#!/bin/sh # # $NetBSD: makerumpif.sh,v 1.10 2016/01/26 23:21:18 pooka Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2015 Antti Kantee. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # This reads a rump component interface description and creates: # 1: rump private prototypes for internal calls # 2: public prototypes for calls outside of rump # 3: public interface implementations which run the rump scheduler # and call the private interface # usage () { echo "usage: $0 spec" exit 1 } boom () { echo $* exit 1 } unset TOPDIR if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then if [ $1 = '-R' ]; then TOPDIR=$2 else usage fi shift; shift fi [ $# -ne 1 ] && usage MYDIR=`pwd` if [ -z "${TOPDIR}" ]; then while [ ! -f Makefile.rump ]; do [ `pwd` = '/' ] && boom Could not find rump topdir. cd .. done TOPDIR="`pwd`" fi cd ${MYDIR} sed -e ' :again /\\$/{ N s/[ ]*\\\n[ ]*/ / b again } ' ${1} | awk -F\| -v topdir=${TOPDIR} ' function fileheaders(file, srcstr) { printf("/*\t$NetBSD: makerumpif.sh,v 1.10 2016/01/26 23:21:18 pooka Exp $\t*/\n\n") > file printf("/*\n * Automatically generated. DO NOT EDIT.\n") > file genstr = "$NetBSD: makerumpif.sh,v 1.10 2016/01/26 23:21:18 pooka Exp $" gsub("\\$", "", genstr) printf(" * from: %s\n", srcstr) > file printf(" * by: %s\n", genstr) > file printf(" */\n") > file } function die(str) { print str exit(1) } NR == 1 { sub(";[^\\$]*\\$", "") sub("\\$", "") fromstr = $0 next } $1 == "NAME"{myname = $2;next} $1 == "PUBHDR"{pubhdr = topdir "/" $2;print pubhdr;next} $1 == "PRIVHDR"{privhdr = topdir "/" $2;print privhdr;next} $1 == "WRAPPERS"{gencalls = topdir "/" $2;print gencalls;next} /^;/{next} /\\$/{sub("\\\n", "");getline nextline;$0 = $0 nextline} /^[ \t]*$/{next} { if (NF != 3 && NF != 4) { die("error: unexpected number of fields\n") } isweak = 0 iscompat = 0 if (NF == 4) { if ($4 == "WEAK") { isweak = 1 } else if (match($4, "COMPAT_")) { iscompat = 1 compat = $4 } else { die("error: unexpected fourth field"); } } if (!myname) die("name not specified"); if (!pubhdr) die("public header not specified"); if (!privhdr) die("private header not specified"); if (!gencalls) die("wrapper file not specified"); if (!once) { fileheaders(pubhdr, fromstr) fileheaders(privhdr, fromstr) fileheaders(gencalls, fromstr) once = 1 pubfile = pubhdr sub(".*/", "", pubfile) privfile = privhdr sub(".*/", "", privfile) printf("\n") > pubhdr printf("\n") > privhdr printf("#ifndef _RUMP_PRIF_%s_H_\n", toupper(myname)) > privhdr printf("#define _RUMP_PRIF_%s_H_\n", toupper(myname)) > privhdr printf("\n") > privhdr printf("\n#include <sys/cdefs.h>\n") > gencalls printf("#include <sys/systm.h>\n\n") > gencalls printf("#include <rump-sys/kern.h>\n", privfile) > gencalls printf("#include <rump-sys/%s>\n\n", privfile) > gencalls printf("#include <rump/rump.h>\n") > gencalls printf("#include <rump/%s>\n\n", pubfile) > gencalls printf("void __dead rump_%s_unavailable(void);\n", \ myname) > gencalls printf("void __dead\nrump_%s_unavailable(void)\n{\n", \ myname) > gencalls printf("\n\tpanic(\"%s interface unavailable\");\n}\n", \ myname) > gencalls } funtype = $1 sub("[ \t]*$", "", funtype) funname = $2 sub("[ \t]*$", "", funname) funargs = $3 sub("[ \t]*$", "", funargs) printf("%s rump_pub_%s(%s);\n", funtype, funname, funargs) > pubhdr printf("%s rump_%s(%s);\n", funtype, funname, funargs) > privhdr printf("typedef %s (*rump_%s_fn)(%s);\n", \ funtype, funname, funargs) > privhdr if (funtype == "void") voidret = 1 else voidret = 0 if (funargs == "void") voidarg = 1 else voidarg = 0 printf("\n") > gencalls if (iscompat) { printf("#ifdef %s\n", compat) > gencalls } printf("%s\nrump_pub_%s(", funtype, funname) > gencalls if (!voidarg) { narg = split(funargs, argv, ",") for (i = 1; i <= narg; i++) { sub(" *", "", argv[i]) if (match(argv[i], "\\*$") != 0) printf("%sarg%d", argv[i], i) > gencalls else printf("%s arg%d", argv[i], i) > gencalls if (i != narg) printf(", ") > gencalls } } else { narg = 0 printf("void") > gencalls } printf(")\n{\n") > gencalls if (!voidret) { printf("\t%s rv;\n", funtype) > gencalls } printf("\n\trump_schedule();\n\t") > gencalls if (!voidret) printf("rv = ") > gencalls printf("rump_%s(", funname) > gencalls for (i = 1; i <= narg; i++) { printf("arg%i", i) > gencalls if (i < narg) printf(", ") > gencalls } printf(");\n\trump_unschedule();\n") > gencalls if (!voidret) printf("\n\treturn rv;\n") > gencalls printf("}\n") > gencalls if (iscompat) { printf("#else\n") > gencalls printf("__strong_alias(rump_pub_%s,rump_%s_unavailable);\n", \ funname, myname) > gencalls printf("#endif /* %s */\n", compat) > gencalls } if (isweak) printf("__weak_alias(rump_%s,rump_%s_unavailable);\n", \ funname, myname) > gencalls } END { printf("\n#endif /* _RUMP_PRIF_%s_H_ */\n", toupper(myname)) > privhdr }'