        [2010/07/12 v0.2 %
         Islamic calendar]
Package l3calc is loaded, which replaces the functionality of
calc. Computation of Hijri dates will not work properly with
% FIXME by Arthur: François couldn’t possibly mean ‘l3calc’ on the
% following line :-)  Find out if he meant ‘calc’.
l3calc! The latest version of expl3 on CTAN no longer loads
l3calc. Please update expl3!


%% The following functions are straightforward implementation 
%% of Reingold & Dershowitz, Calendrical Calculations, The Millennium Edition

\def\@FixedFromHijri#1#2#3#4{% year,month,day,counter
\setcounter{tmpA}{#2/2}% see errata of Reingold+Dershowitz
%\message{tmpA is \thetmpA}%
%\message{tmpB is \thetmpB}%


\def\HijriFromGregorian#1#2#3{% year,month,day
%\message{tmpx is \thetmpx}%
%\message{tmpB is \thetmpB}%
%\message{tmpy is \thetmpy}%




% added option \Hijritoday[n] (default 0) for adjusting the date + n days
%FIXME necessary?
% \HijriFromGregorian{\year}{\month}{\day}}

\def\HijriMonthTranslit#1{\ifcase#1\or Muḥarram\or Ṣafar\or Rabīʿ I\or Rabīʿ II\or%
Jumādā I\or Jumādā II\or Rajab\or Shaʿbān\or Ramaḍān\or%
Shawwāl\or Dhū ’l-Qaʿda\or Dhū ’l-Ḥijja\fi}

\def\HijriMonthArabic#1{\ifcase#1\or محرم\or صفر\or ربيع الأول\or ربيع الآخر\or%
جمادى الأولى\or جمادى الآخرة\or رجب\or شعبان\or رمضان\or%
شوال\or ذو القعدة\or ذو الحجة\fi}

%% This macro is now locale-aware!
    {\csname FormatHijriDate@\languagename\endcsname}}


% we provide this as a reasonable default.
% Further definitions are in polyglossia’s language definition files.


\def\CYearsFromHijri#1{%yields the corr julian or gregorian years
} % e.g. \CYearsFromHijri{425} -> 1033/34