|                               appendixformat                                |
                         Appendix \appendixnumberÌ
        \vsÅ 1\blÌ
        \setchapternumberÅ 0Ì
        \setsubheadanumberÅ 0Ì
        \setsubheadbnumberÅ 0Ì
        \setsubheadcnumberÅ 0Ì
        \setsubheaddnumberÅ 0Ì
        \setfigurenumberÅ 0Ì
        \settablenumberÅ 0Ì
  \incontentsÅ yesÌ
Abbreviation:  ã|\apfã%
Parameters:    ã|submarkupã%
Submarkup:     ã|\numberingstyle, \titleformat, \incontentsã%
The  \appendixformat markup  allows you  to modify  the default  markup that
controls the appearance of the appendix title.  The submarkup is described.
\numberingstyle   allows you to change  the style from  capital letters, the
default, to Arabic numerals (1) or roman numerals (I).
\appendixformatÅ \numberingstyleÅ IÌÌ
\appendixÅ GlossaryÌ
If this were the fourth appendix, it would print as:
|                                                                             |
|                                 Appendix IV                                 |
|                                  Glossary                                   |
|                                                                             |
\titleformatÅNested MarkupÌ   controls the appearance  of the appendix title
banner.   You may use markup such as  \newpage, \verticalspace, and \center-
line within \titleformat as Nested Markup.   Other markup you may use within
or outside of \appendixformat:
  * \appendixnumberprints the most recent appendix number.
  * \appendixtitleprints the most recent appendix title.
\incontents  determines whether the  appendix title is to be included in the
contents.   The default can be  changed to no to  inhibit the appendix title
from being included in the contents.  See the second example below.
In this example,  the appendix starts  a new page, the  number and title are
centered in bold, and one line is skipped afterwards.
\appendixformatÅ \numberingstyleÅ 1Ì
    \titleformatÅ \dumpinsertseject
      \clÅ \bd \appendixnumber. \appendixtitleÌ
      \vsÅ 1\blÌ
    \incontentsÅ yesÌ
\appÅ GlossaryÌ
This would print the fourth appendix as:
|                                                                             |
|                                4.  Glossary                                 |
|                                                                             |
In  this  example,  the  appendix  starts  a  new  page  (instead  of  using
\dumpinsertseject,  skips  down the  page  2 inches,  centers  the  title in
italics, and skips one line.  The title is not put in contents.
    \titleformatÅ \newpage
      \vskÅ 2inÌ
      \clÅ \it \appendixtitleÌ
      \vsÅ 1\blÌÌ
    \incontentsÅ noÌ Ì
\appÅ GlossaryÌ
This would print the fourth appendix as:
|                                                                             |
|                                  Glossary                                   |
The \appendixformat  markup must come  after the \monospace  markup, if both
are used.