# Commands covered:  load
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

if {"::tcltest" ni [namespace children]} {
    package require tcltest 2.5
    namespace import -force ::tcltest::*

catch [list package require -exact Tcltest [info patchlevel]]

# Figure out what extension is used for shared libraries on this
# platform.
if {![info exists ext]} {
    set ext [info sharedlibextension]
# Tests require the existence of one of the DLLs in the dltest directory.
set testDir [file join [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]] dltest]
set x [file join $testDir pkga$ext]
set dll "[file tail $x]Required"
testConstraint $dll [file readable $x]

# Tests also require that this DLL has not already been loaded.
set loaded "[file tail $x]Loaded"
set alreadyLoaded [info loaded {}]
testConstraint $loaded [expr {![string match *pkga* $alreadyLoaded]}]

set alreadyTotalLoaded [info loaded]

# Certain tests require the 'teststaticpkg' command from tcltest

testConstraint teststaticpkg [llength [info commands teststaticpkg]]

# Test load-10.1 requires the 'testsimplefilesystem' command from tcltest

testConstraint testsimplefilesystem \
	[llength [info commands testsimplefilesystem]]
test load-1.1 {basic errors} -returnCodes error -body {
} -result {wrong # args: should be "load ?-global? ?-lazy? ?--? fileName ?packageName? ?interp?"}
test load-1.2 {basic errors} -returnCodes error -body {
    load a b c d
} -result {wrong # args: should be "load ?-global? ?-lazy? ?--? fileName ?packageName? ?interp?"}
test load-1.3 {basic errors} -returnCodes error -body {
    load a b foobar
} -result {could not find interpreter "foobar"}
test load-1.4 {basic errors} -returnCodes error -body {
    load -global {}
} -result {must specify either file name or package name}
test load-1.5 {basic errors} -returnCodes error -body {
    load -lazy {} {}
} -result {must specify either file name or package name}
test load-1.6 {basic errors} -returnCodes error -body {
    load {} Unknown
} -result {package "Unknown" isn't loaded statically}
test load-1.7 {basic errors} -returnCodes error -body {
    load -abc foo
} -result {bad option "-abc": must be -global, -lazy, or --}
test load-1.8 {basic errors} -returnCodes error -body {
    load -global
} -result {couldn't figure out package name for -global}

test load-2.1 {basic loading, with guess for package name} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    load -global [file join $testDir pkga$ext]
    list [pkga_eq abc def] [lsort [info commands pkga_*]]
} {0 {pkga_eq pkga_quote}}
interp create -safe child
test load-2.2 {loading into a safe interpreter, with package name conversion} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    load -lazy [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] Pkgb child
    list [child eval pkgb_sub 44 13] [catch {child eval pkgb_unsafe} msg] $msg \
	    [catch {pkgb_sub 12 10} msg2] $msg2
} {31 1 {invalid command name "pkgb_unsafe"} 1 {invalid command name "pkgb_sub"}}
test load-2.3 {loading with no _Init procedure} -constraints [list $dll $loaded] \
-body {
    list [catch {load [file join $testDir pkgc$ext] Foo} msg] $msg $errorCode
} -match glob \
    -result [list 1 {cannot find symbol "Foo_Init"*} \
test load-2.4 {loading with no _SafeInit procedure} [list $dll $loaded] {
    list [catch {load [file join $testDir pkga$ext] {} child} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't use package in a safe interpreter: no Pkga_SafeInit procedure}}

test load-3.1 {error in _Init procedure, same interpreter} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    list [catch {load [file join $testDir pkge$ext] Pkge} msg] \
	    $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode
} {1 {couldn't open "non_existent": no such file or directory} {couldn't open "non_existent": no such file or directory
    while executing
"open non_existent"
    invoked from within
"if 44 {open non_existent}"
    invoked from within
"load [file join $testDir pkge$ext] Pkge"} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}
test load-3.2 {error in _Init procedure, child interpreter} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    catch {interp delete x}
    interp create x
    set ::errorCode foo
    set ::errorInfo bar
    set result [list [catch {load [file join $testDir pkge$ext] Pkge x} msg] \
	    $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode]
    interp delete x
    set result
} {1 {couldn't open "non_existent": no such file or directory} {couldn't open "non_existent": no such file or directory
    while executing
"open non_existent"
    invoked from within
"if 44 {open non_existent}"
    invoked from within
"load [file join $testDir pkge$ext] Pkge x"} {POSIX ENOENT {no such file or directory}}}

test load-4.1 {reloading package into same interpreter} [list $dll $loaded] {
    list [catch {load [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkga} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}
test load-4.2 {reloading package into same interpreter} -setup {
    catch {load [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkga}
} -constraints [list $dll $loaded] -returnCodes error -body {
    load [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkgb
} -result "file \"[file join $testDir pkga$ext]\" is already loaded for package \"Pkga\""

test load-5.1 {file name not specified and no static package: pick default} -setup {
    catch {interp delete x}
    interp create x
} -constraints [list $dll $loaded] -body {
    load -global [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkga
    load {} Pkga x
    info loaded x
} -cleanup {
    interp delete x
} -result [list [list [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkga]]

# On some platforms, like SunOS 4.1.3, these tests can't be run because
# they cause the process to exit.
# As of 2005, such ancient broken systems no longer matter.

test load-6.1 {errors loading file} [list $dll $loaded] {
    catch {load foo foo}
} {1}

test load-7.1 {Tcl_StaticPackage procedure} [list teststaticpkg] {
    set x "not loaded"
    teststaticpkg Test 1 0
    load {} Test
    load {} Test child
    list [set x] [child eval set x]
} {loaded loaded}
test load-7.2 {Tcl_StaticPackage procedure} [list teststaticpkg] {
    set x "not loaded"
    teststaticpkg Another 0 0
    load {} Another
    child eval {set x "not loaded"}
    list [catch {load {} Another child} msg] $msg \
	[child eval set x] [set x]
} {1 {can't use package in a safe interpreter: no Another_SafeInit procedure} {not loaded} loaded}
test load-7.3 {Tcl_StaticPackage procedure} [list teststaticpkg] {
    set x "not loaded"
    teststaticpkg More 0 1
    load {} More
    set x
} {not loaded}
catch {load [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkga}
catch {load [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] Pkgb}
catch {load [file join $testDir pkge$ext] Pkge}
set currentRealPackages [list [list [file join $testDir pkge$ext] Pkge] [list [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] Pkgb] [list [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkga]]
test load-7.4 {Tcl_StaticPackage procedure, redundant calls} -setup {
    teststaticpkg Test 1 0
    teststaticpkg Another 0 0
    teststaticpkg More 0 1
} -constraints [list teststaticpkg $dll $loaded] -body {
    teststaticpkg Double 0 1
    teststaticpkg Double 0 1
    info loaded
} -result [list {{} Double} {{} More} {{} Another} {{} Test} {*}$currentRealPackages {*}$alreadyTotalLoaded]

testConstraint teststaticpkg_8.x 0
if {[testConstraint teststaticpkg]} {
    catch {
	teststaticpkg Test 1 1
	teststaticpkg Another 0 1
	teststaticpkg More 0 1
	teststaticpkg Double 0 1
	testConstraint teststaticpkg_8.x 1

test load-8.1 {TclGetLoadedPackages procedure} [list teststaticpkg_8.x $dll $loaded] {
    lsort -index 1 [info loaded]
} [lsort -index 1 [list {{} Double} {{} More} {{} Another} {{} Test} {*}$currentRealPackages {*}$alreadyTotalLoaded]]
test load-8.2 {TclGetLoadedPackages procedure} -constraints {teststaticpkg_8.x} -body {
    info loaded gorp
} -returnCodes error -result {could not find interpreter "gorp"}
test load-8.3a {TclGetLoadedPackages procedure} [list teststaticpkg_8.x $dll $loaded] {
    lsort -index 1 [info loaded {}]
} [lsort -index 1 [list {{} Double} {{} More} {{} Another} {{} Test} [list [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkga] [list [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] Pkgb] {*}$alreadyLoaded]]
test load-8.3b {TclGetLoadedPackages procedure} [list teststaticpkg_8.x $dll $loaded] {
    lsort -index 1 [info loaded child]
} [lsort -index 1 [list {{} Test} [list [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] Pkgb]]]
test load-8.4 {TclGetLoadedPackages procedure} [list teststaticpkg_8.x $dll $loaded] {
    load [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] Pkgb
    list [lsort -index 1 [info loaded {}]] [lsort [info commands pkgb_*]]
} [list [lsort -index 1 [concat [list [list [file join $testDir pkgb$ext] Pkgb] {{} Double} {{} More} {{} Another} {{} Test} [list [file join $testDir pkga$ext] Pkga]] $alreadyLoaded]] {pkgb_demo pkgb_sub pkgb_unsafe}]
interp delete child

test load-9.1 {Tcl_StaticPackage, load already-loaded package into another interp} -setup {
    interp create child1
    interp create child2
    load {} Tcltest child1
    load {} Tcltest child2
} -constraints {teststaticpkg} -body {
    child1 eval { teststaticpkg Loadninepointone 0 1 }
    child2 eval { teststaticpkg Loadninepointone 0 1 }
    list [child1 eval { info loaded {} }] \
	[child2 eval { info loaded {} }]
} -match glob -cleanup {
    interp delete child1
    interp delete child2
} -result {{{{} Loadninepointone} {* Tcltest}} {{{} Loadninepointone} {* Tcltest}}}

test load-10.1 {load from vfs} -setup {
    set dir [pwd]
    cd $testDir
    testsimplefilesystem 1
} -constraints [list $dll $loaded testsimplefilesystem] -body {
    list [catch {load simplefs:/pkgd$ext Pkgd} msg] $msg
} -result {0 {}} -cleanup {
    testsimplefilesystem 0
    cd $dir
    unset dir

test load-11.1 {Load TclOO extension using Stubs (Bug [f51efe99a7])} \
	[list $dll $loaded] {
    load [file join $testDir pkgooa$ext]
    list [pkgooa_stubsok] [lsort [info commands pkgooa_*]]
} {1 pkgooa_stubsok}
# cleanup
unset ext

# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# End: