText rasterHeight = luatodonotes.rasterHeight todonotesDebug = luatodonotes.todonotesDebug if positioning.needLinePositions then luatexbase.add_to_callback("post_linebreak_filter", luatodonotes.callbackOutputLinePositions, "outputLinePositions") tex.print("\\@starttoc{lpo}") tex.print("\\directlua{lpoFileStream = \\the\\tf@lpo}") end end -- valid values for noteType: nil/"" (for point in text), "area" function luatodonotes.addNoteToList(index, drawLeader, noteType) if next(notesForPage) ~= nil and index <= notesForPage[#notesForPage].index then -- Index is the same as for one of the previous note. -- This can happen when commands are read multiple times -- => don't add anything to list in this case return end local newNote = {} newNote.index = index newNote.textbox = node.copy_list(tex.box["@todonotes@notetextbox"]) newNote.baselineskip = tex.dimen["@todonotes@baselineskip"] newNote.normalbaselineskip = tex.dimen["@todonotes@normalbaselineskip"] newNote.fontsize = tex.dimen["@todonotes@fontsize"] newNote.lineColor = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@currentlinecolor"] newNote.backgroundColor = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@currentbackgroundcolor"] newNote.borderColor = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@currentbordercolor"] newNote.leaderWidth = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@currentleaderwidth"] newNote.sizeCommand = tex.toks["@todonotes@toks@sizecommand"] newNote.drawLeader = drawLeader if noteType == "area" then newNote.noteType = "area" newNote.lineCountInArea = 0 -- else: newNote.noteType = nil (default value) end setmetatable(newNote, {__index = noteMt}) newNote.indexOnPage = #notesForPage + 1 notesForPage[newNote.indexOnPage] = newNote end function luatodonotes.clearNotes() -- delete the texts for the notes on this page from memory -- (garbage collection does not work for nodes) for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do node.free(v.textbox) end luatodonotes.notesForPage = notesForNextPage notesForPage = luatodonotes.notesForPage -- update indexOnPage for the new notes for k, v in pairs(notesForPage) do v.indexOnPage = k end currentPage = currentPage + 1 end function luatodonotes.processLastLineInTodoArea() -- LaTeX counter is accessed as TeX count by prefixing c@ ind = tex.count["c@@todonotes@numberoftodonotes"] val = tex.count["c@@todonotes@numberofLinesInArea"] notesForPage[#notesForPage].lineCountInArea = val end -- *** constructing the linePositions list *** function luatodonotes.linePositionsNextPage() linePositionsPageNr = linePositionsPageNr + 1 linePositionsCurPage = {} linePositions[linePositionsPageNr] = linePositionsCurPage end function luatodonotes.linePositionsAddLine(ycoord, lineheight, linedepth) linePositionsCurPage[#linePositionsCurPage + 1] = {ycoord, lineheight, linedepth} end function luatodonotes.getInputCoordinatesForNotes() tex.sprint(catcodeStart) for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do local nodename = "@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inText" tex.sprint("\\pgfextractx{\\@todonotes@extractx}{\\pgfpointanchor{" .. nodename .. "}{center}}") tex.sprint("\\pgfextracty{\\@todonotes@extracty}{\\pgfpointanchor{" .. nodename .. "}{center}}") tex.print("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].origInputX = " .. "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extractx\"]}") tex.print("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].origInputY = " .. "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extracty\"]}") if v.noteType == "area" then nodename = nodename .. "End" tex.sprint("\\pgfextractx{\\@todonotes@extractx}{\\pgfpointanchor{" .. nodename .. "}{center}}") tex.sprint("\\pgfextracty{\\@todonotes@extracty}{\\pgfpointanchor{" .. nodename .. "}{center}}") tex.print("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].origInputEndX = " .. "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extractx\"]}") tex.print("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].origInputEndY = " .. "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extracty\"]}") notesForPage[k].linesInArea = {} for i = 1, v.lineCountInArea do nodename = "@todonotes@" .. v.index .. "@" .. i .. " areaSW" tex.sprint("\\pgfextracty{\\@todonotes@extracty}{\\pgfpointanchor{" .. nodename .. "}{center}}") tex.print("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].linesInArea[" .. i .. "] = " .. "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@extracty\"]}") end end end tex.sprint(catcodeEnd) end function luatodonotes.calcLabelAreaDimensions() local routingAreaSpace = 0 if leaderType.needRoutingArea then routingAreaSpace = routingAreaWidth end local top = tex.voffset + tex.dimen.topmargin + const1In local bottom = top + tex.dimen.headheight + tex.dimen.headsep + tex.dimen.textheight + tex.dimen.footskip local currentsidemargin = tex.hoffset + tex.dimen["@todonotes@currentsidemargin"] + const1In local left = {} left.top = -top left.bottom = -bottom left.left = distanceNotesPageBorder left.right = currentsidemargin - distanceNotesText - routingAreaSpace if left.right - left.left < minNoteWidth then -- not enough space left of text left = nil else left.noteWidth = left.right - left.left end local right = {} right.top = -top right.bottom = -bottom right.left = currentsidemargin + tex.dimen.textwidth + distanceNotesText + routingAreaSpace right.right = tex.pagewidth - distanceNotesPageBorder if right.right - right.left < minNoteWidth then -- not enough space right of text right = nil else right.noteWidth = right.right - right.left end local text = {} text.left = currentsidemargin text.right = currentsidemargin + tex.dimen.textwidth labelArea.left = left labelArea.right = right labelArea.text = text end function luatodonotes.calcHeightsForNotes() -- function has to be called outside of a tikzpicture-environment tex.sprint(catcodeStart) for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do -- store height for note -- (is determined by creating a box with the text and reading its size) -- left side tex.sprint("\\savebox{\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox}" .. "{" .. v.sizeCommand .. v:boxForNoteText(false) .. "}") tex.sprint("\\@todonotes@heightcalcboxdepth=\\dp\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox") tex.sprint("\\@todonotes@heightcalcboxheight=\\ht\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox") tex.sprint("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].heightLeft = " .. "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@heightcalcboxheight\"]" .. " + tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@heightcalcboxdepth\"]}") -- right side tex.sprint("\\savebox{\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox}" .. "{" .. v.sizeCommand .. v:boxForNoteText(true) .. "}") tex.sprint("\\@todonotes@heightcalcboxdepth=\\dp\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox") tex.sprint("\\@todonotes@heightcalcboxheight=\\ht\\@todonotes@heightcalcbox") tex.sprint("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].heightRight = " .. "tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@heightcalcboxheight\"]" .. " + tex.dimen[\"@todonotes@heightcalcboxdepth\"]}") -- store pageNr for note -- (is determined as reference to a label) tex.sprint("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].pageNr = " .. "\\zref@extract{@todonotes@" .. v.index .. "}{abspage}}") if v.noteType == "area" then tex.sprint("\\directlua{luatodonotes.notesForPage[" .. k .. "].pageNrEnd = " .. "\\zref@extract{@todonotes@" .. v.index .. "@end}{abspage}}") end end tex.sprint(catcodeEnd) end local inputShiftX = string.todimen("-0.05cm") -- sensible value depends on shape of mark function luatodonotes.printNotes() print("Drawing notes for page " .. currentPage) -- seperate notes that should be placed on another page -- This can occur when note is in a paragraph which doesn't fit on the -- current page and is thus moved to the next one. But the \todo-command is -- still read before the shipout of the current page is done luatodonotes.notesForNextPage = {} notesForNextPage = luatodonotes.notesForNextPage local k=1 while k <= #notesForPage do local v = notesForPage[k] if v.pageNr == 0 then -- Notes without a page number occur when the zref label is not -- defined correctly. This happens with notes in a -- \caption-command, e.g. -- In this case two version of the note are stored and we drop the -- note that does not have a valid page number (the other note -- seems to have one). table.remove(notesForPage, k) if todonotesDebug then print("deleting note: " .. k .. " (" .. v.index .. ")") end elseif v.pageNr ~= currentPage then table.insert(notesForNextPage, v) table.remove(notesForPage, k) if todonotesDebug then print("moving note to next page: " .. k .. " (" .. v.index .. ")") end else -- update index here (needed if a note was deleted before) v.indexOnPage = k k = k + 1 end end -- add offset to input coordinates for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do if v.noteType ~= "area" then v.inputX = v.origInputX + inputShiftX local bls = v.baselineskip if v.baselineskip == 0 then bls = v.normalbaselineskip end v.inputY = v.origInputY - 1.3 * (bls - v.fontsize) else v.inputX = v.origInputX v.inputY = v.origInputY end end splitting.algo() if positioning.twoSided then local notesLeft, notesRight = segmentNotes(notesForPage) if #notesLeft > 0 then positioning.algo(notesLeft, false) end if #notesRight > 0 then positioning.algo(notesRight, true) end else positioning.algo() end for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do if todonotesDebug then local function outputWithPoints(val) if val ~= nil then return val .. " (" .. number.topoints(val, "%s%s") .. ")" else return "" end end print("-----------------") print(k .. ": ") print("index: " .. v.index) print("origInputX: " .. v.origInputX) print("origInputY: " .. v.origInputY) if (v.noteType ~= nil) then print("noteType: " .. v.noteType) print("origInputEndX:" .. v.origInputEndX) print("origInputEndY:" .. v.origInputEndY) print("lineCountInArea:" .. v.lineCountInArea) print("linesInArea :" .. inspect(v.linesInArea)) else print("noteType: nil") end print("inputX: " .. v.inputX) print("inputY: " .. v.inputY) print("outputX: " .. v.outputX) print("outputY: " .. v.outputY) if (v.rasterSlots ~= nil) then print("rasterSlots: " .. v.rasterSlots) end print("baselineskip: " .. outputWithPoints(v.baselineskip)) print("nbaselineskip:" .. outputWithPoints(v.normalbaselineskip)) print("fontsize: " .. outputWithPoints(v.fontsize)) print("textbox: " .. inspect(v.textbox)) print("height: " .. outputWithPoints(v:getHeight())) print("heightLeft: " .. outputWithPoints(v.heightLeft)) print("heightRight: " .. outputWithPoints(v.heightRight)) print("rightSide: " .. tostring(v.rightSide)) if v.pageNr ~= nil then print("pageNr: " .. v.pageNr) end print("lineColor: " .. v.lineColor) print("backgroundColor:" .. v.backgroundColor) print("borderColor: " .. v.borderColor) print("leaderWidth: " .. v.leaderWidth) print("sizeCommand: " .. v.sizeCommand) print("drawLeader: " .. tostring(v.drawLeader)) end -- print note tex.print(catcodeStart) tex.print("\\node[@todonotes@notestyle,anchor=north west," .. "fill=" .. v.backgroundColor .. ",draw=" .. v.borderColor .. "," .. "font=" .. v.sizeCommand .. "] " .. "(@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " note) at (" .. v.outputX .. "sp," .. v.outputY .. "sp) {" .. v:boxForNoteText(v.rightSide) .. "};") tex.print(catcodeEnd) -- output debugging hints on page if todonotesDebug then tex.print("\\node[anchor=north west,text=blue,fill=white,rectangle] at (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inText) {" .. v.index .. "};") tex.print("\\draw[green,fill] (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inText) circle(2pt);") tex.print("\\draw[black,fill] (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inText) circle(0.2pt);") if v.noteType == "area" then tex.print("\\draw[red,fill] (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. " inTextEnd) circle(2pt);") end if (v.noteType ~= nil) then print(v:getClipPathForTodoArea()) tex.print("\\draw[blue] " .. v:getClipPathForTodoArea() .. ";") --for i=1, v.lineCountInArea do --tex.print(" (@todonotes@" .. v.index .. "@" .. i .. " areaSW) -- ") --end --tex.print("cycle;") end end end -- draw leader leaderType.algo() -- draw mark in text for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do if v.drawLeader ~= false and v.noteType ~= "area" then local shiftStr = "(" .. v.inputX .. "sp," .. v.inputY .. "sp)" tex.print("\\draw[@todonotes@textmark," .. "draw=" .. v.lineColor .. ",fill=" .. v.lineColor .. "," .. "shift={" .. shiftStr .. "}," .. "scale around={0.5:(-0,-0)},shift={(-0.5,-0.1)}]" .. "(1,0) .. controls (0.5,0.2) and (0.65,0.3) .." .. "(0.5,0.7) .. controls (0.35,0.3) and (0.5,0.2) .." .. "(0,0) -- cycle;") end end --- draw label areas when requested if todonotesDebug then local area = labelArea.left if area ~= nil then tex.print("\\draw[blue] (" .. area.left .. "sp," .. area.top .. "sp) rectangle (" .. area.right .. "sp," .. area.bottom .. "sp);") end area = labelArea.right if area ~= nil then tex.print("\\draw[blue] (" .. area.left .. "sp," .. area.top .. "sp) rectangle (" .. area.right .. "sp," .. area.bottom .. "sp);") end end end -- ********** Helper Functions ********** -- * comparators for table.sort() * -- (yields true if first parameter should be placed before second parameter in -- sorted table) local function compareNoteInputXAsc(note1, note2) if note1.inputX < note2.inputX then return true end end local function compareNoteIndInputXAsc(key1, key2) if notesForPage[key1].inputX < notesForPage[key2].inputX then return true end end local function compareNoteIndInputXDesc(key1, key2) if notesForPage[key1].inputX > notesForPage[key2].inputX then return true end end local function compareNoteIndInputYDesc(key1, key2) local v1 = notesForPage[key1] local v2 = notesForPage[key2] if v1.inputY > v2.inputY then return true elseif v1.inputY == v2.inputY then if v1.inputX < v2.inputX then return true end end end -- * callbacks for Luatex * local function appendStrToTokenlist(tokenlist, str) str:gsub(".", function(c) tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, c:byte(), 0} end) end -- writes commands into the node tree that print the absolute position on the -- page to the output file (streamId is taken from lpoFileStream) at the -- beginning of every line -- should be called as post_linebreak_filter local ID_GLYPH_NODE = node.id("glyph") local ID_HLIST_NODE = node.id("hlist") function luatodonotes.callbackOutputLinePositions(head) while head do if head.id == ID_HLIST_NODE then -- check if we are in the main text area (hlists in, e.g., -- tikz nodes should have other widths) if head.width == tex.dimen.textwidth then -- check if there is a glyph in this hlist -- -> then we consider it a text line local foundGlyph = false local glyphTest = head.head while glyphTest do if glyphTest.id == ID_GLYPH_NODE then foundGlyph = true break end glyphTest = glyphTest.next end if foundGlyph then local w = node.new("whatsit", "write") w.stream = lpoFileStream local tokenlist = { {12, 92, 0}, -- \ {12, 64, 0}, -- @ {12, 116, 0}, -- t {12, 111, 0}, -- o {12, 100, 0}, -- d {12, 111, 0}, -- o {12, 110, 0}, -- n {12, 111, 0}, -- o {12, 116, 0}, -- t {12, 101, 0}, -- e {12, 115, 0}, -- s {12, 64, 0}, -- @ {12, 108, 0}, -- l {12, 105, 0}, -- i {12, 110, 0}, -- n {12, 101, 0}, -- e {12, 112, 0}, -- p {12, 111, 0}, -- o {12, 115, 0}, -- s {12, 105, 0}, -- i {12, 116, 0}, -- t {12, 105, 0}, -- i {12, 111, 0}, -- o {12, 110, 0}, -- n {12, 123, 0} -- { } local t = token.create("@todonotes@pdflastypos") -- the token handling changed with newer LuaTeX versions if tex.luatexversion > 81 then tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {0, t.tok} else tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = t end tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 125, 0} -- } tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 123, 0} -- { appendStrToTokenlist(tokenlist, tostring(head.height)) tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 125, 0} -- } tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 123, 0} -- { appendStrToTokenlist(tokenlist, tostring(head.depth)) tokenlist[#tokenlist + 1] = {12, 125, 0} -- } w.data = tokenlist head.head = node.insert_before(head.head,head.head,w) -- the name of the whatsit node changed with newer LuaTeX versions local whatsitName if tex.luatexversion > 80 then whatsitName = "save_pos" else whatsitName = "pdf_save_pos" end local w = node.new("whatsit", whatsitName) head.head = node.insert_before(head.head,head.head,w) end end end head = head.next end return true end -- ********** Leader Drawing Algorithms ********** local function drawLeaderPath(note, path) if note.drawLeader == false then return end local clipPath if note.noteType == "area" then clipPath = note:getClipPathForTodoArea() tex.print("\\begin{scope}") tex.print("\\clip (current page.north west) rectangle (current page.south east) ") tex.print(clipPath) tex.print(";") end tex.print("\\draw[@todonotes@leader,draw=" .. note.lineColor .. ",line width=" .. note.leaderWidth .. ",name path=leader] " .. path .. ";") if note.noteType == "area" then tex.print("\\path[name path=clipping] " .. clipPath .. ";") tex.print("\\fill[@todonotes@leader,name intersections={of=leader and clipping, by=x,sort by=leader},fill=" .. note.lineColor .. "] (x) circle(3pt);") tex.print("\\end{scope}") end end -- ** leader drawing: s-leaders local function drawSLeaders() for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do drawLeaderPath(v, v:getLabelAnchorTikz() .. " -- " .. v:getInTextAnchorTikz()) end end leaderTypes["s"] = {algo = drawSLeaders} -- ** leader drawing: opo-leaders local function drawOpoLeader(v, opoShift, rightSide) if rightSide then opoShift = - opoShift end drawLeaderPath(v, v:getLabelAnchorTikz() .. " -- +(" .. opoShift .. "sp,0) " .. "|- " .. v:getInTextAnchorTikz()) end local function drawOpoGroup(group, directionDown, rightSide) if directionDown == nil then for _, v2 in ipairs(group) do drawOpoLeader(notesForPage[v2], 0, rightSide) end else if #group == 1 then -- place p-section of leader in center of routing area local opoShift = distanceNotesText / 2 + routingAreaWidth / 2 drawOpoLeader(notesForPage[group[1]], opoShift, rightSide) else local leaderDistance = routingAreaWidth / (#group - 1) -- initialise shift value local nextOpoShift, move if directionDown then nextOpoShift = distanceNotesText / 2 + routingAreaWidth move = -leaderDistance else nextOpoShift = distanceNotesText / 2 move = leaderDistance end -- cycle through group for _, v2 in ipairs(group) do drawOpoLeader(notesForPage[v2], nextOpoShift, rightSide) nextOpoShift = nextOpoShift + move end end end end local function drawOpoLeadersSide(notes, rightSide) table.sort(notes, compareNoteIndInputYDesc) local lastDirectionDown = nil local group = {} local prevNote for _, ind in ipairs(notes) do local v = notesForPage[ind] local leaderAnchorY = v:getLabelAnchorY() if leaderAnchorY > v.inputY then newDirectionDown = true elseif leaderAnchorY < v.inputY then newDirectionDown = false else newDirectionDown = nil end if lastDirectionDown == newDirectionDown and prevNote ~= nil and -- following conditions check that leaders would really intersect -- otherwise we can start a new group ((newDirectionDown and leaderAnchorY >= prevNote.inputY) or (not newDirectionDown and v.inputY >= prevNote:getLabelAnchorY())) then -- note belongs to group table.insert(group, ind) else -- draw leaders for group drawOpoGroup(group, lastDirectionDown, rightSide) -- initialise new group with this note lastDirectionDown = newDirectionDown group = {ind} end prevNote = v end drawOpoGroup(group, lastDirectionDown, rightSide) end local function drawOpoLeaders() local notesLeft, notesRight = segmentNotes(notesForPage) if #notesLeft > 0 then drawOpoLeadersSide(notesLeft, false) end if #notesRight > 0 then drawOpoLeadersSide(notesRight, true) end end leaderTypes["opo"] = {algo = drawOpoLeaders, needRoutingArea = true} -- ** leader drawing: po-leaders local function drawPoLeaders() for _, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do drawLeaderPath(v, v:getLabelAnchorTikz() .. " -| " .. v:getInTextAnchorTikz()) end end leaderTypes["po"] = {algo = drawPoLeaders} -- ** leader drawing: os-leaders local function drawOsLeaders() for _, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do local cornerX if v.rightSide then cornerX = labelArea.right.left - distanceNotesText / 2 - routingAreaWidth else cornerX = labelArea.left.right + distanceNotesText / 2 + routingAreaWidth end drawLeaderPath(v, v:getInTextAnchorTikz() .. " -- (" .. cornerX .. "sp,0 |- 0," .. v.inputY .. "sp) -- " .. v:getLabelAnchorTikz()) end end leaderTypes["os"] = {algo = drawOsLeaders, needRoutingArea = true} -- ** leader drawing: s-Bezier-leaders -- additional fields for each note: -- leaderArmY -- movableControlPointX -- optimalPositionX -- currentForce -- forceLimitDec -- forceLimitInc -- settings for algorithm local maxIterations = 1000 local factorRepulsiveControlPoint = 1 local factorAttractingControlPoint = 1 local stopCondition = 65536 -- corresponds to 1pt local function constructCurve(l) local curve = {} -- site curve[1] = {} curve[1].x = l.inputX curve[1].y = l.inputY -- unmovable control point (middle point of site and movable control point) curve[2] = {} curve[2].x = (l.inputX + l.movableControlPointX) / 2 curve[2].y = (l.inputY + l.leaderArmY) / 2 -- movable control point curve[3] = {} curve[3].x = l.movableControlPointX curve[3].y = l.leaderArmY -- port curve[4] = {} curve[4].x = labelArea:getXTextSide(l.rightSide) curve[4].y = l.leaderArmY return curve end local function getPointOnCurve(t, curve) if #curve ~= 4 then error("4 points needed for a Bezier-curve. Given size was: " .. #curve) end local x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * curve[1].x + 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * curve[2].x + 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * curve[3].x + t * t * t * curve[4].x local y = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * curve[1].y + 3 * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * curve[2].y + 3 * t * t * (1 - t) * curve[3].y + t * t * t * curve[4].y; return x, y end local function getDistance(line1, line2) local t1, t2 = pathLine.line_line_intersection(line1.x1, line1.y1, line1.x2, line1.y2, line2.x1, line2.y1, line2.x2, line2.y2) if 0 <= t1 and t1 <= 1 and 0 <= t2 and t2 <= 1 then -- the lines do intersect return 0 end local d1 = pathLine.hit(line2.x1, line2.y1, line1.x1, line1.y1, line1.x2, line1.y2) local d2 = pathLine.hit(line2.x2, line2.y2, line1.x1, line1.y1, line1.x2, line1.y2) local d3 = pathLine.hit(line1.x1, line1.y1, line2.x1, line2.y1, line2.x2, line2.y2) local d4 = pathLine.hit(line1.x2, line1.y2, line2.x1, line2.y1, line2.x2, line2.y2) return math.sqrt(math.min(d1, d2, d3, d4)) end local function checkCurveApproximation(curve1, curve2) -- these lists will contain the sections of the approximation of the two curves local sectionsCurve1 = {} local sectionsCurve2 = {} -- get line segments of the first curve local numberOfSectionsCurve1 = luatodonotes.numberOfCurvePartitions local temp1X, temp1Y = getPointOnCurve(0, curve1) local i = 1 while i <= numberOfSectionsCurve1 do local t = i / numberOfSectionsCurve1 local temp2X, temp2Y = getPointOnCurve(t, curve1) local line = {} line.x1 = temp1X line.y1 = temp1Y line.x2 = temp2X line.y2 = temp2Y table.insert(sectionsCurve1, line) temp1X, temp1Y = temp2X, temp2Y i = i + 1 end -- get line segments of the second curve local numberOfSectionsCurve2 = luatodonotes.numberOfCurvePartitions temp1X, temp1Y = getPointOnCurve(0, curve2) i = 1 while i <= numberOfSectionsCurve2 do local t = i / numberOfSectionsCurve2 local temp2X, temp2Y = getPointOnCurve(t, curve2) local line = {} line.x1 = temp1X line.y1 = temp1Y line.x2 = temp2X line.y2 = temp2Y table.insert(sectionsCurve2, line) temp1X, temp1Y = temp2X, temp2Y i = i + 1 end -- get the minimal distance of the 2 curve approximations local minDistance = math.huge for _, line1 in pairs(sectionsCurve1) do for _, line2 in pairs(sectionsCurve2) do local distance = getDistance(line1, line2) if distance <= minDistance then minDistance = distance end end end return minDistance end local function computeRepulsiveControlPointForces() for k1, l1 in pairs(notesForPage) do for k2, l2 in pairs(notesForPage) do if k1 ~= k2 then -- curves of the leaders local curve1 = constructCurve(l1) local curve2 = constructCurve(l2) local distance = checkCurveApproximation(curve1, curve2); -- check if R1 has to be increased or decreased to increase the distance of the 2 curves -- if curve1 is bent into the direction of curve2, R1 has to be decreased local actualR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(l1.rightSide) - l1.movableControlPointX) if ((l1.inputY < l1.leaderArmY and l2.leaderArmY < l1.leaderArmY) or (l1.inputY > l1.leaderArmY and l2.leaderArmY > l1.leaderArmY)) then -- R1 has to be increased local desiredR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(l1.rightSide) - l1.optimalPositionX) local diff = math.abs(desiredR - actualR) if distance == 0 then distance = 0.01 end local force = diff / distance local newForce = force * factorRepulsiveControlPoint l1.currentForce = l1.currentForce + newForce l1.forceLimitDec = math.min(l1.forceLimitDec, distance * 0.45) else -- R1 has to be decreased if distance == 0 then distance = 0.01 end local force = actualR / distance local newForce = -force * factorRepulsiveControlPoint l1.currentForce = l1.currentForce + newForce local oldLim = l1.forceLimitInc l1.forceLimitInc = math.min(l1.forceLimitInc, distance * 0.45) --if oldLim ~= l1.forceLimitInc then --print(k1 .. ": Reduced forceLimitInc from " .. oldLim .. " to " .. l1.forceLimitInc .. " because of " .. k2 .. " (distance: " .. distance .. ")") --end end end end end end local function computeAttractingControlPointForces() for _, l in pairs(notesForPage) do local desiredR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(l.rightSide) - l.optimalPositionX) local actualR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(l.rightSide) - l.movableControlPointX) local newForce = (desiredR - actualR) * factorAttractingControlPoint l.currentForce = l.currentForce + newForce end end local function applyForces(v) --print("force on note " .. v.index .. ": " .. v.currentForce .. " (limit: +" .. v.forceLimitInc .. ", -" .. v.forceLimitDec .. ")") -- limit the force so the movable control point is between the port and the optimal position local actualR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) - v.movableControlPointX) local differenceR = math.abs(labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) - v.optimalPositionX) - actualR if (v.currentForce < 0 and math.abs(v.currentForce) > actualR) then v.currentForce = (-1) * actualR end if (v.currentForce > 0 and v.currentForce > differenceR) then v.currentForce = differenceR end -- limit the force so 2 curves do not get too close to each other and do not cross if v.currentForce > v.forceLimitInc then v.currentForce = v.forceLimitInc end if v.currentForce < (-1) * v.forceLimitDec then v.currentForce = (-1) * v.forceLimitDec end v.forceLimitDec = math.huge v.forceLimitInc = math.huge if v.rightSide then v.movableControlPointX = v.movableControlPointX - v.currentForce else v.movableControlPointX = v.movableControlPointX + v.currentForce end --print("force on note " .. v.index .. ": " .. v.currentForce) local c = v.currentForce v.currentForce = 0 return c end local function getAngle(centerX, centerY, x, y) local vectorX = x - centerX local vectorY = y - centerY local length = math.sqrt((vectorX ^ 2) + (vectorY ^ 2)) vectorX = vectorX / length vectorY = vectorY / length local radAngle = math.acos(vectorX) local degAngle = (radAngle * 180) / math.pi if vectorY < 0 then degAngle = 360 - degAngle end return degAngle end local function solveQuadraticEquation(a, b, c) local discr = (b * b) - (4 * a * c) if discr < 0 then error("Fehler bei der Berechnung das optimalen Punktes") end local solution1 = ((-b) + math.sqrt(discr)) / (2 * a) local solution2 = ((-b) - math.sqrt(discr)) / (2 * a) if solution1 < 0 and solution2 < 0 then error("no positive solution") end if solution1 < solution2 then return solution2 else return solution1 end end local function computeOptimalPosition(v) local distance = point.distance(v.inputX, v.inputY, labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide), v.leaderArmY) -- the angle at the port between the point and the movable control point local tempAngle = getAngle(v.inputX, v.inputY, labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide), v.leaderArmY) local gamma if v.rightSide then if tempAngle < 180 then gamma = tempAngle else gamma = 360 - tempAngle end else if tempAngle < 180 then gamma = 180 - tempAngle else gamma = tempAngle - 180 end end -- a quadratic formula has to be solved to get the optimal position local a = 3 local b = 2 * distance * math.cos(math.rad(gamma)) local c = -(distance * distance) local r = solveQuadraticEquation(a, b, c) if v.rightSide then v.optimalPositionX = labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) - r else v.optimalPositionX = labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) + r end end local function drawSBezierLeaders() for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do -- initialise leader v.leaderArmY = v:getLabelAnchorY() v.movableControlPointX = labelArea:getXTextSide(v.rightSide) v.currentForce = 0 v.forceLimitDec = math.huge v.forceLimitInc = math.huge end luatodonotes.numberOfCurvePartitions = #notesForPage * 3 for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do computeOptimalPosition(v) end -- main loop local proceed = true local loopCounter = 0 while (proceed and loopCounter < maxIterations) do if todonotesDebug then print("Iteration " .. loopCounter) end -- compute forces computeRepulsiveControlPointForces() computeAttractingControlPointForces() -- apply forces proceed = false for _, l in pairs(notesForPage) do local diff = applyForces(l) if diff > stopCondition then proceed = true end end loopCounter = loopCounter + 1 end if todonotesDebug then print("End of Force-directed algo, number of iterations: " .. loopCounter) end -- draw for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do local curve = constructCurve(v) local unmovableStr = "(" .. curve[2].x .. "sp," .. curve[2].y .. "sp)" local movableStr = "(" .. curve[3].x .. "sp," .. curve[3].y .. "sp)" drawLeaderPath(v, v:getLabelAnchorTikz() .. " .. controls " .. movableStr .. " and " .. unmovableStr .. " .. " .. v:getInTextAnchorTikz()) -- draw control points when requested if todonotesDebug then local optimalStr = "(" .. v.optimalPositionX .. "sp," .. v.leaderArmY .. "sp)" tex.print("\\node[anchor=north west,text=pink,fill=white,rectangle] at " .. optimalStr .. " {" .. v.index .. "};") tex.print("\\node[anchor=north west,text=red,fill=white,rectangle] at " .. movableStr .. " {" .. v.index .. "};") tex.print("\\node[anchor=north west,text=orange,fill=white,rectangle] at " .. unmovableStr .. " {" .. v.index .. "};") tex.print("\\draw[red,fill] " .. movableStr .. " circle(2pt);") tex.print("\\draw[orange,fill] " .. unmovableStr .. " circle(2pt);") tex.print("\\draw[pink,fill] " .. optimalStr .. " circle(1pt);") end end end leaderTypes["sBezier"] = {algo = drawSBezierLeaders} -- ********** Positioning Algorithms ********** -- ** helper functions -- finds the index in the list given as parameter with the minimum angle -- the function used for computation of the angle is given as second parameter -- (the alphaFormula gets the note, to which the angle should be computed, as -- the only parameter) local function findIndexMinAlpha(availableNotesIndex, alphaFormula) local minAlpha = math.huge -- infinity local minIndex = -1 for k, v in pairs(availableNotesIndex) do local alpha = alphaFormula(notesForPage[v]) if alpha < minAlpha then minAlpha = alpha minIndex = k end end return minIndex end -- ** partition into stacks local function getMeanYHeight(stack) -- TODO: Alternative: nicht das arithmetische Mittel verwenden, sondern -- Mittelpunkt zwischen dem obersten und untersten Punkt local sumY = 0 local height = 0 for _, v in pairs(stack) do sumY = sumY + notesForPage[v].inputY height = height + notesForPage[v]:getHeight() + 2 * noteInnerSep + noteInterSpace end local area = labelArea:getArea(notesForPage[stack[1]].rightSide) local meanY = sumY / #stack local height = height - noteInterSpace if meanY + (height/2) > area.top then meanY = area.top - (height/2) elseif meanY - (height/2) < area.bottom then meanY = area.bottom + (height/2) end return meanY, height end local function stacksIntersect(stackTop, stackBottom) local topMeanY, topHeight = getMeanYHeight(stackTop) local topLower = topMeanY - topHeight/2 local bottomMeanY, bottomHeight = getMeanYHeight(stackBottom) local bottomUpper = bottomMeanY + bottomHeight/2 if topLower - bottomUpper < noteInterSpace then return true else return false end end local function findStacks(notesOnSide) local notes = table.copy(notesOnSide) table.sort(notes, compareNoteIndInputYDesc) -- list that contains stacks -- is initialized by putting all notes as single stacks ordered by their inputY local stacks = {} for _, v in pairs(notes) do table.insert(stacks, {v}) end -- Collapse Stacks where needed local i = 1 while i <= #stacks - 1 do if stacksIntersect(stacks[i], stacks[i+1]) then collapsedStacks = true for _, v in pairs(stacks[i+1]) do table.insert(stacks[i], v) end table.remove(stacks,i+1) if i > 1 then -- as stack i has increased in size we look at the previous -- stack again in next iteration i = i - 1 end else -- look at next stack in next iteration i = i + 1 end end return stacks end -- ** positioning: inText local function posInText() -- trivial algorithm -- places notes in text on position where todo-command was issued for k, v in ipairs(notesForPage) do v.outputX = v.inputX v.outputY = v.inputY end end positioningAlgos["inText"] = {algo = posInText, leaderAnchor = "north west", leaderShift = false, twoSided = false} -- ** positioning: inputOrderStacks local function placeNotesInputOrder(stack, yStart, rightSide) local freeY = yStart for _, k in ipairs(stack) do local v = notesForPage[k] v.outputX = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).left v.outputY = freeY freeY = freeY - v:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace end end local function posInputOrderStacks(notesOnSide, rightSide) table.sort(notesOnSide, compareNoteIndInputYDesc) local stacks = findStacks(notesOnSide) -- place stacks for k, stack in pairs(stacks) do local meanY, height = getMeanYHeight(stack) local stackStart = meanY + height / 2 placeNotesInputOrder(stack, stackStart, rightSide) end end positioningAlgos["inputOrderStacks"] = {algo = posInputOrderStacks, leaderAnchor = "east", leaderShift = false, twoSided = true} -- ** positioning: inputOrder -- start at top and place notes below each other on left/right side -- notes are placed in the order induced by their y-coordinates local function posInputOrder(notes, rightSide) table.sort(notes, compareNoteIndInputYDesc) placeNotesInputOrder(notes, labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top, rightSide) end positioningAlgos["inputOrder"] = {algo = posInputOrder, leaderAnchor = "east", leaderShift = false, twoSided = true} -- ** positioning: sLeaderNorthEast local function posSLeaderNorthEast(notes, rightSide) local noteY = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top local alphaFormula local noteX = labelArea:getXTextSide(rightSide) local outputX = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).left if rightSide then alphaFormula = function (note) return (noteY - note.inputY) / (noteX - note.inputX) end else alphaFormula = function (note) return (noteY - note.inputY) / (note.inputX - noteX) end end while #notes > 0 do local minIndex = findIndexMinAlpha(notes, alphaFormula) -- place note identified by minIndex local note = notesForPage[notes[minIndex]] note.outputX = outputX note.outputY = noteY noteY = noteY - note:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace table.remove(notes, minIndex) end end positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEast"] = {algo = posSLeaderNorthEast, leaderAnchor = "north east", leaderShift = false, twoSided = true} -- ** positioning: sLeaderNorthEastBelow local function placeNotesNorthEastBelow(stack, yStart, rightSide) -- calculate minimum height of all notes local minHeight = math.huge -- (infinity) for _, v in pairs(stack) do if notesForPage[v]:getHeight() < minHeight then minHeight = notesForPage[v]:getHeight() end end local leaderShiftY = (- minHeight - 2 * noteInnerSep) / 2 local noteY = yStart local availableNotes = table.copy(stack) local alphaFormula local noteX = labelArea:getXTextSide(rightSide) local outputX = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).left if rightSide == true then alphaFormula = function (note) return ((noteY + leaderShiftY) - note.inputY) / (noteX - note.inputX) end else alphaFormula = function (note) return ((noteY + leaderShiftY) - note.inputY) / (note.inputX - noteX) end end while #availableNotes > 0 do local minIndex = findIndexMinAlpha(availableNotes, alphaFormula) -- place note identified by minIndex local note = notesForPage[availableNotes[minIndex]] note.outputX = outputX note.outputY = noteY note.leaderShiftX = 0 note.leaderShiftY = leaderShiftY noteY = noteY - note:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace table.remove(availableNotes, minIndex) end end local function posSLeaderNorthEastBelow(notes, rightSide) placeNotesNorthEastBelow(notes, labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top, rightSide) end positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEastBelow"] = {algo = posSLeaderNorthEastBelow, leaderAnchor = "north east", leaderShift = true, twoSided = true} -- ** positioning: sLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks local function posSLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks(notesOnSide, rightSide) local stacks = findStacks(notesOnSide) -- place stacks for k, stack in pairs(stacks) do local meanY, height = getMeanYHeight(stack) local stackStart = meanY + height / 2 placeNotesNorthEastBelow(stack, stackStart, rightSide) end end positioningAlgos["sLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks"] = {algo = posSLeaderNorthEastBelowStacks, leaderAnchor = "north east", leaderShift = true, twoSided = true} -- ** positioning: sLeaderEast local function posSLeaderEast(notes, rightSide) local leaderPosY local noteY = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top local alphaFormula local noteX = labelArea:getXTextSide(rightSide) local outputX = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).left if rightSide == true then alphaFormula = function (note) return (leaderPosY - note.inputY) / (noteX - note.inputX) end else alphaFormula = function (note) return (leaderPosY - note.inputY) / (note.inputX - noteX) end end local placedNotes = {} while #notes > 0 do -- build a array with all distinct heights of the notes -- first create a set and then convert to sorted array local heights = {} for _, v in pairs(notes) do heights[notesForPage[v]:getHeight()] = true end heights = table.keys(heights) table.sort(heights) local chosenIndex = -1 local chosenH = -1 for _, h in pairs(heights) do if todonotesDebug then print("testing height: " .. h) end leaderPosY = noteY - noteInnerSep - h/2 -- find point with highest angle local minIndex = findIndexMinAlpha(notes, alphaFormula) -- found a valid note if notesForPage[notes[minIndex]]:getHeight() <= h then chosenIndex = minIndex chosenH = h if todonotesDebug then print("placed note " .. notesForPage[notes[chosenIndex]].index) end break end end -- place note identified by chosenIndex local note = notesForPage[notes[chosenIndex]] note.outputX = outputX -- let free space above note if needed (if chosenH ~= note:getHeight()) note.outputY = noteY - (chosenH - note:getHeight()) / 2 -- no extraordinary free space below note (even if chosenH ~= note:getHeight()) noteY = note.outputY - note:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace if todonotesDebug and chosenH ~= note:getHeight() then print("Creating free space above note " .. note.index) end table.insert(placedNotes, notes[chosenIndex]) table.remove(notes, chosenIndex) end -- postprocessing: reduce spaces between notes where possible for ind, noteNr in pairs(placedNotes) do local note = notesForPage[noteNr] local aimedPos if ind == 1 then aimedPos = labelArea:getArea(rightSide).top else local prevNote = notesForPage[placedNotes[ind-1]] aimedPos = prevNote.outputY - prevNote:getHeight() - 2 * noteInnerSep - noteInterSpace end if todonotesDebug and aimedPos ~= note.outputY then print("note " .. note.index .. " got moved:") print("aimed: " .. aimedPos) print("real: " .. note.outputY) end local aimedLeaderAnchorY = aimedPos - noteInnerSep - note:getHeight() / 2 local realLeaderAnchorY = note.outputY - noteInnerSep - note:getHeight() / 2 -- it holds: realLeaderAnchorY < aimedLeaderAnchorY (realLeaderAnchor is lower on page) -- check if there are points in triangle (aimedLeaderAnchor, note.input, realLeaderAnchor) -- we perform this check by calculating the angle of the points referred to note.input local pointsInTriangle = false local denom if rightSide then denom = noteX - note.inputX else denom = note.inputX - noteX end local aimedLeaderAnchorAngle = (aimedLeaderAnchorY - note.inputY) / denom local realLeaderAnchorAngle = (realLeaderAnchorY - note.inputY) / denom local minAngle = math.huge local minAngleIndex = -1 -- takes index of lowest point in triangle for otherInd, otherNote in pairs(notesForPage) do if otherInd ~= noteNr and ((not rightSide and otherNote.inputX < note.inputX) or (rightSide and otherNote.inputX > note.inputX)) then local otherNoteAngle if rightSide then otherNoteAngle = (otherNote.inputY - note.inputY) / (otherNote.inputX - note.inputX) else otherNoteAngle = (otherNote.inputY - note.inputY) / (note.inputX - otherNote.inputX) end if (realLeaderAnchorAngle < otherNoteAngle) and (otherNoteAngle < aimedLeaderAnchorAngle) then pointsInTriangle = true if otherNoteAngle < minAngle then minAngle = otherNoteAngle minAngleIndex = otherInd end if todonotesDebug then print(otherNote.index .. " is in triangle for " .. note.index) end end end end if not pointsInTriangle then -- no points in triangle -- => we can move this note to aimedPos note.outputY = aimedPos else -- move note upwards so that leader touches lowest point in triangle -- new point for leader anchor is determined by the ray from note.input through the lowest point in triangle (otherNote.input) -- TODO: force a certain distance between leader and other points (at the moment a leader can contain endpoints of other leaders) local otherNote = notesForPage[minAngleIndex] local aimedLeaderAnchorY = note.inputY - (note.inputY - otherNote.inputY) * (note.inputX - noteX) / (note.inputX - otherNote.inputX) note.outputY = aimedLeaderAnchorY + noteInnerSep + note:getHeight() / 2 end end end positioningAlgos["sLeaderEast"] = {algo = posSLeaderEast, leaderAnchor = "east", leaderShift = false, twoSided = true} -- ** positioning: poLeaders local function getRasterAbsolute(rasterHeight, top, rasterIndex) return top - (rasterIndex - 1) * rasterHeight end -- distance between line and leader that algorithm tries to reach when there is -- no neighbouring line local poMinDistLine = string.todimen("4pt") local function getPosAboveLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineInd) local line = linePositionsCurPage[lineInd] local posAbove if linePositionsCurPage[lineInd - 1] ~= nil then posAbove = (line[2] + linePositionsCurPage[lineInd - 1][3]) / 2 end if posAbove == nil or posAbove - line[2] > poMinDistLine then posAbove = line[2] + poMinDistLine end return posAbove end local function getPosBelowLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineInd) local line = linePositionsCurPage[lineInd] local posBelow if linePositionsCurPage[lineInd + 1] ~= nil then posBelow = (line[3] + (linePositionsCurPage[lineInd + 1][2])) / 2 end if posBelow == nil or line[3] - posBelow > poMinDistLine then posBelow = line[3] - poMinDistLine end return posBelow end local function posPoLeaders(notes, rightSide, avoidLines) local linePositionsCurPage if avoidLines then linePositionsCurPage = {} -- use the current pageheight to convert coordinates: -- savepos yields coordinates relativ to lower left corner of page, -- while our tikzpicture is anchored at the upper left corner for k, v in pairs(linePositions[currentPage] or {}) do local baseline = v[1] - tex.pageheight linePositionsCurPage[k] = {baseline, baseline + v[2], baseline - v[3]} if todonotesDebug then print("linePositionsAddLine, add: " .. v[1] .. ", pageheight: " .. tex.pageheight .. ", result: " .. baseline) end end end -- number of slots on the whole page local area = labelArea:getArea(rightSide) local totalNumSlots = math.floor((area.top - area.bottom) / rasterHeight) -- calculate number of raster slots for each note for _, ind in pairs(notes) do local v = notesForPage[ind] local height = v:getHeight() + 2 * noteInnerSep + noteInterSpace v.rasterSlots = math.ceil(height / rasterHeight) end -- sort notes by inputY table.sort(notes, compareNoteIndInputYDesc) -- draw slots and line positions if todonotesDebug then for i = 1,totalNumSlots+1 do local pos = area.top - (i-1) * rasterHeight tex.print("\\draw[blue,dashed] (0," .. pos .. "sp) -- +(21cm,0);") end for ind, v in pairs(linePositionsCurPage) do local pos = v[1] tex.print("\\draw[red,dashed] (0," .. pos .. "sp) -- +(21cm,0);") tex.print("\\node[red] at (1cm," .. pos .. "sp) {" .. ind .. "};") end end -- initialise table opt for dynamic program -- opt[topPoint, bottomPoint, topSlot, bottomSlot, numberLabeledSites] -- opt[a][b][c][d][e] describes length-minimal placement of the labels for -- sites from a to b in the raster slots c to d -- the leftmost/rightmost e sites between a and b are selected until there -- are no more free slots local opt = {} for a = 1, #notes do opt[a] = {} for b = a, #notes do opt[a][b] = {} -- TODO: needed label slots are restricted by points -- only create tables for needed slots for i = 1, totalNumSlots do opt[a][b][i] = {} for j = i, totalNumSlots do if i == j then opt[a][b][i][j] = {} opt[a][b][i][j][0] = {} opt[a][b][i][j][0].totalLength = 0 opt[a][b][i][j][0].positions = {} opt[a][b][i][j][0].leaderShiftY = {} end end end end end -- constant use an partial solution without labeled points local optEmpty = {} optEmpty.totalLength = 0 optEmpty.positions = {} optEmpty.leaderShiftY = {} -- fill table opt for dynamic program -- numberOfPoints is difference between topPoint and bottomPoint when computing opt for numberOfPoints = 1, #notes do for topPoint = 1, (#notes - numberOfPoints + 1) do -- compute opt[topStrip][bottomStrip] local bottomPoint = topPoint + numberOfPoints - 1 local pointsBetween = {} for i = topPoint, bottomPoint do table.insert(pointsBetween, notes[i]) end if rightSide then table.sort(pointsBetween, compareNoteIndInputXDesc) else table.sort(pointsBetween, compareNoteIndInputXAsc) end -- TODO: Einschränken, nicht alle Kombinationen von Slots notwendig -- (siehe auch oben) -- numberOfSlots is difference between topSlot and bottomSlot when computing opt for numberOfSlots = 1, totalNumSlots do for topSlot = 1, (totalNumSlots - numberOfSlots + 1) do local bottomSlot = topSlot + numberOfSlots - 1 -- DEBUG --print("computing opt[" .. topPoint .. "][" .. bottomPoint .. --"][" .. topSlot .. "][" .. bottomSlot .. "]") opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot] = {} opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][0] = {} opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][0].totalLength = 0 opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][0].positions = {} opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][0].leaderShiftY = {} -- stelle fest, wie viele Punkte gelabelt werden (bestimme also r) local labeledSites = {} local usedSlots = 0 for _, v in pairs(pointsBetween) do local note = notesForPage[v] if usedSlots + note.rasterSlots <= numberOfSlots then usedSlots = usedSlots + note.rasterSlots table.insert(labeledSites, v) else break end end -- TODO: Teste, ob bei kleinerer Anzahl an Slots gleiche Punkte gelabelt werden -- -> dann kann Teillösung übernommen werden -- Mögliche Aufteilungen (Positionierung des Labels für r) testen -- und Optimum auswählen if #labeledSites > 0 then for numLabeledSites = 1, #labeledSites do -- we place rightmost point: labeledSites[#labeledSites] local rIndex = labeledSites[numLabeledSites] local r = notesForPage[rIndex] -- slotIndexR is the slot in that the label for r begins (topmost slot) local bestVal = math.huge local bestOpt = {} -- try all label positions for r (leader should enter the label at east-anchor) for slotIndexR = topSlot, (bottomSlot + 1 - r.rasterSlots) do -- calculate position in which leader arm is placed local labelTopR = getRasterAbsolute(rasterHeight, area.top, slotIndexR) local leaderArmR, leaderShiftR if avoidLines then leaderArmR = labelTopR - noteInnerSep - r:getHeight() / 2 -- east anchor -- find first line (from the top) whose lower bound is below leaderArmR local lineBelowInd for ind, v in pairs(linePositionsCurPage) do if v[3] <= leaderArmR then lineBelowInd = ind break end end -- choose the desired position for the leader arm -- (later we check if the label is high enough to shift the port to this position) local desiredPos = leaderArmR if lineBelowInd == nil then -- there is no line below the leaderArmR local lowestLine = linePositionsCurPage[#linePositionsCurPage] if lowestLine ~= nil and lowestLine[3] - leaderArmR < poMinDistLine then -- leader is too near to lowest line on page -- -> use the valid position below this line desiredPos = getPosBelowLine(linePositionsCurPage, #linePositionsCurPage) end else local lineBelow = linePositionsCurPage[lineBelowInd] local lineAbove = linePositionsCurPage[lineBelowInd - 1] if lineBelow ~= nil and leaderArmR - lineBelow[2] < poMinDistLine then -- leader is too near (or conflicting) to the line below -- -> move below or above this line (using the position closer to the original one) local posAbove = getPosAboveLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineBelowInd) local posBelow = getPosBelowLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineBelowInd) -- chose position which is closer to east anchor if posAbove - leaderArmR <= leaderArmR - posBelow then desiredPos = posAbove else desiredPos = posBelow end elseif lineAbove ~= nil and lineAbove[3] - leaderArmR < poMinDistLine then -- leader is too near to the line below -- -> use the valid position above this line desiredPos = getPosAboveLine(linePositionsCurPage, lineBelowInd) end end -- check if label is high enough to move leader to desired position if math.abs(desiredPos - leaderArmR) <= r:getHeight() / 2 + noteInnerSep then leaderShiftR = desiredPos - leaderArmR leaderArmR = desiredPos else leaderShiftR = 0 end else leaderArmR = labelTopR - noteInnerSep - r:getHeight() / 2 end -- determine index of last point above arm local pointAboveArm = 0 for k, ind in pairs(notes) do v = notesForPage[ind] if v.inputY >= leaderArmR then pointAboveArm = k else break end end local numPointsAbove = 0 local numPointsBelow = 0 for _, v in pairs(pointsBetween) do if v == rIndex then break end local note = notesForPage[v] if note.inputY >= leaderArmR then numPointsAbove = numPointsAbove + 1 else numPointsBelow = numPointsBelow + 1 end end local optAbove, optBelow if pointAboveArm < topPoint then optAbove = optEmpty elseif slotIndexR - 1 < topSlot then optAbove = optEmpty elseif pointAboveArm > bottomPoint then optAbove = opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][slotIndexR - 1][numPointsAbove] else optAbove = opt[topPoint][pointAboveArm][topSlot][slotIndexR - 1][numPointsAbove] end if pointAboveArm + 1 > bottomPoint then optBelow = optEmpty elseif slotIndexR + r.rasterSlots > bottomSlot then optBelow = optEmpty elseif pointAboveArm + 1 < topPoint then optBelow = opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][slotIndexR + r.rasterSlots][bottomSlot][numPointsBelow] else optBelow = opt[pointAboveArm + 1][bottomPoint][slotIndexR + r.rasterSlots][bottomSlot][numPointsBelow] end local partitionValid = true if optAbove == nil or optBelow == nil then partitionValid = false else local labeledAboveArm = table.keys(optAbove.positions) local labeledBelowArm = table.keys(optBelow.positions) if #labeledAboveArm + #labeledBelowArm + 1 ~= numLabeledSites then partitionValid = false else -- test if all of labeledNotes are in one of the sets -- last element (= r) must not be tested for testIndex = 1, (numLabeledSites - 1) do if not table.contains(labeledAboveArm, labeledSites[testIndex]) and not table.contains(labeledBelowArm, labeledSites[testIndex]) then partitionValid = false end end end end if partitionValid then local newVal = math.abs(r.inputY - leaderArmR) + optAbove.totalLength + optBelow.totalLength if newVal < bestVal then bestVal = newVal bestOpt = {} bestOpt.totalLength = newVal bestOpt.positions = {} for k, v in pairs(optAbove.positions) do bestOpt.positions[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(optBelow.positions) do bestOpt.positions[k] = v end -- DEBUG if bestOpt.positions[rIndex] ~= nil then error("WARNING: Overwriting position of " .. rIndex .. " from " .. bestOpt.positions[rIndex] .. " to " .. slotIndexR) end bestOpt.positions[rIndex] = slotIndexR bestOpt.leaderShiftY = {} if avoidLines then for k, v in pairs(optAbove.leaderShiftY) do bestOpt.leaderShiftY[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(optBelow.leaderShiftY) do bestOpt.leaderShiftY[k] = v end bestOpt.leaderShiftY[rIndex] = leaderShiftR end end end end if next(bestOpt) ~= nil then -- bestOpt is not an empty table --print("setting opt[" .. topPoint .. "][" .. bottomPoint .. --"][" .. topSlot .. "][" .. bottomSlot .. "][" .. numLabeledSites .. "] = " .. inspect(bestOpt)) opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][numLabeledSites] = bestOpt else --print ("WARNING: Found no valid position for label in opt[" .. topPoint .. "][" .. bottomPoint .. --"][" .. topSlot .. "][" .. bottomSlot .. "][" .. numLabeledSites .. "] = " .. inspect(bestOpt)) opt[topPoint][bottomPoint][topSlot][bottomSlot][numLabeledSites] = nil end end end end end end end if #notes > 0 then --DEBUG local maxPlaced = 0 for i = 1,#notes do if opt[1][#notes][1][totalNumSlots][i] ~= nil then maxPlaced = i end end if maxPlaced < #notes then print("WARNING: could not fit all labels on page") end local res = opt[1][#notes][1][totalNumSlots][maxPlaced] local positions = res.positions local leaderShiftY = res.leaderShiftY if todonotesDebug then local length = res.totalLength -- in console print("----------------") print("po-leader algorithm: Using result: opt[1][" .. #notes .. "][1][" .. totalNumSlots .. "][" .. maxPlaced .. "]") print("resulting length: " .. length) print("resulting positions:") print(inspect(positions)) print("resulting leaderShifts:") print(inspect(leaderShiftY)) print("----------------") -- on page tex.print("\\node[text=blue,fill=white,rectangle,align=center] at (10.5cm,-27cm) {" .. "total length: " .. number.tocentimeters(length, "%s%s") .. "\\\\ " .. "rasterHeight: " .. number.tocentimeters(rasterHeight, "%s%s") .. "};") end for _, ind in pairs(notes) do local v = notesForPage[ind] v.outputX = area.left v.leaderShiftX = 0 if positions[ind] == nil then print("did not define a position for note " .. v.index) v.outputY = 0 v.leaderShiftY = 0 else v.outputY = getRasterAbsolute(rasterHeight, area.top, positions[ind]) if leaderShiftY[ind] ~= nil then v.leaderShiftY = leaderShiftY[ind] end end end end end positioningAlgos["poLeaders"] = {algo = posPoLeaders, leaderAnchor = "east", leaderShift = false, twoSided = true} local function posPoLeadersAvoid(notes, rightSide) posPoLeaders(notes, rightSide, true) end positioningAlgos["poLeadersAvoidLines"] = {algo = posPoLeadersAvoid, leaderAnchor = "east", leaderShift = true, twoSided = true, needLinePositions = true} -- ********** Splitting Algorithms ********** -- ** splittingAlgorithm: none -- place all notes on the wider side local function splitNone() local rightSideSelected = false if labelArea.left == nil and labelArea.right == nil then error("Cannot place labels on any side of text (not enough space). " .. "Consider using the additionalMargin option of the package to " .. "extend the page margins " .. "or minNoteWidth to decrease the minimum width required") elseif labelArea.left == nil then rightSideSelected = true elseif labelArea.right ~= nil and labelArea.right.noteWidth > labelArea.left.noteWidth then rightSideSelected = true end for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do v.rightSide = rightSideSelected end end splittingAlgos["none"] = {algo = splitNone} -- ** splittingAlgorithm: middle -- split on middle of page local function splitMiddle() if labelArea:isOneSided() then splitNone() else local splitLine = (labelArea.text.right + labelArea.text.left)/2 for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do if v.inputX <= splitLine then v.rightSide = false else v.rightSide = true end end end end splittingAlgos["middle"] = {algo = splitMiddle} -- ** splittingAlgorithm: median -- split at median (sites sorted by x-coordinate) local function splitMedian() if labelArea:isOneSided() then splitNone() else if #notesForPage == 0 then return end -- list that contains notes sorted by their inputX-coordinate local notesSorted = {} for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do table.insert(notesSorted, v) end table.sort(notesSorted, compareNoteInputXAsc) local maxIndLeft if #notesSorted % 2 == 1 then maxIndLeft = math.ceil(#notesSorted / 2) else maxIndLeft = #notesSorted / 2 end for k, v in pairs(notesSorted) do if k <= maxIndLeft then v.rightSide = false else v.rightSide = true end end end end splittingAlgos["median"] = {algo = splitMedian} -- ** splittingAlgorithm: weightedMedian -- split at weighted median (sites sorted by x-coordinate) -- sum of heights of labels on both sides are similiar to each other local function splitWeightedMedian() if labelArea:isOneSided() then splitNone() else if #notesForPage == 0 then return end -- list that contains notes sorted by their inputX-coordinate local notesSorted = {} for _, v in pairs(notesForPage) do table.insert(notesSorted, v) end table.sort(notesSorted, compareNoteInputXAsc) local heightLeft = 0 local heightRight = 0 while #notesSorted > 0 do if heightRight < heightLeft then -- place next note on the right side local note = notesSorted[#notesSorted] note.rightSide = true heightRight = heightRight + note:getHeight() + 2 * noteInnerSep + noteInterSpace table.remove(notesSorted, #notesSorted) else -- place next note on the left side local note = notesSorted[1] note.rightSide = false heightLeft = heightLeft + note:getHeight() + 2 * noteInnerSep + noteInterSpace table.remove(notesSorted, 1) end end end end splittingAlgos["weightedMedian"] = {algo = splitWeightedMedian}