/* $NetBSD: ace.c,v 1.5 2021/07/24 21:31:32 andvar Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2010 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1999 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code was written by Alessandro Forin and Neil Pittman * at Microsoft Research and contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Microsoft Corporation. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Module: * * ace.c * * Purpose: * * Driver for the Xilinx System ACE CompactFlash Solution * * Author: * A. Forin (sandrof) * * References: * "System ACE CompactFlash Solution", Advance Product Specification * Document DS080 Version 1.5 April 5, 2002. Xilinx Corp. * Available at http://www.xilinx.com * * "CF+ and CompactFlash Specification", Revision 4.1, 02/16/2007. * CompactFlash Association. * Available at http://www.compactflash.org * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <lib/libsa/stand.h> #include <lib/libkern/libkern.h> #include <machine/emipsreg.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/disklabel.h> #include <sys/endian.h> #include "common.h" #include "ace.h" #include "start.h" #define NSAC 2 #define SAC0 ((struct _Sac *)IDE_DEFAULT_ADDRESS) #define SAC1 ((struct _Sac *)(IDE_DEFAULT_ADDRESS+256)) #define CF_SECBITS 9 #define CF_SECTOR_SIZE (1 << CF_SECBITS) /* Error codes */ #define FAILED(x) (x < 0) #define S_OK (0) #define E_INVALID_PARAMETER (-1) #define E_DISK_RESET_FAILED (-2) #define E_NO_MEDIA_IN_DRIVE (-3) #define E_TIMED_OUT (-4) /* Utilities */ #if defined(DEBUG) int acedebug = 2; #define DBGME(lev,x) \ do \ if (lev >= acedebug) { \ x; \ } \ while (/*CONSTCOND*/0) #else #define DBGME(lev,x) #endif #if defined(DEBUG) typedef char *NAME; typedef struct _REGDESC { NAME RegisterName; NAME BitNames[32]; } REGDESC, *PREGDESC; static void SysacePrintRegister(const REGDESC *Desc, uint32_t Value); static void SysacePrintRegister(const REGDESC *Desc, uint32_t Value) { int i; printf("\t%s %x =", Desc->RegisterName, Value); for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--) { if (Value & (1 << i)) printf(" %s", (Desc->BitNames[i]) ? Desc->BitNames[i] : "?"); } printf("\n"); } static void SysaceDumpRegisters(struct _Sac *Interface) { const REGDESC Control_Names = { "Control", {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, "RST", // 0x00010000 "BUS8", // 0x00020000 "BUS16", // 0x00040000 "BUS32", // 0x00080000 "IRQ", // 0x00100000 "BRDY", // 0x00200000 "IMSK0", // 0x00400000 "IMSK1", // 0x00800000 "TD0", // 0x0f000000 "TD1", // 0x0f000000 "TD2", // 0x0f000000 "TD3", // 0x0f000000 "BUFW8", // 0x10000000 "BUFW16", // 0x20000000 "BUFW32", // 0x40000000 "DEBUG"} // 0x80000000 }; const REGDESC STATUS_Names = { "STATUS", {"CFGLOCK", // 0x00000001 "MPULOCK", // 0x00000002 "CFGERROR", // 0x00000004 "CFCERROR", // 0x00000008 "CFDETECT", // 0x00000010 "DATABUFRDY", // 0x00000020 "DATABUFWRITE", //0x00000040 "CFGDONE", // 0x00000080 "RDYFORCFCMD", // 0x00000100 "CFGMODEPIN", // 0x00000200 0,0,0, "CFGADDRPIN0", // 0x0000e000 "CFGADDRPIN1", // 0x0000e000 "CFGADDRPIN2", // 0x0000e000 0, "CFBSY", // 0x00020000 "CFRDY", // 0x00040000 "CFDWF", // 0x00080000 "CFDSC", // 0x00100000 "CFDRQ", // 0x00200000 "CFCORR", // 0x00400000 "CFERR", // 0x00800000 0,} }; const REGDESC ERRORREG_Names = { "ERRORREG", {"CARDRESETERR", // 0x00000001 "CARDRDYERR", // 0x00000002 "CARDREADERR", // 0x00000004 "CARDWRITEERR", // 0x00000008 "SECTORRDYERR", // 0x00000010 "CFGADDRERR", // 0x00000020 "CFGFAILED", // 0x00000040 "CFGREADERR", // 0x00000080 "CFGINSTRERR", // 0x00000100 "CFGINITERR", // 0x00000200 0, "CFBBK", // 0x00000800 "CFUNC", // 0x00001000 "CFIDNF", // 0x00002000 "CFABORT", // 0x00004000 "CFAMNF", // 0x00008000 0,} }; const NAME CommandNames[8] = { "0", // 0x0000 "RESETMEMCARD", // 0x0100 "IDENTIFYMEMCARD", // 0x0200 "READMEMCARDDATA", // 0x0300 "WRITEMEMCARDDATA", // 0x0400 "5", // 0x0500 "ABORT", // 0x0600 "7" // 0x0700 }; const REGDESC CONTROLREG_Names = { "CONTROLREG", {"FORCELOCKREQ", // 0x00000001 "LOCKREQ", // 0x00000002 "FORCECFGADDR", // 0x00000004 "FORCECFGMODE", // 0x00000008 "CFGMODE", // 0x00000010 "CFGSTART", // 0x00000020 "CFGSEL_MPU", // 0x00000040 "CFGRESET", // 0x00000080 "DATABUFRDYIRQ", // 0x00000100 "ERRORIRQ", // 0x00000200 "CFGDONEIRQ", // 0x00000400 "RESETIRQ", // 0x00000800 "CFGPROG", // 0x00001000 "CFGADDR_B0", // 0x00002000 "CFGADDR_B1", // 0x00004000 "CFGADDR_B2", // 0x00008000 0,} }; const REGDESC FATSTATREG_Names = { "FATSTATREG", {"MBRVALID", // 0x00000001 "PBRVALID", // 0x00000002 "MBRFAT12", // 0x00000004 "PBRFAT12", // 0x00000008 "MBRFAT16", // 0x00000010 "PBRFAT16", // 0x00000020 "CALCFAT12", // 0x00000040 "CALCFAT16", // 0x00000080 0, } }; printf("Sysace@%p:\n", Interface); printf("\tTag %x\n", Interface->Tag); SysacePrintRegister(&Control_Names, Interface->Control); printf("\tBUSMODEREG %x\n", Interface->BUSMODEREG); SysacePrintRegister(&STATUS_Names, Interface->STATUS); SysacePrintRegister(&ERRORREG_Names, Interface->ERRORREG); printf("\tCFGLBAREG %x\n", Interface->CFGLBAREG); printf("\tMPULBAREG %x\n", Interface->MPULBAREG); printf("\tVERSIONREG %x\n", Interface->VERSIONREG); printf("\tSECCNTCMDREG %x = %s cnt=%d\n", Interface->SECCNTCMDREG, CommandNames[(Interface->SECCNTCMDREG >> 8)&7], Interface->SECCNTCMDREG & SAC_SECCCNT); SysacePrintRegister(&CONTROLREG_Names, Interface->CONTROLREG); SysacePrintRegister(&FATSTATREG_Names, Interface->FATSTATREG); } #else #define SysaceDumpRegisters(_c_) #endif /* Reset the device and the interface */ static int SysaceInitialize(struct _Sac *Interface) { /* 16bit mode etc etc */ uint32_t BusMode, Control; /* reset our interface */ Interface->Control = SAC_RST; Delay(200); /* repeat on both byte lanes */ Interface->BUSMODEREG = SAC_MODE16 | (SAC_MODE16 << 8); Delay(1); /* check what our interface does and what the SysACE expects */ Control = Interface->Control; BusMode = Interface->BUSMODEREG; /* get them to agree */ if (BusMode & SAC_MODE16) { Interface->Control = Control | SAC_BUS16; Interface->Control = Interface->Control & ~SAC_BUS8; } else { Interface->Control = Control | SAC_BUS8; Interface->Control = Interface->Control & ~SAC_BUS16; } /* check that it worked */ BusMode = Interface->BUSMODEREG; Control = Interface->Control; if (((BusMode & SAC_MODE16) == 0) && ((Control & SAC_BUS8) == 0)) return E_DISK_RESET_FAILED; if (((BusMode & SAC_MODE16) > 0) && ((Control & SAC_BUS16) == 0)) return E_DISK_RESET_FAILED; /* interrupts off for now */ Interface->Control &= ~SAC_INTMASK; #define SAC_INTERRUPTS (SAC_DATABUFRDYIRQ | SAC_ERRORIRQ )// | SAC_CFGDONEIRQ) Control = Interface->CONTROLREG; Control = (Control & ~SAC_INTERRUPTS) | SAC_RESETIRQ | SAC_FORCECFGMODE; Interface->CONTROLREG = Control; Interface->CONTROLREG = Control & ~SAC_RESETIRQ; /* no command */ Interface->MPULBAREG = 0; return S_OK; } /* Take control of the ACE datapath */ static int SysaceLock(struct _Sac *Interface) { uint32_t Status; int i; /* Locked already? */ Status = Interface->STATUS; if (Status & SAC_MPULOCK) return TRUE; /* Request lock */ Interface->CONTROLREG |= SAC_LOCKREQ; /* Spin a bit until we get it */ for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Status = Interface->STATUS; if (Status & SAC_MPULOCK) return TRUE; Delay(100); DBGME(0,printf("Sysace::Lock loops.. (st=%x)\n",Status)); } /* oopsie! */ DBGME(3,printf("Sysace::Lock timeout (st=%x)\n",Status)); SysaceDumpRegisters(Interface); return FALSE; } /* Release control of the ACE datapath */ static int SysaceUnlock(struct _Sac *Interface) { uint32_t Status; int i; /* Clear reset */ Interface->CONTROLREG &= ~SAC_CFGRESET; /* Unlocked already? */ Status = Interface->STATUS; if (0 == (Status & SAC_MPULOCK)) return TRUE; /* Request unlock */ Interface->CONTROLREG &= ~SAC_LOCKREQ; /* Spin a bit until we get it */ for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { Status = Interface->STATUS; if (0 == (Status & SAC_MPULOCK)) return TRUE; Delay(100); DBGME(0,printf("Sysace::Unlock loops.. (st=%x)\n",Status)); } /* oopsie! */ DBGME(3,printf("Sysace::Unlock timeout (st=%x)\n",Status)); SysaceDumpRegisters(Interface); return FALSE; } /* Check if the ACE is waiting for a comamnd */ #define SysaceReadyForCommand(_i_) ((_i_)->STATUS & SAC_RDYFORCFCMD) /* Check if the ACE is executing a comamnd */ #define SysaceBusyWithCommand(_i_) ((_i_)->STATUS & SAC_CFBSY) /* Turn on interrupts from the ACE */ #define SysaceInton(_i_) { \ (_i_)->CONTROLREG |= SAC_INTERRUPTS; \ (_i_)->Control |= SAC_INTMASK; \ } /* Turn off interrupts from the ACE */ #define SysaceIntoff(_i_) { \ (_i_)->CONTROLREG &= ~SAC_INTERRUPTS; \ (_i_)->Control &= ~SAC_INTMASK; \ } /* Start a command on the ACE, such as read or identify. */ static int SysaceStartCommand(struct _Sac *Interface, uint32_t Command, uint32_t Lba, uint32_t nSectors) { int sc = E_DISK_RESET_FAILED; /* Lock it if not already */ if (!SysaceLock(Interface)) { /* printed already */ return sc; } /* Is there a CF inserted */ if (! (Interface->STATUS & SAC_CFDETECT)) { /* NB: Not a failure state */ DBGME(2,printf("Sysace:: no media (st=%x)\n",Interface->STATUS)); return E_NO_MEDIA_IN_DRIVE; } /* Is it ready for a command */ if (!SysaceReadyForCommand(Interface)) { DBGME(3,printf("Sysace:: not ready (st=%x)\n",Interface->STATUS)); SysaceDumpRegisters(Interface); return sc; } /* sector number and command */ Interface->MPULBAREG = Lba; Interface->SECCNTCMDREG = (uint16_t)(Command | (nSectors & SAC_SECCCNT)); /* re-route the chip * NB: The word "RESET" is actually not much of a misnomer. * The chip was designed for a one-shot execution only, at reset time, * namely loading the configuration data into the FPGA. So.. */ Interface->CONTROLREG |= SAC_CFGRESET; return S_OK; } /* "Interrupt service routine" */ static void SysAce_isr ( struct _Sac *Interface ) { uint32_t Control; /* Turn off interrupts and ACK them */ SysaceIntoff(Interface); Control = Interface->CONTROLREG & (~(SAC_RESETIRQ|SAC_INTERRUPTS)); Interface->CONTROLREG = Control | SAC_RESETIRQ; Interface->CONTROLREG = Control; } static int SysAce_wait(struct _Sac *Interface) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 30000; i++) { if (Interface->STATUS & SAC_DATABUFRDY) { SysAce_isr(Interface); return S_OK; } Delay(100); } return E_TIMED_OUT; } /* Read NBLOCKS blocks of 512 bytes each, * starting at block number STARTSECTOR, * into the buffer BUFFER. * Return 0 if ok, -1 otherwise. */ static int SysAce_read(struct _Sac * Interface, char *Buffer, uint32_t StartSector, uint32_t nBlocks) { int sc = S_OK; uint32_t Size, SizeThisTime; uint32_t Status = 0, SizeRead = 0; unsigned int i, j; Size = nBlocks << CF_SECBITS; DBGME(1,printf("Sysace Read(%p %x %x)\n", Buffer, StartSector, nBlocks)); /* Repeat until we are done or error */ while (sc == S_OK) { /* .. one sector at a time * BUGBUG Supposedly we can do up to 256 sectors? */ SizeThisTime = Size; if (SizeThisTime > CF_SECTOR_SIZE) SizeThisTime = CF_SECTOR_SIZE; /* Start a new sector read */ SysaceInton(Interface); sc = SysaceStartCommand(Interface, SAC_CMD_READMEMCARDDATA, StartSector, 1); /* And wait until done, if ok */ if (!FAILED(sc)) { sc = SysAce_wait(Interface); } /* Are we doing ok */ if (!FAILED(sc)) { /* Get the data out of the ACE */ for (i = 0; i < SizeThisTime; i += 4) { /* Make sure the FIFO is ready */ for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { Status = Interface->STATUS; if (Status & SAC_DATABUFRDY) break; Delay(10); } /* Got it? */ if (Status & SAC_DATABUFRDY) { uint32_t Data32; Data32 = Interface->DATABUFREG[0]; Data32 = le32toh(Data32); DBGME(0,printf(" %x", Data32)); if (0 == (0xf & (i+4))) DBGME(0,printf("\n")); memcpy(Buffer+i, &Data32, 4); } else { /* Ooops, get out of here */ DBGME(3,printf("Sysace::READ timeout\n")); SysaceDumpRegisters(Interface); sc = E_TIMED_OUT; break; } } /* Still doing ok? */ if (!FAILED(sc)) { StartSector += 1; Buffer += SizeThisTime; SizeRead += SizeThisTime; Size -= SizeThisTime; } } /* Free the ACE for the JTAG, just in case */ SysaceUnlock(Interface); /* Are we done yet? */ if (Size == 0) break; } return sc; } /* Exported interface */ struct ace_softc { struct _Sac *sc_dp; /* I/O regs */ int sc_part; /* disk partition number */ struct disklabel sc_label; /* disk label for this disk */ }; #define RF_PROTECTED_SECTORS 64 /* XXX refer to <.../rf_optnames.h> */ int aceprobe(int unit) { struct _Sac *Sac; if (unit == 0) Sac = SAC0; else if (unit == 1) Sac = SAC1; else return E_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Check the tag to see if its there */ if ((Sac->Tag & SAC_TAG) != PMTTAG_SYSTEM_ACE) { DBGME(3,printf("init_ace: bad tag (%x != %x) @x%p\n", Sac->Tag, PMTTAG_SYSTEM_ACE, Sac)); return E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return S_OK; } /* aceopen("", ctlr, unit, part); */ int aceopen(struct open_file *f, ...) { int ctlr, unit, part; struct _Sac *Sac; struct ace_softc *sc; struct disklabel *lp; int i; char *msg; char buf[DEV_BSIZE]; size_t cnt; va_list ap; va_start(ap, f); ctlr = va_arg(ap, int); unit = va_arg(ap, int); part = va_arg(ap, int); va_end(ap); if (ctlr != 0 || unit >= NSAC || part >= 8) return (ENXIO); /* Is it there, does it work. */ Sac = (unit == 0) ? SAC0 : SAC1; i = aceprobe(unit); if (i < 0) goto Bad; if (SysaceInitialize(Sac) < 0) { DBGME(3,printf("ace%d: no reset @x%p\n", unit, Sac)); Bad: printf("open failed\n"); return (ENXIO); } /* Yep, go ahead. */ sc = alloc(sizeof(struct ace_softc)); memset(sc, 0, sizeof(struct ace_softc)); f->f_devdata = (void *)sc; sc->sc_dp = Sac; sc->sc_part = part; /* try to read disk label and partition table information */ lp = &sc->sc_label; lp->d_secsize = DEV_BSIZE; lp->d_secpercyl = 1; lp->d_npartitions = MAXPARTITIONS; lp->d_partitions[part].p_offset = 0; lp->d_partitions[part].p_size = 0x7fffffff; i = acestrategy(sc, F_READ, (daddr_t)LABELSECTOR, DEV_BSIZE, buf, &cnt); if (i || cnt != DEV_BSIZE) { DBGME(3,printf("ace%d: error reading disk label\n", unit)); goto bad; } msg = getdisklabel(buf, lp); if (msg) { /* If no label, just assume 0 and return */ return (0); } if (part >= lp->d_npartitions || lp->d_partitions[part].p_size == 0) { bad: dealloc(sc, sizeof(struct ace_softc)); DBGME(3,printf("ace%d: bad part %d\n", unit, part)); return (ENXIO); } return (0); } #ifndef LIBSA_NO_DEV_CLOSE int aceclose(struct open_file *f) { dealloc(f->f_devdata, sizeof(struct ace_softc)); f->f_devdata = (void *)0; return (0); } #endif int acestrategy( void *devdata, int rw, daddr_t bn, size_t reqcnt, void *addr, size_t *cnt) /* out: number of bytes transferred */ { struct ace_softc *sc = (struct ace_softc *)devdata; int part = sc->sc_part; struct partition *pp = &sc->sc_label.d_partitions[part]; int s; uint32_t sector; #if 0 //useless? if (rw != F_READ) return (EINVAL); #endif /* * Partial-block transfers not handled. */ if (reqcnt & (DEV_BSIZE - 1)) { *cnt = 0; return (EINVAL); } /* * Compute starting sector */ sector = bn; sector += pp->p_offset; if (pp->p_fstype == FS_RAID) sector += RF_PROTECTED_SECTORS; /* read */ s = SysAce_read(sc->sc_dp,addr,sector,reqcnt >> CF_SECBITS); if (s < 0) return (EIO); /* BUGBUG there's no validation we don't fall off the deep end */ *cnt = reqcnt; return (0); }