# $NetBSD: files.wii,v 1.6 2025/02/17 11:09:11 macallan Exp $ # # maxpartitions 16 maxusers 2 8 64 include "arch/powerpc/pic/files.pic" file arch/evbppc/wii/autoconf.c file arch/powerpc/powerpc/clock.c file arch/evbppc/wii/pic_pi.c file arch/evbppc/wii/machdep.c # # Machine-independent drivers # include "dev/ata/files.ata" include "dev/bluetooth/files.bluetooth" include "dev/scsipi/files.scsipi" include "dev/sdmmc/files.sdmmc" include "dev/usb/files.usb" # # Memory Disk for install floppy # file dev/md_root.c memory_disk_hooks # # System bus types # define mainbus { [addr=-1], [irq=-1] } device mainbus: mainbus attach mainbus at root device cpu attach cpu at mainbus file arch/evbppc/wii/mainbus.c mainbus | cpu needs-flag attach genfb at mainbus with wiifb file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/wiifb.c wiifb device bwai attach bwai at mainbus file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/bwai.c bwai device bwdsp: audiobus attach bwdsp at mainbus file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/bwdsp.c bwdsp define exi { } device exi: exi attach exi at mainbus file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/exi.c exi device rtcsram attach rtcsram at exi file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/rtcsram.c rtcsram define hollywood { [addr=-1], [irq=-1] } device hollywood: hollywood attach hollywood at mainbus file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/hollywood.c hollywood device resetbtn : sysmon_power, sysmon_taskq attach resetbtn at hollywood file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/resetbtn.c resetbtn device hwgpio: gpiobus attach hwgpio at hollywood file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/hwgpio.c hwgpio attach ehci at hollywood with ehci_hollywood file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/ehci_hollywood.c ehci_hollywood attach ohci at hollywood with ohci_hollywood file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/ohci_hollywood.c ohci_hollywood attach sdhc at hollywood with sdhc_hollywood file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/sdhc_hollywood.c sdhc_hollywood device avenc attach avenc at iic file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/avenc.c avenc device di: scsi attach di at hollywood file arch/evbppc/wii/dev/di.c di