,1 From: To: Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2016 15:01:29 +0200 Subject: [procps] [Patch] Test suite fails if /proc/<pid>/smaps is absent Message-Id: <> Summary: Some Linux systems do not have /proc/<pid>/smaps, hence the test suite fails. Attached a patch to skip tests in that case it. When pmap is called with either -c, -x, or -x it tries to read /proc/<pid>/smaps (pmap.c, l. 540). If not present it exits. The file /proc/<pid>/smaps exits on Linux systems only if the kernel is compiled with the option CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR (see man page proc(5)). In the test suite some tests check the output of pmap -X et al, but they fail if /proc/<pid>/smaps is not present, because pmap does not produce their expected output. Attached a patch which checks if /proc/<pid>/smaps exits, if not it skipps the test related to it. Note: It is unclear what the 'expected' behaviour/output of pmap should be if the file /proc/<pid>/smaps is not present. Maybe add an additional test to check the return code if /proc/<pid>/smaps is absent. --- a/testsuite/pmap.test/pmap.exp +++ b/testsuite/pmap.test/pmap.exp @@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ spawn $pmap -qd $mypid expect_table $test $pmap_procname $pmap_device_items "\$" +if { [ file readable "/proc/self/smaps" ] == 0 } { + unsupported "Skipping test which require pmap to access /proc/<pid>/smaps, because kernel seems to be compiled without CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR." + +} else { + set test "pmap extended output" spawn $pmap -x $mypid expect_table $test $pmap_ext_header $pmap_ext_items $pmap_ext_footer @@ -66,3 +71,4 @@ spawn $pmap -XX 1 expect_pass $test "$pmap_initname\$" +}