%% This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex

\_famdecl [EB Garamond] \EBGaramond {Based on Garamond}
        {\medium \semibold \caps \swash} {\rm \bf \it \bi \initials} {Garamond-Math}
        {\_def\_fontnamegen {[EBGaramond-\_currV]:\_capsV\_swaV\_fontfeatures}}

 \caps ...... caps & small caps^^J
 \swash ..... alternative capitals for \it, \bi, only non-accented letters^^J
 \medium .... medium weight^^J
 \semibold .. semibold weight (only \bf, \bi are changed)^^J
 \initials .. Initials, only letters ADFGLNOQT^^J

\_moddef \resetmod {\_fsetV caps={},swa={} \_fvars Regular Bold Italic BoldItalic }
\_moddef \medium   {\_fvars Medium ExtraBold MediumItalic ExtraBoldItalic }
\_moddef \semibold {\_fvars Regular SemiBold Italic SemiBoldItalic }
\_moddef \caps     {\_fsetV caps=+smcp;\_ffonum; }
\_moddef \nocaps   {\_fsetV caps={} }
\_moddef \swash    {\_fsetV swa=+swsh; }
\_moddef \noswash  {\_fsetV swa={} }

\_famvardef \initials {\_fvars Initials . . . \rm}

\_initfontfamily % new font family must be initialized

\_loadmath {[Garamond-Math]}


See the file `f-heros.opm` for information about principles of such