% xetexko.sty
% Copyright (c) 2013-2025 Dohyun Kim  <nomosnomos at gmail com>
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%  http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2006/05/20 or later.


  \ProvidesPackage{xetexko}[2025/02/24 v4.4 typesetting Korean with XeTeX]
  \ifdefined\@tempcnta\else \newcount\@tempcnta \fi
  \ifdefined\@sptoken \else
    \begingroup\def\:{\global\let\@sptoken= } \: \endgroup

\chardef\XeTeXcharclassIgnore  =4096

\input load-unicode-xetex-classes %

\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassJJ % hangul MV and TC
\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassMD % ・ : ;
\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassFS % 。 .
\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassLD % ― … ‥
\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassSY % KS symbols
\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassAO % ascii ( `` etc
\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassAC % ascii ) '' etc
\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassAM % ascii colons
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\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassAP % ascii punctuations
\newXeTeXintercharclass\XeTeXcharclassVC % colons in vertical writing
\let\XeTeXcharclassAA=\z@                % other non-cjk chars

% more CM
\count@"FE00 \loop
  \ifnum\count@<"FE0F \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@"E0100 \loop
  \ifnum\count@<"E01EF \advance\count@\@ne \repeat

% hangul
\count@="AC00 \loop
  \catcode\count@=12 % for josa
  \ifnum\count@<"D7A3 \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="1100 \loop
  \ifnum\count@<"115F \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="A960 \loop
  \ifnum\count@<"A97C \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="3131 \loop
  \ifnum\count@<"318E \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
% hangul MV and TC
\count@="1160 \loop
  \ifnum\count@<"11FF \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="D7B0 \loop
  \ifnum\count@<"D7FB \advance\count@\@ne \repeat

% ascii opening
\XeTeXcharclass "28=\XeTeXcharclassAO % ( LEFT PARENTHESIS
\XeTeXcharclass "3C=\XeTeXcharclassAO % < LESS-THAN SIGN
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\XeTeXcharclass "60=\XeTeXcharclassAO % ` GRAVE ACCENT
\XeTeXcharclass "7B=\XeTeXcharclassAO % { LEFT CURLY BRACKET
% ascii closing
\XeTeXcharclass "27=\XeTeXcharclassAC % ' APOSTROPHE
\XeTeXcharclass "29=\XeTeXcharclassAC % ) RIGHT PARENTHESIS
\XeTeXcharclass "3E=\XeTeXcharclassAC % > GREATER-THAN SIGN
\XeTeXcharclass "5D=\XeTeXcharclassAC % ] RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
\XeTeXcharclass "7D=\XeTeXcharclassAC % } RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
% ascii colons
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\XeTeXcharclass "3B=\XeTeXcharclassAM % ; SEMICOLON
\XeTeXcharclass "7E=\XeTeXcharclassAM % ~ TILDE
% ascii hyphen
\XeTeXcharclass "2D  =\XeTeXcharclassAH % -
\XeTeXcharclass "2F  =\XeTeXcharclassAH % /
\XeTeXcharclass "2013=\XeTeXcharclassAH % –
\XeTeXcharclass "2014=\XeTeXcharclassAH % —
% ascii punctuations
\XeTeXcharclass "21=\XeTeXcharclassAP % ! EXCLAMATION MARK
\XeTeXcharclass "2C=\XeTeXcharclassAP % , COMMA
\XeTeXcharclass "2E=\XeTeXcharclassAP % . FULL STOP
\XeTeXcharclass "3F=\XeTeXcharclassAP % ? QUESTION MARK
\XeTeXcharclass "2018=\XeTeXcharclassOP % ‘ LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
\XeTeXcharclass "201C=\XeTeXcharclassOP % “ LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
\XeTeXcharclass "2019=\XeTeXcharclassCL % ’ RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
\XeTeXcharclass "201D=\XeTeXcharclassCL % ” RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
% IS : these are not expected to be input
% NS
\XeTeXcharclass "00B7=\XeTeXcharclassMD % · MIDDLE DOT
\XeTeXcharclass "30FB=\XeTeXcharclassMD % ・ KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT
\XeTeXcharclass "FE54=\XeTeXcharclassMD % ï¹” SMALL SEMICOLON
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\XeTeXcharclass "FF1A=\XeTeXcharclassMD % : FULLWIDTH COLON
\XeTeXcharclass "FF1B=\XeTeXcharclassMD % ï¼› FULLWIDTH SEMICOLON
\XeTeXcharclass "FF65=\XeTeXcharclassMD % ï½¥ HALFWIDTH KATAKANA MIDDLE DOT
\XeTeXcharclass "3002=\XeTeXcharclassFS % 。 IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP
\XeTeXcharclass "FE52=\XeTeXcharclassFS % ï¹’ SMALL FULL STOP
\XeTeXcharclass "FF0E=\XeTeXcharclassFS % . FULLWIDTH FULL STOP
\XeTeXcharclass "2015=\XeTeXcharclassLD % ― HORIZONTAL BAR
\XeTeXcharclass "2025=\XeTeXcharclassLD % ‥ TWO DOT LEADER
\XeTeXcharclass "2026=\XeTeXcharclassLD % … HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
\XeTeXcharclass "3003=\XeTeXcharclassLD % 〃 DITTO MARK : KS symbol
% 결락기호
\XeTeXcharclass "25A1=\XeTeXcharclassID % â–¡
% some KS symbols
\XeTeXcharclass "2032=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ′
\XeTeXcharclass "2033=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ″
\XeTeXcharclass "203B=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ※
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\XeTeXcharclass "2113=\XeTeXcharclassSY % â„“
\XeTeXcharclass "2121=\XeTeXcharclassSY % â„¡
\count@="2160 \loop % â… ..â…©
  \ifnum\count@<"2169 \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="2170 \loop % â…°..â…¹
  \ifnum\count@<"2179 \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="2190 \loop % ←..↙
  \ifnum\count@<"2199 \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\XeTeXcharclass "21D2=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ⇒
\XeTeXcharclass "21D4=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ⇔
\XeTeXcharclass "2225=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ∥
\XeTeXcharclass "223C=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ∼ TILDE OPERATOR
\XeTeXcharclass "226A=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ≪ 꽉찬 전각! 어디에 배정해야 하나?
\XeTeXcharclass "226B=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ≫ 꽉찬 전각! 어디에 배정해야 하나?
\XeTeXcharclass "2299=\XeTeXcharclassSY % ⊙
\count@="2460 \loop % â‘ ..â‘®
  \ifnum\count@<"246E \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="2474 \loop % â‘´..â’‚
  \ifnum\count@<"2482 \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="249C \loop % ⒜..⒵
  \ifnum\count@<"24B5 \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="24D0 \loop % ⓐ..ⓩ
  \ifnum\count@<"24E9 \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\XeTeXcharclass "2500 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ─
\XeTeXcharclass "2501 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ━
\XeTeXcharclass "2502 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % │
\XeTeXcharclass "2503 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ┃
\count@="250C \loop % ─..╋
  \ifnum\count@<"254B \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\XeTeXcharclass "2592 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–’
\XeTeXcharclass "25A0 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â– 
\XeTeXcharclass "25A3 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–£
\XeTeXcharclass "25A4 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–¤
\XeTeXcharclass "25A5 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–¥
\XeTeXcharclass "25A6 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–¦
\XeTeXcharclass "25A7 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–§
\XeTeXcharclass "25A8 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–¨
\XeTeXcharclass "25A9 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–©
\XeTeXcharclass "25B2 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–²
\XeTeXcharclass "25B3 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–³
\XeTeXcharclass "25B6 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–¶
\XeTeXcharclass "25B7 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–·
\XeTeXcharclass "25BC = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–¼
\XeTeXcharclass "25BD = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â–½
\XeTeXcharclass "25C0 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â—€
\XeTeXcharclass "25C1 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ◁
\XeTeXcharclass "25C6 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â—†
\XeTeXcharclass "25C7 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â—‡
\XeTeXcharclass "25C8 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â—ˆ
\XeTeXcharclass "25CB = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â—‹
\XeTeXcharclass "25CE = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â—Ž
\XeTeXcharclass "25CF = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ●
\XeTeXcharclass "25D0 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ◐
\XeTeXcharclass "25D1 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â—‘
\XeTeXcharclass "2605 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ★
\XeTeXcharclass "2606 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ☆
\XeTeXcharclass "260E = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ☎
\XeTeXcharclass "260F = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ☏
\XeTeXcharclass "261C = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ☜
\XeTeXcharclass "261E = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ☞
\XeTeXcharclass "2640 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♀
\XeTeXcharclass "2642 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♂
\XeTeXcharclass "2660 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â™ 
\XeTeXcharclass "2661 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♡
\XeTeXcharclass "2663 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♣
\XeTeXcharclass "2664 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♤
\XeTeXcharclass "2665 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♥
\XeTeXcharclass "2667 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♧
\XeTeXcharclass "2668 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♨
\XeTeXcharclass "2669 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♩
\XeTeXcharclass "266A = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♪
\XeTeXcharclass "266C = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ♬
\XeTeXcharclass "266D = \XeTeXcharclassSY % â™­
\XeTeXcharclass "3000 = \XeTeXcharclassSY %  
\XeTeXcharclass "3013 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % 〓
\count@="3200 \loop % ㈀..㈞
  \ifnum\count@<"321E \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\count@="3260 \loop % ㉠..㉿
  \ifnum\count@<"327F \advance\count@\@ne \repeat
\XeTeXcharclass "33C2 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ㏂
\XeTeXcharclass "33C7 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ㏇
\XeTeXcharclass "33D8 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ㏘
\XeTeXcharclass "FF04 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % $
\XeTeXcharclass "FF05 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ï¼…
\XeTeXcharclass "FF3C = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ï¼¼
\XeTeXcharclass "FF5E = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ~ FULLWIDTH TILDE : KS symbol
\XeTeXcharclass "FFE0 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ï¿ 
\XeTeXcharclass "FFE1 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ï¿¡
\XeTeXcharclass "FFE5 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ï¿¥
\XeTeXcharclass "FFE6 = \XeTeXcharclassSY % ₩

% spaces
\def\XeKo@halfzero         {\hskip 2\XeKo@quarterdim \relax}
\def\XeKo@halfhalf         {\hskip 2\XeKo@quarterdim minus 2\XeKo@quarterdim \relax}
\def\XeKo@halfquarter      {\hskip 2\XeKo@quarterdim minus  \XeKo@quarterdim \relax}
\def\XeKo@quarterquarter   {\hskip  \XeKo@quarterdim minus  \XeKo@quarterdim \relax}
\def\XeKo@iiiquarterquarter{\hskip 3\XeKo@quarterdim minus  \XeKo@quarterdim \relax}

\def\XKinterhangulbreak{% compat
  \ifdefined\xetexkointerhchar \xetexkointerhchar \else \z@ \fi
\def\XKinterhanjabreak{% compat
  \hskip\z@ \XeKo@stretchshrink

    \xetexkohu plus .5\dimexpr\xetexkohu\relax minus.25\dimexpr\xetexkohu\relax
    \XeKo@quarterdim plus .5\XeKo@quarterdim minus.25\XeKo@quarterdim
  \hskip \ifdefined\xetexkohu \xetexkohu \else \XeKo@quarterdim \fi
  \hskip 2\ifdefined\xetexkohu \dimexpr\xetexkohu\relax \else \XeKo@quarterdim \fi

% 고아글자 억제. verbatim 에서는 이 명령을 꺼야 한다
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=11 % glue node
    \XeKo@skip@=\lastskip \unskip
    \XeKo@count@=\lastpenalty \unpenalty
    \ifnum\XeKo@count@<5000 \XeKo@count@=5000 \fi


% typesetting modes
  \def\XeKo@stretchshrink{plus.08em minus.04em\relax}%
  \XeTeXlinebreakskip=\z@ \XeKo@stretchshrink
  \def\XeKo@stretchshrink{plus.04em minus.02em\relax}%
  \XeTeXlinebreakskip=\z@ \XeKo@stretchshrink

\chardef\XeKo@STchineseJapanese\z@ % 0=KOR, 1=SC, 2=TC, 3=JPN

  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1A = \XeTeXcharclassMD % : both horizontal and vertical glyphs
\def\XeKo@Schinese@horizontal{% these glyphs in simplified chinese fonts are left-aligned.
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF01 = \XeTeXcharclassFS % !
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1A = \XeTeXcharclassCL % :
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1B = \XeTeXcharclassCL % ï¼›
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1F = \XeTeXcharclassFS % ?
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF01 = \XeTeXcharclassEX % !
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1A = \XeTeXcharclassVC % :
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1B = \XeTeXcharclassVC % ï¼›
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1F = \XeTeXcharclassEX % ?
\def\XeKo@Tchinese@classes{% these glyphs in traditional chinese fonts are center-aligned
  \XeTeXcharclass "3001 = \XeTeXcharclassMD % 、
  \XeTeXcharclass "3002 = \XeTeXcharclassMD % 。
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF0C = \XeTeXcharclassMD % ,
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF0E = \XeTeXcharclassMD % .

  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1A = \XeTeXcharclassVC % :
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1B = \XeTeXcharclassVC % ï¼›
  \or \XeKo@Schinese@vertical
  \or \XeKo@Tchinese@classes
  \or \XeTeXcharclass "FF1A = \XeTeXcharclassMD % :
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1A = \XeTeXcharclassMD % :
  \XeTeXcharclass "FF1B = \XeTeXcharclassMD % ï¼›
  \or \XeKo@Schinese@horizontal
  \or \XeKo@Tchinese@classes
    \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup \hsize#1\relax
  \ifinner\else \par\fi
    \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup \hsize#1\relax
  \ifinner\else \par\fi
  \ifdefined\xetexkocharraise \raise\xetexkocharraise \fi
  \setbox#1\hbox to\dimen@\bgroup
    \vbox to\wd#1\bgroup
      \special{x:rotate -90}\relax
  \setbox#1\hbox to\dimen@\bgroup
    \lower.5\wd#1\vbox to\wd#1\bgroup
      \special{x:rotate 90}\relax

\protected\def\vertlatin#1{\leavevmode\lower.5ex\hbox{\latinmarks #1}} % compat

% fonts
  \let\xetexkohu        \XeKo@undefined
  \let\xetexkocharraise \XeKo@undefined


  \expandafter\ifx\the\font\XeKo@raw@hangul@font \else
  \expandafter\ifx\the\font\XeKo@raw@hanja@font \else
  \expandafter\ifx\the\font\XeKo@raw@hangul@font \else
  \expandafter\ifx\the\font\XeKo@raw@hanja@font \else
  \else \expandafter\ifx\the\font\XeKo@raw@hanja@font
\let\XeKo@fontAP\relax % prevfont
\let\XeKo@fontAM\relax % prevfont

\protected\def\latinalphs  {\let\XeKo@fontAA\XeKo@font@Latin}
\protected\def\latinparens {\let\XeKo@fontAO\XeKo@font@Latin\let\XeKo@fontAC\XeKo@font@Latin}
\protected\def\latinpuncts {\let\XeKo@fontAP\XeKo@font@Latin}
\protected\def\latincolons {\let\XeKo@fontAM\XeKo@font@Latin}

\protected\def\hangulalphs  {\let\XeKo@fontAA\XeKo@font@Hangul}
\protected\def\hangulparens {\let\XeKo@fontAO\XeKo@font@Hangul\let\XeKo@fontAC\XeKo@font@Hangul}
\protected\def\hangulpuncts {\let\XeKo@fontAP\XeKo@font@Hangul}
\protected\def\hangulcolons {\let\XeKo@fontAM\XeKo@font@Hangul}

\protected\def\hanjaalphs  {\let\XeKo@fontAA\XeKo@font@CJK}
\protected\def\hanjaparens {\let\XeKo@fontAO\XeKo@font@CJK\let\XeKo@fontAC\XeKo@font@CJK}
\protected\def\hanjapuncts {\let\XeKo@fontAP\XeKo@font@CJK}
\protected\def\hanjacolons {\let\XeKo@fontAM\XeKo@font@CJK}

\protected\def\prevfontalphs  {\let\XeKo@fontAA\relax}
\protected\def\prevfontparens {\let\XeKo@fontAO\relax\let\XeKo@fontAC\relax}
\protected\def\prevfontpuncts {\let\XeKo@fontAP\relax}
\protected\def\prevfontcolons {\let\XeKo@fontAM\relax}

% interchartoks

\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@6@class\endcsname =\XeTeXcharclassHG
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@7@class\endcsname =\XeTeXcharclassID
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@8@class\endcsname =\XeTeXcharclassSY
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@9@class\endcsname =\XeTeXcharclassAA
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@10@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassAO
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@11@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassAC
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@12@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassAP
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@13@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassAM
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@14@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassAH
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@15@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassOP
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@16@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassCL
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@17@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassMD
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@18@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassFS
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@19@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassEX
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@20@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassLD
\expandafter\let\csname XeKo@21@class\endcsname=\XeTeXcharclassVC


    \ifnum 0\ifnum\XeKo@currclass>8 \ifnum\XeKo@currclass<15 % AA..AH
           1\fi\fi >\z@
    \else % HG ID
  \ifnum 0\ifnum\XeTeXcharclass\XeKo@charslot=\XeTeXcharclassJJ 1\else
          \ifnum\XeTeXcharclass\XeKo@charslot=\XeTeXcharclassCM 1\fi\fi >\z@
  % load-unicode-xetex-classes가 설정하는 모든 CM은 한글, 한자, 가나 뒤에 온다.
  % 따라서 영문자는 CM을 고려할 필요가 없다.
  % 아니다!!! 위에서 FE00-FE0F를 CM으로 지정했으므로 CJK에 한정되지 않는다.
  \ifnum 0%
      \ifnum\XeTeXcharclass\XeKo@charslot=\csname XeKo@\XeKo@currclass @class\endcsname 1\else
      \ifnum\XeTeXcharclass\XeKo@charslot=\XeTeXcharclassCM 1\fi\fi >\z@
  \ifnum\XeKo@currclass=9 % AA
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@currclass=8 % SY
  \XeKo@toks@\expandafter{\the\XeKo@toks@ #1}%
  \ifnum\XeKo@currclass<8 %
    \XeKo@toks@ii{}\expandafter\XeKo@char@orphan % HG, ID
  \else \ifx\@sptoken\XeKo@let@token
    \XeKo@toks@ii\expandafter{\the\XeKo@toks@ii \@sptoken}%
  \else \ifx ^^2e\XeKo@let@token % .
    \XeKo@toks@ii\expandafter{\the\XeKo@toks@ii ^^2e}%
  \else \ifx ^^3f\XeKo@let@token % ?
    \XeKo@toks@ii\expandafter{\the\XeKo@toks@ii ^^3f}%
  \else \ifx ^^21\XeKo@let@token % !
    \XeKo@toks@ii\expandafter{\the\XeKo@toks@ii ^^21}%
  \else \ifx ^^^^3002\XeKo@let@token % 。
    \XeKo@toks@ii\expandafter{\the\XeKo@toks@ii ^^^^3002}%
  \else \ifx ^^^^ff0e\XeKo@let@token % .
    \XeKo@toks@ii\expandafter{\the\XeKo@toks@ii ^^^^ff0e}%
  \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi
\def\XeKo@char@orphan@{\afterassignment\XeKo@char@orphan@@\let\XeKo@let@token= }
\def\XeKo@flush@char@orphan{\expandafter \XeKo@do@flush@toks \the\XeKo@toks@ii }
    \else \expandafter\ifx\the\font\XeKo@raw@hanja@font
    \else \expandafter\ifx\the\font\XeKo@raw@hanja@font
      \XeKo@pre@hang % hanging punctuations
    \XeKo@char@raise@start % charraise
    \ifnum\XeKo@currclass=6 %
      \XeKo@everyhangul{\XeKo@maybe@dotemph \the\XeKo@toks@}% everyhangul
      \ifnum\XeKo@currclass=7 %
        \XeKo@everyhanja{\XeKo@maybe@dotemph \the\XeKo@toks@}% everyhanja
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            \hbox to.5em\bgroup\hss \the\XeKo@toks@ \egroup
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            \hbox to.5em\bgroup \the\XeKo@toks@ \hss\egroup
          \else\ifnum\XeKo@currclass=17 % MD
            \hbox to.5em\bgroup\hss \the\XeKo@toks@ \hss\egroup
          \else\ifnum\XeKo@currclass=18 % FS
            \hbox to.5em\bgroup \the\XeKo@toks@ \hss\egroup
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      \XeKo@post@hang % hanging punctuations
    \ifnum\XeKo@cjk@ignorespaces=\@ne % try to remove space
  \kern-\XeKo@currclass sp \kern \XeKo@currclass sp
% remove space
  \ifnum 0\ifnum\XeKo@currclass<9  1\else  % HG ID SY
          \ifnum\XeKo@currclass>14 1\fi\fi % CJK punctuations
\def\XeKo@ignorespaces@iv{\afterassignment\XeKo@ignorespaces@v\let\XeKo@let@token= }
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@=\XeTeXcharclassAA \@sptoken \else
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@=\XeTeXcharclassAO \@sptoken \else
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@=\XeTeXcharclassAC \@sptoken \else
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@=\XeTeXcharclassAP \@sptoken \else
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@=\XeTeXcharclassAM \@sptoken \else
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@=\XeTeXcharclassAH \@sptoken \else
  \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi

% hanging punctuations
\protected\def\hangingpunctuation{\chardef\XeKo@hangingpuncts\@ne }

\protected\def\sethangingratio#1=#2 {%
  \expandafter\def\csname XeKo@hanging@ratio@\number#1\endcsname{#2}%
\protected\def\unsethangingratio{\afterassignment\unsethangingratio@\count@= }
  \expandafter\let\csname XeKo@hanging@ratio@\number\count@\endcsname\XeKo@undefined
    \ifcsname XeKo@hanging@ratio@\number`#1\endcsname
      \ifnum 0\ifnum\XeKo@compresspuncts=\@ne
              \ifnum\XeKo@currclass=15 % OP
              1\fi\fi >\z@
        \setbox\XeKo@box@\hbox{\XeTeXinterchartokenstate\z@ #1}%
      \XeKo@dimen@=\csname XeKo@hanging@ratio@\number`#1\endcsname\XeKo@dimen@
        \vrule width-\the\XeKo@dimen@ height\z@ depth\z@
    \ifcsname XeKo@hanging@ratio@\number`#1\endcsname
      \ifnum 0\ifnum\XeKo@compresspuncts=\@ne
              \ifnum\XeKo@currclass>15 %
              \ifnum\XeKo@currclass<19 % CL MD FS
              1\fi\fi\fi >\z@
        \setbox\XeKo@box@\hbox{\XeTeXinterchartokenstate\z@ #1}%
      \XeKo@dimen@=\csname XeKo@hanging@ratio@\number`#1\endcsname\XeKo@dimen@
        \vrule width-\the\XeKo@dimen@ height\z@ depth\z@
\sethangingratio"2C=1 % , 반점
\sethangingratio"2E=1 % . 온점
\sethangingratio"3001=1 % 、 모점
\sethangingratio"3002=1 % 。 고리점
\sethangingratio"FF0C=1 % , 전각반점
\sethangingratio"FF0E=1 % . 전각온점

% compress CJK punctuations to .5em
\protected\def\compresspunctuations{\chardef\XeKo@compresspuncts\@ne }
\protected\def\nocompresspunctuations{\chardef\XeKo@compresspuncts\z@ }

%% everyhangul/hanja
\def\everyhanja #1{\def\XeKo@everyhanja ##1{#1}}
\def\XeKo@everyhanja #1{#1}

  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
      \XeKo@toks@{\fallbackhanjafont #1}%
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \def\XeKo@currclass{7}% same as ID
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \ifnum`#1=\hyphenchar\font \else % exclude hyphen char
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined
  \let\XeKo@pre@hang\XeKo@undefined \let\XeKo@post@hang\XeKo@undefined

  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XKinterhanjabreak \or \or \or \or % 1: ruby를 한자처럼 취급
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhangulbreak % HG HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   % ID HG
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % SY HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AA HG
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AO HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AC HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AP HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AM HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   % AH HG
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % OP HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % CL HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % MD HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfzero       % FS HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % EX HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   % LD HG
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % VC HG
  \else\ifnum\lastnodetype=10 % mathoff
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XKinterhanjabreak \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   % HG ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak % ID ID
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % SY ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AA ID
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AO ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AC ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AP ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AM ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   % AH ID
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % OP ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % CL ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % MD ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfzero       % FS ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % EX ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   % LD ID
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % VC ID
  \else\ifnum\lastnodetype=10 % mathoff
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XKinterhanjabreak \XeKo@suppress@linebreak \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % HG CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % ID CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % SY CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk                                % AA CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % AO CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk                                % AC CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk                                % AP CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk                                % AM CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak                            % AH CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % OP CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % CL CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % MD CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfzero       \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % FS CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % EX CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % LD CJ
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % VC CJ
  \else\ifnum\lastnodetype=10 % mathoff
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % HG SY
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % ID SY
      \or \unkern\unkern % SY SY
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AA SY
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AO SY
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AC SY
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AP SY
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % AM SY
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AH SY
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % OP SY
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % CL SY
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % MD SY
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfzero       % FS SY
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % EX SY
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % LD SY
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % VC SY
  \else\ifnum\lastnodetype=10 % mathoff
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XeKo@latincjk \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % HG AA
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % ID AA
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % SY AA
      \or \unkern\unkern % AA AA
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AO AA
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AC AA
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AP AA
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AM AA
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AH AA
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % OP AA
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % CL AA
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % MD AA
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfzero       % FS AA
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % EX AA
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % LD AA
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % VC AA
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XeKo@latincjk \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % HG AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % ID AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % SY AO
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AA AO
      \or \unkern\unkern % AO AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \inhibitglue         % AC AO
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AP AO
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AM AO
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % AH AO
      \or \unkern\unkern                      % OP AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % CL AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % MD AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfzero       % FS AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       % EX AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@latincjk       % LD AO
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter % VC AO
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % HG AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % ID AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % SY AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AA AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AO AC
      \or \unkern\unkern % AC AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AP AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AM AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AH AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % OP AC
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % CL AC
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter % MD AC
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfzero       % FS AC
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % EX AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % LD AC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % VC AC
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % HG AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % ID AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % SY AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AA AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AO AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AC AP
      \or \unkern\unkern % AP AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AM AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AH AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % OP AP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % CL AP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter % MD AP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfzero       % FS AP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % EX AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % LD AP
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % VC AP
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@latincjk \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@latincjk       % HG AM
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@latincjk       % ID AM
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@latincjk       % SY AM
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AA AM
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AO AM
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AC AM
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AP AM
      \or \unkern\unkern % AM AM
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AH AM
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % OP AM
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % CL AM
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter % MD AM
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfzero       % FS AM
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % EX AM
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % LD AM
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % VC AM
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XeKo@nobreak \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak                     % HG AH
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak                     % ID AH
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak                     % SY AH
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AA AH
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AO AH
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AC AH
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AP AH
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AM AH
      \or \unkern\unkern % AH AH
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % OP AH
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % CL AH
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter % MD AH
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfzero       % FS AH
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % EX AH
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak                     % LD AH
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak                     % VC AH
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XeKo@halfhalf \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % HG OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % ID OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % SY OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % AA OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf % AO OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % AC OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % AP OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % AM OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % AH OP
      \or \unkern\unkern % OP OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % CL OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter        % MD OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfzero              % FS OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % EX OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf              % LD OP
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter        % VC OP
  \else\ifnum\lastnodetype=10 % mathoff
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % HG CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % ID CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % SY CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AA CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AO CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AC CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AP CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AM CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AH CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % OP CL
      \or \unkern\unkern % CL CL
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter % MD CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % FS CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % EX CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % LD CL
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % VC CL
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % HG MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % ID MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % SY MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % AA MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % AO MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % AC MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % AP MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % AM MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % AH MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % OP MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % CL MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfquarter % MD MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@iiiquarterquarter % FS MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % EX MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % LD MD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter    % VC MD
  \else\ifnum\lastnodetype=10 % mathoff
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % HG FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % ID FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % SY FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AA FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AO FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AC FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AP FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AM FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AH FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % OP FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % CL FS
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter % MD FS
      \or \unkern\unkern % FS FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % EX FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % LD FS
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % VC FS
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % HG EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % ID EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % SY EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AA EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AO EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AC EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AP EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AM EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AH EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % OP EX
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfhalf       % CL EX
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter % MD EX
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@halfzero       % FS EX
      \or \unkern\unkern % EX EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % LD EX
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % VC EX
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \XKinterhanjabreak \XeKo@suppress@linebreak \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % HG LD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % ID LD
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % SY LD
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % AA LD
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % AO LD
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % AC LD
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % AP LD
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % AM LD
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % AH LD
      \or \unkern\unkern                                               % OP LD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfhalf       \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % CL LD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@quarterquarter \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % MD LD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@halfzero       \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % FS LD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % EX LD
      \or \unkern\unkern % LD LD
      \or \unkern\unkern \XKinterhanjabreak   \XeKo@suppress@linebreak % VC LD
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
      \or \or \or \or \or
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % HG VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % ID VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % SY VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AA VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AO VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AC VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AP VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AM VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % AH VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % OP VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % CL VC
      \or \unkern\unkern \XeKo@nobreak\XeKo@quarterquarter % MD VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % FS VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % EX VC
      \or \unkern\unkern                                   % LD VC
      \or \unkern\unkern % VC VC


% \char"1112\char"119E\char"11AB etc.
% !!!!! 이 경우 \everyhangul 등이 제대로 작동 않는다 !!!!!
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
    \ifnum\lastkern=6 %
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=\@ne % hbox (charraise box)
    \XeKo@char@raise@start \unhbox\XeKo@box@ #1\XeKo@char@raise@stop
% \char"9AA8\char"E0102 etc.
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=12 %
    \or \or \or \or \or
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % HG
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % ID
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % SY
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % AA
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % AO
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % AC
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % AP
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % AM
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % AH
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % OP
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % CL
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % MD
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % FS
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % EX
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % LD
    \or \unkern\unkern \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XeKo@startCM % VC
  \ifnum\lastnodetype=\@ne % hbox
      \setbox\XeKo@box@=\lastbox % charraise box
      \ifnum\lastnodetype=\@ne % hbox again
        \XeKo@rebox@punctbox{#1}% compressed punctuation box
      \XeKo@rebox@punctbox{#1}% compressed punctuation box
  \ifnum 0\ifnum\XeKo@currclass>14 \ifnum\XeKo@currclass<19 % OP .. FS
         1\fi\fi >\z@
    \hbox to.5em\bgroup
      \XeKo@skip@\lastskip \unskip

%%% josa selection
\catcode`A=11\relax \global\let\XeKo@catcode@letter=A
\catcode`0=12\relax \global\let\XeKo@catcode@other =0
\def\XeKo@striptw@words#1 #2 #3\relax{#3}
  \ifnum 0\ifcat\XeKo@let@token\XeKo@catcode@letter 1\else
          \ifcat\XeKo@let@token\XeKo@catcode@other  1\fi\fi >\z@

  \openin1=#1\relax \XeKo@read@hanja@hangul@line \closein1
  \read1 to \@tempa
    \advance\@tempcnta\@ne \expandafter\XeKo@read@hanja@hangul@line

  \ifnum\XeKo@count@<\z@ \XeKo@count@=-\XeKo@count@ \fi
  \divide\count@ 10
  \multiply\count@ 10
  \XeKo@count@=\ifcase\XeKo@count@ \z@
    \or \@ne
    \or \tw@
    \or \z@
    \or \tw@
    \or \tw@
    \or \z@
    \or \@ne
    \or \@ne
    \or \tw@
  \XeKo@count@=\ifnum "4C=\XeKo@count@ \@ne % L
          \else\ifnum "4D=\XeKo@count@ \z@  % M
          \else\ifnum "4E=\XeKo@count@ \z@  % N
          \else\ifnum "6C=\XeKo@count@ \@ne % l
          \else\ifnum "6D=\XeKo@count@ \z@  % m
          \else\ifnum "6E=\XeKo@count@ \z@  % n
          \else \tw@
          \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi

\protected\def\jong {\global\let\XeKo@josatoken=0}\jong
\protected\def\jung {\global\let\XeKo@josatoken=2}
\protected\def\가{\XeKo@make@josa 가이}
\protected\def\은{\XeKo@make@josa 는은} \let\는\은
\protected\def\을{\XeKo@make@josa 를을} \let\를\을
\protected\def\와{\XeKo@make@josa 와과} \let\과\와
\protected\def\으{\XeKo@make@josa \empty 으}
\protected\def\라{\XeKo@make@josa 라{이라}}
\def\XeKo@make@josa@II{\XeKo@make@josa\relax 이}
    \ifnum 0\ifnum\XeKo@charslot>"ABFF \ifnum\XeKo@charslot<"D7A4 1\fi\fi >\z@
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    \advance\XeKo@count@-"30 \let\XeKo@next\XeKo@num@josa
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"7B \let\XeKo@next\XeKo@alph@josa
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"2160 % roman numneral I
    \advance\XeKo@count@-"215F \let\XeKo@next\XeKo@num@josa
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"2170 % roman numneral i
    \advance\XeKo@count@-"216F \let\XeKo@next\XeKo@num@josa
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"2460 % â‘ 
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"249C % ⒜
    \advance\XeKo@count@-"245F \let\XeKo@next\XeKo@num@josa
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"24B6 % â’¶
    \advance\XeKo@count@-"245B \let\XeKo@next\XeKo@alph@josa
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    \advance\XeKo@count@-"2475 \let\XeKo@next\XeKo@alph@josa
    \advance\XeKo@count@-"248F \let\XeKo@next\XeKo@alph@josa
  \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@<"3260 % ㉠
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         \ifnum\XeKo@count@<"3187 \XeKo@count@\z@ \fi
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"3200 % ㈀
    \ifnum     \XeKo@count@="3203 \XeKo@count@\@ne
    \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"320E \XeKo@count@\z@
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@<"3400 \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"4DB6
    \advance\XeKo@count@-"3400 \XeKo@read@hanja@hangul@file{hanjaexa_hangul.tab}%
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"4E00 \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"9FA6
    \advance\XeKo@count@-"4E00 \XeKo@read@hanja@hangul@file{hanja_hangul.tab}%
  \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"F900 \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"FA2E
    \advance\XeKo@count@-"F900 \XeKo@read@hanja@hangul@file{hanjacom_hangul.tab}%
  \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi
  \ifnum\XeKo@count@<"AC00 \else\ifnum\XeKo@count@<"D7A4 % Hangul syllables
    \@tempcnta\XeKo@count@ \divide\@tempcnta28 \multiply\@tempcnta28
    \advance\XeKo@count@-\@tempcnta \advance\XeKo@count@"11A7
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  \ifcase\XeKo@count@ #2% jong
    \or \ifx#1\empty\else#2\fi % rieul
    \else #1% jung

% dotemph
\def\dotemphraise{0.4em }
\ifcsname bfseries\endcsname
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  \def\dotemphchar{\bf \char95 }


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  \ifx\empty#2\empty \else
  \ifx\empty#2\empty \else

% other commands
  \let\XeKo@halfzero          \inhibitglue
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  \chardef\XeKo@hangingpuncts \z@
% no longer support these two \disable...
% ulem support
    \ifx\ \LA@space\else \UL@stop\fi
    \XeKo@UL@dotemph@#1 ^^^^ffff \relax
    \ifx\ \LA@space\else \UL@start\fi
\def\XeKo@UL@dotemph@#1 {%
    \ifx\ \LA@space
      #1\ %
      #1\ %
    % uline 안에서 폰트가 변경되는 경우를 대비
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      \let\XeKo@raw@hanja@font  \XeKo@UL@tmp@rawhanjafont

% math hangul
    \Umathcode\count@ = 7 \symmathhangul\count@
    \ifnum\count@<"#2 \advance\count@\@ne

%%% plain
\ifcsname ver@xetexko.sty\endcsname \else
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  % hangul fonts
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        \csname XeKo@hangul@font@\@tempb\endcsname
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        \ifdefined\xetexkointerhchar \def\noexpand\xetexkointerhchar{\xetexkointerhchar}\fi
        \ifdefined\xetexkocharraise \def\noexpand\xetexkocharraise{\xetexkocharraise}\fi
      \ifdefined\xetexkohu \def\noexpand\xetexkohu{\xetexkohu}\fi
      \ifdefined\xetexkointerhchar \def\noexpand\xetexkointerhchar{\xetexkointerhchar}\fi
      \ifdefined\xetexkocharraise \def\noexpand\xetexkocharraise{\xetexkocharraise}\fi
      \expandafter\font\csname XeKo@hanja@font@\@tempb\endcsname
        \csname XeKo@hanja@font@\@tempb\endcsname
        \ifdefined\xetexkohu \def\noexpand\xetexkohu{\xetexkohu}\fi
        \ifdefined\xetexkointerhchar \def\noexpand\xetexkointerhchar{\xetexkointerhchar}\fi
        \ifdefined\xetexkocharraise \def\noexpand\xetexkocharraise{\xetexkocharraise}\fi
  \protected\def\hanjabyhangulfont{\let\XeKo@hanja@font\XeKo@hangul@font }
  % math hangul
  \protected\def\setmathhangulfonts#1#2#3{% font identifiers
      \csname newfam\endcsname\symmathhangul
      \expandafter\fontname\expandafter\textmathhangul\detokenize{ at }\relax
    \dimen@\fontdimen 6 \textmathhangul
    \font\scriptmathhangul= \@tempa\space at .7\dimen@
    \font\scriptscriptmathhangul = \@tempa\space at .5\dimen@
    \expandafter#\expandafter1\detokenize{ at }#2\relax{#1}
  % default unbatang
  \hangulfont="[UnBatang.ttf]:mapping=tex-text;script=hang" at 10pt

%%% latex

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      \xetexkohanguloption % for 영문자-한글 interlatincjk
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\keys_define:nn { xtxko-font }
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\DeclareDocumentCommand \addhanjafontfeature { m }
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% math hangul
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% xetexkofontregime
\keys_define:nn { xtxko-char }
  alphs       .code:n = \use:c { #1alphs } ,
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  cjksymbols  .code:n = \use:c { #1cjksymbols } ,
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\DeclareDocumentCommand \xetexkofontregime { O{} m O{} }
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% no longer support default hangul/hanja fontfeatures
\DeclareDocumentCommand \defaulthangulfontfeatures { t+ o m } { }
\cs_set_eq:NN \defaulthanjafontfeatures \defaulthangulfontfeatures

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