Title: dsl4.4.10-en.tar.gz Description: Uninstallation package for the French translation package dsl4.4.10-fr.tar.gz Version: tested for DSL 4.4.10 ONLY! Author: mterras Original-site: http://michelterras.perso.sfr.fr/linux/dsl-fr.htm Copying-policy: GPL ==================================================== Extension by: mterras Comments: CAUTION! For use with a "classic" (not frugal) "hard" (not live) installed DSL see at http://michelterras.perso.sfr.fr/linux/dsl-fr.htm for a complete installation guide (French) with screenshots Uninstall package is available at original site with the name "dsl4.4.10-en.tar.gz". It takes you back to the original english DSL 4.4.10. Again, see on original site how to install it. Change-log: none Current: 2012/05/12