/* $NetBSD: nhpib.c,v 1.43 2021/08/07 16:18:53 thorpej Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Jason R. Thorpe. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1982, 1990, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)nhpib.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/12/94 */ /* * Internal/98624 HPIB driver */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: nhpib.c,v 1.43 2021/08/07 16:18:53 thorpej Exp $"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/callout.h> #include <sys/kernel.h> #include <sys/buf.h> #include <sys/device.h> #include <machine/bus.h> #include <hp300/dev/intiovar.h> #include <hp300/dev/diovar.h> #include <hp300/dev/diodevs.h> #include <hp300/dev/dmavar.h> #include <hp300/dev/nhpibreg.h> #include <hp300/dev/hpibvar.h> /* * ODD parity table for listen and talk addresses and secondary commands. * The TI9914A doesn't produce the parity bit. */ static const u_char listnr_par[] = { 0040,0241,0242,0043,0244,0045,0046,0247, 0250,0051,0052,0253,0054,0255,0256,0057, 0260,0061,0062,0263,0064,0265,0266,0067, 0070,0271,0272,0073,0274,0075,0076,0277, }; static const u_char talker_par[] = { 0100,0301,0302,0103,0304,0105,0106,0307, 0310,0111,0112,0313,0114,0315,0316,0117, 0320,0121,0122,0323,0124,0325,0326,0127, 0130,0331,0332,0133,0334,0135,0136,0337, }; static const u_char sec_par[] = { 0340,0141,0142,0343,0144,0345,0346,0147, 0150,0351,0352,0153,0354,0155,0156,0357, 0160,0361,0362,0163,0364,0165,0166,0367, 0370,0171,0172,0373,0174,0375,0376,0177 }; static void nhpibifc(struct nhpibdevice *); static void nhpibreadtimo(void *); static int nhpibwait(struct nhpibdevice *, int); static void nhpibreset(struct hpibbus_softc *); static int nhpibsend(struct hpibbus_softc *, int, int, void *, int); static int nhpibrecv(struct hpibbus_softc *, int, int, void *, int); static int nhpibppoll(struct hpibbus_softc *); static void nhpibppwatch(void *); static void nhpibgo(struct hpibbus_softc *, int, int, void *, int, int, int); static void nhpibdone(struct hpibbus_softc *); static int nhpibintr(void *); /* * Our controller ops structure. */ static struct hpib_controller nhpib_controller = { nhpibreset, nhpibsend, nhpibrecv, nhpibppoll, nhpibppwatch, nhpibgo, nhpibdone, nhpibintr }; struct nhpib_softc { device_t sc_dev; /* generic device glue */ bus_space_tag_t sc_bst; bus_space_handle_t sc_bsh; struct nhpibdevice *sc_regs; /* device registers */ struct hpibbus_softc *sc_hpibbus; /* XXX */ int sc_myaddr; int sc_type; struct callout sc_read_ch; struct callout sc_ppwatch_ch; }; static int nhpib_dio_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void nhpib_dio_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); static int nhpib_intio_match(device_t, cfdata_t, void *); static void nhpib_intio_attach(device_t, device_t, void *); static void nhpib_common_attach(struct nhpib_softc *, const char *); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(nhpib_dio, sizeof(struct nhpib_softc), nhpib_dio_match, nhpib_dio_attach, NULL, NULL); CFATTACH_DECL_NEW(nhpib_intio, sizeof(struct nhpib_softc), nhpib_intio_match, nhpib_intio_attach, NULL, NULL); static int nhpib_intio_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct intio_attach_args *ia = aux; if (strcmp("hpib", ia->ia_modname) == 0) return 1; return 0; } static int nhpib_dio_match(device_t parent, cfdata_t cf, void *aux) { struct dio_attach_args *da = aux; if (da->da_id == DIO_DEVICE_ID_NHPIB) return 1; return 0; } static void nhpib_intio_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct intio_attach_args *ia = aux; bus_space_tag_t bst = ia->ia_bst; const char *desc = "internal HP-IB"; sc->sc_dev = self; if (bus_space_map(bst, ia->ia_iobase, INTIO_DEVSIZE, 0, &sc->sc_bsh)) { aprint_error(": can't map registers\n"); return; } sc->sc_bst = bst; sc->sc_myaddr = HPIBA_BA; sc->sc_type = HPIBA; nhpib_common_attach(sc, desc); /* establish the interrupt handler */ (void)intio_intr_establish(nhpibintr, sc, ia->ia_ipl, IPL_BIO); } static void nhpib_dio_attach(device_t parent, device_t self, void *aux) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(self); struct dio_attach_args *da = aux; bus_space_tag_t bst = da->da_bst; const char *desc = DIO_DEVICE_DESC_NHPIB; sc->sc_dev = self; if (bus_space_map(bst, da->da_addr, da->da_size, 0, &sc->sc_bsh)) { aprint_error(": can't map registers\n"); return; } sc->sc_dev = self; sc->sc_bst = bst; /* read address off switches */ sc->sc_myaddr = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_bst, sc->sc_bsh, 5); sc->sc_type = HPIBB; nhpib_common_attach(sc, desc); /* establish the interrupt handler */ (void)dio_intr_establish(nhpibintr, sc, da->da_ipl, IPL_BIO); } static void nhpib_common_attach(struct nhpib_softc *sc, const char *desc) { struct hpibdev_attach_args ha; aprint_normal(": %s\n", desc); sc->sc_regs = bus_space_vaddr(sc->sc_bst, sc->sc_bsh); callout_init(&sc->sc_read_ch, 0); callout_init(&sc->sc_ppwatch_ch, 0); ha.ha_ops = &nhpib_controller; ha.ha_type = sc->sc_type; /* XXX */ ha.ha_ba = sc->sc_myaddr; ha.ha_softcpp = &sc->sc_hpibbus; /* XXX */ (void)config_found(sc->sc_dev, &ha, hpibdevprint, CFARGS_NONE); } static void nhpibreset(struct hpibbus_softc *hs) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(device_parent(hs->sc_dev)); struct nhpibdevice *hd = sc->sc_regs; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_SSWRST; hd->hpib_ar = hs->sc_ba; hd->hpib_lim = LIS_ERR; hd->hpib_mim = 0; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CDAI; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CSHDW; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_SSTD1; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_SVSTD1; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CPP; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CHDFA; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CHDFE; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_RHDF; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CSWRST; nhpibifc(hd); hd->hpib_ie = IDS_IE; hd->hpib_data = C_DCL_P; DELAY(100000); } static void nhpibifc(struct nhpibdevice *hd) { hd->hpib_acr = AUX_TCA; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CSRE; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_SSIC; DELAY(100); hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CSIC; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_SSRE; } static int nhpibsend(struct hpibbus_softc *hs, int slave, int sec, void *ptr, int origcnt) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(device_parent(hs->sc_dev)); struct nhpibdevice *hd = sc->sc_regs; int cnt = origcnt; char *addr = ptr; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_TCA; hd->hpib_data = C_UNL_P; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto senderror; hd->hpib_data = talker_par[hs->sc_ba]; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_STON; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto senderror; hd->hpib_data = listnr_par[slave]; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto senderror; if (sec >= 0 || sec == -2) { if (sec == -2) /* selected device clear KLUDGE */ hd->hpib_data = C_SDC_P; else hd->hpib_data = sec_par[sec]; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto senderror; } hd->hpib_acr = AUX_GTS; if (cnt) { while (--cnt > 0) { hd->hpib_data = *addr++; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto senderror; } hd->hpib_acr = AUX_EOI; hd->hpib_data = *addr; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto senderror; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_TCA; #if 0 /* * May be causing 345 disks to hang due to interference * with PPOLL mechanism. */ hd->hpib_data = C_UNL_P; (void) nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO); #endif } return origcnt; senderror: nhpibifc(hd); return origcnt - cnt - 1; } static int nhpibrecv(struct hpibbus_softc *hs, int slave, int sec, void *ptr, int origcnt) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(device_parent(hs->sc_dev)); struct nhpibdevice *hd = sc->sc_regs; int cnt = origcnt; char *addr = ptr; /* * Slave < 0 implies continuation of a previous receive * that probably timed out. */ if (slave >= 0) { hd->hpib_acr = AUX_TCA; hd->hpib_data = C_UNL_P; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto recverror; hd->hpib_data = listnr_par[hs->sc_ba]; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_SLON; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto recverror; hd->hpib_data = talker_par[slave]; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto recverror; if (sec >= 0) { hd->hpib_data = sec_par[sec]; if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO)) goto recverror; } hd->hpib_acr = AUX_RHDF; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_GTS; } if (cnt) { while (--cnt >= 0) { if (nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BI)) goto recvbyteserror; *addr++ = hd->hpib_data; } hd->hpib_acr = AUX_TCA; hd->hpib_data = (slave == 31) ? C_UNA_P : C_UNT_P; (void) nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO); } return origcnt; recverror: nhpibifc(hd); recvbyteserror: return origcnt - cnt - 1; } static void nhpibgo(struct hpibbus_softc *hs, int slave, int sec, void *ptr, int count, int rw, int timo) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(device_parent(hs->sc_dev)); struct nhpibdevice *hd = sc->sc_regs; char *addr = ptr; hs->sc_flags |= HPIBF_IO; if (timo) hs->sc_flags |= HPIBF_TIMO; if (rw == B_READ) hs->sc_flags |= HPIBF_READ; #ifdef DEBUG else if (hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_READ) { printf("nhpibgo: HPIBF_READ still set\n"); hs->sc_flags &= ~HPIBF_READ; } #endif hs->sc_count = count; hs->sc_addr = addr; if (hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_READ) { hs->sc_curcnt = count; dmago(hs->sc_dq->dq_chan, addr, count, DMAGO_BYTE|DMAGO_READ); nhpibrecv(hs, slave, sec, 0, 0); hd->hpib_mim = MIS_END; } else { hd->hpib_mim = 0; if (count < hpibdmathresh) { hs->sc_curcnt = count; nhpibsend(hs, slave, sec, addr, count); nhpibdone(hs); return; } hs->sc_curcnt = --count; dmago(hs->sc_dq->dq_chan, addr, count, DMAGO_BYTE); nhpibsend(hs, slave, sec, 0, 0); } hd->hpib_ie = IDS_IE | IDS_DMA(hs->sc_dq->dq_chan); } /* * This timeout can only happen if a DMA read finishes DMAing with the read * still pending (more data in read transaction than the driver was prepared * to accept). At the moment, variable-record tape drives are the only things * capabale of doing this. We repeat the necessary code from nhpibintr() - * easier and quicker than calling nhpibintr() for this special case. */ static void nhpibreadtimo(void *arg) { struct hpibbus_softc *hs = arg; struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(device_parent(hs->sc_dev)); int s = splbio(); if (hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_IO) { struct nhpibdevice *hd = sc->sc_regs; struct hpibqueue *hq; hd->hpib_mim = 0; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_TCA; hs->sc_flags &= ~(HPIBF_DONE|HPIBF_IO|HPIBF_READ|HPIBF_TIMO); dmafree(hs->sc_dq); hq = TAILQ_FIRST(&hs->sc_queue); (hq->hq_intr)(hq->hq_softc); } splx(s); } static void nhpibdone(struct hpibbus_softc *hs) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(device_parent(hs->sc_dev)); struct nhpibdevice *hd = sc->sc_regs; int cnt; cnt = hs->sc_curcnt; hs->sc_addr += cnt; hs->sc_count -= cnt; hs->sc_flags |= HPIBF_DONE; hd->hpib_ie = IDS_IE; if (hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_READ) { if ((hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_TIMO) && (hd->hpib_ids & IDS_IR) == 0) callout_reset(&sc->sc_read_ch, hz >> 2, nhpibreadtimo, hs); } else { if (hs->sc_count == 1) { (void) nhpibwait(hd, MIS_BO); hd->hpib_acr = AUX_EOI; hd->hpib_data = *hs->sc_addr; hd->hpib_mim = MIS_BO; } #ifdef DEBUG else if (hs->sc_count) panic("nhpibdone"); #endif } } static int nhpibintr(void *arg) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = arg; struct hpibbus_softc *hs = sc->sc_hpibbus; struct nhpibdevice *hd = sc->sc_regs; struct hpibqueue *hq; int stat0; int stat1; if ((hd->hpib_ids & IDS_IR) == 0) return 0; stat0 = hd->hpib_mis; stat1 = hd->hpib_lis; __USE(stat1); hq = TAILQ_FIRST(&hs->sc_queue); if (hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_IO) { hd->hpib_mim = 0; if ((hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_DONE) == 0) { hs->sc_flags &= ~HPIBF_TIMO; dmastop(hs->sc_dq->dq_chan); } else if (hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_TIMO) callout_stop(&sc->sc_read_ch); hd->hpib_acr = AUX_TCA; hs->sc_flags &= ~(HPIBF_DONE|HPIBF_IO|HPIBF_READ|HPIBF_TIMO); dmafree(hs->sc_dq); (hq->hq_intr)(hq->hq_softc); } else if (hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_PPOLL) { hd->hpib_mim = 0; stat0 = nhpibppoll(hs); if (stat0 & (0x80 >> hq->hq_slave)) { hs->sc_flags &= ~HPIBF_PPOLL; (hq->hq_intr)(hq->hq_softc); } #ifdef DEBUG else printf("%s: PPOLL intr bad status %x\n", device_xname(hs->sc_dev), stat0); #endif } return 1; } static int nhpibppoll(struct hpibbus_softc *hs) { struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(device_parent(hs->sc_dev)); struct nhpibdevice *hd = sc->sc_regs; int ppoll; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_SPP; DELAY(25); ppoll = hd->hpib_cpt; hd->hpib_acr = AUX_CPP; return ppoll; } #ifdef DEBUG int nhpibreporttimo = 0; #endif static int nhpibwait(struct nhpibdevice *hd, int x) { int timo = hpibtimeout; while ((hd->hpib_mis & x) == 0 && --timo) DELAY(1); if (timo == 0) { #ifdef DEBUG if (nhpibreporttimo) printf("hpib0: %s timo\n", x==MIS_BO?"OUT":"IN"); #endif return -1; } return 0; } static void nhpibppwatch(void *arg) { struct hpibbus_softc *hs = arg; struct nhpib_softc *sc = device_private(device_parent(hs->sc_dev)); if ((hs->sc_flags & HPIBF_PPOLL) == 0) return; again: if (nhpibppoll(hs) & (0x80 >> TAILQ_FIRST(&hs->sc_queue)->hq_slave)) sc->sc_regs->hpib_mim = MIS_BO; else if (cold) /* timeouts not working yet */ goto again; else callout_reset(&sc->sc_ppwatch_ch, 1, nhpibppwatch, hs); }