Index: arch/arc/include/intr.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/arc/include/intr.h,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 intr.h
--- arch/arc/include/intr.h	2001/01/14 02:00:38	1.7
+++ arch/arc/include/intr.h	2001/03/28 07:15:29
@@ -64,14 +64,7 @@
 #ifndef _LOCORE
 #include <mips/cpuregs.h>
-extern int _splraise __P((int));
-extern int _spllower __P((int));
-extern int _splset __P((int));
-extern int _splget __P((void));
-extern void _splnone __P((void));
-extern void _setsoftintr __P((int));
-extern void _clrsoftintr __P((int));
+#include <mips/psl.h>
 #define setsoftclock()	_setsoftintr(MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK_0)
 #define setsoftnet()	_setsoftintr(MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK_1)
Index: arch/cobalt/include/intr.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/cobalt/include/intr.h,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 intr.h
--- arch/cobalt/include/intr.h	2001/01/14 02:00:39	1.9
+++ arch/cobalt/include/intr.h	2001/03/28 07:15:33
@@ -52,14 +52,7 @@
 #ifndef _LOCORE
 #include <mips/cpuregs.h>
-extern int		_splraise(int);
-extern int		_spllower(int);      
-extern int		_splset(int);
-extern int		_splget(void);
-extern void		_splnone(void);
-extern void		_setsoftintr(int);
-extern void		_clrsoftintr(int);
+#include <mips/psl.h>
 #define setsoftclock()	_setsoftintr(MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK_0)
 #define setsoftnet()	_setsoftintr(MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK_1)
Index: arch/hpcmips/include/intr.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/hpcmips/include/intr.h,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 intr.h
--- arch/hpcmips/include/intr.h	2001/01/14 02:00:40	1.8
+++ arch/hpcmips/include/intr.h	2001/03/28 07:15:33
@@ -55,14 +55,7 @@
 #ifndef _LOCORE
 #include <mips/cpuregs.h>
-int	_splraise __P((int));
-int	_spllower __P((int));
-int	_splset __P((int));
-int	_splget __P((void));
-void	_splnone __P((void));
-void	_setsoftintr __P((int));
-void	_clrsoftintr __P((int));
+#include <mips/psl.h>
 #define splhigh()	_splraise(MIPS_INT_MASK)
 #define spl0()		(void)_spllower(0)
Index: arch/mips/include/profile.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/mips/include/profile.h,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -r1.15 profile.h
--- arch/mips/include/profile.h	2000/07/18 06:25:32	1.15
+++ arch/mips/include/profile.h	2001/03/28 07:15:34
@@ -42,13 +42,7 @@
 #define _MIPS_PROFILE_H_
 #ifdef _KERNEL
- /*
-  *  Declare non-profiled _splhigh() /_splx() entrypoints for _mcount.
-  */
-#define	_KERNEL_MCOUNT_DECL			\
-	int _splraise_noprof __P((int));	\
-	int _splset_noprof __P((int));
 #else   /* !_KERNEL */
 /* Make __mcount static. */
 #define	_KERNEL_MCOUNT_DECL	static
@@ -95,15 +89,8 @@
 	".set at");
 #ifdef _KERNEL
- * The following two macros do splhigh and splx respectively.
- * We use versions of _splraise() and _splset that don't
- * including profiling support.
- */
-#define	MCOUNT_ENTER	s = _splraise_noprof(MIPS_INT_MASK)
-#define	MCOUNT_EXIT	(void)_splset_noprof(s)
+#define	MCOUNT_ENTER	s = splhigh()
+#define	MCOUNT_EXIT	splx(s);
 #endif /* _KERNEL */
 #endif /* _MIPS_PROFILE_H_ */
Index: arch/mips/include/psl.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/mips/include/psl.h,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -r1.14 psl.h
--- arch/mips/include/psl.h	2000/07/11 06:26:08	1.14
+++ arch/mips/include/psl.h	2001/03/28 07:15:34
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@
  *	@(#)psl.h	8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93
+#ifndef	_MIPS_PSL_H_
+#define	_MIPS_PSL_H_ 1
  * for MI code, for MIPS1, MIPS3, or both, depending on the
@@ -123,3 +126,95 @@
 # define  BASEPRI(ps)	\
+static inline int _splmask(int);
+static inline int _splraise(int);
+static inline int _spllower(int);
+static inline void _splset(int);
+static inline void _setsoftintr(int);
+static inline void _clrsoftintr(int);
+static inline void _splnone(void);
+static inline int
+_splmask(int streg)
+	streg &= mips_dynamic_status_mask;
+	return streg;
+static inline int
+_splraise(int newipl)
+	int streg;
+	__asm__("mfc0 %0, $12" : "=r" (streg));
+	newipl &= MIPS_INT_MASK;
+	__asm__("mtc0 %0, $12" : : "r"	(_splmask(streg & ~newipl)));
+	__asm__("nop");
+	return streg & (MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE);
+static inline int
+_spllower(int newipl)
+	int streg;
+	__asm__("mfc0 %0, $12" : "=r" (streg));
+	__asm__("mtc0 %0, $12" : : "r" (_splmask((streg & ~MIPS_INT_MASK) |
+						 (~newipl & MIPS_INT_MASK))));
+	__asm__("nop");
+	return streg & (MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE);
+static inline void
+_splset(int newipl)
+	int streg;
+	__asm__("mfc0 %0, $12" : "=r" (streg));
+	newipl &= (MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE);
+	streg &= ~(MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE);
+	__asm__("mtc0 %0, $12" : : "r" (_splmask(streg | newipl)));
+	__asm__("nop");
+static inline void
+_setsoftintr(int setbits)
+	int streg, causereg;
+	__asm__("mfc0 %0, $12" : "=r" (streg));
+	__asm__("mtc0 $0, $12");
+	__asm__("nop; nop");
+	__asm__("mfc0 %0, $13" : "=r" (causereg));
+	__asm__("mtc0 %0, $13" : : "r" (causereg | setbits));
+	__asm__("mtc0 %0, $12" : : "r" (streg));
+static inline void
+_clrsoftintr(int clrbits)
+	int streg, causereg;
+	__asm__("mfc0 %0, $12" : "=r" (streg));
+	__asm__("mtc0 $0, $12");
+	__asm__("nop; nop");
+	__asm__("mfc0 %0, $13" : "=r" (causereg));
+	__asm__("mtc0 %0, $13" : : "r" (causereg & ~clrbits));
+	__asm__("mtc0 %0, $12" : : "r" (streg));
+static inline void
+	int streg;
+	__asm__("mtc0 $0, $13");
+	__asm__("mtc0 %0, $12" : : "r" (_splmask(streg)));
+#endif	/* _MIPS_PSL_H_ */
Index: arch/mips/mips/locore.S
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/mips/mips/locore.S,v
retrieving revision 1.120
diff -u -r1.120 locore.S
--- arch/mips/mips/locore.S	2000/12/14 21:29:51	1.120
+++ arch/mips/mips/locore.S	2001/03/28 07:15:35
@@ -552,112 +552,6 @@
- * MIPS processor interrupt control
- *
- * Used as building blocks for spl(9) kernel interface.
- */
-XLEAF(_splraise_noprof)				# does not get mcount hooks
-	mfc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# fetch status register
-	and	a0, a0, MIPS_INT_MASK		# extract INT bits
-	nor	a0, zero, a0			# bitwise inverse of A0
-	and	a0, a0, v0			# disable retaining other bits
-	DYNAMIC_STATUS_MASK(a0,t0)		# machine dependent masking
-	mtc0	a0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# store back
-	nop
-	j	ra
-	and	v0, v0, (MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE)
-	mfc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# fetch status register
-	li	v1, ~MIPS_INT_MASK
-	and	v1, v0, v1			# turn off INT bit
-	nor	a0, zero, a0			# bitwise inverse of A0
-	and	a0, a0, MIPS_INT_MASK		# extract INT bits
-	or	a0, a0, v1			# disable making other bits on
-	DYNAMIC_STATUS_MASK(a0,t0)		# machine dependent masking
-	mtc0	a0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# store back
-	nop
-	j	ra
-	and	v0, v0, (MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE)
-	mfc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# fetch status register
-	and	a0, a0, MIPS_INT_MASK
-	li	v1, ~MIPS_INT_MASK
-	and	v1, v1, v0			# turn off every INT bit
-	or	v1, v1, a0			# set old INT bits
-	DYNAMIC_STATUS_MASK(v1,t0)		# machine dependent masking
-	mtc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# store back
-	nop
-	j	ra
-	and	v0, v0, MIPS_INT_MASK
-XLEAF(_splset_noprof)				# does not get mcount hooks
-	mfc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# fetch status register
-	and	a0, a0, (MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE)
-	and	v1, v1, v0			# turn off every INT bit
-	or	v1, v1, a0			# set old INT bits
-	DYNAMIC_STATUS_MASK(v1,t0)		# machine dependent masking
-	mtc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# store back
-	nop
-	j	ra
-	and	v0, v0, (MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE)
-	mfc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# fetch status register
-	nop
-	j	ra
-	and	v0, v0, (MIPS_INT_MASK | MIPS_SR_INT_IE)
-	mfc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# save status register
-	mtc0	zero, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# disable interrupts (2 cycles)
-	nop
-	nop
-	mfc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_CAUSE		# fetch cause register
-	nop
-	or	v0, v0, a0			# set soft intr. bits
-	mtc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_CAUSE		# store back
-	mtc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# enable interrupts
-	j	ra
-	nop
-	mfc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# save status register
-	mtc0	zero, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# disable interrupts (2 cycles)
-	nop
-	nop
-	mfc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_CAUSE		# fetch cause register
-	nor	a0, zero, a0			# bitwise inverse of A0
-	and	v0, v0, a0			# clear soft intr. bits
-	mtc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_CAUSE		# store back
-	mtc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# enable interrupts
-	j	ra
-	nop
-	mtc0	zero, MIPS_COP_0_CAUSE		# clear SOFT_INT bits
-	DYNAMIC_STATUS_MASK(v0,t0)		# machine dependent masking
-	mtc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# enable all sources
-	nop
-	j	ra
-	nop
  * int copystr(void *kfaddr, void *kdaddr, size_t maxlen, size_t *lencopied)
  * Copy a NIL-terminated string, at most maxlen characters long.  Return the
Index: arch/mipsco/include/intr.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/mipsco/include/intr.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 intr.h
--- arch/mipsco/include/intr.h	2001/01/14 02:00:40	1.5
+++ arch/mipsco/include/intr.h	2001/03/28 07:15:35
@@ -56,14 +56,7 @@
 #ifdef _KERNEL
 #ifndef _LOCORE
 #include <mips/cpuregs.h>
-extern int _splraise __P((int));
-extern int _spllower __P((int));
-extern int _splset __P((int));
-extern int _splget __P((void));
-extern void _splnone __P((void));
-extern void _setsoftintr __P((int));
-extern void _clrsoftintr __P((int));
+#include <mips/psl.h>
  * software simulated interrupt
Index: arch/newsmips/include/intr.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/newsmips/include/intr.h,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 intr.h
--- arch/newsmips/include/intr.h	2001/01/14 02:00:41	1.10
+++ arch/newsmips/include/intr.h	2001/03/28 07:15:35
@@ -45,14 +45,7 @@
 #ifdef _KERNEL
 #ifndef _LOCORE
 #include <mips/cpuregs.h>
-extern int _splraise __P((int));
-extern int _spllower __P((int));
-extern int _splset __P((int));
-extern int _splget __P((void));
-extern void _splnone __P((void));
-extern void _setsoftintr __P((int));
-extern void _clrsoftintr __P((int));
+#include <mips/psl.h>
  * software simulated interrupt
Index: arch/pmax/include/intr.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/pmax/include/intr.h,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 intr.h
--- arch/pmax/include/intr.h	2001/01/14 02:00:41	1.18
+++ arch/pmax/include/intr.h	2001/03/28 07:15:35
@@ -47,14 +47,7 @@
 #ifndef _LOCORE
 #include <mips/cpuregs.h>
-int	_splraise __P((int));
-int	_spllower __P((int));
-int	_splset __P((int));
-int	_splget __P((void));
-void	_splnone __P((void));
-void	_setsoftintr __P((int));
-void	_clrsoftintr __P((int));
+#include <mips/psl.h>
 #define splhigh()	_splraise(MIPS_INT_MASK)
 #define spl0()		(void)_spllower(0)
Index: arch/sgimips/include/intr.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/sgimips/include/intr.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 intr.h
--- arch/sgimips/include/intr.h	2001/01/14 02:00:42	1.5
+++ arch/sgimips/include/intr.h	2001/03/28 07:15:44
@@ -61,14 +61,7 @@
 #ifndef _LOCORE
 #include <mips/cpuregs.h>
-extern int		_splraise(int);
-extern int		_spllower(int); 
-extern int		_splset(int);
-extern int		_splget(void);
-extern void		_splnone(void); 
-extern void		_setsoftintr(int);
-extern void		_clrsoftintr(int);
+#include <mips/psl.h>
 #define setsoftclock()	_setsoftintr(MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK_0)
 #define setsoftnet()	_setsoftintr(MIPS_SOFT_INT_MASK_1)