# $NetBSD: ConvOldTab.sh,v 1.3 2012/04/21 12:27:30 roy Exp $
# convert_bootptab Jeroen.Scheerder@let.ruu.nl 02/25/94
# This script can be used to convert bootptab files in old format
# to new (capfile-like) bootptab files
# The old format - real entries are commented out by '###'
# Old-style bootp files consist of two sections.
# The first section has two entries:
# First, a line that specifies the home directory
# (where boot file paths are relative to)
# The next non-empty non-comment line specifies the default bootfile
# End of first section - indicated by '%%' at the start of the line
# The remainder of this file contains one line per client
# interface with the information shown by the table headings
# below. The host name is also tried as a suffix for the
# bootfile when searching the home directory (that is,
# bootfile.host)
# Note that htype is always 1, indicating the hardware type Ethernet.
# Conversion therefore always yields ':ha=ether:'.
# host htype haddr iaddr bootfile
###somehost 1 00:0b:ad:01:de:ad dummy
# That's all for the description of the old format.
# For the new-and-improved format, see bootptab(5).
set -u$DX
case $#
in 2 ) OLDTAB=$1 ; NEWTAB=$2 ;;
* ) echo "Usage: `basename $0`