diff -ru Ice-3.5.0.orig/scripts/TestUtil.py Ice-3.5.0/scripts/TestUtil.py
--- Ice-3.5.0.orig/scripts/TestUtil.py	2013-03-11 08:19:47.000000000 -0700
+++ Ice-3.5.0/scripts/TestUtil.py	2013-03-16 14:30:44.011852186 -0700
@@ -914,12 +914,18 @@
     arch = ""
     if isDarwin() and config.lang == "cpp":
         if x64:
-            arch = "arch -x86_64 "
+            if sys.byteorder == "little":
+                arch = "arch -x86_64 "
+            else:
+                arch = "arch -ppc64 "
             # We don't really know what architecture the binaries were
             # built with, prefer 32 bits if --x64 is not set and if 32
             # bits binaries aren't available, 64 bits will be used.
-            arch = "arch -i386 -x86_64 "
+            if sys.byteorder == "little":
+                arch = "arch -i386 -x86_64 "
+            else:
+                arch = "arch -ppc -ppc64 "
     output = getStringIO()