/* $NetBSD: raidframevar.h,v 1.23 2021/08/07 16:19:15 thorpej Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Greg Oster * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Mark Holland * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Author: Jim Zelenka * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /***************************************************** * * raidframevar.h * * main header file for using raidframe in the kernel. * *****************************************************/ #ifndef _RF_RAIDFRAMEVAR_H_ #define _RF_RAIDFRAMEVAR_H_ #ifndef _STANDALONE #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/proc.h> #include <sys/mallocvar.h> #endif /* * First, define system-dependent types and constants. * * If the machine is big-endian, RF_BIG_ENDIAN should be 1. * Otherwise, it should be 0. * * The various integer types should be self-explanatory; we * use these elsewhere to avoid size confusion. * * LONGSHIFT is lg(sizeof(long)) (that is, log base two of sizeof(long) * */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <machine/endian.h> #include <machine/limits.h> #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN #define RF_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1 #elif BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN #define RF_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0 #else #error byte order not defined #endif typedef int8_t RF_int8; typedef u_int8_t RF_uint8; typedef int16_t RF_int16; typedef u_int16_t RF_uint16; typedef int32_t RF_int32; typedef u_int32_t RF_uint32; typedef int64_t RF_int64; typedef u_int64_t RF_uint64; #if LONG_BIT == 32 #define RF_LONGSHIFT 2 #elif LONG_BIT == 64 #define RF_LONGSHIFT 3 #else #error word size not defined #endif /* * These are just zero and non-zero. We don't use "TRUE" * and "FALSE" because there's too much nonsense trying * to get them defined exactly once on every platform, given * the different places they may be defined in system header * files. */ #define RF_TRUE 1 #define RF_FALSE 0 /* Malloc types. */ #ifdef _KERNEL MALLOC_DECLARE(M_RAIDFRAME); #endif /* * Now, some generic types */ typedef RF_uint64 RF_IoCount_t; typedef RF_uint64 RF_Offset_t; typedef RF_uint32 RF_PSSFlags_t; typedef RF_uint64 RF_SectorCount_t; typedef RF_uint64 RF_StripeCount_t; typedef RF_int64 RF_SectorNum_t;/* these are unsigned so we can set them to * (-1) for "uninitialized" */ typedef RF_int64 RF_StripeNum_t; typedef RF_int64 RF_RaidAddr_t; typedef int RF_RowCol_t; /* unsigned so it can be (-1) */ typedef RF_int64 RF_HeadSepLimit_t; typedef RF_int64 RF_ReconUnitCount_t; typedef int RF_ReconUnitNum_t; typedef char RF_ParityConfig_t; typedef char RF_DiskQueueType_t[1024]; #define RF_DISK_QUEUE_TYPE_NONE "" /* values for the 'type' field in a reconstruction buffer */ typedef int RF_RbufType_t; #define RF_RBUF_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE 0 /* this buf assigned exclusively to * one disk */ #define RF_RBUF_TYPE_FLOATING 1 /* this is a floating recon buf */ #define RF_RBUF_TYPE_FORCED 2 /* this rbuf was allocated to complete * a forced recon */ typedef char RF_IoType_t; #define RF_IO_TYPE_READ 'r' #define RF_IO_TYPE_WRITE 'w' #define RF_IO_TYPE_NOP 'n' #define RF_IO_IS_R_OR_W(_type_) (((_type_) == RF_IO_TYPE_READ) \ || ((_type_) == RF_IO_TYPE_WRITE)) typedef void (*RF_VoidFuncPtr) (void *,...); typedef RF_uint32 RF_AccessStripeMapFlags_t; typedef RF_uint32 RF_DiskQueueDataFlags_t; typedef RF_uint32 RF_DiskQueueFlags_t; typedef RF_uint32 RF_RaidAccessFlags_t; #define RF_DISKQUEUE_DATA_FLAGS_NONE ((RF_DiskQueueDataFlags_t)0) typedef struct RF_AccessStripeMap_s RF_AccessStripeMap_t; typedef struct RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_s RF_AccessStripeMapHeader_t; typedef struct RF_AllocListElem_s RF_AllocListElem_t; typedef struct RF_CallbackFuncDesc_s RF_CallbackFuncDesc_t; typedef struct RF_CallbackValueDesc_s RF_CallbackValueDesc_t; typedef struct RF_ChunkDesc_s RF_ChunkDesc_t; typedef struct RF_CommonLogData_s RF_CommonLogData_t; typedef struct RF_Config_s RF_Config_t; typedef struct RF_CumulativeStats_s RF_CumulativeStats_t; typedef struct RF_DagHeader_s RF_DagHeader_t; typedef struct RF_DagList_s RF_DagList_t; typedef struct RF_DagNode_s RF_DagNode_t; typedef struct RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_s RF_DeclusteredConfigInfo_t; typedef struct RF_DiskId_s RF_DiskId_t; typedef struct RF_DiskMap_s RF_DiskMap_t; typedef struct RF_DiskQueue_s RF_DiskQueue_t; typedef struct RF_DiskQueueData_s RF_DiskQueueData_t; typedef struct RF_DiskQueueSW_s RF_DiskQueueSW_t; typedef struct RF_Etimer_s RF_Etimer_t; typedef struct RF_EventCreate_s RF_EventCreate_t; typedef struct RF_FreeList_s RF_FreeList_t; typedef struct RF_LockReqDesc_s RF_LockReqDesc_t; typedef struct RF_LockTableEntry_s RF_LockTableEntry_t; typedef struct RF_MCPair_s RF_MCPair_t; typedef struct RF_OwnerInfo_s RF_OwnerInfo_t; typedef struct RF_ParityLog_s RF_ParityLog_t; typedef struct RF_ParityLogAppendQueue_s RF_ParityLogAppendQueue_t; typedef struct RF_ParityLogData_s RF_ParityLogData_t; typedef struct RF_ParityLogDiskQueue_s RF_ParityLogDiskQueue_t; typedef struct RF_ParityLogQueue_s RF_ParityLogQueue_t; typedef struct RF_ParityLogRecord_s RF_ParityLogRecord_t; typedef struct RF_PerDiskReconCtrl_s RF_PerDiskReconCtrl_t; typedef struct RF_PSStatusHeader_s RF_PSStatusHeader_t; typedef struct RF_PhysDiskAddr_s RF_PhysDiskAddr_t; typedef struct RF_PropHeader_s RF_PropHeader_t; typedef struct RF_Raid_s RF_Raid_t; typedef struct RF_RaidAccessDesc_s RF_RaidAccessDesc_t; typedef struct RF_RaidDisk_s RF_RaidDisk_t; typedef struct RF_RaidLayout_s RF_RaidLayout_t; typedef struct RF_RaidReconDesc_s RF_RaidReconDesc_t; typedef struct RF_ReconBuffer_s RF_ReconBuffer_t; typedef struct RF_ReconConfig_s RF_ReconConfig_t; typedef struct RF_ReconCtrl_s RF_ReconCtrl_t; typedef struct RF_ReconDoneProc_s RF_ReconDoneProc_t; typedef struct RF_ReconEvent_s RF_ReconEvent_t; typedef struct RF_ReconMap_s RF_ReconMap_t; typedef struct RF_ReconMapListElem_s RF_ReconMapListElem_t; typedef struct RF_ReconParityStripeStatus_s RF_ReconParityStripeStatus_t; typedef struct RF_RedFuncs_s RF_RedFuncs_t; typedef struct RF_RegionBufferQueue_s RF_RegionBufferQueue_t; typedef struct RF_RegionInfo_s RF_RegionInfo_t; typedef struct RF_ShutdownList_s RF_ShutdownList_t; typedef struct RF_SpareTableEntry_s RF_SpareTableEntry_t; typedef struct RF_SparetWait_s RF_SparetWait_t; typedef struct RF_StripeLockDesc_s RF_StripeLockDesc_t; typedef struct RF_ThreadGroup_s RF_ThreadGroup_t; typedef struct RF_ThroughputStats_s RF_ThroughputStats_t; struct rf_paritymap; struct rf_paritymap_ondisk; /* * Important assumptions regarding ordering of the states in this list * have been made!!! Before disturbing this ordering, look at code in * sys/dev/raidframe/rf_states.c */ typedef enum RF_AccessState_e { /* original states */ rf_QuiesceState, /* handles queisence for reconstruction */ rf_IncrAccessesCountState, /* count accesses in flight */ rf_MapState, /* map access to disk addresses */ rf_LockState, /* take stripe locks */ rf_CreateDAGState, /* create DAGs */ rf_ExecuteDAGState, /* execute DAGs */ rf_ProcessDAGState, /* DAGs are completing- check if correct, * or if we need to retry */ rf_CleanupState, /* release stripe locks, clean up */ rf_DecrAccessesCountState, rf_LastState /* must be the last state */ } RF_AccessState_t; /* Some constants related to RAIDframe. These are arbitrary and can be modified at will. */ #define RF_MAXROW 10 #define RF_MAXCOL 40 #define RF_MAXSPARE 10 #define RF_MAXDBGV 75 /* max number of debug variables */ #define RF_MAX_DISKS 128 /* max disks per array */ #define RF_SPAREMAP_NAME_LEN 128 #define RF_PROTECTED_SECTORS 64L /* # of sectors at start of disk to exclude from RAID address space */ struct RF_SpareTableEntry_s { u_int spareDisk; /* disk to which this block is spared */ u_int spareBlockOffsetInSUs; /* offset into spare table for that * disk */ }; union RF_GenericParam_u { void *p; RF_uint64 v; }; typedef union RF_GenericParam_u RF_DagParam_t; typedef union RF_GenericParam_u RF_CBParam_t; /* the raidframe configuration, passed down through an ioctl. * the driver can be reconfigured (with total loss of data) at any time, * but it must be shut down first. */ struct RF_Config_s { RF_RowCol_t numCol, numSpare; /* number of columns, * and spare disks */ dev_t devs[RF_MAXROW][RF_MAXCOL]; /* device numbers for disks * comprising array */ char devnames[RF_MAXROW][RF_MAXCOL][50]; /* device names */ dev_t spare_devs[RF_MAXSPARE]; /* device numbers for spare * disks */ char spare_names[RF_MAXSPARE][50]; /* device names */ RF_SectorNum_t sectPerSU; /* sectors per stripe unit */ RF_StripeNum_t SUsPerPU;/* stripe units per parity unit */ RF_StripeNum_t SUsPerRU;/* stripe units per reconstruction unit */ RF_ParityConfig_t parityConfig; /* identifies the RAID architecture to * be used */ RF_DiskQueueType_t diskQueueType; /* 'f' = fifo, 'c' = cvscan, * not used in kernel */ char maxOutstandingDiskReqs; /* # concurrent reqs to be sent to a * disk. not used in kernel. */ char debugVars[RF_MAXDBGV][50]; /* space for specifying debug * variables & their values */ unsigned int layoutSpecificSize; /* size in bytes of * layout-specific info */ void *layoutSpecific; /* a pointer to a layout-specific structure to * be copied in */ int force; /* if !0, ignore many fatal configuration conditions */ /* "force" is used to override cases where the component labels would indicate that configuration should not proceed without user intervention */ }; typedef RF_uint32 RF_ReconReqFlags_t; /* flags that can be put in the rf_recon_req structure */ #define RF_FDFLAGS_NONE 0x0 /* just fail the disk */ #define RF_FDFLAGS_RECON 0x1 /* fail and initiate recon */ #define RF_FDFLAGS_RECON_FORCE 0x2 /* fail and initiate recon, ignoring errors */ struct rf_recon_req { /* used to tell the kernel to fail a disk */ RF_RowCol_t col; RF_ReconReqFlags_t flags; }; struct RF_SparetWait_s { int C, G, fcol; /* C = # disks in row, G = # units in stripe, * fcol = which disk has failed */ RF_StripeCount_t SUsPerPU; /* this stuff is the info required to * create a spare table */ int TablesPerSpareRegion; int BlocksPerTable; RF_StripeCount_t TableDepthInPUs; RF_StripeCount_t SpareSpaceDepthPerRegionInSUs; RF_SparetWait_t *next; /* used internally; need not be set at ioctl * time */ }; /* * A physical disk can be in one of several states: * IF YOU ADD A STATE, CHECK TO SEE IF YOU NEED TO MODIFY RF_DEAD_DISK(). */ enum RF_DiskStatus_e { rf_ds_optimal, /* no problems */ rf_ds_failed, /* disk has failed */ rf_ds_reconstructing, /* reconstruction ongoing */ rf_ds_dist_spared, /* reconstruction complete to distributed * spare space, dead disk not yet replaced */ rf_ds_spared, /* reconstruction complete, dead disk not yet replaced */ rf_ds_spare, /* an available spare disk */ rf_ds_used_spare, /* a spare which has been used, and hence is * not available */ rf_ds_rebuilding_spare /* a spare which is being rebuilt to */ }; typedef enum RF_DiskStatus_e RF_DiskStatus_t; struct RF_RaidDisk_s { char devname[56]; /* name of device file */ RF_DiskStatus_t status; /* whether it is up or down */ RF_RowCol_t spareCol; /* if in status "spared", this identifies the * spare disk */ int blockSize; int auto_configured;/* 1 if this component was autoconfigured. 0 otherwise. */ RF_SectorCount_t numBlocks; /* number of blocks, obtained via READ * CAPACITY */ RF_SectorCount_t partitionSize; /* The *actual* and *full* size of the partition, from the disklabel */ dev_t dev; }; #if 0 /* The per-component label information that the user can set */ typedef struct RF_ComponentInfo_s { int row; /* the row number of this component */ int column; /* the column number of this component */ int serial_number; /* a user-specified serial number for this RAID set */ } RF_ComponentInfo_t; #endif /* The per-component label information */ typedef struct RF_ComponentLabel_s { int version; /* The version of this label. */ int serial_number; /* a user-specified serial number for this RAID set */ int mod_counter; /* modification counter. Changed (usually by incrementing) every time the label is changed */ int row; /* the row number of this component */ int column; /* the column number of this component */ int num_rows; /* number of rows in this RAID set */ int num_columns; /* number of columns in this RAID set */ int clean; /* 1 when clean, 0 when dirty */ int status; /* rf_ds_optimal, rf_ds_dist_spared, whatever. */ /* stuff that will be in version 2 of the label */ int sectPerSU; /* Sectors per Stripe Unit */ int SUsPerPU; /* Stripe Units per Parity Units */ int SUsPerRU; /* Stripe Units per Reconstruction Units */ int parityConfig; /* '0' == RAID0, '1' == RAID1, etc. */ int maxOutstanding; /* maxOutstanding disk requests */ int blockSize; /* size of component block. (disklabel->d_secsize) */ u_int __numBlocks; /* number of blocks on this component. May be smaller than the partition size. */ u_int __partitionSize;/* number of blocks on this *partition*. Must exactly match the partition size from the disklabel. */ /* Parity map stuff. */ int parity_map_modcount; /* If equal to mod_counter, then the last kernel to touch this label was parity-map-enabled. */ u_int parity_map_flags; /* See top of rf_paritymap.h */ int parity_map_tickms; /* Length of parity map cooldown ticks. */ int parity_map_ntick; /* Number of parity map cooldown ticks. */ u_int parity_map_regions; /* Number of parity map regions. */ int future_use[28]; /* Future expansion */ int autoconfigure; /* automatically configure this RAID set. 0 == no, 1 == yes */ int root_partition; /* Use this set as / 0 == no, 1 == yes*/ int last_unit; /* last unit number (e.g. 0 for /dev/raid0) of this component. Used for autoconfigure only. */ int config_order; /* 0 .. n. The order in which the component should be auto-configured. E.g. 0 is will done first, (and would become raid0). This may be in conflict with last_unit!!?! */ /* Not currently used. */ u_int numBlocksHi; /* The top 32-bits of the numBlocks member. */ u_int partitionSizeHi;/* The top 32-bits of the partitionSize member. */ int future_use2[42]; /* More future expansion */ } RF_ComponentLabel_t; /* * Following four functions are access macros for the number of blocks * and partition size in component label. */ static __inline RF_SectorCount_t rf_component_label_numblocks(const RF_ComponentLabel_t *cl) { return ((RF_SectorCount_t)cl->numBlocksHi << 32) | cl->__numBlocks; } static __inline void rf_component_label_set_numblocks(RF_ComponentLabel_t *cl, RF_SectorCount_t siz) { cl->numBlocksHi = siz >> 32; cl->__numBlocks = siz; } static __inline RF_SectorCount_t rf_component_label_partitionsize(const RF_ComponentLabel_t *cl) { return ((RF_SectorCount_t)cl->partitionSizeHi << 32) | cl->__partitionSize; } static __inline void rf_component_label_set_partitionsize(RF_ComponentLabel_t *cl, RF_SectorCount_t siz) { cl->partitionSizeHi = siz >> 32; cl->__partitionSize = siz; } typedef struct RF_SingleComponent_s { int row; /* obsolete */ int column; char component_name[50]; /* name of the component */ } RF_SingleComponent_t; typedef struct RF_DeviceConfig_s { u_int cols; u_int maxqdepth; int ndevs; RF_RaidDisk_t devs[RF_MAX_DISKS]; u_int nspares; RF_RaidDisk_t spares[RF_MAX_DISKS]; } RF_DeviceConfig_t; typedef struct RF_ProgressInfo_s { RF_uint64 remaining; RF_uint64 completed; RF_uint64 total; } RF_ProgressInfo_t; #ifndef _STANDALONE typedef struct RF_LayoutSW_s { RF_ParityConfig_t parityConfig; const char *configName; #ifndef _KERNEL /* layout-specific parsing */ int (*MakeLayoutSpecific) (FILE * fp, RF_Config_t * cfgPtr, void *arg); void *makeLayoutSpecificArg; #else /* !KERNEL */ /* initialization routine */ int (*Configure) (RF_ShutdownList_t ** shutdownListp, RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_Config_t * cfgPtr); /* routine to map RAID sector address -> physical (col, offset) */ void (*MapSector) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector, RF_RowCol_t * col, RF_SectorNum_t * diskSector, int remap); /* routine to map RAID sector address -> physical (c,o) of parity * unit */ void (*MapParity) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector, RF_RowCol_t * col, RF_SectorNum_t * diskSector, int remap); /* routine to map RAID sector address -> physical (c,o) of Q unit */ void (*MapQ) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_RaidAddr_t raidSector, RF_RowCol_t * col, RF_SectorNum_t * diskSector, int remap); /* routine to identify the disks comprising a stripe */ void (*IdentifyStripe) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_RaidAddr_t addr, RF_RowCol_t ** diskids); /* routine to select a dag */ void (*SelectionFunc) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_IoType_t type, RF_AccessStripeMap_t * asmap, RF_VoidFuncPtr *); /* map a stripe ID to a parity stripe ID. This is typically the * identity mapping */ void (*MapSIDToPSID) (RF_RaidLayout_t * layoutPtr, RF_StripeNum_t stripeID, RF_StripeNum_t * psID, RF_ReconUnitNum_t * which_ru); /* get default head separation limit (may be NULL) */ RF_HeadSepLimit_t(*GetDefaultHeadSepLimit) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr); /* get default num recon buffers (may be NULL) */ int (*GetDefaultNumFloatingReconBuffers) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr); /* get number of spare recon units (may be NULL) */ RF_ReconUnitCount_t(*GetNumSpareRUs) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr); /* spare table installation (may be NULL) */ int (*InstallSpareTable) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_RowCol_t fcol); /* recon buffer submission function */ int (*SubmitReconBuffer) (RF_ReconBuffer_t * rbuf, int keep_it, int use_committed); /* * verify that parity information for a stripe is correct * see rf_parityscan.h for return vals */ int (*VerifyParity) (RF_Raid_t * raidPtr, RF_RaidAddr_t raidAddr, RF_PhysDiskAddr_t * parityPDA, int correct_it, RF_RaidAccessFlags_t flags); /* number of faults tolerated by this mapping */ int faultsTolerated; /* states to step through in an access. Must end with "LastState". The * default is DefaultStates in rf_layout.c */ const RF_AccessState_t *states; RF_AccessStripeMapFlags_t flags; #endif /* !KERNEL */ } RF_LayoutSW_t; #endif /* Parity map declarations. */ #define RF_PARITYMAP_NREG 4096 #define RF_PARITYMAP_NBYTE howmany(RF_PARITYMAP_NREG, NBBY) struct rf_pmctrs { uint64_t nwrite, ncachesync, nclearing; }; struct rf_pmparams { int cooldown, tickms; u_int regions; }; struct rf_pmstat { int enabled; /* if not set, rest of struct is zeroed */ struct rf_pmparams params; daddr_t region_size; char dirty[RF_PARITYMAP_NBYTE]; struct rf_pmctrs ctrs; }; #endif /* !_RF_RAIDFRAMEVAR_H_ */