Title:          tcl_lib-tkhtml.tar.gz
Description:    Tcl/Tk HTML widget
Version:        3-aplha-11
Author:         D. Richard Hipp, Peter MacDonald, Dan Kennedy
Original-site:  http://tkhtml.tcl.tk/
Copying-policy: BSD
Extension by:   mikshaw (mrblog|yahoo|com)
Comments:       A Tk widget to render HTML documents.  The included Tk HTML
                Viewer (Hv3) needs the tkImg extension (tcl_lib-img.tar.gz)
                for displaying most image formats. Gif support is built in.
                This package was built for use with the tcltk-8.4.uci myDSL
                extension version 12/07/2005 or newer.  It should also work
                with other recent Tcl/Tk releases but will likely need some
                manual tweaking of your environment to get it working.
Current:        2006/10/18 - Initial release