Title:          abiword.unc
Description:    Abiword Word Processor
Version:        2.0.1
Author:         http://www.abisource.com/developers/
Original-site:  http://www.abisource.com
Copying-policy: GPL
-----==[  Color = yellow     Filesize:   8.4M  ]==-----
Extension by:   roberts[at]damnsmalllinux[dot]org
Comments:       AbiWord is a free word processing program
                similar to Microsoft Word.
	        It is suitable for typing papers, letters,
	        reports, memos, and so forth.
                05/28/2004 - First version
                07/07/2004 - Removed Base Directories
	        07/18/2004 - Rebuilt for cross-compat
                12/04/2004 - Added libfreetype
Current:        2006/05/29 - Converted to unc original .dsl by john