%% This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex

\_codedecl \_ncharrmA {Uni math codes <2025-02-09>} % preloaded on demand by \loadmath

   \_doc -----------------------------
   Unicode math font includes all typical math alphabets together, user needs no
   load more \TeX/ math families. These math alphabets are encoded by
   different parts of Unicode table. We need auxiliary macros for setting
   mathcodes by selected math alphabet.
   \`\_umathrange` `{<from->-<to>}<class><family>\<first>` sets `\Umathcode`s
   of the characters in the interval `<from>-<to>` to `\<first>`,
   `\<first>+1`, `\<first>+2`
   etc., but \`\_umathcharholes` are skipped
   (`\_umathcharholes` are parts of the Unicode table not designed for math
   alphabets, they cause that the math alphabets are
   not continuously spread out in the table; I mean that the
   designers were under the influence of drugs when they created
   this part of the Unicode table).
   The `<from>-<to>` clause includes characters like~`A-Z`.
   Note that the `\_umathrange` sets the \`\_classfam` macro as <class>
   <family> for later use.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_newcount\_umathnumA  \_newcount\_umathnumB

   \_ea\_chardef \_csname _mh:#1\_endcsname=#2 \_ea\_umathholes\_fi}
\_umathholes % holes in math alphabets:

\_def\_umathrange#1#2#3#4{\_umathnumB=#4\_def\_classfam{#2 #3 }\_umathrangeA#1}
      \_Umathcode \_umathnumA = \_classfam \_trycs{_mh:\_the\_umathnumB}\_umathnumB
         \_advance\_umathnumA by1 \_advance\_umathnumB by1

   \_doc -----------------------------
   A few math characters have very specific Unicode and must be handled
   individually. We can run \`\_umathrangespec``<list of characters>\relax`
   just after \^`\_umathrange`. The `\_umathnumB` must be set to the first
   destination code. The \^`\_umathrangespec` applies to each character from
   the <list of characters> this:
   `\Umathcode``<char-code>=\_classfam\_umathnumB` and increments
   `\_umathnumB`. If `\_umathnumB=0` then it applies
   `\Umathcode``<char-code>=\_classfam <char-code>`.
   The \^`\_classfam` and `\_umathnumB` were typically set by previous call
   of the \^`\_umathrange` macro.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_def\_umathrangespec#1{\_ifx#1\_relax \_else
   \_Umathcode `#1=\_classfam \_ifnum\_umathnumB=0 `#1 \_else \_umathnumB\_fi
   \_unless\_ifnum\_umathnumB=0 \_advance\_umathnumB by1 \_fi
   \_ea\_umathrangespec \_fi

   \_doc -----------------------------
   The math alphabets are set by
   \`\_rmvariables`, \`\_rmletters`, \`\_bfvariables`, \`\_bfletters`,\nl
   \`\_itvariables`, \`\_itletters`, \`\_bivariables`, \`\_biletters`,\nl
   \`\_calvariables`, \`\_bcalvariables`, \`\_frakvariables`,
   \`\_bfrakvariables`, \`\_bbvariables`,\nl \`\_sansvariables`,
   \`\_bsansvariables`, \`\_isansvariables`, \`\_bisansvariables`,
   \`\_ttvariables`,\nl \`\_itgreek`, \`\_rmgreek,` \`\_bfgreek`, \`\_bigreek`,
   \`\_bsansgreek`, \`\_bisansgreek`,\nl \`\_itGreek`, \`\_rmGreek`, \`\_bfGreek`,
   \`\_biGreek`, \`\_bsansGreek`, \`\_bisansGreek`,\nl \`\_rmdigits`,
   \`\_bfdigits`, \`\_bbdigits`, \`\_sansdigits`, \`\_bsansdigits`,
   They are declared using the
   \^`\_umathrange {<range>}<class><family><starting-code>` macro.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_chardef\_ncharrmA=`A       \_chardef\_ncharrma=`a
\_chardef\_ncharbfA="1D400   \_chardef\_ncharbfa="1D41A
\_chardef\_ncharitA="1D434   \_chardef\_ncharita="1D44E
\_chardef\_ncharbiA="1D468   \_chardef\_ncharbia="1D482
\_chardef\_ncharclA="1D49C   \_chardef\_ncharcla="1D4B6
\_chardef\_ncharbcA="1D4D0   \_chardef\_ncharbca="1D4EA
\_chardef\_ncharfrA="1D504   \_chardef\_ncharfra="1D51E
\_chardef\_ncharbrA="1D56C   \_chardef\_ncharbra="1D586
\_chardef\_ncharbbA="1D538   \_chardef\_ncharbba="1D552
\_chardef\_ncharsnA="1D5A0   \_chardef\_ncharsna="1D5BA
\_chardef\_ncharbsA="1D5D4   \_chardef\_ncharbsa="1D5EE
\_chardef\_ncharsiA="1D608   \_chardef\_ncharsia="1D622
\_chardef\_ncharsxA="1D63C   \_chardef\_ncharsxa="1D656
\_chardef\_ncharttA="1D670   \_chardef\_nchartta="1D68A

\_protected\_def\_rmvariables     {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharrmA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharrma}
\_protected\_def\_rmletters       {\_umathrange{A-Z}72\_ncharrmA \_umathrange{a-z}72\_ncharrma}
\_protected\_def\_bfvariables     {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharbfA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharbfa}
\_protected\_def\_bfletters       {\_umathrange{A-Z}72\_ncharbfA \_umathrange{a-z}72\_ncharbfa}
\_protected\_def\_itvariables     {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharitA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharita}
\_protected\_def\_itletters       {\_umathrange{A-Z}72\_ncharitA \_umathrange{a-z}72\_ncharita}
\_protected\_def\_bivariables     {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharbiA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharbia}
\_protected\_def\_biletters       {\_umathrange{A-Z}72\_ncharbiA \_umathrange{a-z}72\_ncharbia}
\_protected\_def\_calvariables    {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharclA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharcla}
\_protected\_def\_bcalvariables   {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharbcA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharbca}
\_protected\_def\_frakvariables   {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharfrA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharfra}
\_protected\_def\_bfrakvariables  {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharbrA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharbra}
\_protected\_def\_bbvariables     {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharbbA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharbba}
\_protected\_def\_sansvariables   {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharsnA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharsna}
\_protected\_def\_bsansvariables  {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharbsA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharbsa}
\_protected\_def\_isansvariables  {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharsiA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharsia}
\_protected\_def\_bisansvariables {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharsxA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_ncharsxa}
\_protected\_def\_ttvariables     {\_umathrange{A-Z}71\_ncharttA \_umathrange{a-z}71\_nchartta}

\_chardef\_greekrmA="0391   \_chardef\_greekrma="03B1
\_chardef\_greekbfA="1D6A8  \_chardef\_greekbfa="1D6C2
\_chardef\_greekitA="1D6E2  \_chardef\_greekita="1D6FC
\_chardef\_greekbiA="1D71C  \_chardef\_greekbia="1D736
\_chardef\_greeksnA="1D756  \_chardef\_greeksna="1D770
\_chardef\_greeksiA="1D790  \_chardef\_greeksia="1D7AA

\_protected\_def\_itgreek    {\_umathrangegreek71\_greekita}
\_protected\_def\_rmgreek    {\_umathrangegreek71\_greekrma}
\_protected\_def\_bfgreek    {\_umathrangegreek71\_greekbfa}
\_protected\_def\_bigreek    {\_umathrangegreek71\_greekbia}
\_protected\_def\_bsansgreek {\_umathrangegreek71\_greeksna}
\_protected\_def\_itGreek    {\_umathrangeGREEK71\_greekitA}
\_protected\_def\_rmGreek    {\_umathrangeGREEK71\_greekrmA}
\_protected\_def\_bfGreek    {\_umathrangeGREEK71\_greekbfA}
\_protected\_def\_biGreek    {\_umathrangeGREEK71\_greekbiA}
\_protected\_def\_bsansGreek {\_umathrangeGREEK71\_greeksnA}


\_protected\_def\_rmdigits    {\_umathrange{0-9}71\_digitrmO}
\_protected\_def\_bfdigits    {\_umathrange{0-9}71\_digitbfO}
\_protected\_def\_bbdigits    {\_umathrange{0-9}71\_digitbbO}
\_protected\_def\_sansdigits  {\_umathrange{0-9}71\_digitsnO}
\_protected\_def\_bsansdigits {\_umathrange{0-9}71\_digitbsO}
\_protected\_def\_ttdigits    {\_umathrange{0-9}71\_digitttO}

   \_doc -----------------------------
   The control sequences for `\alpha`, `\beta`, etc.\ are redefined here.
   The `\alpha` will expand to the character with Unicode `"03B1`, this is a normal
   character $α$. You can type it directly in your editor if you know how
   to do this. These sequences are declared by
   `\_greekdef``<list of sequences>\relax`.
   \_cod -----------------------------

      \_advance\_umathnumB by 1
      \_ea\_greekdef \_fi
\_greekdef \Alpha \Beta \Gamma \Delta \Epsilon \Zeta \Eta \Theta \Iota \Kappa
   \Lambda \Mu \Nu \Xi \Omicron \Pi \Rho \varTheta \Sigma \Tau \Upsilon \Phi
   \Chi \Psi \Omega \_relax

\_greekdef \alpha \beta \gamma \delta \varepsilon \zeta \eta \theta \iota \kappa
   \lambda \mu \nu \xi \omicron \pi \rho \varsigma \sigma \tau \upsilon
   \varphi \chi \psi \omega \_relax

   \_doc -----------------------------
   The \`\_umathrangeGREEK``<class><family><first>` and
   \`\_umathrangegreek``<class><family><first>` macros
   for setting math codes of Greek characters are defined here. They use \^`\_umathrange`
   for general codes but the exceptions must be handled by the
   \^`\_umathrangespec` macro.
   The exceptions are seven Greek characters:
   $\epsilon, \vartheta, \varkappa, \phi, \varrho, \varpi, \nabla$.
   The first six of these characters should behave as lowercase Greek letters
   and the last one `\nabla` is uppercase Greek letter.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_def\epsilon{^^^^03f5} \_def\vartheta{^^^^03d1} \_def\varkappa{^^^^03f0}
\_def\phi{^^^^03d5}     \_def\varrho{^^^^03f1}   \_def\varpi{^^^^03d6}
\_def \nabla{^^^^2207}

\_def\_umathrangeGREEK#1#2#3{\_umathrange{^^^^0391-^^^^03a9}#1#2#3% \Alpha-\Omega
   \_resetnabla  % you can do \let\_resetnabla=\relax if you don't want to change \nabla shape
\_def\_resetnabla {%
   \_ifnum\_umathnumB<950 \_umathnumB=0 \_else \_advance\_umathnumB by1 \_fi
   \_umathrangespec ^^^^2207\_relax % \nabla
   \_umathrange{^^^^03b1-^^^^03c9}#1#2#3% \alpha-\omega
   \_ifnum#3=\_greekrma \_umathnumB=0 \_else \_advance\_umathnumB by2 \_fi
   \_umathrangespec ^^^^03f5^^^^03d1^^^^03f0^^^^03d5^^^^03f1^^^^03d6\_relax % \epsilon-\varpi

   \_doc -----------------------------
   The  math alphabets \`\cal`, \`\bbchar`, \`\frak`, \`\script`,
   \`\misans`, \`\mbisans` are re-defined
   here. The \`\_marm`, \`\_mabf`, \`\_mait`, \`\_mabi`, \`\_matt`
   used in \^`\rm`, \^`\bf`, \^`\it`, \^`\bi` are re-defined too.\nl
   You can redefine them again if you need different behavior (for example
   you don't want to use sans serif bold in math). What to do:
   \_protected\_def\_mabf {\_inmath{\_bfvariables\_bfgreek\_bfGreek\_bfdigits}}
   \_protected\_def\_mabi {\_inmath{\_bivariables\_bigreek\_bfGreek\_bfdigits}}
   \`\_inmath` `{<cmds>}` applies `<cmds>` only in math mode.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_protected\_def\_inmath#1{\_relax \_ifmmode#1\_fi} % to keep off \loop processing in text mode

% You can redefine these macros to follow your wishes.
% For example, you need upright lowercase greek letters, you don't need
% \bf and \bi behave as sans serif in math, ...

\_protected\_def\_marm {\_inmath{\_rmletters \_rmdigits}}
\_protected\_def\_mait {\_inmath{\_itletters \_itGreek}}
\_protected\_def\_mabf {\_inmath{\_bsansvariables \_bsansgreek \_bsansGreek \_bsansdigits}}
\_protected\_def\_mabi {\_inmath{\_bisansvariables \_bisansgreek \_bsansGreek \_bsansdigits}}
\_protected\_def\_matt {\_inmath{\_ttvariables \_ttdigits}}
\_protected\_def\_bbchar  {\_bbvariables \_bbdigits}
\_protected\_def\_cal     {\_calvariables}
\_protected\_def\_frak    {\_frakvariables}
\_protected\_def\_misans  {\_isansvariables \_sansdigits}
\_protected\_def\_mbisans {\_bisansvariables \_bisansgreek \_bsansGreek \_bsansdigits}
\_protected\_def\_script  {\_rmvariables \_fam4 }
\_protected\_def\_mit     {\_itvariables \_rmdigits \_itgreek \_rmGreek }

\_public \bbchar \cal \frak \misans \mbisans \script \mit ;

   \_doc -----------------------------
   Each Unicode slot carries information about math type. This is saved in
   the file `MathClass-15.txt` which is copied to `mathclass.opm` The file
   has the following format:
   {\vitt{mathclass.opm}\verbinput (70-85) mathclass.opm }%
   We have to read this information and convert it to the `\Umathcode`s.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_begingroup  % \input mathclass.opm  (which is a copy of MathClass.txt):
   \_long\_def\_p#1;#2 {\_ifx^#2^\_else
      \_edef\_tmp{\_csname _c:#2\_endcsname}\_if\_relax\_tmp\_else \_pA#1....\_end#2\_fi
      \_ea\_p \_fi }
      \_ifx\_relax#2\_relax \_pset{"#1}{#4}\_else \_fornum "#1.."#2\_do{\_pset{##1}{#4}}\_fi
   \_def\_pset#1#2{\_Umathcode#1=\_tmp\_space 1 #1\_relax
      \_if#2O\_Udelcode#1=1 #1\_relax\_fi
      \_if#2C\_Udelcode#1=1 #1\_relax\_fi
      \_if#2F\_Udelcode#1=1 #1\_relax\_fi
   \_catcode`#=14 \_everyeof={;{} } \_def\par{}
   \_globaldefs=1 \_ea \_p \_input mathclass.opm

   \_doc -----------------------------
   Each math symbol has its declaration in the file `unicode-math-table.tex`
   which is copied to `unimath-table.opm`. The file has the following format:
   {\vitt{unimath-table.opm}\verbinput (36-41) unimath-table.opm }%
   We have to read this information and set given control sequences as macros
   which expand to the given Unicode character. This solution enables to use
   such control sequences in PDF outlines where they expand to the appropriate
   Unicode character.
   We don't use `\mathchardef`, we set the mathcodes (class, family, slot)
   only at single place: for Unicode math characters. For example for we
   define `\times`:
   \def\times{^^d7} \Umathcode "D7 = 2 1 "D7
   Because math codes of Greek upright letters vary depending on
   \^`\_itgreek`, \^`\_bfgreek`,
   etc.\ macros, we need to keep the access directly to these characters.
   We define `\mupalpha`, `\mupbeta`, ..., `\mupomega` macros as a code from
   PUA (Private Use Area) of Unicode table and set mathcode of these
   codes to the real upright alpha, beta, ..., omega.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_begingroup  % \input unimath-table.opm (it is a copy of unicode-math-table.tex):
   \_umathnumB="F800 % pointer to the Private User Area
   \_def\UnicodeMathSymbol #1#2#3#4{%
      \_edef#2{\_Uchar #1}% control sequence is a macro which expands to the Unicode character
      \_ifnum#1=\_Umathcodenum#1 \_Umathcode#1=0 1 #1 \_fi  % it isn't set by mathclass.opm
      \_ifx#3\_mathaccent \_protected\_def#2{\_Umathaccent fixed 7 1 #1 }\_fi
      \_ifnum#1>"390 \_ifnum#1<"3F6
          \_edef#2{\_Uchar\_umathnumB}% \mupAlpha, \mupBeta, \mupalpha, \mupbeta, ...
          \_Umathcode\_umathnumB=0 1 #1
          \_advance\_umathnumB by1
      \_fi\_fi % \muGreek, \mugreek symbols
   \_globaldefs=1 \_input unimath-table.opm

   \_doc -----------------------------
   The macro `\int` expands to an <int-character>. We save the `\mathcode`
   of the <int-character> to `\_int:<int-character>` using `\Umathchardef` and
   declare <int-character> as math-active and define it
   as `\_int:<int-character> \_nolimits`. Moreover, we define `\intop` as
   `\_int:<int-character>`  (it is the integral with limits like in plain \TeX).
   We do this with other int-like operators listed below too.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_def\_intwithnolimits#1{\_ifx#1\_relax \_else
   \_ea\_Umathcharnumdef\_csname _int:#1\_endcsname=\_Umathcodenum\_ea`#1 %
   \_ea\_def \_csname\_csstring#1op\_ea\_endcsname\_ea{\_csname _int:#1\_endcsname}%
   \_bgroup \_lccode`\~=\_ea`#1 \_lowercase{\_egroup
      \_ea\_def\_ea~\_ea{\_csname _int:#1\_endcsname\_nolimits}\_mathcode`~="8000 }%
   \_ea \_intwithnolimits \_fi
\_intwithnolimits \int \iint \iiint \oint \oiint \oiiint
   \intclockwise \varointclockwise \ointctrclockwise \sumint \iiiint \intbar \intBar \fint
   \pointint \sqint \intlarhk \intx \intcap \intcup \upint \lowint \_relax

   \_doc -----------------------------
   Many special characters must be declared with care...
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_global\_Udelcode`<=1 "027E8 % these characters have different meaning
\_global\_Udelcode`>=1 "027E9 % as normal and as delimiter

\_mit % default math alphabets setting

% hyphen character is transformed to minus:
\_Umathcode `- = 2 1 "2212

% mathclass defines : as Punct, plain.tex as Rel, we keep mathclass,
% i.e. there is difference from plain.tex, you can use $f:A\to B$.

% mathclas defines ! as Ord, plain.tex as Close
\_Umathcode `! = 5 1 `!  % keep plain.tex declaration
% mathclas defines ? as Punct, plain.tex as Close
\_Umathcode `? = 5 1 `?  % keep plain.tex declaration

\_Umathcode `* = 2 1 "02217  % equivalent to \ast, like in plain TeX

\_Umathcode "03A2 = 7 1 "03F4 % \varTheta

\_Umathcode `© = 0 1 `© % usage $\copyright$ can be seen in old documents

\_protected\_def \_sqrt       {\_Uradical 1 "0221A }
\_protected\_def \_cuberoot   {\_Uradical 1 "0221B }
\_protected\_def \_fourthroot {\_Uradical 1 "0221C }

\_public \sqrt \cuberoot \fourthroot ;

\_protected\_def \_overbrace    #1{\_mathop {\_Umathaccent  7 1 "023DE{#1}}\_limits}
\_protected\_def \_underbrace   #1{\_mathop {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "023DF{#1}}\_limits}
\_protected\_def \_overparen    #1{\_mathop {\_Umathaccent  7 1 "023DC{#1}}\_limits}
\_protected\_def \_underparen   #1{\_mathop {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "023DD{#1}}\_limits}
\_protected\_def \_overbracket  #1{\_mathop {\_Umathaccent  7 1 "023B4{#1}}\_limits}
\_protected\_def \_underbracket #1{\_mathop {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "023B5{#1}}\_limits}

\_public \overbrace \underbrace \overparen \underparen \overbracket \underbracket ;

\_protected\_def \widehat            {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "00302 }
\_protected\_def \widetilde          {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "00303 }
\_protected\_def \overleftharpoon    {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "020D0 }
\_protected\_def \overrightharpoon   {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "020D1 }
\_protected\_def \overleftarrow      {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "020D6 }
\_protected\_def \overrightarrow     {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "020D7 }
\_protected\_def \overleftrightarrow {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "020E1 }

\_protected\_def \wideoverbar  {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "00305 }
\_protected\_def \widebreve    {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "00306 }
\_protected\_def \widecheck    {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "0030C }
\_protected\_def \wideutilde   {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "00330 }
\_protected\_def \mathunderbar {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "00332 }
\_protected\_def \underleftrightarrow   {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "0034D }
\_protected\_def \widebridgeabove       {\_Umathaccent 7 1 "020E9 }
\_protected\_def \underrightharpoondown {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "020EC }
\_protected\_def \underleftharpoondown  {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "020ED }
\_protected\_def \underleftarrow        {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "020EE }
\_protected\_def \underrightarrow       {\_Umathaccent bottom 7 1 "020EF }


\_global\_Umathcode    "22EF         = 0 1 "22EF % mathclass says that it is Rel
\_global\_Umathcode    "002E         = 0 1 "002E % mathclass says that dot is Punct

\_global\_Umathcode `/ = 0 1 `/  % mathclass says that / is Bin, Plain TeX says that it is Ord.

% compressed dots in S and SS styles (usable in \matrix when it is in T, S and SS style)
\_protected\_def \vdots {\_relax \_ifnum \_mathstyle>3 \_unicodevdots \_else \_vdots \_fi}
\_protected\_def \ddots {\_relax \_ifnum \_mathstyle>3 \_unicodeddots \_else \_ddots \_fi}
\_protected\_def \adots {\_relax \_ifnum \_mathstyle>3 \_unicodeadots \_else \_adots \_fi}

% Unicode superscripts (²) and subscripts as simple macros with \mathcode"8000
   \_def\_tmp#1#2{\_global\_mathcode#1="8000 \_lccode`\~=#1 \_lowercase{\_gdef~}{#2}}
   \_fornum 0..1 \_do {\_tmp{"207#1}{{^#1}}}
   \_fornum 4..9 \_do {\_tmp{"207#1}{{^#1}}}
   \_fornum 0..9 \_do {\_tmp{"208#1}{{_#1}}}

   \_doc -----------------------------
   Aliases are declared here. They are names not mentioned in the `unimath-table.opm` file
   but commonly used in \TeX.
   \_cod -----------------------------

\_let \setminus=\smallsetminus
\_let \diamond=\smwhtdiamond
\_let \colon=\mathcolon
\_let \bullet=\smblkcircle
\_let \circ=\vysmwhtcircle
\_let \bigcirc=\mdlgwhtcircle
\_let \to=\rightarrow
\_let \le=\leq
\_let \ge=\geq
\_let \neq=\ne
\_protected\_def \triangle {\mathord{\bigtriangleup}}
\_let \emptyset=\varnothing
\_let \hbar=\hslash
\_let \land=\wedge
\_let \lor=\vee
\_let \owns=\ni
\_let \gets=\leftarrow
\_let \mathring=\ocirc
\_let \lnot=\neg
\_let \longdivisionsign=\longdivision
\_let \backepsilon=\upbackepsilon
\_let \eth=\matheth
\_let \dbkarow=\dbkarrow
\_let \drbkarow=\drbkarrow
\_let \hksearow=\hksearrow
\_let \hkswarow=\hkswarrow
\_let \square=\mdlgwhtsquare
\_let \blacksquare=\mdlgblksquare

\_let \upalpha=\mupalpha
\_let \upbeta=\mupbeta
\_let \upgamma=\mupgamma
\_let \updelta=\mupdelta
\_let \upepsilon=\mupvarepsilon
\_let \upvarepsilon=\mupvarepsilon
\_let \upzeta=\mupzeta
\_let \upeta=\mupeta
\_let \uptheta=\muptheta
\_let \upiota=\mupiota
\_let \upkappa=\mupkappa
\_let \uplambda=\muplambda
\_let \upmu=\mupmu
\_let \upnu=\mupnu
\_let \upxi=\mupxi
\_let \upomicron=\mupomicron
\_let \uppi=\muppi
\_let \uprho=\muprho
\_let \upvarrho=\mupvarrho
\_let \upvarsigma=\mupvarsigma
\_let \upsigma=\mupsigma
\_let \uptau=\muptau
\_let \upupsilon=\mupupsilon
\_let \upvarphi=\mupvarphi
\_let \upchi=\mupchi
\_let \uppsi=\muppsi
\_let \upomega=\mupomega
\_let \upvartheta=\mupvartheta
\_let \upphi=\mupphi
\_let \upvarpi=\mupvarpi
\_let \varTheta=\mupvarTheta
\_let \vardelta=\delta

   \_doc -----------------------------
   The \`\not` macro is redefined here. If the `\_not!<char>` is defined
   (by \`\_negationof`)
   then this macro is used. Else centered / is printed over the <char>.
   \_cod -----------------------------

     \_hbox to\_wd0{\_hss$\_currstyle/$\_hss}\_kern-\_wd0 \_box0
\_def\_negationof #1#2{\_ea\_let \_csname _not!\_csstring#1\_endcsname =#2}

\_negationof =         \neq
\_negationof <         \nless
\_negationof >         \ngtr
\_negationof \gets     \nleftarrow
\_negationof \simeq    \nsime
\_negationof \equal    \ne
\_negationof \le       \nleq
\_negationof \ge       \ngeq
\_negationof \greater  \ngtr
\_negationof \forksnot \forks
\_negationof \in       \notin
\_negationof \mid      \nmid
\_negationof \cong     \ncong
\_negationof \leftarrow \nleftarrow
\_negationof \rightarrow \nrightarrow
\_negationof \leftrightarrow \nleftrightarrow
\_negationof \Leftarrow \nLeftarrow
\_negationof \Leftrightarrow \nLeftrightarrow
\_negationof \Rightarrow \nRightarrow
\_negationof \exists  \nexists
\_negationof \ni      \nni
\_negationof \parallel \nparallel
\_negationof \sim     \nsim
\_negationof \approx  \napprox
\_negationof \equiv   \nequiv
\_negationof \asymp   \nasymp
\_negationof \lesssim \nlesssim
\_negationof \ngtrsim \ngtrsim
\_negationof \lessgtr \nlessgtr
\_negationof \gtrless \ngtrless
\_negationof \prec    \nprec
\_negationof \succ    \nsucc
\_negationof \subset  \nsubset
\_negationof \supset  \nsupset
\_negationof \subseteq \nsubseteq
\_negationof \supseteq \nsupseteq
\_negationof \vdash   \nvdash
\_negationof \vDash   \nvDash
\_negationof \Vdash  \nVdash
\_negationof \VDash  \nVDash
\_negationof \preccurlyeq \npreccurlyeq
\_negationof \succcurlyeq \nsucccurlyeq
\_negationof \sqsubseteq \nsqsubseteq
\_negationof \sqsupseteq \nsqsupseteq
\_negationof \vartriangleleft \nvartriangleleft
\_negationof \vartriangleright \nvartriangleright
\_negationof \trianglelefteq \ntrianglelefteq
\_negationof \trianglerighteq \ntrianglerighteq
\_negationof \vinfty \nvinfty

\_public \not ;

   \_doc -----------------------------
   Newly declared public control sequences are used in internal macros by
   \OpTeX/. We need to get new meanings for these control sequences in
   the private namespace.
   \_cod -----------------------------

   \ldotp \cdotp \bullet \triangleleft \triangleright \mapstochar \rightarrow
   \prime \lhook \rightarrow \leftarrow \rhook \triangleright \triangleleft
   \rbrace \lbrace \Relbar \Rightarrow \relbar \rightarrow \Leftarrow \mapstochar
   \longrightarrow \Longleftrightarrow \unicodevdots \unicodeddots \unicodeadots ;


\secc More Unicode-math examples

Example of using additional math font is in section 5.3 in the
\ulink[http://petr.olsak.net/ftp/olsak/optex/optex-math.pdf]{\tt optex-math.pdf} documentation.
More examples are in the
\ulink[http://petr.olsak.net/optex/optex-tricks.html]{OpTeX tricks} and in the
\ulink[https://petr.olsak.net/ftp/olsak/optex/math-doc.pdf]{math.opm} package.

See \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/308749}
for technical details about Unicode-math.


2026-02-09  \_umathholes use \_chardef
2026-02-07  \_umathholes reimplemented
2025-02-06  \_rmletters, \_itletters introduced
2023-01-17  \int operators re-implemented
2023-01-15  \mupalpha, \mupbeta etc. have codes from PUA
2023-01-15  math control sequences are macros, they expand to math characters
2023-01-14  \epsilon, \vartheta, \varkappa, \phi, \varrho, \varpi, ... bug fix
2023-01-13  \mupalhpha, \mupbeta, ... bug fix
2022-11-20  \mathfence's get delimiter code too
2022-11-18  Delimiters re-implemented
2022-11-17  \Umathchardef replaced by \chardef
2022-07-20  \Umathcode for copyright declared
2022-02-22  \rm, \bf etc. moved to font-select, \_marm, \_mabf etc. introduced
2022-02-08  several wide math accents added
2022-01-06  \varTheta corrected
2021-09-15  \square, \blacksquare defined
2021-04-25  \triangleright: typo fixed
2021-04-20  reading mathclass.opm improved
2021-04-07  \_setnabla introduced, \nabla as uppercase Greek letter
2021-03-26  \it does \_itGreek
2021-03-19  \{, \} are defined as mode independent macros in math-macros.opm
2021-03-11  Umathcode `* declaed as \ast
2021-02-03  Unicode superscripts, subscripts declared
2021-01-31  Mathcode of ! ? set to Close, codes undeclared in mathclass set correctly
2021-01-23  Compressed \vdots, \ddots, \adots in script(script)style.
2020-11-13  Bug fix: \colon declared
2020-06-13  Umathcode of / declared as in Plain TeX
2020-06-07  \_itgreek \_itGreek, \_rmgreek \_rmGreek etc. introduced, names changed
2020-06-03  \not\mid = \nmid added, \not corrected
2020-04-30  Bug fix: \phi, \varpi etc. were bad encoded
2020-04-09  Bug fix: \Udelcode`<, \Udelcode`> added