Version 3.13.4

Fixed bugs:

 - #724098, center tab labels
 - #724538, Use popver for the gear menu
 - #727064, Use headerbar in the preference dialog
 - #730445, Expand tabs in the pref dialog
 - #730723, window: Allow Shift-Return to previous find
 - #730772, Use the new support for RTL icons in GtkIconTheme
 - #732897, Use view-context-menu-symbolic for the gear menu

Updated translations: ca, ca@valencia, el, es, he, pt_BR, sl

Many thanks to all contributors: MarMav, Carles Ferrando, Pau Iranzo,
chrysn, Damián Nohales, Matej Urbančič, Daniel Mustieles, Enrico
Nicoletto, Yosef Or Boczko