2025-02-24      Dohyun Kim <nomosnomos at gmail com>

	Version 4.4

	* change char class of some traditional chinese chars
	* use LaTeX's build/page/before hook if available

2024-03-01      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 4.3

	* use e-type instead of x-type in EXPL code

2022-11-01      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 4.2

	* prevent clash with pgfpicture (use kernel's selectfont)

2022-03-18      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 4.1

	* assign U+223C (tilde operator) to \XeTeXcharclassSY (cjksymbols)
	* avoid possible clash with unicode-math package

2021-09-06      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 4.0

	* generalize the concept introduced at v3.9, that is
	\ifx\f@encoding\UTFencname now affects inter-character spacing
	as well as font substitution.
	* guard against space character(catcode 12) in parsing code point
	of next character

2021-08-09      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.9

	* Substitution with hangul/hanja fonts will now occur only when
	\ifx\f@encoding\UTFencname is true. On plain TeX this is normally true
	as both are undefined.

2021-07-13      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.8

	* assign 0xAE and 0xB0 to XeTeXcharclassAA

2021-06-18      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.7

	* fix position of dotemph regarding hangul tone marks
	* enhance compatibility with ulem/ruby packages

2021-06-10      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.6

	* LaTeX 2021/06/01 or later is required.
	* vertical/horizontal environments now honor empty argument, which
	means natural width.
	* new LaTeX environment: verticaltypesetting
	* new plain TeX commands: \beginverticaltypesetting and

2021-05-20      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.5

	* internal changes regarding font-switching method
	  (remove Xeko@maybe@gobble)

2021-05-15      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.4

	* internal changes regarding font-switching method

2021-04-20      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.3

	* more fix on ulem package support
	* suppress linebreak before ellipsis etc.
	* assign U+327E to cjksymbols class

2021-04-08      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.2

	* fix ulem package support
	* \hangingpunctuation does not work with quotes by default.
	* new commands \sethangingratio, \unsethangingratio added.
	* \disablehangulspacing will remove \penalty between Hangul

2021-03-22      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.1

	* new plain TeX commands \sethangulfont, \sethanjafont

2021-03-20      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 3.0

	* Everything is integrated into xetexko.sty. So
	  xetexko-font.sty, xetexko-space.sty, xetexko-vertical.sty,
	  xetexko-hanging.sty are now almost empty and provided for
	  backward compatibility only.
	* New evironemt 'typesetclassic' is provided for typesetting
	  classical texts, but almost identical to 'japanese' or
	  'chinese' environments of previous version. These latters
	  are kept for backward compatibility.
	* New command \removeclassicspaces is provided.
	* Following Hangul font options do not work any longer, but
	  no error will be raised though :
	  lowerexclamation, lowerperiod, lowercomma, lowerquestion,
	  postexclamationkern, postmathskip, postperiodkern,
	  postcommakern, postquestionkern, preexclamationkern,
	  preperiodkern, precommakern, prequestionkern, quoteraise,
	  quotewidth, PunctRaise.
	* \latinnums and \latinquotes have the same effects as
	  \latinalphs and \latinparens, repectively.
	* \defaulthangulfontfeatures is deprecated.
	* \disableautojosa and \disablejamoautojosa are deprecated.
	* When lmtt is ttdefault, the metrics of default Hangul
	  monospaced font are matched with those of lmtt.
	* \disablehangulspacing will not remove \penalty50 between
	  Hangul characters.

2020-02-17      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.23

	* xetexko-font.sty: unbatang/undotum as default hangul fonts;
	suppress bx font warnings and make \bfseries work again;
	use latex's newly introduced \@{rm,sf,tt,default}familyhook

2019-12-01      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.22

	* xetexko-font.sty: expl3 deprecation removals

2018-08-08      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.21

	* xetexko-font.sty: protect \{rm,sf,tt}family

2018-08-02      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.20

	* xetexko-font.sty: adapt to the fontspec v2.6h

2018-04-19      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.19

	* xetexko-space.sty: address a conflict with ulem package:
	see http://www.ktug.org/xe/index.php?document_srl=229398

2018-04-06      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.18

	* step copyright year
	* xetexko-space.sty: synchronize \XKskipstetchshrink with luatexko;
	suppress glue stretching/shrinking under \disablehangulspacing;
	\xetexkohu is now 0.05em by default
	* xetexko-font.sty: use glueexpr
	* xetexko-vertical.sty: minor bug fix

2017-09-29      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.17

	* xetexko-font.sty: zf@enc -> f@encoding

2017-02-06      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.16

	* xetexko-font.sty: patching {rm,sf,tt}family of fontspec 2017

2016-04-04      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.15

	* xetexko-space.sty: update for xetex 0.99994 or later
	* xetexko-Josa.sty: fix automatic selection of josa

2016-02-01      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.14

	* xetexko-space.sty: updates for latex 2016
	* xetexko-space.sty: do not compress already narrow cjk parentheses
	* xetexko-space.sty: assign U+FF62, U+FF63 to cjkopening/closing resp.

2015-06-16      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.13

	* xetexko-space.sty: address issue #3 (glue after whatsit)
	* xetexko-vertical.sty: new environment `horizontal'

2015-03-26      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.12

	* xetexko-space.sty: assign catcode 12 to Hangul Jamo
	* xetexko.sty, xetexko-space.sty, xetexko-font.sty: fix bug #2
	regarding amsart.cls.

2015-01-18      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.11

	* xetexko-space.sty: fix a bug regarding xoblivoir and ulem

2015-01-16      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.10

	* xetexko.sty, xetexko-font.sty: package option [unfonts] is removed
	* *.sty: minor fixes and updated copyright year

2014-08-04      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.9

	* xetexko-font.sty: Nanum Truetype fonts, if available, will be used
	as default hangul/hanja fonts if no hangul/hanja font is specified by

2014-07-27      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.8

	* xetexko-space.sty: adapt to recent update of unicode-letters.tex.
	Hangul syllables were of catcode 12 traditionally, and this is deeply
	interwined with Automatic Josa Selection. So, recent change of
	unicode-letters.tex, assigning catcode 11 to Hangul, is hereby
	* xetexko-font.sty: allow font option only once, as per future release
	of fontspec

2014-06-17      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.7

	* xetexko-font.sty: Ligatures=TeX is now default option for main/sans
	hangul/hanja fonts. Requires fontspec v2.4
	* xetexko-font.sty: new macros \defaulthangulfontfeatures and

2014-05-11      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.6

	* xetexko-space.sty: assign U+FE00 block to IVS char as per
	unicode 6.3
	* xetexko-font.sty: font option YetHangul is still there, but
	YetHangul=Off has been removed
	* xetexko-font.sty: use latex3 syntax for defining font commands;
	remove dependency on xkeyval package

2014-03-28      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.5

	* xetexko-font.sty: fixed a bug wrt hangul in preamble
	* xetexko-vertical.sty: fixed a bug wrt 'charraise' of CJK symbols

2014-02-02      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.4

	* xetexko-space.sty: support Ideographic Variation Selector.
	* xetexko-font.sty: fix a conflict with everysel.sty, reported by
	Hoze Yi & Juho Lee
	* xetexko-font.sty, xetexko-space.sty: fix conflicts with realscripts
	and xypic packages, reported at
	http://www.ktug.org/xe/index.php?document_srl=180038 and
	http://www.ktug.org/xe/index.php?document_srl=180107 respectively.

2013-12-14      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.3

	* xetexko-space.sty xetexko.sty: previous release introduced a bug
	related to ulem package, reported by Insung Cho.
	* xetexko-space.sty: font-switching had sometimes been confused by

2013-12-06      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.2

	* xetexko-space.sty: \latinhyphens is now the default
	* xetexko-hanging.sty: \hangingpunctuations is not needed any more
	* xetexko-space.sty: assign missing kana chars including U+30FC to
	smallkana class
	* xetexko-space.sty: assign compatibility jamo chars to hangulsyllable
	* xetexko-space.sty: new macros \everyhangul and \everyhanja
	* xetexko-space.sty: same stretch/shrink value for inter-hangul and
	inter-hanja skip
	* xetexko-font.sty xetexko-space.sty: new font option `charraise'
	* xetexko-space.sty: \fallbackhanjafont as a final fallback font
	* xetexko-josa.sty: fix a bug regarding non-BMP chars

2013-07-03      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Version 2.1

	* xetexko.sty: move Hangul caption setting to AtBeginDocument
	* xetexko-space.sty: new macro \disablejamoautojosa, needed for teckit
	mapping of Jamos.
	* xetexko-vertical.sty: \verticaltypesetting for plain tex was

2013-03-27      Dohyun Kim <nomos at ktug org>

	Initial release to CTAN. Version 2.0