Easy install of TeX Live
- looks for a fast server
- downloads the install script
- deletes an existing TeX Live version from Ubuntu (deb) or openSUSE (rpm)
- extracts and runs the install script
- installs a complete up-to-date TeX Live from tug.org
- installs the non free fonts from tug.org which are not part of TeX Live, like arial, Luxi mono, etc.
- installs the GUIs TeXmaker and TeXworks
- creates files zzz-texlive.sh/csh for /etc/profile.d/
The authors are Rolf Niepraschk and Herbert Voß. The package is Copyright © 2012 Rolf Niepraschk, Herbert Voß.
License: lppl Version: 0.04 Catalogued: 2016-06-24