#	$NetBSD: files.meson,v 1.12 2021/02/01 01:52:04 jmcneill Exp $
# Configuration info for Amlogic Meson family SoCs

file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_platform.c	soc_meson

# Common clocks
define	meson_clk
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_clk.c		meson_clk
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_clk_div.c	meson_clk
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_clk_fixed.c	meson_clk
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_clk_fixed_factor.c meson_clk
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_clk_gate.c	meson_clk
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_clk_mpll.c	meson_clk
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_clk_mux.c	meson_clk
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_clk_pll.c	meson_clk

# Meson8b clock controller
device	meson8bclkc: meson_clk
attach	meson8bclkc at fdt with meson8b_clkc
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson8b_clkc.c		meson8b_clkc

# Meson GXBB clock controller
device	gxbbclkc: meson_clk
attach	gxbbclkc at fdt with mesongxbb_clkc
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesongxbb_clkc.c	mesongxbb_clkc

# Meson GXBB AO clock controller
device	gxbbaoclkc: meson_clk
attach	gxbbaoclkc at fdt with mesongxbb_aoclkc
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesongxbb_aoclkc.c	mesongxbb_aoclkc

# Meson G12[AB] clock controller
device	g12clkc: meson_clk
attach	g12clkc at fdt with mesong12_clkc
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesong12_clkc.c	mesong12_clkc

# Meson G12[AB] AO clock controller
device	g12aoclkc: meson_clk
attach	g12aoclkc at fdt with mesong12_aoclkc
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesong12_aoclkc.c	mesong12_aoclkc

# Meson reset controller
device	mesonresets
attach	mesonresets at fdt with meson_resets
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_resets.c		meson_resets

device	mesonuart
attach	mesonuart at fdt with meson_uart
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_uart.c		meson_uart

# Framebuffer console
device	mesonfb: genfb, wsemuldisplaydev
attach	mesonfb at fdt with meson_genfb
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_genfb.c		meson_genfb & soc_meson

device	mesonpinctrl: gpiobus
attach	mesonpinctrl at fdt with meson_pinctrl
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_pinctrl.c	meson_pinctrl
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson8b_pinctrl.c	meson_pinctrl & soc_meson8b
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesong12a_pinctrl.c	meson_pinctrl & soc_mesong12
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesongxbb_pinctrl.c	meson_pinctrl & soc_mesongxbb
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesongxl_pinctrl.c	meson_pinctrl & soc_mesongxl

# Meson8b SDHC
device	mesonsdhc: sdmmcbus
attach	mesonsdhc at fdt with meson_sdhc
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_sdhc.c		meson_sdhc

# Meson8b SDIO
device	mesonsdio: sdmmcbus
attach	mesonsdio at fdt with meson_sdio
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_sdio.c		meson_sdio

# Meson GX MMC
device	mesongxmmc: sdmmcbus
attach	mesongxmmc at fdt with mesongx_mmc
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesongx_mmc.c		mesongx_mmc 

device	mesonusbphy
attach	mesonusbphy at fdt with meson_usbphy
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_usbphy.c		meson_usbphy

# Meson GXL USB2 PHY
device	mesongxlu2phy
attach	mesongxlu2phy at fdt with mesongxl_usb2phy
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesongxl_usb2phy.c	mesongxl_usb2phy

# Meson GXL USB3 PHY
device	mesongxlu3phy
attach	mesongxlu3phy at fdt with mesongxl_usb3phy
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesongxl_usb3phy.c	mesongxl_usb3phy

# Meson G12 USB2 PHY
device	mesong12u2phy
attach	mesong12u2phy at fdt with mesong12_usb2phy
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesong12_usb2phy.c	mesong12_usb2phy

# Meson G12 USB3/PCIE PHY
device	mesong12u3pphy
attach	mesong12u3pphy at fdt with mesong12_usb3pciephy
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesong12_usb3pciephy.c	mesong12_usb3pciephy

# Meson G12 USB
device	mesonusbctrl
attach	mesonusbctrl at fdt with meson_usbctrl
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_usbctrl.c	meson_usbctrl

device	mesonrtc
attach	mesonrtc at fdt with meson_rtc
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_rtc.c		meson_rtc

device	mesonrng
attach	mesonrng at fdt with meson_rng
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_rng.c		meson_rng

attach	awge at fdt with meson_dwmac
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_dwmac.c		meson_dwmac

# Meson GXL internal PHY
device	gxlphy: mii_phy
attach  gxlphy at mii
file    arch/arm/amlogic/gxlphy.c		gxlphy

# Meson8b Watchdog
device	mesonwdt: sysmon_wdog
attach	mesonwdt at fdt with meson_wdt
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_wdt.c		meson_wdt

# Meson GX Watchdog
device	mesongxwdt: sysmon_wdog
attach	mesongxwdt at fdt with mesongx_wdt
file	arch/arm/amlogic/mesongx_wdt.c		mesongx_wdt

# Meson Timers
device	meson6timer
attach	meson6timer at fdt with meson6_timer
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson6_timer.c		meson6_timer

# Meson PWM
device	mesonpwm
attach	mesonpwm at fdt with meson_pwm
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_pwm.c		meson_pwm

# Meson Thermal
device	mesonthermal
attach	mesonthermal at fdt with meson_thermal
file	arch/arm/amlogic/meson_thermal.c	meson_thermal

# SOC parameters
defflag	opt_soc.h			SOC_MESON
defflag	opt_soc.h			SOC_MESON8B: SOC_MESON
defflag	opt_soc.h			SOC_MESONG12: SOC_MESON
defflag	opt_soc.h			SOC_MESONGX: SOC_MESON
defflag	opt_soc.h			SOC_MESONGXBB: SOC_MESONGX
defflag	opt_soc.h			SOC_MESONGXL: SOC_MESONGX