Top | ![]() |
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enum | GskRenderNodeType |
enum | GskSerializationError |
enum | GskScalingFilter |
struct | GskShadow |
enum | GskBlendMode |
GskRenderNode is the basic block in a scene graph to be rendered using GskRenderer.
Each node has a parent, except the top-level node; each node may have children nodes.
Each node has an associated drawing surface, which has the size of
the rectangle set using gsk_render_node_set_bounds()
Render nodes are meant to be transient; once they have been associated to a GskRenderer it's safe to release any reference you have on them. All GskRenderNodes are immutable, you can only specify their properties during construction.
GskRenderNode *
gsk_render_node_ref (GskRenderNode *node
Acquires a reference on the given GskRenderNode.
gsk_render_node_unref (GskRenderNode *node
Releases a reference on the given GskRenderNode.
If the reference was the last, the resources associated to the node
gsk_render_node_get_node_type (GskRenderNode *node
Returns the type of the node
void gsk_render_node_draw (GskRenderNode *node
,cairo_t *cr
Draw the contents of node
to the given cairo context.
Typically, you'll use this function to implement fallback rendering of GskRenderNodes on an intermediate Cairo context, instead of using the drawing context associated to a GdkSurface's rendering buffer.
For advanced nodes that cannot be supported using Cairo, in particular for nodes doing 3D operations, this function may fail.
GBytes *
gsk_render_node_serialize (GskRenderNode *node
Serializes the node
for later deserialization via
. No guarantees are made about the format
used other than that the same version of GTK+ will be able to deserialize
the result of a call to gsk_render_node_serialize()
will correctly reject files it cannot open
that were created with previous versions of GTK+.
The intended use of this functions is testing, benchmarking and debugging. The format is not meant as a permanent storage format.
GskRenderNode * gsk_render_node_deserialize (GBytes *bytes
,GskParseErrorFunc error_func
,gpointer user_data
Loads data previously created via gsk_render_node_serialize()
. For a
discussion of the supported format, see that function.
bytes |
the bytes containing the data |
error |
location to store error or |
[allow-none] |
gboolean gsk_render_node_write_to_file (GskRenderNode *node
,const char *filename
,GError **error
This function is equivalent to calling gsk_render_node_serialize()
followed by g_file_set_contents()
. See those two functions for details
on the arguments.
It is mostly intended for use inside a debugger to quickly dump a render node to a file for later inspection.
void gsk_render_node_get_bounds (GskRenderNode *node
,graphene_rect_t *bounds
Retrieves the boundaries of the node
. The node will not draw outside
of its boundaries.
GskRenderNode * gsk_color_node_new (const GdkRGBA *rgba
,const graphene_rect_t *bounds
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render the color specified by rgba
the area given by bounds
GskRenderNode * gsk_texture_node_new (GdkTexture *texture
,const graphene_rect_t *bounds
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render the given
into the area given by bounds
GskRenderNode * gsk_linear_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds
,const graphene_point_t *start
,const graphene_point_t *end
,const GskColorStop *color_stops
,gsize n_color_stops
Creates a GskRenderNode that will create a linear gradient from the given
points and color stops, and render that into the area given by bounds
bounds |
the rectangle to render the linear gradient into |
start |
the point at which the linear gradient will begin |
end |
the point at which the linear gradient will finish |
color_stops |
a pointer to an array of GskColorStop defining the gradient. |
[array length=n_color_stops] |
n_color_stops |
the number of elements in |
const graphene_point_t *
gsk_linear_gradient_node_peek_start (GskRenderNode *node
const graphene_point_t *
gsk_linear_gradient_node_peek_end (GskRenderNode *node
(GskRenderNode *node
const GskColorStop *
(GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_repeating_linear_gradient_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds
,const graphene_point_t *start
,const graphene_point_t *end
,const GskColorStop *color_stops
,gsize n_color_stops
Creates a GskRenderNode that will create a repeating linear gradient
from the given points and color stops, and render that into the area
given by bounds
bounds |
the rectangle to render the linear gradient into |
start |
the point at which the linear gradient will begin |
end |
the point at which the linear gradient will finish |
color_stops |
a pointer to an array of GskColorStop defining the gradient. |
[array length=n_color_stops] |
n_color_stops |
the number of elements in |
GskRenderNode * gsk_border_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline
,const float border_width[4]
,const GdkRGBA border_color[4]
Creates a GskRenderNode that will stroke a border rectangle inside the
given outline
. The 4 sides of the border can have different widths and
outline |
a GskRoundedRect describing the outline of the border |
border_width |
the stroke width of the border on the top, right, bottom and left side respectively. |
[array fixed-size=4] |
border_color |
the color used on the top, right, bottom and left side. |
[array fixed-size=4] |
const GskRoundedRect *
gsk_border_node_peek_outline (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_inset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline
,const GdkRGBA *color
,float dx
,float dy
,float spread
,float blur_radius
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render an inset shadow
into the box given by outline
const GskRoundedRect *
gsk_inset_shadow_node_peek_outline (GskRenderNode *node
const GdkRGBAÂ *
gsk_inset_shadow_node_peek_color (GskRenderNode *node
gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_blur_radius (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_outset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline
,const GdkRGBA *color
,float dx
,float dy
,float spread
,float blur_radius
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render an outset shadow
around the box given by outline
const GskRoundedRect *
gsk_outset_shadow_node_peek_outline (GskRenderNode *node
const GdkRGBAÂ *
gsk_outset_shadow_node_peek_color (GskRenderNode *node
gsk_outset_shadow_node_get_spread (GskRenderNode *node
(GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode *
gsk_cairo_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds
Creates a GskRenderNode that will render a cairo surface
into the area given by bounds
. You can draw to the cairo
surface using gsk_cairo_node_get_draw_context()
cairo_t *
gsk_cairo_node_get_draw_context (GskRenderNode *node
Creates a Cairo context for drawing using the surface associated
to the render node.
If no surface exists yet, a surface will be created optimized for
rendering to renderer
const cairo_surface_t *
gsk_cairo_node_peek_surface (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_container_node_new (GskRenderNode **children
,guint n_children
Creates a new GskRenderNode instance for holding the given children
The new node will acquire a reference to each of the children.
children |
The children of the node. |
[array length=n_children][transfer none] |
n_children |
Number of children in the |
gsk_container_node_get_n_children (GskRenderNode *node
Retrieves the number of direct children of node
GskRenderNode * gsk_container_node_get_child (GskRenderNode *node
,guint idx
Gets one of the children of container
GskRenderNode * gsk_transform_node_new (GskRenderNode *child
,GskTransform *transform
Creates a GskRenderNode that will transform the given child
with the given transform
GskRenderNode *
gsk_transform_node_get_child (GskRenderNode *node
Gets the child node that is getting transformed by the given node
GskTransform *
gsk_transform_node_get_transform (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_opacity_node_new (GskRenderNode *child
,double opacity
Creates a GskRenderNode that will drawn the child
with reduced
GskRenderNode *
gsk_opacity_node_get_child (GskRenderNode *node
Gets the child node that is getting opacityed by the given node
GskRenderNode * gsk_color_matrix_node_new (GskRenderNode *child
,const graphene_matrix_t *color_matrix
,const graphene_vec4_t *color_offset
Creates a GskRenderNode that will drawn the child
with reduced
In particular, the node will transform the operation pixel = color_matrix * pixel + color_offset for every pixel.
GskRenderNode *
gsk_color_matrix_node_get_child (GskRenderNode *node
Gets the child node that is getting its colors modified by the given node
const graphene_matrix_t *
(GskRenderNode *node
const graphene_vec4_t *
(GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_repeat_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds
,GskRenderNode *child
,const graphene_rect_t *child_bounds
Creates a GskRenderNode that will repeat the drawing of child
the given bounds
bounds |
The bounds of the area to be painted |
child |
The child to repeat |
child_bounds |
The area of the child to repeat or |
[allow-none] |
const graphene_rect_t *
gsk_repeat_node_peek_child_bounds (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_clip_node_new (GskRenderNode *child
,const graphene_rect_t *clip
Creates a GskRenderNode that will clip the child
to the area
given by clip
GskRenderNode *
gsk_clip_node_get_child (GskRenderNode *node
Gets the child node that is getting clipped by the given node
GskRenderNode * gsk_rounded_clip_node_new (GskRenderNode *child
,const GskRoundedRect *clip
Creates a GskRenderNode that will clip the child
to the area
given by clip
GskRenderNode *
gsk_rounded_clip_node_get_child (GskRenderNode *node
Gets the child node that is getting clipped by the given node
const GskRoundedRect *
gsk_rounded_clip_node_peek_clip (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_shadow_node_new (GskRenderNode *child
,const GskShadow *shadows
,gsize n_shadows
Creates a GskRenderNode that will draw a child
with the given
below it.
child |
The node to draw |
shadows |
The shadows to apply. |
[array length=n_shadows] |
n_shadows |
number of entries in the |
const GskShadow * gsk_shadow_node_peek_shadow (GskRenderNode *node
,gsize i
GskRenderNode * gsk_blend_node_new (GskRenderNode *bottom
,GskRenderNode *top
,GskBlendMode blend_mode
Creates a GskRenderNode that will use blend_mode
to blend the top
node onto the bottom
GskRenderNode *
gsk_blend_node_get_bottom_child (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode *
gsk_blend_node_get_top_child (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_cross_fade_node_new (GskRenderNode *start
,GskRenderNode *end
,double progress
Creates a GskRenderNode that will do a cross-fade between start
and end
GskRenderNode *
gsk_cross_fade_node_get_start_child (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode *
gsk_cross_fade_node_get_end_child (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_text_node_new (PangoFont *font
,PangoGlyphString *glyphs
,const GdkRGBA *color
,float x
,float y
Creates a render node that renders the given glyphs,
Note that color
may not be used if the font contains
color glyphs.
font |
the PangoFont containing the glyphs |
glyphs |
the PangoGlyphString to render |
color |
the foreground color to render with |
x |
the x coordinate at which to put the baseline |
y |
the y coordinate at wihch to put the baseline |
const PangoGlyphInfo *
gsk_text_node_peek_glyphs (GskRenderNode *node
GskRenderNode * gsk_blur_node_new (GskRenderNode *child
,double radius
Creates a render node that blurs the child.
GskRenderNode * gsk_debug_node_new (GskRenderNode *child
,char *message
Creates a GskRenderNode that will add debug information about
the given child
Adding this node has no visual effect.
GskRenderNode *
gsk_debug_node_get_child (GskRenderNode *node
Gets the child node that is getting debug by the given node
const char *
gsk_debug_node_get_message (GskRenderNode *node
Gets the debug message that was set on this node
The type of a node determines what the node is rendering.
Error type. No node will ever have this type. |
 | |
A node containing a stack of children |
 | |
A node drawing a cairo_surface_t |
 | |
A node drawing a single color rectangle |
 | |
A node drawing a linear gradient |
 | |
A node drawing a repeating linear gradient |
 | |
A node stroking a border around an area |
 | |
A node drawing a GdkTexture |
 | |
A node drawing an inset shadow |
 | |
A node drawing an outset shadow |
 | |
A node that renders its child after applying a matrix transform |
 | |
A node that changes the opacity of its child |
 | |
A node that applies a color matrix to every pixel |
 | |
A node that repeats the child's contents |
 | |
A node that clips its child to a rectangular area |
 | |
A node that clips its child to a rounded rectangle |
 | |
A node that draws a shadow below its child |
 | |
A node that blends two children together |
 | |
A node that cross-fades between two children |
 | |
A node containing a glyph string |
 | |
A node that applies a blur |
 | |
 |  |
The filters used when scaling texture data.
The actual implementation of each filter is deferred to the rendering pipeline.
The blend modes available for render nodes.
The implementation of each blend mode is deferred to the rendering pipeline.