[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[vset VERSION 1.1]
[manpage_begin tclDES n [vset VERSION]]
[see_also des(n)]
[keywords 3DES]
[keywords {block cipher}]
[keywords {data integrity}]
[keywords DES]
[keywords encryption]
[keywords security]
[copyright {2005, Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>}]
[moddesc {Data Encryption Standard (DES)}]
[titledesc {Implementation of the DES and triple-DES ciphers}]
[category  {Hashes, checksums, and encryption}]
[require Tcl 8.2]
[require tclDES [vset VERSION]]

The [package tclDES] package is a helper package for [package des].

[para] Please see the documentation of [package des] for details.

[vset CATEGORY des]
[include ../common-text/feedback.inc]