Title:          bluez-utils.unc
Description:    bluetooth utilites and modules from Knoppix 3.4
Version:        1.1
Author:        multiple - see bluez web site
Original-site:  http://www.bluez.org/
Copying-policy: GPL
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Extension by:   juanito
Comments:       bluez-utils are required to use a bluetooth
                device under DSL. In addition, the bluetooth
                modules present on the Knoppix 3.4 CD, but not
                present in DSL, are included in the package.
                Note that bluez-utils is not present in Debian
                oldstable and thus this package is large due
                to the need to update a lot of libraries from
                oldstable to stable.
                See the following posts for pointers on use:
                How to start Bluetooth & Pair with a remote device
                How to dialup using a mobile phone via Bluetooth
                How to transfer files to/from DSL via Bluetooth
                How to make a BT - mobile phone GPRS connection
                How to mount your phone as a file system with BT
                Changed ownership of BT modules dsl --> root
                Moved bluetooth pin workaround to /etc/bluetooth
                Ran declobber.sh
Change-log:     2007/01/07 - First version
Current:        2007/03/11 - Second version