Title:          konsole.unc
Description:    Konsole termninal program
Version:        3.5.5
Author:         KDE
Original-site:  http://konsole.kde.org/
Copying-policy: GPL
-----==[ Color = yellow Filesize: 12.0M ]==-----
Extension by:   Felson
Comments:       This package was built from source. The
                packages that have been included have 
                been striped down to what is needed for 
                ---- Requirements ----
                ---- Extension contains ----
                qt-x11-free-3.3.8 (parts)
                kdelibs-3.5.5 (parts)
                kdebase-3.5.5 (parts)
                ---- Known Bugs ---
                'Edit Bookmarks' does not work. This 
                would require konqueror to be installed.
                I do not feel that the added size would 
                be worth it. The bookmarks can be edited
                be loading 
                into a text editor.
Change-log:	2007-03-10 - First Version
Current:	2007-03-10 - First Version