Title: libncurses5.dsl Description: This package contains the shared libraries necessary to run programs compiled with ncurses. Version: 5_5.4-4_i386.deb Author: ncurses/terminfo was originally written by Pavel Curtis and Zeyd M. Ben-Halim <zmbenhal@netcom.com> and is currently held by the Free Software Foundation. Original-site: http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/libncurses5 Copying-policy: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/n/ncurses/ncurses_5.4-4/libncurses5.copyright -----==[ Color = yellow Filesize: 267.7K ]==----- Extension by: Joshua Ammons lub997@yahoo.com Comments: Download libncurses5.dsl to directory /home/dsl/ dsl ~$-> su root (you will have to enter your password) root@box:/home/dsl# cp libncurses5.dsl / root@box:/home/dsl# cd / root@box:/# tar -xzvf libncurses5.dsl (Must be extracted from root directory.) Change-log: Current: 10/02/2005 - First version